眼泪收割机,一次让尬聊姐妹花泪洒的录音现场尬聊英语 Gossip English


39分钟 ·

00:00 🎧 尬聊英语时间又到了,这次Yao与Wing聊到哭了!
00:20 🎬 一部评分高达 9.0 的泰国电影《姥姥的外孙》,到底讲了什么让人如此感动?
02:44 😮 一个自私的辍学生,得知姥姥患癌后,为谋家产都做了什么荒唐事?
04:36 🙀 不止 M 想要遗产,其他家人也各怀鬼胎?!?! 姥姥还在世呢!
07:25 💞 是什么让自私的孙子改变,姥姥与M两人之间到底发生了什么事?
08:38 🍚 Wing与Yao聊到跟各自家里老人家的点点滴滴?热闹的尽头是孤独?
12:17 😭 究竟聊到什么事,突然就戳中Yao与Wing的泪点?
15:51 🍈 为什么一棵石榴树在M与姥姥心中的意义这么大?
16:46 🍲 老人家的爱有时就这么悄然,就是一顿饭一碗糖水?
20:01 💰 电影里最终姥姥把遗产给了M吗?结果出乎意料?
21:05 🎞️ 电影真的源自生活,Wing的朋友有跟M一家人相似的经历?
25:50 ⚰️ 从电影到生活,Yao与Wing因为在葬礼上的无力感,再次哽咽?
31:40 📝 备考角度:如何在IELTS雅思等考试中聊最影响我们的一个人?
37:17 🎉 结尾:感谢收听,期待大家在小红书或微博上的互动和评论!


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展开Show Notes
Hey guys, it's Gossip English time. 尬聊英语时间又到了。 This is Yao. And I'm Wing. Let's learn English through gossip.
Hey Wing, have you watched the recent Thai movie “How to Make Millions Before Grandma Dies”? 它的大陆名是《姥姥的外孙》。
No I haven't. What is it about? Is it popular?
Yeah, it's Douban's score is 9.0, 就它豆瓣评分是9.0分。
Wow, 那很高耶。
是。So just hearing the title, what do you think it would be about?
I think about some comedy or conspiracy stuff like that.
Why? Why do you think it's a conspiracy?
Millions, grandma, dies, you know, I can think of insurance, how to make millions before grandma dies.
Wow, that grandma must be very rich, right?
Yeah, sorry I have dark thoughts.
Well, sort of, something related to what you thought, however, is a bit different. So our main character, M, is a self-absorbed faculty university dropout, and he knows that his grandma is diagnosed with late-stage cancer. So do you know what he does?
Does he come up with some plan to get his grandma's inheritance or house or money or whatever?
Wow, you are really smart.
According to the title, how to make millions.
Yes, but if you were him, would you do the same thing?
Well, I did have a grandpa who had cancer.
Sorry, I thought you would say you have a grandpa who had a billion.
No, I don't. No, none of them.
Okay, so?
No, I never thought about it, actually. That thought doesn't even come to my mind. So I guess no.
That's very good.
How about you?
Well, sadly, I don't have rich grandparents, but it's fine, because I am very happy with them as long as they live healthily. I think that's my own wish.
That's cool. Oh, by the way, the millions is in 台币 or 人民币?
Well, of course it's 泰铢.
Sorry, my focus is wrong. So what's the story about?
Well, actually it matches our name, right?尬聊.
Yeah. Okay.
已经发出来了~~ 可以看看
I think it's very important. Close family relationships provide emotional support and a sense of belonging and identity. For example, my grandfather's influence has shown me the value of mutual trust and affection within the family, especially I realize how much they care about me and how eager I want to show my love to them.
Oh, cool. So, that's all for today. And I think it's time for me to watch this movie.
Yeah, and also it's time for you to shed your tears.
Probably OK. So 不知道你们看了这部电影没有,如果看了的话,欢迎跟我们留言互动,我们在四大平台,小宇宙,喜马拉雅,QQ音乐,还有苹果播客,以及也可以在小红书,以及微博下面跟我们留言互动.当然也可以将你的想法,或者你想让我们聊的话题,发给我们,除了刚才所有的平台之外,也可以给我们发邮件,如果你希望整个都变得更private私密一点的话,那我们的邮箱就是gossipenglish@hotmail.com,那如果周末,现在还没想到有什么事情做的话,那就去看这部电影吧,不然他准备就下画了,下映了。Yeah, cool. OK, have a nice day. Have a nice weekend. Bye. Bye.
