全球牛马班味大比拼,比比皆是卷卷卷!尬聊英语 Gossip English


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00:00 🎧 尬聊英语时间终于到了,你都试过下班后信息邮件回不完吗?
01:00 🇦🇺 澳洲新法案出炉,下班后已读不回是受法律保护的!
01:42 🤔 加班狗的尽头,就是下班后无偿加班回信息!
04:09 🌍 外国职场文化有多幸福,放假只留经纬度坐标?
06:08 👖 英国公司不仅每周有牛仔日,还可以囤工作时间,随时来个3天小长假?
08:53 🏄‍♂️ 悉尼的工作节奏是冲浪为先、工作第二的神仙节奏?
11:18 🔌 国外家里水电维修简单却不容易,不是因为不会,而是因为持证维修才合法?
13:44 🍻 我干了你随意的酒文化,让曾经的Yao吐了两次还得继续喝!
17:14 🍶 德国老板入乡随俗,也难逃一干而尽的敬酒文化?
20:07 🐀 内卷的复盘:要么一人干几个人事,要么回到过去趁低价买房子?
24:04 🤖 卷出新高度了,究竟AI是福还是祸,是助你快升职还是推你被优化?
29:01 😌 当卷成为常态,Wing与Yao有何排除压力的小妙招?
31:23 💼 Yao分享曾经的破局工作机会,就是如何利用信息差创造财富!
32:48 📝 备考角度:如何在IELTS雅思等考试中将“工作生活平衡”的话题卷出圈?
38:12 🎉 结尾:感谢收听,期待大家在小红书或微博上的互动和评论!


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展开Show Notes
Hey guys, it's Gossip English time.尬聊英语时间又到了。This is Yao. And I'm Wing. Let's learn English through gossip.
Hey Wing, did you hear about the new law in Australia?
No, what's it about?
Millions of Australians now have official permission to ignore their bosses outside of working hours.现在的话,澳大利亚出了一个新的法律,就是说那些员工可以在工作时间之外可以忽略他们老板了,不用再回信息了。
So the law doesn't strictly prohibit employers from calling or messaging their workers after hours, but it does protect employees who refuse to respond to contact outside their working hours, unless their refusal is unreasonable.
Wow,所以现在只看不回是合法的, 而且受到法律保障在澳大利亚。澳村的人果然不一样。
So they said it's about bringing back some work-life balance, and ensuring people aren't racking up hours of unpaid overtime, just by checking emails and responding to messages when they are not being paid.
所以就是说这一切都为了工作与生活的平衡,所以确保大家不会因为下班之后因为看邮件或者回复信息,而要花多点时间在工作上面,unpaid overtime,无偿加班。
Wow, that's nice.Yeah, but I'm not so sure if you experience something like that. Like after working hours, however, you still have to deal with some work, even though you don't need to be physically there, however, you still have to check your phones.
Yeah, I wonder how they can really do that, implement that. Like if they have law to protect their employees to avoid unpaid overtime, how can the law, will the law protect the employers to keep the employees from doing something not related to work during the work hours? 就是很多人上班摸鱼,那这个怎么办呢?
Ah, that's a very good question, right?
I think they have to have another law to make sure that everyone work efficiently during work. But after work, you know, they're like, ah, whatever. Yeah. Now is my time.
Well, anyway, I mean, for all the hardworking people, the protection is very necessary. Unpaid overtime really takes a toll on people's health and personal lives.
谢谢你~~ 🫰🫰
两位博主的经历好丰富呀 期待听到更多的分享😍
Exactly. I have many friends experience something like that. And every time, you know, after work, I ask them out to have dinner or to have fun. They always say, oh, I'm so tired. I'm so stressed. I feel so anxious. I don't want to go out. That's really sad.
That was you a month ago during the summer vacation.
Oh, yeah, that's true. But that's different, you know, I work and I got paid.
Well, they work, they got paid too.
Well, yeah, in some company, yes. But I know in some private companies, they don't get paid.
For the overtime, right?
Yes. So I wonder if you have any overseas working experience before?
I travel. I had a business trip abroad, but I haven't really worked abroad before. I mean, Hong Kong is not really abroad. The culture is too similar to here.
That's true. So how's your experience working with foreigners, I guess?
