00:00 🎧 尬聊英语时间又到了,这次Yao与Wing聊到哭了!
00:20 🎬 一部评分高达 9.0 的泰国电影《姥姥的外孙》,到底讲了什么让人如此感动?
02:44 😮 一个自私的辍学生,得知姥姥患癌后,为谋家产都做了什么荒唐事?
04:36 🙀 不止 M 想要遗产,其他家人也各怀鬼胎?!?! 姥姥还在世呢!
07:25 💞 是什么让自私的孙子改变,姥姥与M两人之间到底发生了什么事?
08:38 🍚 Wing与Yao聊到跟各自家里老人家的点点滴滴?热闹的尽头是孤独?
12:17 😭 究竟聊到什么事,突然就戳中Yao与Wing的泪点?
15:51 🍈 为什么一棵石榴树在M与姥姥心中的意义这么大?
16:46 🍲 老人家的爱有时就这么悄然,就是一顿饭一碗糖水?
20:01 💰 电影里最终姥姥把遗产给了M吗?结果出乎意料?
21:05 🎞️ 电影真的源自生活,Wing的朋友有跟M一家人相似的经历?
25:50 ⚰️ 从电影到生活,Yao与Wing因为在葬礼上的无力感,再次哽咽?
31:40 📝 备考角度:如何在IELTS雅思等考试中聊最影响我们的一个人?
37:17 🎉 结尾:感谢收听,期待大家在小红书或微博上的互动和评论!
大家可以多多在 小红书 与 微博 留言与练习例句呢!还有邮箱 GossipEnglish@hotmail.com 。小红书同名直播时间:每周五 22:00,不定期也在周一、周三、周日22:00(暑假后会再调整),直播评论区有单词小课堂!
Hey guys, it's Gossip English time. 尬聊英语时间又到了。 This is Yao. And I'm Wing. Let's learn English through gossip.
Hey Wing, have you watched the recent Thai movie “How to Make Millions Before Grandma Dies”? 它的大陆名是《姥姥的外孙》。
No I haven't. What is it about? Is it popular?
Yeah, it's Douban's score is 9.0, 就它豆瓣评分是9.0分。
Wow, 那很高耶。
是。So just hearing the title, what do you think it would be about?
I think about some comedy or conspiracy stuff like that.
Why? Why do you think it's a conspiracy?
Millions, grandma, dies, you know, I can think of insurance, how to make millions before grandma dies.
Wow, that grandma must be very rich, right?
Yeah, sorry I have dark thoughts.
Well, sort of, something related to what you thought, however, is a bit different. So our main character, M, is a self-absorbed faculty university dropout, and he knows that his grandma is diagnosed with late-stage cancer. So do you know what he does?
Does he come up with some plan to get his grandma's inheritance or house or money or whatever?
Wow, you are really smart.
According to the title, how to make millions.
Yes, but if you were him, would you do the same thing?
Well, I did have a grandpa who had cancer.
Sorry, I thought you would say you have a grandpa who had a billion.
No, I don't. No, none of them.
Okay, so?
No, I never thought about it, actually. That thought doesn't even come to my mind. So I guess no.
That's very good.
How about you?
Well, sadly, I don't have rich grandparents, but it's fine, because I am very happy with them as long as they live healthily. I think that's my own wish.
That's cool. Oh, by the way, the millions is in 台币 or 人民币?
Well, of course it's 泰铢.
Sorry, my focus is wrong. So what's the story about?
Well, actually it matches our name, right?尬聊.
Yeah. Okay.