月亮的八卦何止嫦娥,英语尬聊带你尬游中秋尬聊英语 Gossip English


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00:00 🎧 尬聊英语时间又到了,中秋你有什么计划?
00:18 ✈️ 旅行>团圆?Wing爸妈来一场说走就走的(Wing-free)新马泰?
01:29 🥮 除了经典莲蓉双黄月吗,还有啥月饼?
02:26 🤯 究竟是何方圣神的月饼,谁看见都避而远之?
05:10 🎁 是什么月饼让Yao在英国“送礼体面过人”?
07:37 🍲 因为爱紫苏炒田螺,Wing就直接在美国种紫苏,能成吗?
08:43 🏮 传统灯笼vs现代灯笼,说出你的第一个灯笼就等同暴露年龄?
10:34 🤔 灯谜挑战,是好玩还是整蛊?智慧大打击简直不要来得太猛
18:07 🌍 除了嫦娥奔月,世界各地的月亮传说你还知道多少?
21:03 🥃 月亮不仅代表我的心,还代表一款自制违禁酒?
23:06 🌙 蓝月亮除了是个牌子,还真的存在?什么是“once in a blue moon”?
26:31 👽 月亮真的是外星人建造的吗?苏联科学家曾认为月球是外星文明的产物?
28:44 🌝 当明月是神的时候,即是爱而不得,又是重色轻友,还是我们爱情指数?
31:50 🐺 满月真的有狼人?究竟是真狼人还是真精神患病?
33:45 📝 备考角度:如何在IELTS雅思等考试中将中秋聊到外太空?
40:50 🎉 结尾:感谢收听,期待大家在小红书或微博上的互动和评论


大家可以多多在 小红书微博 留言与练习例句呢!还有邮箱 GossipEnglish@hotmail.com 。
小红书同名直播时间:每周五 22:00,不定期也在周一、周三、周日22:00(暑假后会再调整),直播评论区有单词小课堂!

展开Show Notes
Hi everyone, it's Gossip English time. 尬聊英语时间又到啦。 This is Wing. This is Yao. Let's learn English through gossip.
Hey Yao, Mid-Autumn Festival is around the corner. Got any plans?
Well, as usual, family gathering. What about you?
Well, I usually head back home to see my family. But this year, just two days ago, my mom called me and told me, Oh, we booked tickets to Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand. They were super cheap, so don't bother coming home for Mid-Autumn. Come back for National Day instead.
Oh my!亲生的!
对啊!And I'm like, not again!又是新马泰!之前我们做那个榴莲那集不是也是这样子?又是新马泰!
Last time they went there, they brought back the durian craze. I don't know what they will bring back this time.
Well, what's new there? I'm wondering.
I don't know. I haven't been to Singapore. I only have been to Malaysia and Thailand.
Yeah. So, how are you gonna spend the Mid-Autumn Festival?
I don't know. I still try to figure what to do. Probably just hang out with my friends here in Guangzhou. What about you? Are you going to eat a lot of mooncakes?
Well, actually, when I was still young, I was a fan of mooncakes. Right now, I doubt that. Because I think the mooncakes are too sweet. How about you?
I never really enjoy mooncakes, especially the salty egg yolk. 就那个咸蛋黄。I don't like it at all.
I like salty egg yolk, but I don't like the egg yolk in the mooncake, especially lotus paste. I don't like it at all. And I don't know why. Since I was little, I never enjoyed it.
I don't know. Probably because usually the products you tried are mass-produced. So, you know, they don't use the very good ingredients. But I heard when I see some advertisements, and they claim that the egg yolk they use is a very good quality one, and also the lotus paste and how they make it. Basically, those are the very fancy mooncakes. They are like triple priced than the normal ones.
是的,谢谢大家,谢谢你们。OK. Thank you guys. Have a nice weekend and a really nice holiday. See you. Bye. Bye
Yes, in part 1 and 3, there are a few questions as well. So the first one, can you see the moon and stars at night where you live?