Well, I'm still working with a lot of expats here. So I can't say for sure everyone outside China will work like that. It always depends on the person that I work with. So I'm not quite sure if what I'm going to say is representative of everyone abroad. But generally speaking, they work really hard during the work hours. That's the huge difference for me. When they're at work, they only do work-related stuff. 摸鱼 doesn't really exist. At least the people that I know do that. So that's why it makes sense to me for those people who work really hard during their work hours, and they don't want to reply any emails or messages after work. It totally makes sense to me with that premise.
That's true. You know, it reminds me of my friend's experience. She works in a multinational company. And she sent an email to a foreign worker. And that worker just put a notice on the email. Like, right now I'm on my vacation. And my location is 北纬多少度,什么什么之类的. The exact location. Basically it's in the middle of nowhere. Yeah, it's very interesting.
Ok, that's all for today. 谢谢大家收听,也欢迎大家在四大平台关注我们,订阅我们,就包括有小宇宙,苹果播客,喜马拉雅以及QQ音乐。也欢迎大家在我们的小红书和微博上面留言,或者是如果你想private私密一点的话,你也可以给我们发邮件,我们的邮件地址是gossipenglish@hotmail.com。是的,欢迎大家多给我们留言互动,也说说如果你在工作的话,可以说一下你工作上面遇到的 work-life balance是怎样的。如果你还没工作,也可以分享一下你期待的一个工作状态是怎么样。我们可以多交流,如果你有什么tips的话也可以分享给我们,对的。Ok, so have a nice day. Have a nice weekend. Bye. Bye.
So there is another question. Could you recommend some effective strategies for governments and employers to ensure people have a good work-life balance?
Well, I think there are many ways they can improve employees' work-life balance. Employers should offer flexible hour arrangements, encourage time off, manage workloads, foster a healthy culture and seek regular feedback to create a balanced and productive workforce. So basically just talk to your employees more. I think that would help.
Employees matter.
Yes. They bring money to your pocket.
That's true.
This approach not only improved my productivity but also allowed me to spend quality time with family and friends. Balancing work and life made me feel healthier and more fulfilled, proving that it is indeed achievable with conscious effort.(Fulfilled 就是更完满的,Fulfilled就填充得很满,所以就可以翻译过来形容词就是完满的;然后conscious effort就是如果我们想做的话,其实我们用意念意志力是可以完成的,就conscious effort)
So do you have any other questions about this topic?
Yes. What is the impact on society of people having a poor work-life balance?
So what's your answer?
Well, I think poor work-life balance leads to increased stress, mental health issues and burnout, negatively impacting productivity and job satisfaction. It also strains personal relationships and reduces overall well-being, contributing to societal issues like higher healthcare costs and decreased community engagement, ultimately affecting the quality of life and social cohesion.(Burnout就是烧干了,换句话来说就是我们已经身疲力尽了,Overall well-being就是全面的身心健康,就可以用overall well-being)
【转录13/16】【32:48-35:55】【IELTS part】
After the gloomy topic we just mentioned, anything we can use during our speaking test?
Yes, of course. In IELTS part 2, there is a question. Describe a time when you successfully managed to balance your work and personal life, you should say when it was, what you did, how you managed both responsibilities and explain how you felt about it.
Can you give us an example?
Sure. A time when I successfully managed to balance my work and personal life was during a particularly hectic project at my previous job. Typically unpaid overtime would take a toll on my health and personal relationships, contributing to rat race of constantly trying to outdo one another.
(Unpaid overtime,Paid就是有偿的,Unpaid就是无偿的,Overtime大家都知道OT嘛,就无偿加班,Unpaid overtime;Take a toll on,对什么造成不良的影响,那toll也可以是过路费,就是我们经过那个收费站的时候,那个收费叫toll,So take a toll on 就是对你进行收费嘛, 那就造成一些不好的影响,大家可以这么记.Exactly,不是这个直接的翻译,但是为了让大家更好的记忆,可以这么记,Take a toll on.对,就是从我的钱袋子里面拿钱,所以对我造成不良影响.是的,然后rat race就刚才也说了,就是老鼠之间的竞争非常大,那就代表就是一个内卷的状态.)