What makes him so significant in my life is the way he balanced filial duty and personal sacrifice.(filial 孝顺的)
He gave up many personal desires to ensure the well-being of his children and grandchildren. His actions have always resonated with me, teaching me the importance of family and mutual trust.(Resonate with 就是今天用了很多的一个词组,引起共鸣.Resonate本身是一个关于声音的词,引起回声,引起回响,所以在这里就可以表示引起共鸣,就跟人之间相关的,影响力,引起共鸣.然后 Mutual trust 就是相互信任, Mutual 就是相互的.注意哦,这个只能是基于两人之间,或者是两个组织之间,反正就是两者之间.就用Mutual, 然后Mutual trust 相互信任.就好像有时候我跟Wing的话,我们就说相互理解,就是Mutual understanding,也可以这么来用)
He wasn't just a provider; he was a source of affection (关爱) and wisdom.(Affection 关心 关爱)
One of the most impactful moments was when he showed his vulnerability (脆弱) after being diagnosed with a serious illness.(Vulnerability 脆弱,这是一个名词,然后形容词的话是 Vulnerable,这也是我们经常用到的,关于形容一个人脆弱或者是特别是在亲密关系,亲人关系之间,他要展现一个比较弱的一面的时候,其实就是适用这个 Vulnerability or Vulnerable)
Despite his tough exterior, he confided in me, and this authentic (真实的) display of emotion deepened our bond.(Confined 倾诉,敞开心扉,就可以用Confined这个词.And then Authentic真实的,就是跟我倾诉的意思)
His life lessons have shaped my values, and his love is an inheritance (遗产) far more valuable than any material wealth.(Inheritance 遗产,就今天整部电影,其实都是围绕着一个 名词进行的,Inheritance 遗产.他的动词就是Inherit,然后他就是加了ance,就变成了名词Inheritance)
Okay, any other questions?
Yeah, in part one, do you enjoy spending time with elderly people?
Yes, I do. Spending time with my grandfather has taught me a lot about life and the importance of mutual trust and affection. And they have a lot of stories to, and they have a lot of stories to tell. I can learn so much about them and their life before the years that I wasn't born yet.
Same here. I love listening to those kind of stories.
Yeah that's why we have gossip English. We always love gossip.
Okay, any other questions? Yes, in part three, how important is it to have close relationships with family members?
What do you think?
But surely we can all spare a little more time for the ones who breathed life and love into us, so that even after they are gone, we are filled with fond memories instead of bitter regret. And I think the word “time” here actually can provide two meanings. Grandma doesn't have more time to spend with her children and grandchildren. And also for the children and grandchildren, they can't spend more time with them. And that's why the only thing the old people, the aging parents and grandparents, really want is time because it's never enough.
Yeah. I love how you explain this and it reminds me of a saying in Chinese 树欲静而风不止,子欲养时亲不待. yeah so 树欲静而风不止,子欲养而亲不待
Yeah, so after listening to this podcast, remember to call your family, or if you live with your family, just give them a hug.
Yeah, big hug. They might be surprised like what the heck are you doing, but it doesn't matter, just do it first. Yeah. Cool.
So after all the crying, all the tears, here comes to our speaking tips. Anything that we can use from what we learned just now?
Of course, in IELTS part 2, there's a question. Describe a person who has had a significant influence on your life, you should say, who this person was, when you met this person, what the person was like and what the person did that make them so significant in your life.
Can you give us an example?
Sure, I'm gonna take my grandfather as an example. A person who has had a significant influence on my life is my grandfather. I have known him since I was born, and he has always been a pillar of strength in our family. He is a person of remarkable character, embodying both resilience and tenderness. Despite not being omnipotent, he managed to raise a large family with love and care.
这里面其实有很多词,是挺好的用来形容一个人,包括有,a pillar of strength,就是我们的,强心针,如果要翻译过来的话,强心针就是那个柱子,就是强而有力的柱子,那翻译过来中文的话,就有点像我们的,强心针,就中流砥柱的意思,一家之柱也可以.然后是,resillience韧劲,tenderness温柔,omnipotent无所不能,Omni是一个前缀,然后他通常也是形容,无所不能之类的,就是万能的,非常厉害的那种,然后Potent就是能力,所以Omnipotent就是无所不能.