Well, it depends. You know because I live in the city. The air pollution is kind of bad. Sometimes I can see the moon and stars at night, especially on the clear evenings. So the night sky is often beautifully lit with the moon and a sprinkle of stars adding a peaceful touch to the surroundings.
Cool, that would be nice. I'm looking forward to the mid-autumn festival night and then all our friends can hang out together.
Yeah, since your parents are traveling in the新马泰, maybe you can join my family gathering.
Sounds cool.
Yeah, so any other questions?
Do you want to travel to the moon?
Well, too far for me. How about you?
I feel like if I just steal something, I can just be sent to the moon.
Oh yeah.
But yeah, traveling to the moon would be an incredible adventure. Imagine experiencing the stunning lunar landscape, seeing earth from afar and stepping into a place that's been the center of myths and legends for centuries. It's a once in a lifetime opportunity that would be both thrilling and awe inspiring.
That's very good. Maybe soon we can travel together to the moon.
Yes, I would love that. So that's all for today. Happy mid-autumn festival, guys. Enjoy the moon.
As we admired the moon, we couldn't help but dive into a few discussions about the legends and idioms associated with it.(legends它就是表示传说,那它其实作为名词的话,它也可以表示传奇或是传奇人物,所以你有时候可以说传说或是somebody is a legend 某个人是一个传奇人物;那另外一个是idioms,idioms跟那个idiot不一样,这个是idioms,它是表示成语习语)
We talked about Chang'e, the moon goddess from Chinese mythology, who ascended to the moon, after consuming an immortality potion. A story that symbolizes love, longing and separation.(好,那在这里的话,有一个叫ascend,ascend就表示方向 对吧?然后as就是表示向上,所以ascend就是向上,所以它就升到那个月亮上面.那如果它的反义词就是descend,de就是表示向下,所以descend向下;那另外一个是immortality,它的词根是mortal,mortal是表示死亡,那它前面加了一个im 就表示反义词了,所以就永远都不会死,那ity是表示一个名词的后缀,所以immortality整一个的话,就表示不朽或是永生)
The conversation flowed into other fascinating lunar myths, like the phrase “once in a blue moon”, which reflects the rarity of certain events, and even the conspiracy theories suggesting the moon might be an alien spacecraft.(刚才我们讲的那个once in a blue moon,你们还记得是什么吗?就是表示非常少见对不对?所以我们once in a blue moon 就可以翻译为千载难逢了)
These tales, whether they’re timeless legends or imaginative conspiracies, inevitably highlight humanity’s fascination with the moon.(我们刚才一直在讲那个conspiracy,但我们都没有解释什么意思,现在就告诉你们,那个conspiracy就表示阴谋或是阴谋论的意思;那另外一个单词的话,inevitably,首先它是那个evit是表示避免,那evitable就表示可以避免,但是如果它前面加了一个in的话,就表示反义词就不可避免,那它现在是一个副词形式,所以inevitably就不可避免地)
Looking up at the sky that night, I felt a profound connection to those stories and idioms Realizing how the moon has always been a muse For myths and a symbol of rare moments.(那我们来看一下这里的话,首先第一个profound,profound就表示一个非常深远的;另外一个是muse,那我们平时我们有说过那个缪斯,其实就是这个muse,它是另外一个意思就表示灵感)
It was a beautiful reminder of how the moon shining brightly above us, continues to unite us through shared cultural, traditions, and the rich lore that has spanned centuries.( span就表示跨越,那span centuries就是跨越很多个世纪,就跨越我们历史长河)
没关系.We only talk about 都市传说 lore and legends.
对,but that's very funny. I love it. It's pretty dramatic.
I guess the moon is all about dramas.
Yeah, it's even more dramatic than the TV shows, you know.
So actually, the moon is the drama queen of the night sky.
