#35【英文节目】Space-making in Arts: ESEA Arts Producer Sharing | 用藝術開創社群的空間:三位藝術工作者的分享小明拆台 Ming Strike

#35【英文节目】Space-making in Arts: ESEA Arts Producer Sharing | 用藝術開創社群的空間:三位藝術工作者的分享

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This is an English-language episode, recorded live at the 2024 Migration Matters Festival.

As part of an ongoing initiative focusing on art producers, this episode centres on the theme of space, considering art workers such as theatre producers and curators as the makers and keepers of these spaces. What kinds of opportunities and experiences have shaped their work? What does space represent to them within the context of art? How does artistic space intersect with society? And as audiences, artists, policy planners, and implementers, what kinds of spaces do we need?

In this live panel, three ESEA (East and Southeast Asian) curators and producers share their insights on the narratives and spaces of minority groups in their respective fields of film, theatre, and visual art, within the broader framework of British contemporary art. The discussion also highlights several key events, including the Defund CFCCA campaign, and concludes with an open Q&A session.

本期節目為英語論壇,錄製於2024年移民之事藝術節(Migration Matters Festival)。

延續的藝術製作人的脈絡,本次訪談從空間為主題出發,把藝術工作者,如戲劇製作人與策展人,視為空間的創造者與守護者切入。他們是以什麼樣的機緣和經歷?對他們來說空間在藝術的框架下意味著什麼? 藝術的空間之於社會又有什麼樣的關係?作為觀眾、藝術家、政策規劃與執行著,我們又需要什麼空間?



Dot Zhihan Jia 贾芷涵

Dot Zhihan Jia (she/her) is a curator based in the UK. Her work holds diasporic feelings as worldmaking and translation as close reading.



Eelyn Lee

Eelyn Lee is an award winning artist and filmmaker of Hong Kong-English heritage. With ‘organising’ a key aspect of her practice, Eelyn has convened a range of community building projects including the ESEA Artists’ Futures Town Hall [Sheffield, 2023] – a place to imagine new landscapes for ESEA artists in the UK and beyond.

Eelyn Lee 是一位屢獲殊榮的香港英國裔藝術家和電影導演。 「組織」是她藝術實踐重要的一部分,Eelyn 召集了一系列社群參與項目,包括ESEA (East and Southeast Asia)術家市政廳 [謝菲爾德,2023 年]——一個為英國及其他地區的東亞/東南亞裔藝術家思考藝術生態的論壇和聚會。


Mingyu Lin 林铭宇

Ming is a director for stage and screen, she’s a Resident Artist at York Theatre Royal, Joint Artistic Director of Ellandar Productions and a Reader for Traverse Theatre and the Bruntwood Prize.

林铭宇,劇場和影視導演,她是約克皇家劇場的駐地藝術家。她也是Ellandar Productions的藝術總監,Traverse Theatre和Bruntwood Prize的顧問。



Howl, Taiwanese performance worker based in the UK.Howl,旅居英國的台灣表演藝術工作者


Flo,現居英國的表演影像創作者,多功能技術宅Performer/ filmmaker living in the UK, multifunctional tech geek.

Show Notes/這期我們聊了.....

00:35 Opening/開場02:38 Eelyn Lee's sharing/ Eelyn Lee的分享15:15 Dot Zhihan Jia's sharing/ 贾芷涵的分享29:15 Mingyu Lin's sharing/ 林铭宇的分享42:50 Q&A


  • Space-making in Arts: ESEA Arts Producer Sharing 在移民之事藝術節 (Migration Matters Festival)的活動頁面:www.migrationmattersfestival.co.uk
  • Rumi's poem Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing:魯米(Rumi)是十三世紀伊斯蘭.蘇菲教的重要詩人,Eelyn Lee引用的詩Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing
  • Lola Olufemi‘s book Experiments in Imagining Otherwise :Lola Olufemi是英國女性主義作者,書寫內容包含從雜誌專欄、散文和書,包含Eelyn Lee引用的Experiments in Imagining Otherwise
  • The referenced text from Bell Hooks: Bell Hooks是美國學者、作家、女性主義理論家、文化評論家,以下是贾芷涵引用原文:The moment we choose to love we begin to move against domination, against oppression. The moment we choose to love we begin to move towards freedom, to act in ways that liberate ourselves and others.– Outlaw Culture: Resisting Representations, 1994
  • 贾芷涵的分享,最後的引用出自Men Explain Things to Me by Rebecca Solnit


小明拆台 Ming Strike 由幾位現居海外的當代表演實踐者獨立製作。Ming Strike is a monthly podcast, independently produced by ESEA arts practitioners mostly based in the UK.

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