Yeah, I was the one who was leading the whole crew from one place to another. And my grandma was old, old enough, like I think she passed away around 90 years old. So you know, it is not a sad funeral. It's more like a happy funeral. You know when old people reach the age of 90
Yeah 喜丧. And so it wasn't like a sad sad funeral. It's sort of like, oh, we mentally prepare for that, but when it actually happened, I just couldn't say a word. The ceremony people asked me to say this and say that, and I just couldn't say it. Somehow I just couldn't say a word to my grandma.
Yeah, I know. When we are deeply grieved, usually we couldn't say out any words.
It doesn't mean like we we don't want to say out, it's like I try my best. It was just stuck in my throat.
Me too. I know that feeling. Yeah. I feel you. It happened to me. I wanted to say it. I just couldn't say a word, just somehow I couldn't.
Yeah, so last year, I shared in our previous episode before, I lost my nephew. I remember that就是那时候的话,他从那个ICU,推出来的时候,其实他就是靠着那些仪器,维持他的生命体征,然后他一推出来,我们就要上那个转运车,要回家,当时他的爸爸,就是一边推着那个车,然后一边喊,就是弟弟我们回家了。因为我后来才明白,其实就是我们要通过喊,然后才能带我们亲人回家,我们才不会让他迷路,成为了孤魂野鬼。
Yeah I know I should say it out loud. Yeah, I feel you.天啊,我们录播客,然后两个人在那里哭
So in the end, I mean, after experience a lot of deaths and births and whatever, our aging parents and grandparents won't be around forever, right?
Yeah, we won't be around forever either.
Yeah, it depends on who leaves first.
So there's a line in the movie, like what the grandparents or the parents need most, is what their children can't often give them, which is time. Sometimes they understand that we are busy with work, school and life. And they wish for us to succeed and be happy.
对,太难了. But when M goes to visit 阿嬷 in the nursing home, he finds that 阿嬷 is dying. That's why he decides to bring 阿嬷 home and take care of her.
So M changes. M看到他奶奶的状况,就从那个护老院就带回家了,希望可以照顾她。So M is actually a pretty good son, good grandson yes.
I think time and love will change a person.就其实他也不是说突然间的转变,其实就是跟姥姥的相处之后的话,其实慢慢也会被感化到是不是
So this is the mutual
So in the theater, I burst into tears when a scene comes out. You know 阿嬷 is dying right. And M holds 阿嬷's hand and sings the Teochew song.就是一个潮州的一个童谣,那首歌其实就是阿嬷,以前用来哄睡M的,然后他用潮州话给阿嬷来唱了一遍
So it's not the ending yet. I'm so sorry. Today the story is really sad.
It is it's really thought-provoking, too.
Yeah, just makes me think about my grandparents. I don't. Unfortunately, since this year, I don't have any grandparents anymore.
I'm so sorry. Hug hug.
So yeah, it just makes me think about them and think about my parents as well.
Yeah, me too. So I'm gonna share something. Probably you will feel something too. So there is a very touching scene. When M leads the way to the cemetery, he knocks on the coffin and says 阿嬷 we are on our way. Now we are passing the porridge stall you worked at for years. Now we are crossing the bridge. Now we've reached the big cemetery I bought for you. And you are number one in my heart.
就是在电影里面,那个M他的阿嬷就过世了,然后M要带路去墓地,然后他就会敲着棺材,应该是那边的风俗吧,敲着棺材跟阿嬷说,我们出发了,你现在经过你工作多年的店,然后我们过桥了,现在到你的地了,然后你永远是我心中的第一,所以就回应了他,问他阿嬷的那个,Who is number one in your heart
对,it doesn't really matter who's the number one in 阿嬷's heart but 阿嬷 will be the number one in M's heart.所以相信任何经历过葬礼的人,都会感同身受在这一点,反正我是哭崩了.
My grandma passed away just like a month ago. And I just experienced something similar. And M could say out loud to his grandma but I couldn't. Somehow I couldn't say a word.
I feel you. I had the same experience.
What a sad story! I mean, it's not even about inheritance, it's just sad.
Yeah. So I don't even understand why. Probably because we are not mothers yet.Yeah That's why.
I think it's also like, oh my youngest son is in debt and he's got into a huge trouble. But my daughter still sort of make some money right now. So they will be okay.
And I heard a story from my friend. It's something similar to her family.
What happened?
In her big family, her grandma's son, which was her father passed away, her daughter-in-law, which is my friend's mother, took care of her, took care of the whole family. She didn't get anything because “she is not my family”.