The immense pressure to perform well and meet deadlines was overwhelming.(Immense pressure, Immense就是巨大的,pressure 大家都知道的是压力,So immense pressure就是巨大的压力)
To address this, I started from scratch by reorganizing my schedule and setting clear boundaries between work and personal time.(From scratch就是从零开始)
I also leverage technology like AI, a double-edged sword to streamline tasks and reduce unnecessary work hours.(Leverage就是从名词lever来,就是扳手,所以可以想象一下,就拉那个扳手,像我们汽车那个杆也叫lever,就是拉那个杆就代表说我要使用它,So leverage其实就是代表充分利用、充分使用;Double-edged sword 双刃剑,Edge就是边界、也就是刀刃,Double-edged 就是双刃,所以Double-edged sword双刃剑)
By using project management tools and automation, I could focus on high priority tasks during work hours and alleviate pressure by avoiding overtime.(High priority,优先级别高的, 就我们在排工作排任务的时候,其实都要分优先级,所以这个我觉得在工作里面可能会常常用得到,就是Priority, High priority, Low priority; Alleviate pressure, Alleviate是减轻, 那pressure刚才提到的是压力,So alleviate pressure就是减轻压力)
That's good. And I also have a little suggestion. I'm not so sure if it applies to everyone. I think you can change the environment. Probably some of you may know that I used to work in Southeast Asia. Why? Because I think there's an information gap.就是有那个信息差在。For example, something is trendy in China, it's new to the local people there. But you have to seize the chance, right? So maybe you can try to change your environment to work in other countries or in other districts. There might be a chance.总的来说,就是我之前在东南亚的时候,我就发现其实会有一个信息差,就好像我们可能上世纪90年代那样子,外企来我们中国开公司也是一样,他们把他们比较新的东西带过来我们中国,那就造成一个信息差,所以它的那个利润也会比较大,利润空间也会比较大,但只不过是现在随着我们很多的经济发展,还有一个生产能力的上升嘛,所以我们现在很多都是用的国产的东西,而不是进口东西,但以前的话进口还是有非常大的利润空间,所以就说假如你觉得现在这里太辛苦的话,你也可以尝试换一个环境.
I don't know about that. It's not as easy as it seems. Just different kind of challenges.
Yeah, true. But yeah, safety first.就我不是给那些什么缅北打广告啊,千万要注意安全,不要去那些动乱的地方。
Yeah, so Wing, usually what would you do to alleviate your pressure?
Well, I think working out might help. And also my friend taught me I should set a time limit for everything, like set a specific period of time for relaxation every day. It doesn't have to be long, but it has to be set for every day. It could be half an hour, it could be two hours. It doesn't matter, just make sure you have this time locked for and only for yourself.
Okay, so you mean like every day we can have 30 minutes for exercising, right?
It doesn't matter whatever you like to do. It doesn't have to be half an hour, probably just 20 minutes. Everybody needs some hope in their life. So I'm looking forward to these 20 minutes only for myself.
That's true.
Basically give yourself a break. What about you? Any way to lessen your pressure?
Yeah, just now you mentioned the working out, I think that helps a lot. Because I think during the workout, basically you just focus on what you are doing, like you can put everything behind. And this is a very good distraction. And also it can boost our health condition. It can make us healthier and more energetic to work. So I think this is one of them. And then the other thing is to study, keep learning.
That's a good way, too.
Yeah, I mean right now many people said, like the economy is experiencing the downturn or whatever. However, companies are still hiring new people. But who are they hiring? I think the people with the abilities, with the skills. So I think keeping learning is always a good thing to improve our competence.
Yeah, that's true. That's why we have this podcast for all of you.我好不要脸
我没有在学什么,就学习啊.就只是我觉得你越学,其实会发现你越多东西需要学.就是当你知道越来越多, 你发现你未知的东西也会变得越来越多,所以我觉得说其实真的没有什么卷不卷,可能我好奇心比较大吧.
要不跟你学一下,那个乔布斯有一句话嘛不是吗?Steve Jobs. Stay hungry, stay foolish.是不是你的motto
也不是. “Work hard, play harder” is my motto.
Yeah, because the technology can be improving so quickly, like really, really quick. Every few years, there's a new technology. I think the most difficult thing about career is there is no lifetime job, unlike our parents.
Basically, we suffer from immense pressure. Like if we don't work hard, sometimes we fear being left behind by the society and by our peers.
But sometimes, if we work hard and we feel lots of pressures, so what should we do?
Yeah, and about the technology, I heard a joke recently. It's like there are two employees at the farm, the dog and the farmer. So the farmer's job is to feed the dog and the dog's job is to prevent the farmer from interfering with all the technology development.
Wow, that's mind-blowing.

