30|秋日舒肤佳--Live at Calvin College 2004深夜音乐盒

30|秋日舒肤佳--Live at Calvin College 2004

40分钟 ·

歌单:1. Introduction (Ken Heffner) - 0:00

2. A Sun Came - 2:44

3. The Upper Peninsula - 5:05

4. Size Too Small - 8:09

5. Borderline - 11:47

6. Chicago - 16:03

7. For the Widows In Paradise, For the Fatherless in Ypsilanti - 21:09

8. The Lakes of Canada (Innocence Mission cover) - 25:39

9. He Woke Me Up Again - 29:54

10. Seven Swans - 34:08