034-Upper-Intermediate - Live from Washington

034-Upper-Intermediate - Live from Washington

13分钟 ·


A: This is Madeline Wright, for BCC News reporting

live from Washington D. C. where, very shortly,

the new President will deliver his inaugural ad-

dress. Just moments ago, the President was

sworn-in to office; following the United States

Constitution the President swore an oath to faith-

fully execute the office of the presidency.

B: And what exactly is going on now, Madeline?

A: Well, Tom, true to American tradition, the band

has just played “Hail to the Chief”, and the Presi-

dent has been honored by a 21-gun salute. Now

we’re waiting for the President to take to the stage

and deliver his speech. Tom, it’s like a who’s who

of the political world here on Capital Hill, with dig-

nitaries representing several different countries.

B: What’s the mood on the ground like, Madeline?

A: In a word, the mood here is electric. The excite-

ment in the air is palpable; I’ve never seen a larger

crowd here on Capital Hill, and the audience is

shouting, crying, and embracing each other. On

this, a most historic day, you can feel the hope and

the excitement in the air. The 20th of January will

go down in history as the . . . . Oh, Tom, it looks

like the President is about to begin. . .

C: My fellow Americans, today I stand before you...