🐉【本集简介】Ep.2: Love, Death & Sonnets (Pt 2) 《典雅爱情,生之忧,死之近》
本集中,你将邂逅的龙族包括:意大利国宝诗人蒙塔莱(Eugenio Montale),莱奥帕尔迪(Giacomo Leopardi),阿里奥斯托(Ludovico Ariosto),阿尔菲耶里(Vittorio Alfieri),哲学家维柯(Giambattista Vico),英国中世纪亚瑟王文学之父马洛礼(Thomas Malory),泛浪漫派诗人查特顿(Thomas Chatterton)、华兹华斯、济慈、拜伦等。
我们将一起追溯“典雅爱情”(courtly love/amour courtois/amor cortese)的渊源和悖论,通过两对著名恋人(但丁笔下的保罗和弗兰切斯卡,亚瑟王传奇中的兰斯洛和桂尼薇)的故事,探讨该文学理想对现代情感模式和浪漫爱传统的影响。你也将听到两位主播对这一系列问题的讨论:生活是走迷宫还是GPS导航?KPI至上的当下,经历“深时”是否依然可能?你正处在“人生”这首十四行诗的哪一节?
01:30 桑老师咆哮体朗诵并解读《我是否爱你?噢,女人!》
10:00 差点死在北极的意大利诗人阿尔菲耶里
11:06 典雅爱情,来世今生
14:00 亚瑟王传奇和《神曲》中的恋人
19:10 昏迷大师但丁
19:38 昏迷大师济慈
20:50 突发💧!包包老师离场(此处已剪去10+分钟……)
27:25 包包老师朗诵并解读《当我害怕我将逝去》
36:50 桑老师朗诵并解读蒙塔莱《我常常遭遇生活之忧》
43:40 炼词师和灵视者;通向未来时代的耳朵
48:20 今日我们为何仍在读诗?
51:00 假如人生是一首十四行诗?
56:50 诗歌意志的乌托邦
59:40 选择的艺术和未选的路;小径分叉的“错花园”(Irrgarten)
1:00:00 恢复被迫失去的迷路权:此处有(好/小)龙!
1:02:38 重历“深时”;鸣谢;告别之歌(误)。
Paolo and Francesca by Dante Gabriel Rossetti
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0:30 Romanticism:
5:12 Oxymoron:
7:11 “Impress” (etymology):
11:30 Troubadour:
One of a class of lyric poets and poet-musicians often of knightly rank who flourished from the 11th to the end of the 13th century chiefly in the south of France and the north of Italy and whose major theme was courtly love compare
- trouvère: one of a school of poets who flourished from the 11th to the 14th centuries and who composed mostly narrative works(as chansons de geste and fabliaux)
12:58 Courtly Love/Courtesan Love/Amour Courtois:
13:50 "Virtuous" and "Man" (etymology):
14:00 The Allegory of Love by C.S. Lewis:
15:20 Thomas Malory: English writer who published a translation of romances about King Arthur taken from French and other sources (died in 1471)
22:12 Giacomo Leopardi:
31:00 Nihilism:
33:00 Cavalier Servente:
36:00 Iambic Pentameter:
45:55 “Corri Lesbino” and Giambattista Felice Zappi:
49:50 Agape:
51:30 Volta:
Sir Launcelot Looks on Queen Guinevere by James Archer
🐉【互动】What do you think of Courtly Love? What is your favorite poem in this episode? Why do we still read poems today? In your life, do you prefer to go strait from spot A to spot B or do you enjoy the wandering and meandering? Leave your comments below!
@本期节目主播: 包慧怡、桑阳
@制作人: 张泽熙