英语尬(臆)聊(想)退休生活:一人一狗一车,出发!尬聊英语 Gossip English


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00:00 🎧 尬聊英语时间又到了,这次一起来瞎想退休生活!
00:20 ⏳ 退休年龄被延迟,除了凉拌还可以怎么办?
01:38 🌍 是怎么样的经历,让Wing憧憬旅居为理想退休生活?
03:30 🚗 在US开长途旅行,是一种怎么样的体验?
04:42 🐾 带狗狗去餐厅,Wing与Yao的经历大不同
07:42 🚘 Yao在国外的开车经历,究竟是奇遇记还是惊魂记?!?!
08:42 ⛺️ 露营体验大比拼:Wing VS Yao
11:28 🐬 Wing是在哪里露营啊?见完海豚,见白头鹰!
13:21 🍻 营地遇上退休老人群,从此让Wing天天臆想?
17:01 🚐 一千个房车旅行者,有一千个旅居的理由?
20:40 🛠️ 房车旅居生活其实没有表面的简单轻松容易?
23:44 🚙 车在US是必需品?必需到只用封箱胶带粘着破烂处也要开?
25:31 ‼️ 旅行安全有啥必须知道的?Wing分享个人经验6大点
33:06 📝 备考角度:如何在IELTS雅思等考试应对“公路旅途”这个话题?
37:12 🎉 结尾:感谢收听,期待大家在小红书或微博上的互动和评论!


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展开Show Notes
Hi everyone, it's Gossip English time. 尬聊英语时间又到啦! This is Wing. This is Yao. Let's learn English through gossip.
Hey Yao, guess what? Our retirement age is getting pushed back. Can you believe that?
Yeah, of course I know, because I'm the victim, right? Those who are born after 1990s, right?
Have to retire after 60 or 65, I forgot.
Oh my, yeah, I still have a long way to go.
So, have you thought about your retirement life? What's your ideal one?
Of course, Slack off,躺平. Well, just kidding. My ideal dream retirement life, I guess I want to travel around the world, because I'm a traveler. How about you?
Ideally, I'd love a retirement where I'm always on the move, just like you, like a sojourn lifestyle. 就是旅居的生活方式。 这是我退休最理想的状态。Just living on the road, exploring new places. Honestly, if I had enough cash right now, I would hit the road right now.
Oh, wow!
对,你有足够钱的话, 要不你带上我,我们马上出发。
I'm working on it. 我正努力呢。That sounds pretty awesome. So, why do you have this kind of thought? Like a road trip?
Picture this, a 60-year-old woman with a very funny dog on the road, and they just drive their car and live on the road. They just explore all the places and enjoy each other. Wouldn't it be very epic?
Of course.
And especially with my dog, who is a pro when it comes to hiking, and she can leap over rocks like a champ. So she can be my right-key guy in front of me, and then I just follow her step. So it would be easier for a 60-year-old me to explore places.
Yeah, but now you better work out first, okay? I'm afraid that when you are 60, you cannot catch up with your dog, okay?
She will be old too, so we are more like two old ladies.
Ah, yeah, that's true. So, what makes you want to do a sojourn lifestyle?
Well, because of one trip when I was in the States.
Oh, what's that?
05:44 三里屯就这样😭
That's cool. Yeah. So, any other questions?
Yes, in part 1, we have a few questions. Number 1, how can we expect traveling to change in the future? What do you think?
Well, travel will likely become more sustainable with the rise of electric and hydrogen-powered vehicles and high-speed rail networks reducing reliance on air travel. I think technological advancements like AI will offer personalized travel experiences and improved safety. Virtual reality might allow people to explore destinations virtually reducing unnecessary trips.
Of course.
Okay, so any other questions?
Yes, some people believe that traveling without a good reason is irresponsible because of carbon footprint. Do you agree? Why or why not?
What do you think?
Well, I just partially agree. Unnecessary travel contributes to climate change, and we should be mindful of our environmental impact. However, travel is also valuable for cultural exchange and personal growth. A balanced approach like opting for sustainable travel and carbon offsetting can mitigate negative effects while preserving the benefits of travel.
Yeah, I totally agree.
Oh, I want to hit the road right now after we talked so much about the RV.
Bring me with you. 带上我,求带上。
I need money. Be my sponsor, I can take you with me.
谈钱就伤感情了啊。 那行吧,那咱们还是继续做牛做马,努力一点, 然后争取退休的时候一起去环游世界好了。
好的呢。So, that's all for today. We need to make some money right now.
