00:00 🎧 尬聊英语时间又到了,这次不仅仅只是Wing与Yao!
00:18 👋 首期播客有嘉宾,究竟是谁呢?
02:11 😅 首次线下见面,究竟是尴尬,还是尴尬?
05:49 🌐 第一次见面基网友,是担忧“货不对板“还是”相见恨晚“?
06:30 📱 好奇嘉宾是如何在众多小红书中相中尬聊姐妹花?
08:55 👊 嘉宾如何做到男友力 max,让Yao赞不绝口?!?!
10:28 🎤 线上也可KTV,还一路通宵边唱边聊边睡觉?
13:19 🧠 大家猜猜Yao、Wing与嘉宾的MBTI是什么?
17:47 🚗 嘉宾分享驾驶经验,广州vs澳洲,究竟哪里驾车更疯狂?
20:47 🇦🇺 嘉宾在澳洲的生活经历,从求学到大蜘蛛?
25:09 🦘 澳洲也有土著原住民,你知道他们是谁吗?
28:49 🤔 Wing与Yao做播客,究竟背后隐藏什么动机?
32:27 💪 是什么让Wing与Yao坚持周更播客?
33:51 🙌 这期被狂点明的小红书朋友,他究竟是谁?
35:08 📝 备考角度:如何在IELTS雅思等考试应对“网友面基”话题?
49:00 🎉 结尾:感谢收听,期待大家在小红书或微博上的互动和评论!
大家可以多多在 小红书 与 微博 留言与练习例句呢!还有邮箱 GossipEnglish@hotmail.com 。
小红书同名直播时间:每周五 22:00,不定期也在周一、周三、周日22:00(暑假后会再调整),直播评论区有单词小课堂!
Hello everyone, it's Gossip English time.尬聊英语时间又到啦。This is Wing. This is Yao. Let's learn English through gossip.
Hey Yao, we have a special guest here tonight
Who is he?
Drums brr. Yulin
Hey Yulin. Welcome
Hey guys, I'm Yulin. And I am one of the girls' online friends. And now today we're meeting each other. And yeah, I'm very glad that we met and we had a big conversation before. But now, yeah, let's move on. Yeah. I'm actually a bit nervous because I haven't done this before.
对呀。Okay, so Yulin actually is our online friend from 小红书。Since we started our live streaming, Yulin has been one of the biggest supporters.超级助手。And this time, it's our honor because he came to Guangzhou for traveling. And then finally we have the time to meet each other, right?
终于面基了,讲了这么久终于面基了。所以今天我们就特别邀请 Yulin 来我们的播客, 然后来 chit-chat 一下。尬聊一下
Nothing more, but yeah
So Yulin, how is everything in Guangzhou?
So far, I would say the dinner tonight is the best.Food, service. I mean, this place is high class. It's too fancy. I never expected to be treated as a guest like that. I felt like we were signing business contracts or something.
You don't know, you never know. The night is long.
Who knows what kind of deal we're going to sign tonight. Yeah. And I also have a question, Yulin. So this is our first meet-up, right? Yeah. So what's your impression when you saw Wing and me?
I was the first one that arrived, and Wing came in after, and I felt like I've known this person before, because she actually looks like one of my old friends when I was in Australia. I had to say that she's a bit uptight in the first place, but we started to尬聊a little bit. Yeah, we chit-chatted a little bit, and I decided to, you know, open up just like I did in the chat rooms. And yeah, we were just, you know, getting along. And then Yao came, and I was like, I definitely know this girl.
Is it your pick-up line? You tell everybody is like, oh, I know this person, I know that person.