BBC Earth|灵长类动物的母性情感英音听力|BBC & 经济学人等

BBC Earth|灵长类动物的母性情感

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The Emotions of Motherhood in Primates|BBC Earth

All over the world, you can see animals wrestling with the emotions a newborn brings, but it's clearest in primates.

In Madagascar, ring-tailed lemurs have to stay together to survive, particularly in a drought. One of the babies is too weak to hold on. Lemurs can't easily carry their young, so the mother faces an appalling dilemma. If she's separated from the others for too long, they could attack her as an outsider. She has to choose between her baby and herself.

The mother moves to follow the troop, but she returns five times. Her mind must be struggling back and forth. Many scientists believe she feels emotion and is thinking about her feelings. It's called affective consciousness. It's now thought likely all mammals are aware of their instinctive feelings. It could be hard to be a good mother without it.

As her baby got weaker, she left for the last time. We can't know for sure what she was thinking or feeling, but she behaved as though she'd come to a decision that she found very difficult.

Emotions are just instincts that you can feel, that you are aware of. They're the voices of our genes and our past. But conscious minds can manipulate each other's emotions right from the start.

A vervet monkey is born. The baby meets a young cousin. He may be a new friend, an ally or competition. It all depends on his mother's social standing. She is not the only one in her community having a baby.

For the teenage sisters, it's a thrilling time. They beg any chance to hold the newborns. The high-ranking females don't beg, they grab babies and teach them who's boss. Junior mothers have to be more protective.

motherhood  母性,母亲身份
primate 灵长类动物
wrestle with 与…搏斗, 努力克服
newborn 新生儿,新生幼崽
Madagascar 马达加斯加岛(非洲岛国)
ring-tailed lemur 环尾狐猴:因身体像猴,面部像狐,有着黑白相间的环状长尾而得名,喜欢成群活动
drought 干旱,旱灾
appalling dilemma 可怕的两难困境
outsider 外人,局外人,不合群的人
troop 一群(人或野生动物),部队
back and forth 反复地,来回地
affective consciousness 情感意识,指的是个体对自身情感状态的认识和理解
mammal 哺乳动物
instinctive feeling 本能感受
come to a decision 做出决定
manipulate 操纵,控制
vervet monkey 黑长尾猴,长尾黑颚猴:体型似家猫大小,具有高度社会化的行为和结构
ally 同盟,盟友
social standing 社会地位
high-ranking 高级别的,地位高的