So anyway, I found this very interesting, the dog and the farmer. Well, I don't mean to bring you pressure. Just listen to some economists talk about it.我就听播客嘛,就经济学家在说这个事情,我觉得挺有趣的,然后就分享,那我不是要徒增你压力,也不是徒增大家的压力
对啊,我一直相信说,有一个词叫危机,那有危就有机,所以就是我们看一下我们能不能抓住那个机遇,Catch the opportunity
不然我怕大家听到这里的话,就按下暂停,太丧了,我要走了。Yeah, so actually we can do a lot of things, like lying flat is one of them. Yeah, just kidding.
If I have the money source, for sure.
Yeah, well, but their salaries were low as well, right? my father told me when he was young, his salary was like 100, less than 100 RMB. So that means if the house price at that time was about 1000, still a lot to them.
That's true. But back then, I think there are more opportunities like if you have some ideas, then you can just try to realize it, right? I remember when I was still young, my mom used to have a few clothes shops. So she worked hard, and then she can open a branch. And right now, Taobao or whatever, they just, you know, really, really competitive. Because the online shops, especially some online platforms, didn't give any chance to the offline shops.
Well, recently, I listened to an episode about economics. We cannot just compare the industry like Apple to Apple, because the environment is so different right now. When we were young, there were no online shops. They weren't widely used internet yet. But for me, the comparison requires a little bit more critical thinking. For example, the agriculture, dozens of years ago, it's all labor. But now it's all machines. So if we say we're compared to the old time, you know, we have farmers, but life sucked that time too.
So, of course, the competition right now is very severe, especially after the AI. But also, if those people who use AI, probably that is new job opportunities.
That's true. Technology can be a double-edged sword, right?就是科技可能是一把双刃剑。It might help you solve the problem, or it might be the problem itself.
Yeah, it might help you or get you sacked.
Yeah, so that's why. Because of the technology, people experience a really bad rat race. But this is just one of the reasons, I guess.
Yeah, but you know, this is not a sad thing. Many of my co-workers couldn't stand this kind of culture, especially who just started their careers. And after they quit the job, the new people will just join. It's like,就像你不做这份工作的话,其实还是会有其他人,去做这个事情的. That's why there's a phrase called rat race in China.
Oh, 卷, 内卷.
Rat race. Rat 就是鼠, 老鼠。然后 rat race 就是老鼠的那种竞争。因为老鼠繁殖起来也是很恐怖的。所以竞争也是很大的。所以 rat race 就是内卷,非常形象生动。
之前不是还说吗,他们会吃同类吗? 不是吗?
对啊,所以 rat race. Yeah.
So can you feel that?
Yeah, especially when the economics is not that great right now. The competition or the pressure from work is huge, immense. So yeah, I can feel that almost in every industry. So right now the ice breaking topic is always like, the economics is not that great, how are you?
Yeah, this is my ice breaking topic. How can you read my mind?
Recently, yeah.
Yeah, usually I will ask people like, you know, the economy is not that good. So do you feel something like anything shocked you or whatever?
I remember that usually my friends would tell me that the headcount in their company are locked. That's why they cannot hire new people. They have to do the workload of three or four people. Wow, that's really bad.
Yeah, it's hard right now.
But you know, compared with my parents, I think the things are totally different. I remembered when I was still in the primary school, the real estate price, the housing price, was only 1000 per square meters.
How many years ago?
When I was in primary school. Oh man. 1000.
That's like ancient times ago. It's like centuries ago.
But at that time, the price was still affordable, you know. It's like, if they work harder, and then they can afford the house, they can buy the house. But right now, the price is 10 times, right? Not just 10 times, probably 20 times, or 30 times in Guangzhou. Or even, you know, in the Tianhe district, it's 100 times.就现在好像天河什么十万一方,是不是?
Do most of your coworkers have international background?
Some of them but most of them worked in China for so many years, so they kind of get used to it.
I see. I used to work in a foreign company as well. That was my first job. And we don’t have alcohol culture at all.
That’s good.
Like we would gather together. My department at that time was an international department so we worked with people from different countries a lot. And the “alcohol culture” is more like, if you want to drink, go for it. But if you don't, nobody forced you to do anything. We don't really do the bottoms-up drinking culture.
That's the right way, right?