So, 记得一键三连哦!就是分享我们的播客, 点赞,还有收藏, sponsor us, 支持我们,support us.
Support us, yes. 有很多种方式可以support us,就是你可以通过小宇宙, 喜马拉雅,QQ音乐, 以及苹果播客来订阅收听我们。同时你也可以去我们的同名“尬聊英语Gossip English”小红书和微博那里去留言, 还有来我们的直播间 跟我们一起互动。当然还可以给我们 发邮件,发email, 就可以告诉我们 对这个话题有什么想法, 或者有什么话题,你希望我们去聊的, 那都可以给我们留言 或者email给我们。是的。OK, thanks for listening. I wish you can have your own trip very. Have a nice weekend. OK, bye. Bye.
【转录12/13】【33:06-35:26】【IELTS part】
So Wing, we've talked about the road trip, the RV. Do you have any speaking tips for our speaking test?
Yes. Actually, there's a part two topic in IELTS. It's about car journey. So it says, talk about a memorable car journey. You should say when it took place, if you were alone or with other people, what was memorable about it, and say if you enjoyed the journey.
So do you have anything to share?
Yes. I'm going to talk about the Indian pass trip. So one of my most memorable car journeys was a road trip to the beach called Indian pass. My friends and I decided to hit the road without any hassle, just packing up the car and setting off early.(Hit the road. 就是上路啦,出发。还有一个叫 without any hassle. Hassle 的话就是表示麻烦 还有困难。那 without any hassle 的话 就是毫不费力啦, 一点困难都没有)
Along the way, we stumbled upon some gorgeous landscapes, rolling hills, dense forests, and clear lakes. We couldn't resist stopping to take pictures.(Stumble upon 就是偶然发现, 没有预料到的。还有 gorgeous, gorgeous 表示 very beautiful, very good, 就美极了,棒极了)
When we reached Indian pass, we found a perfect secluded camping spot right next to the beach.(Secluded 就表示偏僻的,很隐蔽的)
That evening, we built a campfire, and as the night went on, everyone loosened up, sharing stories and laughing under the stars.(Loosen up. Loose 就是表示松嘛, 那 loosen up 就是表示放松下来了)
The next morning was magical. We saw dolphins close to the shore and even spotted bald eagles soaring above us.(Soaring 就是soar嘛, soar就是翱翔的意思)
This journey was incredible, filled with unexpected discoveries and unforgettable moments. It was a perfect reminder of the joy of hitting the road and exploring new places.
Yeah. And okay, number five. Leave time for adventure. Sometimes because we go to a new place, it's very easy for us to just plan a packed schedule. But we should just leave some space for spontaneous adventures and local exploration. So just don't overschedule and have fun.
Yeah. 我非常同意,就是有时候我们说什么特种兵旅行是吧,然后就是为了打卡某个点会是怎么样,但事实上的话,其实Wing建议我们的话,一定要留出一些冒险的时间,就是说不定我们会临时增加一些点,或是我们会有遇到什么样的惊喜是吧,所以我们一定要留充足的时间,就不要只是在赶路,还是得放慢脚步,然后欣赏一下沿路风景.
Yeah, exactly. And the last but not least, learn independence. Just learn to handle repairs and emergencies on your own. It will boost your confidence and self-reliance. It's really important. For example, you need to know a thing or two to fix your RV. Otherwise, good luck.
那最后一点,但也不是说最不重要的一点,就是一定要学会独立,你都自己去旅行了,然后你都要开房车了,然后你还不独立的话,那咋办是吧,对啊,你在in the middle of nowhere,在一个什么无人之地的话,那如果你的房车出现什么样的情况的话,你都要学会怎么样去维修它,还有怎么去应对这种紧急的情况,是的,我觉得如果你能够学会这一点的话,那你的自信心还有自立能力的话,都可以大大提高的了.
Yeah, exactly. So follow these tips and just have a blast on your RV adventure while staying safe and prepared.
So what's next?
And No.3, connect with others. Traveling can get lonely. But try to meet locals and other RV travelers, you will make friends and get awesome tips from them, especially for those who have been there for several times or for a longer time, they can give you some very useful tips.
那还有一点的话,除了我们要跟我们的家人朋友保持联系,我们出去旅游的时候,其实最好玩的一点,其中一点吧,也是说我们去结交新的朋友,是不是,如果你单独旅行的话,肯定会觉得很孤单的,但是如果你可以跟当地人,还有其他一起开RV的人,一起去联系的话,跟他们交流一些经验的话,那也是非常好,说不定他们会给你很棒的一些建议呢. So actually it reminds me of my experience. I used to travel alone in UK. Once I remember, I went to the Peak District. 就是非常有名的一个叫峰区,爬山的。I stayed in the hostel. I met a very gentle grandpa. He is a hiking expert. And he gave me a lot of advice that I could use when I went hiking. So I think it's a very good experience. It's a very good thing to make friends with the local people.