So after listening to so many legends and lores, Wing, do you have any speaking tips for us?
Yes. As a matter of fact, in IELTS part 2, there is a topic about the sky. So describe a recent time when you looked at the sky either day or night. You should say what you were doing, when you looked at the sky, who you were with, what you saw and explain how you felt when you looked at the sky.
Ok, so can you give us an example?
Sure, I'm going to talk about Mid-Autumn Festival because it's around the corner. Recently, during the Mid-Autumn Festival, I experienced a memorable moment with my family on our rooftop, where we gathered to celebrate this traditional festival deeply rooted in mythology and cultural lore.(这里有好几个词,我们都可以用上.第一个是 root in, root就表示根,所以现在是一个动词root in就表示根植于或是起源;然后下一个是 mythology,它是从myth来的.myth就是表示神秘,那个谜,然后它那个ology 就表示某一个学科,所以mythology就是谜的一个学科,就是神话,关于神话类的;然后lore,lore就是都市传说)
We set up a table with mooncakes, tea and other treats. And as the night unfolded, we all turned our eyes to the sky. The full moon was exceptionally bright and clear, casting a soft ethereal glow that illuminated the surroundings, making everything feel almost magical.(那在这一句话当中的话,有一个exceptionally,exception就表示例外,特例,那al的话就表示形容词,那再加上一个ly就表示副词,所以exceptionally它是整个是副词,特别的,异常的;下一个是cast,cast就表示那个投掷;那另外一个是ethereal,它就表示飘渺的,超凡的)
Even more, In Africa, the moon god, but you know in different cultures, the gods of moon and sun has different names. And in Africa, the moon god Mawu is linked to the sun goddess Lisa. And their romantic times apparently cause solar and lunar eclipses.
对,就是说在非洲的话,有这样子一个传说,月亮神马乌跟太阳女神丽莎永远都在一起.那他们的romantic times 亲密时光的话,所以就会导致了日蚀跟月蚀,就是他们会消失

Yeah, and inevitably sometimes even controversially, the moon is associated with fertility.
Many people believe the moon influences love, sex and reproduction. When the moon waxes, life is said to grow and abundance is present, while desire diminishes during its waning cycle.
哇,这个有点大开眼界.就是说,月亮其实的话,它会影响我们的爱情、性、还有我们的繁殖,对吧?它其实 是我们自然界中的一种节律的一部分,就譬如说当月亮它是圆的、很饱满的时候,然后我们的生命就会认为我们在成长,然后非常的非常的丰盈。但如果月亮它变尖,就是我们叫月亏的时候呢,欲望就会减弱。Does it make sense?
I don't know. Well, in some culture, obviously.
So if our listeners have a partner, maybe you can try to count the days and try to tell us the answer if your desire will change with the moon shape.
Oh, and speaking of crazy stories, let's not forget the werewolf.
Oh yeah. Especially in the vampire movies.
Yes. When the moon becomes full, some people will become werewolves, which is half wolf half human. That is a very classic monster of the full moon.
Yeah, that's why sometimes we can hear the wolf howling during the full moon day.
I think they do it no matter what. I don't think it's really connected to the full moon.
Yeah but that's a very typical scene in the movie right?
Yeah, and I wonder because I read something. I don't know if it's real or not. But I read something like hospitals have even reported the psychiatric patients get more unruly during full moons.
Really? Wow okay. That's interesting.
Yeah. I wonder if that's related to the werewolf thing.