However, I know that my boss, the German boss, needed to do exactly what you just described with the Chinese clients as well. Like, exactly the same thing. The boss did that. But my hierarchy in my company is not high enough. So I didn't get invited or involved with any business negotiation situation. 你知道,我只是小喽啰,所以不关我什么事,但是我当时那个德国老板去谈生意的时候,其实也要做这种,就是我干了你随意这种,他也在干这个事情,就是其实多多少少,就是融入这一边的一个生意场上面的一个习惯吧.
I feel sad.
I mean, in some way, this kind of thing is easy to break the ice at the beginning. You know, just the alcohol kind of warms you up and loosens you up a little bit. So everybody can talk and it's easier at some point. I mean, too much is not good. Anything too much is not good.
Yeah, exactly.就小酌我觉得是OK的,但是你说,每一杯都要一干而尽,就真的是有点太过了
Yeah, true. So what are the typical cultures you experience here besides the alcohol culture?
I can't think of anything. I assume you have something in mind. That's why you ask that question.
Well, I think the alcohol is the most typical one. But others, I think, cannot be talked about here. So I will just skip this part.
For our safety.
But what if you need to film the sunset? Then you have to do it, right? So it really depends on what industry it is.
That's very true. I know in China, if you work in the multinational companies, usually they will give you the weekend off.就双休,我们平时所说的。But in some private companies, they have to work six days a week.
I'm glad it's not 007.
No, right now it's 007.007,I feel so sad. Yeah. So after working in UK, undoubtedly I joined the multinational company because I want my weekend. I want to do something that I want. I don't want to just work, no personal life. However, after I joined the company, I just realized that there was a very typical culture in China that I couldn't get used to it, which is the alcohol culture. 就酒文化. So people often try to build a relationship with clients and colleagues and leaders over drinks. I remembered at the first gathering, during the dinner, we started to drink wine. My boss led me and my colleagues to toast the director and asked me to drink up the whole glass. I was like, what? But you know, as a newbie,就是一个新人,I did it and ended up drunk and vomiting in the bathroom.
Oh my god.
Yeah. Later, we went to the karaoke and I tried to hide on the balcony. But my boss found me and forced me to drink beer this time. You know what happened next, right?
Yeah, again. So since then, I've hated drinking.
Of course.
就是我当时就回国之后的话,我就加入一个外企嘛,就想说外企的话,它有双休,所以的话我就可以在周末的时候,就做我自己想做的事情,以为这样子可以work life balance,但没想到一进那个外企的时候,就被它的酒文化给吓到了。就是他们当时的话,通过喝酒来维护跟客户,还有同事还有领导之间的关系,我一开始进去的时候,就有一个晚宴,在晚宴的时候,我们就开始喝那个葡萄酒,我老板就带着我们一群小新人,就向各种各样的领导去敬酒,然后老板就说,你喝完它整一杯喝完它,不然显得你没有诚意。
So when you have a lot of things to fix at home, you actually need some after work time to fix your home, like probably your pipe, your toilet or whatever. And you need to fix them and spend time with your family. Maybe you need to cook as well. It's so different from here because relatively speaking, it's so easy for us to just hire someone to fix our home.
That's true. I remember you mentioned that in our previous episode, when we talk about the RV, the blue collars abroad are well paid. 就那些蓝领其实领的工资还挺高的,还挺贵的.
Yeah, it's true. It's quite expensive. And there are so many rules. My friends in Sydney told me he could fix the electricity at his place by himself. He is totally capable of doing that. But due to some law, he has to hire someone to fix that.
Is it because he doesn't have a license or a certificate?
Something like that. But it's not a complicated work. So he's like, I can fix it myself. I have to pay like 100 Australian dollars to pay someone to do so because the law says so.
I see. Maybe he needs to get the certificate so that he could fix it by himself. And also he can help his neighbors fix everything.
And then he gets a lot of licenses like for the piping, electricity, like everything. They have licenses for everything.
Oh, wow.
I mean, it's good for the safety at some point. But I don't know.
Yeah, so just now we mentioned a lot of things about the work-life balance abroad. Have you ever experienced something like that in China? Can you work and life balance?
I think it depends on the boss, right? It also depends on what kind of work you are having. So it really depends.
Yeah, but you are the boss.
Not really. My line of work is hard to just set the working time from specific hour to specific hour. It's hard to do so. Even abroad, my line of work stays the same. That is the characteristic of what I'm doing. Like filmmaking, it's hard to say, OK, I have to get off work at 6 p.m.