038-Daily Life - Buying a Car

038-Daily Life - Buying a Car

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A: Hi there, can I help you folks?

B: I’m just browsing; seeing what’s on the lot. My

daughter wants a car for her birthday, you know

how it is.

C: Dad! I’m sixteen already and I’m, like, the only

one at school who doesn’t have a car!

A: She is right, you know. Kids these days all have

cars. Let me show you something we just got in:

a 1996 sedan. Excellent gas mileage, it has dual

airbags and anti lock brakes; a perfect vehicle for

a young driver.

C: Dad, I love it! It’s awesome! Can we get this one


B: I see... What can you tell me about this one?

A: Oh, that’s just an old World War Two tank that we

use for TV commercials. Now about this sedan...

B: Whoa, whoa wait a minute. Tell me more about

this tank.

A: Well, Sir, if you are looking for quality and safety

then look no further! Three inches of reinforced

steel protect your daughter from short range mis-

sile attacks.

B: Does the sedan protect her from missile attacks?

A: It does not.

B: Well, I don’t know. Let me sleep on it.

A: Did I mention the tank is a tank?

B: I’ll take it!

C: Dad!