Yeah, that's true. They might help you a lot. They might surprise you as well. 所以这时候就要为爱做e,就真的是爱,是心心的爱 就heart, 为爱做e。
And I also have another very interesting experience. Back in UK, I also travelled alone at that time. I stayed in the hostel too. And I met a Chinese girl. Also we are the alumni. 我们是高中校友,哇,就是在诺大的英国,然后我们选择了同一家的旅馆,我们还是高中校友,我觉得这个缘分真的是绝了
Yeah, the chances are so slim. But you two made it.
Yeah. So what's the next suggestion?
Well, number four out of six. Pack essentials like a phone and a first aid kit. I would suggest also have a battery bank as well. Avoid sketchy areas and stay alert.
Yeah. Since a few trips in the States, now I still have the habit to bring first aid kit with me when I'm hiking, just in case. So it can be very handy when you need it.
That's a very good habit.
So I've never been on a road trip. So Wing, do you have any tips for our listeners when we travel alone?
Sure. There are six tips, actually, for a safe and fun trip.
What are they? So first, you need to make a plan.
Of course. For the p 人, 就没有计划。
But you need a plan because you need to map out your route, track the weather, road conditions, and local culture. And of course, share your plans with your friends or family and stay in touch with them, making sure they know your whereabouts. It's really important for safety.
Yeah, true. 就是无论是J人还是P人都好,我们都是建议你要计划好你的行程,出发前一定要规划好路线,还有检查好天气,路况,还有当地的文化,还有一点非常重要就是,一定要将你的旅行计划,告诉朋友或者是家人,跟他们保持联系,不要就搞失踪了
And the No.2, of course, stay safe. 我感觉我在说废话。
How can we stay safe? That’s very important.
So if you go for a campsite, make sure you pick a well-lit and reputable campsite or RV park. And always lock your RV and trust your guts when choosing a spot. So that can ensure you that first, you can have your RV car all along your trip. And then you can have safe spots when you are asleep at night.
True. 就是我们可能露营或者是开房车的经验不是很多,但是Wing给到我们一个非常好的建议,就是当你选择那些露营地的时候,一定要选那些光线充足的,还有信誉良好的,不要选那些随随便便的啊,还有就是他们会有一些叫房车公园,我们也可以驻扎在那里,那还有一个的话,一定要记得锁好房车,不要像我那样子经常就忘记拔车钥匙的那种,到时候你没了车的时候看你怎么走,爬都爬不出去,那Wing你刚才有提到说选地方时要相信自己的直觉,那为什么呢,是不是像我们之前有讲过那个鬼故事那样子,说一定要什么带着狗狗去那里看一下风水之类的。
It's not about that. It's more like our subconsciousness can help us notify the dangers. Sometimes our logic side couldn't tell why you feel safe there or why you feel dangerous there. So you just trust your gut. And you mentioned to bring a dog. It's not just for a company, but also a dog will alert for you. They will alert the dangers for you. So that is also very important. But of course, if your dog is too friendly, probably it's useless.
So most of the time, you are in the middle of nowhere.
Yeah. It's physically hard for us to live like that. Or we can just, you know, move to the relatively distant areas. Definitely not in Canton.
Yeah, I agree. But I mean, actually we have places like that, you know, like Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia, 内蒙古, right? We have places like that, but not many people dare to do the same thing. For me, because people in these two countries have different attitudes. For us, it's very important to have a house, have a car, you know, which means, 我们有那个安身之地, which gives us a sense of security. And that's why we spend all our penny buying the house, buying the cars. So basically, 我们被锁死了,被房贷车贷给锁死了,所以没有办法辞掉工作.
We are overwhelmed by our loans of cars and apartments.
Yeah. But I heard that for many people in the States, they don't really care about a house or the cars, right?
Actually, cars are necessary in most places of America. Because as I mentioned before, it's really easy to get into the middle of nowhere. So you really need a car to get your groceries, to get your basic necessities of life. So that is quite different. That's why sometimes you will see some very broken cars, like the windows are pretty broken and they just use duct tape to stick them together. Because the cars are necessary. It's not a luxury to them.