我不知道是因为先有狼人再有这个事情,就是可能因为这个传说,所以一直会,自己会觉得这个事情会发生. 所以当月圆的时候,就会做出一些格外出格的事情.但我不确定这个是先有狼人再有这个事情,还是先有这种失控然后再有狼人
No. it's because of the size of the moon. That's another long story. If our listeners are interested, please let me know. Because moon as a planetoid, there are a lot of stories and conspiracies about it. But anyway, so why people think the moon was an alien spacecraft? Well, because the size of the moon is so strange compared to the earth. You know, in our solar system, Saturn 土星 has the most moons ever. 就是土星会有最多的卫星环绕它.Because the moon, this word, of course to us, we only think about 月亮, right? But actually, moon also means 卫星 in English.就是环绕那个星球的那些小行星,我也不知道叫什么. And the moon is relatively speaking pretty huge. I don't think Saturn has as big a moon as our moon. So how weird the moon is makes people think “Oh, that must be from aliens”.
Anything unknown must come from the aliens.
Of course, even in 1970, these soviet scientists suggested the moon was a hollowed out planetoid, made by super advanced aliens. 就是不仅仅是一般人,就可能外星文明爱好者,或者是星际爱好者,会有这样的一个想法,而官方的一些科学家,就曾经的苏联科学家,也以为,认为月球就是,挖空的行星,而且是由高度发展的外星文明创造的
Wow. So like the UFO right? The unknown flying objects.
Yeah, something like that. Very conspiracy. Yeah true. Because the moon is always up there in the sky and people's imagination Is unlimited.
Yeah that's very true.
And in different cultures, they have different myths. Like we mentioned already. And there was legend in Inuit culture. The moon god Anigan is always chasing his sister the sun goddess Malina. And why the moon sometimes gets thinner? Because Anigan tries so hard to chase his sister that he forgot to eat. So he gets thinner and disappears sometimes.
Oh my gosh.所以就是,在那个北极圈,那个因纽特人,就有个传说,就是他的月亮神,叫Anigan,他一直在追他的妹妹太阳女神玛丽娜,就是他太喜欢他的妹妹玛丽娜,一直在追她,所以有时候他就会忘了吃饭,所以就是为什么那个moon god月亮的话,就会变瘦,甚至会消失。那为什么他有时候会变肥,追到了吗?
That's true. So why if the moon is not blue, how come people still call it blue moon?
Well, the whole blue thing was just a misunderstanding from the 1940s. The moon can look blue sometimes. But that's usually because of wild fires or volcanic eruptions, messing with the atmosphere. 所以,其实蓝月亮是一个误解,有时候会变蓝,但通常是因为火灾,火山爆发等等这些影响到大气条件,可能会看到是变蓝,但是就是,Once in a blue moon,这个其实是想说,双满月嘛,它并不是月亮变蓝. And then just somehow the phrase got stuck. Once in a blue moon.
I wonder if our brand 蓝月亮 comes from this myth.
I wonder that too.
So what else?
Well, another phrase is pretty cheesy, literally. It is “moon is made of green cheese”.
So it is cheesy, not that cheesy. Because the name has the cheese.
Yes, so usually when we use it as a sarcastic way. So for example, when you describe a person like a little bit crazy, not very cohesive, and you would say “Oh that person, well, he's that kind of person who believes moon is made of green cheese”. So it's like a very sarcastic, very exaggerating to say it.
那就是说 如果你觉得有个人有点比较疯狂疯癫的话,你就可以用这个“Moon is made of green cheese”, right?
Anyway, so I guess whoever came up with this must be drunk.
For sure, moonshine.
Probably now when we connect the dots, probably that's why. Because they get drunk, and then see the reflection of the moon in the water and feel like “oh that is cheese, and I'm hungry” So that's how it comes from.
You made up all the stories.
这些都没有依据,都是我在瞎说.Yeah. But Talking about making up stories. Do you know some people once thought the moon was an alien spacecraft?
Why? Is it because it's too far? Like it's untouchable?
Because sometime in the American history, people cannot drink alcohol. Like alcohol was completed banned. But people still wanna drink it, still wanna drink alcohol. So they tried to figure way to make alchohol. But the way they tried to make it is to try to hide themselves in the middle of nowhere, in the forest, in the woods. Because they try to hide themselves. They have to do it at night. So the only light source that they can have to do the whole process would be the moon. That's why they call this kind of high proof illegal liquor “Moonshine”.
