The Fish That Hunts Pigeons
Planet Earth II | BBC Earth
Losing its fear of humans has enabled one animal to spread into cities everywhere and in huge numbers. Pigeons are by far the most successful urban bird.
Here in Albi, in the south of France, the pigeons come to the river to bathe. They need to preen their flight feathers, clean off the city dust and cool themselves down.
But death lies in wait. A predator that has taken advantage of the very thing that has led to the pigeon's success, their lack of fear. As the pigeons bathe, oil from their plumage flows downstream and is detected.
A monstrous wels catfish. Introduced here just forty years ago, they have proliferated, virtually exterminated the local fish stocks, and they've now developed a taste for pigeon.
Their eyesight is poor, so they use their barbels to sense the movements of their victims. This is a radical new hunting strategy for what is normally a bottom-dwelling fish.
After a thousand years of living in this city, pigeons are now having to learn to avoid a fish.
pigeon 鸽子
Albi 阿尔比(法国南部城市)
bathe 用水清洗(身体部位);(到海、河等中)游泳,沐浴
preen (鸟)用喙整理羽毛
clean off the dust 清除灰尘
lie in wait 等待,埋伏着
predator 捕食者,掠夺者
take advantage of 充分利用
plumage (鸟的)羽毛
downstream 顺流地,向下游地
detect 察觉,识别
monstrous 巨大的,可怕的
wels catfish 欧鲶,六须鲶,欧洲巨鲶(欧洲最大的淡水鱼类之一)
proliferate 迅速繁殖,激增
exterminate 消灭,灭绝,根除
develop a taste for 逐渐对某物产生喜好或兴趣
barbel (鱼类唇边的)触须
sense the movement 感知动向
radical 全新的,完全的
bottom-dwelling 栖息水底的;底栖生物
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BBC Earth|捕食鸽子的巨鱼
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