Oh, OK. So it's not a scene in the movie. Actually, it's a scene of real life, right?因为我看一些电影的时候,描绘一些美国场景的时候,他们都会开着一些很旧的车,我也不知道为什么,然后刚才你说,他们还会用那个贴,是吗?
对啊,就很夸张的,就是在他的车窗上面,会很疯狂的那种,透明胶,就是很粗的那种透明胶,直接粘,把那个玻璃给粘起来,包括有些是,什么车头灯,有一个坏掉的,也是要粘起来,很神奇的,就是,就是你发现,duct tape can fix everything out there.
That’s why they have car culture. They have so many drive-thru restaurants. That’s why.
And then the writer wrote about other people, other kind of people as well, like the post-retirement life, just like my ideal dream retirement life. And then also mentioned a 42-year-old adventurer who quit his office job for a whole new lifestyle. He bought an RV, installed solar panels and a water tank, and learned to live off the grid. He was all about embracing new challenges and sharing his journey on social media to inspire people.
Definitely. But you know, if you don't go for campsite, it's not that easy to live on the RV. I mean, relatively, it is better than live just with a tent. But still, you need to figure out how to dump your waste water, your garbage. You need fresh water. So you need a lot of things to support your car, your RV life.
That's true.
So that's why I think he installed a solar panel in some way, to just help him to get more electricity in some way.
That's true. 就不是想象中那么简单,不能说走就走了,现在还得好好想清楚才行啦.
But if it is short term travel, I don't think it matters.
Yeah true. Actually I think 42-year-old adventurer is very brave. Because I think in our country, not many people can actually do something like that.
Well, we don't have that many natural parks, right? And we have a lot of people. Usually, it's pretty crowded. I remember if I want to walk my dog on a lawn, it's really hard not to meet another dog. It's almost impossible. But when I was in the States with my dog, you barely see another dog.
Yeah. 就是我在那边看到那些老人们,因为大部分时间,可能他的子女都已经很忙,在忙生活,忙工作,所以他们就会开着他们轮子上的小家,里面有厨房,浴室,有床,什么都有,然后就开到那边,在一个露营地待上一个月,然后见到很多同龄人,就有点像是重新组建了一个大家庭那样子,他们可以聊天,喝酒,或者是钓钓鱼,看看海,这种退休生活,我感觉是挺好的,休闲又不会太孤独,太孤单。
The fancy one
Yeah, the fancy one,更加高级一点的
Before that experience, I didn't know RV travel actually has the social aspect.就是我在没有那次经历之前,其实我都不知道旅居其实是有社交属性的,它不是一个这么独来独往的一个活动
Yeah. So do you think it's okay if I travel alone with the RV in the States?
Well, personally, I haven't traveled alone in an RV in the States before. So to your question, I have some writers who wrote about it. So I think the writer asked different kinds of people, such as solo travelers, independent women, or young folks, old folks. So maybe we can get some ideas from them.
Yeah, sure.
So the first one is solo travelers. For them, it's all about freedom and adventure. It's an amazing way to discover yourself, pick up new skills, and just enjoy life to the fullest.
哦,当然那个房车的话,就是为什么我当时也想去呢,因为我觉得那个房车的话,它带给我们跟其他旅游不同的感觉,比如说自由还有冒险,那同时的话,其实它也是可以帮助我们发现自我,学习新的技能,还有可以很好的感受自然,然后享受生活嘛, like me.
Then the next one referred the life to the movie called Nomadland.
我好像有看了一点点 。So what happened?
So she said she wanted to be like the main character Fern in that movie, who lived as a nomad, just like what you said before, like nomad in Mongolia.
So she could drive her own van and meet like-minded people.
Yeah, we met a lot of RV folks around the campfire. So actually, most of them were seniors. And my idea of sojourn lifestyle for my retirement actually comes from them. And after a few drinks, everyone got chatty. I asked about their lives, and it turned out they were all retired. They rented an RV sports for a month every other month. In between, they were going home to take care of their houses. Almost all of them had dogs too.
That's my idea of my retirement. It's basically from them. Yeah.
That's also my dream retirement life. Actually, I never had any RV experience. So how is it like?
Well, I think it depends on people. For example, those seniors I met on that campsite, they lived there for a month. I don't think many young people can do that. But they lived there for a month. So they have a proper RV for this one-month life. The RV is actually like a tiny home on wheels with all the comforts like kitchens, bathrooms, comfy beds, etc. One couple even had a little garden outside their RV.
Yeah. And they could meet a lot of similar people at their age. So it would become a big extended family for this one month. Because I think for most of the old people, their kids are busy with life. So you know, when you are on the campsite like that, you can find your companies. And then if you go for a beach like that, you can do fishing, watch the sea, swimming, whatever, any water sports you can do over there. That is a cool style.
