vol.10 大人物小人物,戏剧、游戏,博物馆的游戏化导览Artisle艺术岛屿

vol.10 大人物小人物,戏剧、游戏,博物馆的游戏化导览

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本期播客我们从夏日造访的汉普顿宫(Hampton Court Palace)和花园开始,聊到阿红在伦敦尝试的博物馆游戏化导览,穿越博物馆的展厅,我们尝试用剧本打破玻璃柜的隔阂,让故事成为链接展品与你我生活的桥梁,或许我们的抉择也正在影响历史。从汉普顿宫的花园迷宫到都铎的寝居室,我们去寻找博物馆的留白,看角色如何鲜活地为我们发声。


The vast Tudor palace and gardens separate the worlds of royalty andcommoners by a single wall. This place has witnessed not only the courtlysecrets of Henry VIII and his lovers but also quietly recorded the traces ofordinary people who live here. These individuals, whether servants or guards,lived in the dilapidated corners of the castle, yet upheld the grandeur of theentire palace. They made their living here, struggling for life or love. In thegrand narrative of history, their voices may seem insignificant. However, it isin these barely audible stories that we continue to see reflections ofourselves today.

In this episode, we start with a visit to Hampton Court Palace and itsgardens, talking to Jiahong Xu, our guest speaker today, and her attempt ofgamified museum tours in London. As we traverse the museum halls, we try tobreak the barriers of glass cases with scripts, making stories a bridge betweenexhibits and our lives. Perhaps it is our choices that are re-writing history.From the garden maze of Hampton Court to the Tudor chambers, we search themuseum’s corners,seeing how these characters speak to and for us.

Artisle podcast series continue to explore museums, bringing the moston-the-ground sounds and feedback to the show. The interludes in this podcastare all recordings from live performances, so don’t miss out.


2:03 汉普顿宫的夏日沉浸式导览体验介绍,从宫廷里的爱情故事开始

7:31 自由探索宫殿环境,不需要了解多少历史背景也可以融入的故事

10:36 叙事者的小心思,”未曾被听到的声音“,却也是无处不在的声音

14:34 第二段故事:“大使”,一个小角色在外交斡旋当中的创造力和身临其境


23:53 HRP策展人的重任,代表英国皇家历史的一个博物馆怎么讲述全球故事,为什么这段历史与我们息息相关

26:38 大英博物馆的游戏化导览,玩法、背景和角色扮演。一点剧透:一个出境展勾连起的你我。一桩奇案,博物馆侦探故事的天然属性

31:21 博物馆的留白,自我表述。从女性工作坊分享到博物馆叙事,陌生人玩起博物馆“剧本杀”。

34:36 剧本,却都是生活。剧本是博物馆里自我表达的媒介,我给你一个故事,你来连接历史

38:05 在博物馆游戏的局限和挑战,“沉浸”不是“交互”

41:17 当游戏里的NPC消失,如何走出眩晕的迷宫?当意义构建的重担落到自己肩上,不可抗拒的焦虑感

43:49 不同的境遇,同样的内心争执。剧本中六个不同人物的角色设定集

49:20 加入剧本游戏,如何预约导览?


阿红:在游戏里探索Posthuman pedagogy与博物馆教育的剧本杀写手,即将解锁游戏化公益新征程。大英游戏化导览介绍及预约(小红书:PostNata)


「Artisle艺术岛屿」已经同时在苹果播客、Spotify、小宇宙 app、喜马拉雅等平台上线。



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* edit: Ben

* 图片源于官网&自主拍摄