Wow, that's very interesting.
Yeah.而且是非常高酒精浓度的。It's legal in some states, but not all of them right now. Because of the high proof.就是因为它的酒精浓度太高了,不是所有州都合法的
Ok. So next time when you go to the states, probably you can try the moonshine.
Yeah. There are more stuff about the moon. Have you heard of the phrase “Once in a blue moon”?
The moon is blue?
Actually, in a lot of English soap opera, 就很多美剧里面,they might say this phrase sometimes. Because “once in a blue moon” right now means once in a very long time. It's a rare situation.
Ok, now it makes sense. Because you rarely see the moon Is blue, right?
This is the tricky part. It's not about the moon is blue.
What? Why?
So why they call it “once in a blue moon”? It's actually about the second full moon in a calendar month. So originally, it's about, Ok, we will only see full moon once in a month. But there are very very rare situation we will see two full moons in one month.
Ok, now it makes sense.
Well, it's not that frequent. But it still happens every 2-3 years.
Well, I've never seen that before.
Who would count? Ok, full moon. Today is the first of this month. Let's check if I will see the full moon again at the end of this month. We just don't pay attention to it.
Well, the most famous one is Chang'e flying to the moon, and also the rabbit and the laurel trees. What else?
Well, there are so many stories, myths and lore about moon, because the moon is in the sky. Such a weird thing. So we have a lot of stories about it. Let's go through some of the funny stories. Let's start with the classic moon man.
Moon man?月亮的男人?
OK. So what is it about?
Well, depending on who you ask. He or she is a criminal. For example, in Europe, people thought the moon man stole his neighbor's hedgerow. And in Roman tales, the moon man was a sheep thief. And in Chinese mythology, like you said, Chang'e. Do you know why Chang'e was sent to the moon?
I forgot.
Because she downed too much immortality potion and then she got sent to the moon, and got stuck there.
OK, I see.
So basically, the moon man usually are the ones who are punished right? That's why they are sent to the moon, like far far away.
Yes, so in a lot of mythology, the moon is actually the prison.
OK, interesting.
To make it a little bit romantic, In Shakespeare's “A Midsummer Night's Dream”, the man in the moon was called “Moonshine”. 就是在,莎士比亚的《仲夏夜之梦》里面呢,就是把这个月亮的男人,或者叫月亮的人,是称之为moonshine月光,因为他老提着一个灯,在月亮照着大家,所以叫moonshine
Ok, moonshine
But the interesting thing is, I learned this in the state. Moonshine is actually high proof liquor. Actually, this is traditionally made or distributed illegally
Ok. Moonshine is a code.
There are five categories, actually. If you try to categoize them, so the first type is called “wordplay wonders” So it's like we guess the character 晒.
就是从文字里面,就刚才我说的东边日出,就取了一个日,然后西边雨那就取了一个西. Okay, that's good. Yeah so think puns and word twists that make you go, “Aha!” Perfect for those who love playing with language. Okay, the second type Is logic twisters. For the puzzle pros, these riddles challenge your reasoning skills with sequence patterns and numbers that need cracking. So like 与众不同,只需要一些推理能力在里面
就说你要根据它的那个 riddle 那个谜,然后用你的逻辑来推理一下,是吧? Okay.
Number three, guess the thing猜物类.就是猜东西那个 table. Simple, fun and perfect for everyone. Gets the answer from descriptive clues about animals, objects or everyday life.
那我第一反应是想到那个钟 The clock,是不是很烂?
What's next?
Culture quest,就文化类.So when you try to guess the answer, you have to dive into Chinese history, mythology and famous idioms. Basically it's a riddle that tests your knowledge of legends and lores.