Oh my.
She's just a daughter-in-law. And then the grandma just gave the money to her daughter. And her daughter was super vain, like all about luxury lifestyle. And she didn't really take care of her mother. All she cared was to get the money. However, you know the grandma just left the money to her. For me, that was bullshit.
Well, after you say this, you know I realized this whole movie is not made up. Actually it's based on the true stories in all the families. Because 阿嬷 experienced the same thing, after the son gets the money, and then she was sent to the nursing home.就是她那个儿子她拿到那个财产之后的话,然后她也没有选择跟她妈妈一起住,然后只是把她送到了去养老院那里。
就跟我朋友的姥姥的状况是一样的,就是照顾她的人虽然是她的儿媳妇,但是也是真的是一直在照顾她,但是她就觉得那个不是自家人,然后就把那个钱留给了她的女儿,然后那个女儿就是太有虚荣心,就乱花钱的那种,然后最后就她,我朋友的奶奶需要被照顾的时候,说有人照顾的时候,那个女儿又不见了,就拿着她的钱,我觉得这个真的是,所以这个故事It's not out of nowhere. It's actually based on real life.
Yes, exactly. That's why I said we can resonate with the characters, right? We can see ourselves through them.
Yeah, exactly.
Yeah, so we also have the same question. And M actually asked 阿嬷, who is number one in her heart. But 阿嬷 doesn't answer, but shed tears. I think it must be a very tough question.
I bet. It must be really hard to answer that question. 所以M也有同样的疑问,就问了她阿嬷,就你心目中谁是最重要的人,谁是那个number one,然后她阿嬷没有回答,就是流下了眼泪就哭了,太难了
I mean right now, I finally realize how much effort she put into it, not just effort, also love.
Yeah, I remember when I was at the last year of my high school. It was super busy preparing for 高考. But my parents were busy. They couldn't prepare the lunch for me or dinner for me. But also the meals at school, you know, the school meals were terrible. Basically I'm not from Guangzhou. So in my hometown, it wasn't that great. And then my grandpa would just prepare the lunch for me every day. And at first, I went to his place for the lunch. But at some point, I feel like I wanted to go back to my home. So I could take a good nap and then have the lunch. So he didn't say anything, being very very supportive. So he would pack all the lunch, all the food and, you know, rice or noodles for me, and brought it down from the fifth floor, and waited for me to pick it up every day.
Yeah. And he knew what I love to eat and he always prepared for that.
That's really sweet. Yeah. I think the sweet potatoes and the meal box actually have become our sweetest memory with our grandparents.
Yeah, sometimes it's just a little thing.
That's really heartwarming.
Yeah. So and then M thought about the memory with his grandma, about a pomegranate tree. So what happened next?
So actually at this moment, M doesn't care about the property anymore. However, he still thinks the person grandma loves most will get the inheritance.就是其实他那时候的话,已经跟他阿嬷有一个很深的一个连接了嘛,但他那时候还是觉得,如果阿嬷最爱那个人的话,肯定是可以得到遗产啊,那阿嬷不爱的人肯定就不会得到啊, right?
It's supposed to be that way. But since you ask like that, and I know that. That isn't the plot.
Yeah. So now I'm gonna answer the question I left to you earlier. Well, 阿嬷 chooses to give the inheritance to the useless son, who owes a huge debt. Because she fears he can't live independently without it.
And he started to worry about, oh my daughter need to pay the tax for the apartment. So I should transfer the property under her name and stuff like that. I felt terrible when he said that because I never realized how close, or how little time that we could spend with them. But I think he thought about that already even at that point. So at that time, I felt like, wow, they are getting old. They know it. But it seems like I don't know it yet. At least at that moment I didn't know it.
Yeah. I can totally feel you.你还好吗
OK. And as I mentioned at the beginning, M wants the property, right? That's why he lives with 阿嬷. He gets close to 阿嬷. However, because of these kind of small things, he started to change.
Wow. At least he's a person with a heart.
Yes, he's not those person who are really greedy, I guess. And then another touching moment is that when M's 阿嬷 plants a pomegranate tree for him, because in Thai, the tree means health for the kids.
Yeah. So M once said, when the fruit ripens, only he can eat it. When his uncle tries to taste the fruit, 阿嬷 stops him immediately, 喂 停了停了. Yeah. So that's why 阿嬷 never says like I love you. However, 阿嬷 did everything for M.
Oh That's touching.
