雅思口语Part 1高分语料 | Plants 你喜欢植物吗英语考试Cat | 雅思口语写作加油站

雅思口语Part 1高分语料 | Plants 你喜欢植物吗

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Do you keep plants at home?

Yes, I do. My balcony is full of various types of plants, including cacti, aloe vera, some climbing plants, and even small trees. I’m not a plant expert, so I don’t know the names of all my plants, but I enjoy watching them thrive. Sometimes they grow so well that my balcony resembles a little forest, which is quite remarkable given the urban area I live in. I find that having this greenery around provides a refreshing escape from the hustle and bustle of city life and adds a touch of nature to my home.

  • Balcony: 阳台
  • Various types of: 各种类型的
  • Cacti: 仙人掌
  • Aloe vera: 芦荟
  • Urban area: 城市区域
  • Remarkable: 非常显著的
  • The hustle and bustle of city life: 城市生活的喧嚣
  • A touch of: 一丝 / 一点


What plants did you grow when you were young?

When I was young, I remember planting rice with the adults of the house every year. Additionally, we often grew peach trees because kids and adults alike love the local peaches. Participating in these planting activities was enjoyable and educational since it gave me a hands-on understanding of planting, but more importantly, allowed me to play in the dirt.

  • Enjoyable: 愉快的
  • Educational: 有教育意义的
  • Hands-on understanding: 实践理解 / 动手学习


Do you know anything about growing plants?

Honestly, all I know is that I need to water the plants regularly. In fact, I would say I have nothing akin to a green thumb so to speak. However, I’ve learned that different plants require varying amounts of water and attention. For example, some plants need frequent watering, while others thrive with less, such as cacti. I try to observe my plants closely to ensure they get the right care, but I still have a lot to learn about the ins and outs of gardening.

  • Regularly: 定期 / 经常
  • Akin to: 类似于
  • Green thumb: 园艺天赋(有种植植物的天赋)
  • Varying amounts of: 不同量的
  • Frequent watering: 经常浇水
  • The ins and outs of: 细节 / 门道


Do people in your country give plants as gifts?

Yes, they do. In fact, I’d say It’s quite common to give plants as gifts for special occasions like birthdays. Succulents and money trees are popular choices as they are believed to bring good luck and prosperity. Many young people seem to appreciate receiving plants as gifts as well, as they make for unique and thoughtful presents. Giving plants as gifts, actually, has become a trendy way, I think, to show appreciation and share the beauty of nature with others.

  • Succulents: 多肉植物
  • Money tree: 发财树
  • Prosperity: 繁荣;兴旺
  • Unique: 独特
  • Trendy: 流行
  • The beauty of nature: 自然之美