Yeah. That sounds fantastic. Now I'm looking forward to my American road trip.
Yeah, that sounds really good. You know, you have everything basically, but you just have to drive there. Yes. Well, compared to yours, my only camping experience was in UK. And basically, I carried probably about 40 kilo things on my back all the way to the peak of the mountain.
That is called backcountry camping.
Yeah, exactly. That's why just now you said you have the water station or whatever. I remember at that time, I could only drink the water from the stream, you know就只能喝那种溪水。
That is real camping. Mine is more like, oh, we just have a tent. Let's stay in the tent. That's all.
True. So anything interesting during your glamping?
Well, we chose a secluded beach called Indian Pass. We found this camping site right next to the beach, just big enough for about eight RVs, recreation vehicles, and some car camping spots. So it was pure luck finding a spot like that. We barbecued our own food with the waves crashing in the background. And one morning, we saw dolphins super close to the shore. It was like a private show. And another day, I spotted bald eagles. It felt like a scene straight out of the nature documentary. Even the long-term campers were amazed since they'd never seen eagles there before.
Wow. 那总体来说,你真的是非常幸运哦。我听说美国的那些露营点的话,都非常紧的,就是要提前很久去预定。所以刚才说你那个地方只能容纳八辆房车,那你竟然可以找到位置已经很厉害了哦。
That’s true. Wow, so I bet probably you have met some interesting people there?
So, you know what you can expect when you walk into a restaurant or hotel. That's quite helpful. So anyway, so we bring two dogs with us, but we didn't go for any hotels. We pretty much just camped all the way there.
所以就一般所谓pet-friendly 都是dog-friendly ,那时候我就搜一下看哪个餐厅或者哪个酒店可以带,但是当时我们其实都是一路露营过去了。当然12个小时从田纳西开到佛罗里达,也不是那么久。

然后我们是在国内的话是在右道,然后在印尼的话它是左道,然后好几次我就习惯性往右边偏,我车上人就说Yao, Yao, watch out, watch out
哇,that sounds dangerous
对,那刚才你说的在美国那里去开车,其实我在几年前的话也是计划去美国嘛。当时已经想好了,我也想租一台车,就直接从那个LA开去那个Las Vegas那边,就是一路玩过去嘛,所以我当时也是想说,哦,那不错啊,但是Unfortunately, because of the pandemic, my trip canceled. That's why I'm very curious about yours. So what happened next?
Well, I said we did camping, right? But we're actually more like glamping. Oh. You know the word glamping?
Yeah. So what's the difference?
Glamping is glamorous camping.就是不是苦哈哈的那种露营,我们是相对来说是奢侈一点的露营。That being said, we will have a camping site which provides you fresh water, bathroom that you can take shower, you can go to, you know, toilets. And they even have a convenience store. So it's not that rough for our camping because ours is glamping.
That was the Florida trip. I remember back then, we actually drove 11 hours to Florida from my state, and it was just a little tiny car, but we have two people and two dogs.
Yeah, so we had to ditch the back seats to make space for all our camping gear, clothes, and of course two dogs, two big dogs, two Labradors. And then we just drove all the way from Tennessee to Florida. Because we have two dogs, it's easier to just drive around. I mean, without two dogs, I wouldn't think about a road trip.
Yeah, true. So, what happened next?
It was a long journey. So, the journey itself is also an exploration. Unlike the road here, probably it's all about highways and fences to protect us along the road. But when I was driving in the States, I drove for like an hour. It could be all trees and no protection, no fences along the roads.
This sounds kind of dangerous.
Well, it took me quite some time to get used to that, because I'm so familiar with urban driving, not like a countryside driving. But luckily, we have a lot of rest areas that we can fill up our water bottles. And also, there is a little water funders for dogs as well, so we can feed our dogs water. And sometimes, we stumbled upon a beautiful little wetland park just right next to a rest area. So, it was like a hidden gem with vibrant plants and birds everywhere. It was magical.
Wow, that sounds fun. I think they are very pet-friendly, because they have those kinds of dog dispensers, right? And it seems that it's kind of popular to travel with the dogs in the States.
Yeah, there are a lot of dog-friendly places. And there's a website that we can look up information, which is whether this restaurant or this hotel is dog-friendly enough. Not just dog-friendly, but people can make a lot of comments on the website and say like, this restaurant says they are dog-friendly, but they only allow us to sit outside, something like that.