就是M出生的时候就给他种了一棵石榴树,因为石榴树在泰国是意味着长寿,然后小的时候,M就说过那个树有果实的话,只有他能吃。所以当他的舅舅想吃那个石榴果的时候,他姥姥是立刻制止他,不让他吃。That is the love from grandma.
Yeah. So it reminds me of my childhood with my grandma in the countryside. So she had a field where she grew all kinds of vegetables. And at that time, I loved sweet potatoes most. Even in the hottest part of the day, I would ask my grandma “婆婆 我可唔可以食番薯糖水啊”(粤语) 所以我问我外婆说,外婆我可不可以吃那个番薯糖水。Then she would go out with a hoe and come back with a basket full of sweet potatoes, just to make me happy.
Oh, that's so sweet.
Yeah. 就是我小的时候的话,我是跟我外婆在乡下那里住嘛,然后她就会种菜,就种了各种各样的菜。我那时候特别喜欢吃那个番薯,所以有时候就算是一天最热的时候,那时候小,不知,然后就比较不懂事,最热的时候,我就跟我婆婆说,我说我想吃那个番薯糖水,她就马上拿着锄头出去,然后回来就带着一篮子的番薯回来,就是为了让我开心。
Yeah. So actually this reminds me of last year when my dad had the surgery. He's not the type to express his love openly, much like the grandma, 阿嬷. 刚才想不到,有什么词来形容爸爸妈妈,现在想到了四个字,父爱如山。
Yeah, that's true.
His love is silent and steady. He told me he could take care of himself if I had work to do. But I insisted on staying with him until he was discharged. I remember that when he was pushed out from the surgery room, I was there with him. I could feel that he was very happy because after suffering from the surgery, he must be very painful and probably a bit depressed. But with the support of the loved one, I guess he could cheer up.去年我爸爸自己做了一个手术,但是我爸爸其实是一个真的是不怎么会表达爱意的爸爸,他也不会表达自己需求的一个人,就像电影里面那个阿嬷。
唉,老人家,对啊,父母都这样子。You're a good daughter.
Thank you. And also after his surgery, you know, something really embarrassing happened.
What happened?
He couldn't get out of the bed and have to use the bedpan. 就那种尿壶.
I was super embarrassed at first, but later I realized, okay, actually he could solve the problem first and then I just help him pour out the liquid. Then I was like, okay, fine. But at that moment, I realized how much he had aged.那时候就是他不能下床,只能躺在床上输液,然后当时他只能用那个尿壶,我就觉得很尴尬,但也是在那个时候,我突然间就意识到,他好像真的是老了。When we were still young, usually it is our parents who took us to the doctor, right? And we were very scared. Now it's our turn to take them to the hospital. And surprisingly, I can feel their fear of illness and death.
Yeah. Your dad reminds me of my dad. He's also terrible at expressing his love. But he will do everything for me, for the family. And I don't remember when. But at some point, he started to worry about like how I can inherit the property, the apartment that he is living in.
It kind of reminds me of my grandma. When I was younger, little, we had a tradition, which was we would go back to my grandma's place for dinner every Friday. The whole family, including my dad, my uncle, my aunt's families. And that is a tradition until the kids got really busy with schools. When we got into high school, we have a lot of extra study hours at school. Then that tradition faded away. So we didn't have that Friday night anymore since I got to high school.
Oh, that's really sad.
I also have the similar experience. 就是我的爷爷,还有我的外婆,其实他们都是一个非常多子家庭。 我们以前也是有个传统,就是每逢节假日的话,我们都会聚在一起。就是我爷爷的话,他有六个孩子,然后我外婆有七个孩子。所以可以想像多热闹。Really noisy.
Yeah, a lot of people, quite a big crowd.
Sometimes we have to sit on two tables or three tables. So it's a big blast. However, the next day, I mean after we leave, the whole house just full of the leftover food and the emptiness and the loneliness.
Wow, that must be hard for your grandparents.
Yeah, exactly. I think this is a reality for many families, especially in the rural areas. During the festivals, the kids come home to celebrate, but soon after they leave for work and the elders are left alone once again.
Yeah, that's sad.
Yeah, so this is what happened to 阿嬷 too. That's why the feelings of M started to change. Oh. Yeah, and also when we were still young, we always think that our parents, our grandparents are omnipotent. They are like supermen and superwomen.