And last but not least, is visual puzzles,就是视觉类的,要脑补一下画面的那种类型. It’s spot the hidden meaning in symbols, characters, or quirky images—ideal for the sharp-eyed solver.就是要脑补画面,通过他的谜面来脑补画面,然后再猜那个东西是什么,其实脑补的话,基本上都多少都需要了,只是我们这个分类,只是大概的分一下有什么种类而已.那像这个视觉类,我可以举个例子,一个黑孩从不开口,要是开口,掉出舌头
OK. Interesting.
Anyway, I hope you have some fun.
I do. I'm not so sure about our listeners.
So besides the riddles, have you heard about all these crazy moon myths and legends?
I miss that. So how about the riddle game?
Well, I tried. Sometimes I felt they were harder than Gaokao.
I agree. Sometimes I doubt myself if I am smart enough.
Those riddles are just a reminder of us to stay humble all the time.
So maybe I actually prepared some. Let's play some.
First I am going to say it in English. And then, of course, the lantern riddle should be in Chinese. So I am trying to use both languages here.
东边日出西边雨(打一字)The sun rises in the east and it rains in the west. Guess a character in Chinese.
倒数三秒,看一下我们听众能不能猜出来,东边日出西边雨。 What's the answer?
Oh my! OK.
And then the second one is 十五的月亮十六圆. The moon on the 15th is rounder than the one on the 16th.打一成语Guess an idiom.
你们猜到了吗? 反正我是猜不到
是的 That's correct. Good job. The last one, last but not least, Guess an object. It has a surface but no mouth, has legs but no hands, has four legs but cannot walk.
Yeah, the table matches all the description. So do you know the history of riddles in the mid-autumn festival?
I don't know.
Actually, these clever puzzles have been a festival favorite since ancient time, around Song dynasty.就是在宋朝的时候就开始兴起了这个玩法.The lantern can light up the night and also the riddles Can bring some laughter among friends, and also the sweet buzz of friendly competition.
I think, because, back then, you know, in the ancient times, they don't have any entertainment. So I think the riddles will be the best games for them.
Yeah, that's true. There are no Wi-Fi. There are no high-tech karaoke. No cell phone. All they have is face-to-face conversation.
I think that's really good.
Yeah, we need more of those. So usually how do they create the riddles?
So about the Mid-Autumn Festival, usually there are a lot of traditional food on the table, not only the mooncakes. My favorite one is always stir-fried filled snails with perilla.就是紫苏炒田螺。
Yeah, I love it too. That's the must-have dish in our table.
很好吃,大家可以试炒一下。I remember I tried to grow perilla紫苏 in the US.
Does it work?
Yes, and it turned out perilla is pretty flexible with all kinds of weather. So once you started to grow it, it just grows everywhere.
Oh, that's good.
I hope I didn't destroy the ecosystem over there.
I wonder if the Americans like their perilla.
They have basil. I think the basil tastes a little bit similar to perilla.
That's a huge difference.
Well, I don't know. I guess the taste is the same category for me.
Yeah, weird. Wow, that's really good. So do you remember we have another tradition?
Oh, the lanterns?
So what's your childhood memory about the lanterns?
They were made of paper and with candle lit in it. Very, very traditional. I know right now there are so many high-tech ones.
对,你一说出来就暴露年龄了。When I was still very young, actually there was a very traditional lantern, just like what you said, outside was the paper-based and then inside was the lit candles. But when I grew a bit older, then usually it was with music and LED lights or whatever.
And Bluetooth.
Oh wow.
Sometimes there are even more functions in it.
That's interesting. When we were still young, the lanterns usually were shaped like a rabbit and very traditional. But right now they have a very weird one, like a cockroach.
What? Cockroach?蟑螂?
What the heck? Why?
Yea, exactly.
It's very obnoxious.
I know. But people are becoming more and more innovative. I feel old right now. And you remember last night when we had the live streaming in 小红书 and our friend talked about the traditional Chaoshan lantern with their very typical background music.(哼唱音乐)
The lantern came with music. So they are pretty young.
