040-Elementary - Can I ask you a favor

040-Elementary - Can I ask you a favor

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A: Um, sorry to bother you, um... my name is

Rachel. I’m new here. Can I ask you a favor?

B: Hi Rachel, welcome on board. I’m afraid I can’t

help you right now. I’m getting ready for a very

important meeting.

A: Excuse me, but can I bother you for a sec?

C: You know what, I’d love to help you, but I’m about

to meet an important client. Do you wanna try

Sean instead? He sits right over there.

A: Sorry to interrupt you Sean, could you do me a

quick favor?

D: Actually, I’m working on a document that is due in

a couple minutes. I really can’t talk to you right

now. Sorry about that.

A: Geeze! I just want to know where the bathroom

is! What’s wrong with you people!