Okay, so when 阿嬷 learns of her cancer diagnosis, she pretends to be tough and strong. But when she's asleep, she sleep talks, saying, dad and mom, please take me away. I don't want to suffer anymore. It's only when she's unconscious that she reveals her vulnerability.
天啊,就是只有当阿嬷睡着的时候,然后她说梦话,会提到说,爸爸妈妈带我走吧,我不想在这里受苦了,就在她这个潜意识,或者在她无意识的状态下,她才会表现出她的脆弱。I bet that was heard by M.
So actually I doubt M's oldest uncle really need the money, because he can save some money to provide a better living for his family, instead of just trying to get the luxury schools and luxury stuff, and probably he doesn't really need grandma's money. It seems like M's mother needs the money more.
That's true. Well, actually the one who needs the most is M's youngest uncle. 他的那个小舅舅的话,又没有工作,而且他当时欠债,欠了一百万。
Oh, gambling, then he doesn't need any money, he doesn't deserve any money.
Yeah, if you were 阿嬷, who will you leave the inheritance to?
Of course it's M's mother. It seems like the eldest son actually makes some good money. He just wants a luxurious lifestyle. Her youngest son doesn't work hard and have a gambling problem, and usually gamblers would just spend as much as they can, and they wouldn't use the money properly. And compared to these two sons, her daughter actually needs the money for living.
Yeah, I think so, I agree. So actually if the storyline goes like this, and I think there is no plot twist.
Of course.
So actually, as time goes by, grandma's health deteriorates. M's greed and 阿嬷's suspicion give way to mutual trust, affection, and understanding.
So why there is such a big twist? Of course this is a movie, but why? What happens between them?
Because M can feel and tell 阿嬷's loneliness and vulnerability. Every Sunday, 阿嬷 dress up beautifully and waits for her children and grandchildren to visit, so they can have a family gathering. Sometimes 阿嬷 will take out their pokers and invite them to play together.
所以阿嬷每个周日都会打扮得很漂亮, 然后等待她的孩子跟孙子们来看她, 然后可以一起聚会,甚至有时候会把那个扑克牌都带出来, 希望可以一家人这样玩扑克,共度时光。
But I bet the family doesn't think so.
Yeah, that's true. Well, they just come to visit, however, like, after a short while, they will just leave.
So this guy made a plan. He tried so hard to get close to his 阿嬷, which means his grandmother. So what he did, he moved to the house of 阿嬷, however, he couldn't stand the order of his 阿嬷. 就是他搬去跟他阿嬷住了,但是他却嫌弃他阿嬷的那个老人味。
Wow. So he is not subtle. His purpose is not subtle. I bet his grandma might notice that. He doesn't seem that smart, this character M.Apparently, yes.Yeah. So to please his 阿嬷, when he helps her 拜神, so his 阿嬷 asked him to boil the water and then pour it to the cups, right? You know what he did?
What he did?
He just heat up the water in the microwave.
I did that too.
Yeah, that's how I get hot water at home.
Oh my gosh. But that's different.你这是拜神,所以你一点都不够虔诚。
Yeah, and also 阿嬷 says she wants to eat the deep fried fish, and M goes to the market. However, he finds that there is a long queue in the store. He sees the opposite store without anyone, then he buys the fish, and goes back home and says, 阿嬷, you see, I spent a lot of time buying this fish, you know, I love you so much. And his 阿嬷 sees the fish and then says, you know, I bought this fish for so many years, I can tell if it's the one she wants or not.
So see, he's not that smart, this M guy.
对啊,就不用心嘛。So grandma knows what happens then.
Well, unfortunately, M is not the only one who wants the property. He also has competitors, who are his uncles.
所以M就不是唯一一个争夺遗产的人。 他的阿嬷有好几个子女,就他的舅舅们要跟他争遗产。 但是阿嬷还在生耶。
Yeah, 真的是。
So M's oldest uncle lives far away and has to pay for his posh house and his daughter's international school fees. M's mom is a single parent with a humble supermarket job. M's youngest uncle is unemployed and in debt.
That sounds like they all need the money very much.
就是我们在电影里就看到M的大舅舅的话,他住得很远,但他住得非常豪华。而且他女儿还去了那个国际学校。你知道阿嬷的那个房子就非常的humble,就非常的简陋吗? 但是他们住在豪宅里面。然后M的妈妈的话,因为她的丈夫很早就去世了,所以她是一个单亲妈妈。她就在一个超市里面工作,就其实他们还是挺struggle的,就生活还是挺艰难。