My lantern when I was little was just candle and paper.
现在就, Right now, it's all kinds of different weird mooncakes.
Yeah. And also, because of that, you know, that kind of filter, 就有那个滤镜。When I was in UK, and then autumn festival was coming, right? And then I bought a snowskin mooncake for my teacher, because I want to show my appreciation to her. Then I bought that one. Because I think, 就是用那个什么广告来说就是, 送礼体面过人(粤语). 送礼就体面过人。
But that is not from 大班, that is from 蓝罐曲奇。
It doesn't matter, you know?那种广告也就是在我脑海里面, 就是挥之不去, 从小听到大。
是啊。就好的广告语真的会记一辈子。也就为什么我现在在做, 也涉及到广告, 但是我老觉得好难出那种, 就是很洗脑, 很catchy and punchy的广告语。
对。就很抓人的, 然后能够让人记一辈子的。
是的。钻石恒久远,一颗永流传(粤语)。This is very good too.
About the diamond.OK,我们扯远了。
So, speaking of which, speaking of mooncake, speaking of 大班, there are ice cream mooncakes now as well.
Is it similar to the snowskin mooncakes?
I think it's slightly different though. It's not really ice cream in it. I don't know what's the difference, but I guess it's slightly different.
OK, so why you mentioned that?
Because right now there are so many non-traditional mooncakes, and my family started to open up for them, but before they had to have the lotus paste with salty egg yolk.
The most traditional one.
Yeah, but well, I guess our festivals get evolved as well.
Yeah, I think so. And talking about the innovative mooncakes, I think Starbucks actually did a very good job. Every year they have some kind of new mooncakes coming out, and not just mooncakes, also the 粽子。
Yeah, the weird type.
星冰粽,然后问我要不要买。我说What? 看了就好像不太好吃。Sorry.
It doesn't worth it. I try to try their new products all the time, I mean not the mooncake or 粽子, but their drinks, but usually it's bad. See? This is not advertisement, so it doesn't matter.
I don't think people will think we are promoting their brand, since we are like the trolls.
Well, anyway, 又扯远了。
My mom told me a few years ago, before her retirement, you know, in the office, usually they would share mooncakes. And somehow they accidentally brought one to the balcony and left it there. And no one remembered it. A few weeks later, someone found out, oh, there was a mooncake here. The funny part is it was the package. You know, every mooncake has its own individual package. And that one was open. So they brought it out and opened it and forgot it.
And then what happened?
A few weeks later, nothing touched it. Not even mice.
Not even the flies
Not even the flies. Not even the mice. Not even the cockroaches. Nothing touched it. So you can tell how “well” the quality is. Like too well. Like it can age forever. It ages so well
That sounds pretty awful, you know. But don't scare our listeners, okay? Maybe this is an exception, you know.
Some are really good. If you find your mooncakes got some mould, you should feel happy about it
Yeah. They use less preservatives, right?
Yes. So you should be happy about that, to find mold on your mooncake. And then you should buy more from that store or from that brand. Because the mooncake is good. At least it's just mooncake. Nothing else in it.
But talking about mooncakes, when I was still probably like junior school, when I watched the TVB advertisement,大班冰皮月饼.At that time, I think that snowskin mooncakes are really fancy, you know. They were like, wow!肯定是有钱人才能吃到大班冰皮月饼
Yeah, I remember that. I wanted that thing for so many years until I finally tried it.
And it was so good.
Yeah. The first time I tried it was really good.
Yeah, I remember that. And then later, you know, the first time was so good, and I had a very high expectation. And somehow, the ones from the following years wasn't that great. I don't know if because I wasn't craving for it anymore, or just because it was not good, not as good as before. I don't know.
应该是没有滤镜了。以前滤镜很厚, 现在没有滤镜了, 所以就说, 那就so so吧
41:04 中秋快乐呀 两个优秀姐姐🎑(虽迟但到)