036-Elementary - I’m Sorry, I Love You III

036-Elementary - I’m Sorry, I Love You III

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A: Steven! Where have you been? I’ve been trying

to get a hold of you for hours!

B: I... um... there was an emergency at work, so...

A: I was waiting for you in the restaurant for three

hours! And you didn’t even have the decency to

call me! Do you have any idea how embarrassed

I was?

B: Honey, I promise this won’t happen again, it’s just

that I...

A: Yeah, right. I’ve heard it all before. I’m not going

to take any more of your empty promises. This

is the 5th time you’ve stood me up in two weeks!

You need to get your priorities straight. I’m tired

of you putting your job first all the time!

B: Come on, Veronica, that’s not fair. I do care about

you a lot, you know that. I tried to ...

A: You know what? Maybe we should just take a

break. I need some time to think about where this

relationship is heading.

B: But...Veronica, would you just listen to me? There

was a fire alarm at my office building today and I

was stuck...