解锁新新新新人类的最潮俚语,紧跟年轻人的脚步尬聊英语 Gossip English


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00:00 🎧 尬聊英语时间又来了,新新新新人类的语言你懂多少?
00:18 🤔 阿尔法世代年轻人总是喜欢用的“Delulu”究竟是什么鬼?
01:31 🤦🏻 阿尔法世代是一个新物种?!?! 尊嘟假嘟?
03:22 🆚 网络时代的各世代大比拼:阿尔法时代 vs Z时代 vs 千禧一代
09:13 👀 经历大风大浪时代的各世代对比:钥匙儿童 vs 婴儿潮 vs 沉默一代
15:28 🔤 阿尔法世代的全新语言体系,不是我们英语不好,而是他们英语太另类
19:44 🤨 Wing与Yao瞎猜阿尔法世代语言代码的起源原因?
21:32 🌍 阿尔法世代的语言还夹杂着许多非洲土著语?!?!
26:13 😎 今天你Vibe check了没?看不懂吗?那听听尬聊姐妹怎么说
28:07 🎭 随堂测试:阿尔法语言之日常生活情景剧
29:40 🧐 仅仅通过一个小小的俚语,就能猜出这个人属于哪个世代?
36:52 🎡 风水轮流转,曾经说老一辈不懂潮流语的我们,现在被新一代人说我们不懂?
37:31 🔥 不仅西方新一代有潮流语,国内有很多,那你知道多少呢?
44:19 📝 备考角度:如何在IELTS雅思等考试中用阿尔法世代的语言玩转“文化”话题?
52:59 🎉 结尾:感谢收听,期待大家在小红书或微博上的互动和评论!


大家可以多多在 小红书微博 留言与练习例句呢!还有邮箱 GossipEnglish@hotmail.com 。
小红书同名直播时间:每周五 22:00,不定期也在周一、周三、周日22:00,直播评论区有单词小课堂!

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Hi everyone, it's Gossip English time. 尬聊英语时间又到啦。I'm Wing. And I'm Yao. Let's learn English through gossip.
Hey Yao, do you remember the word “delulu”?
Yes, of course. Every time when we live stream in our 小红书, our friend Leo will definitely mention it once Delulu.
Do you know what it means?
Last time I asked him, right? He said it's something like crazy. So what does it mean exactly?
Yeah, it's something like that. It's a short-term slang for delusional.就是妄想的、臆想的。And then, you know, the young people use this word as delulu.
So young people.
Yeah, more specifically, Gen Alpha.So ever since I stumbled upon a video of Gen Alpha slangs, I just can't stop.
(soundbite)This is Ms. Trella. Hey, yeah, this is Mr. Lindsey over at the middle school. Yeah, I understand that some of my students are going to be visiting the high school today. And they can be a little bit much. So I just wanted to call you and give you a heads up, prepare you a little bit. Don't worry, Mr. Lindsey. I'm like one of the cooler, younger teachers here on campus. So these Gen Z kids don't scare me. I even have like a whole series about it. So I'm totally down with all of like the Gen Z slang. Like I know the vibes. Bet. Yeah, no, I don't I don't think you understand. These kids are, how do you say, built different. They don't call them Gen Z anymore. They call them Gen Alpha. And they... Yeah! Yeah, yeah. Skippity toilet. Ms. Trella, you've been working on your mewing. What? Your mewing. This class is about to be the best, bruh. Don't be an op, Ms. Trella. Don't be an op. W in the chat for Ms. Trella. W in the chat, bruh. It's so preppy in here. Ms. Trella, you are the preppiest, bruh. Try to warn her.
Actually, I'm not very clear about the concept of Gen Alpha. I know the Gen Z. So what is Gen Alpha?
喜欢 喜欢请多更
Another question is “Do you think that learning foreign languages can help us understand foreign cultures?”
Yes, bet. How about you?
Of course. Learning foreign languages definitely helps us understand foreign cultures. That is why I learned English at the first place. Language reflects a culture's values humor and way of life. For example, understanding Gen Alpha slang like “rizz or buzzing” in English-speaking countries gives us insights into how young people connect and express themselves. Similarly, Chinese slang like “666 or YYDS” reveals cultural elements of community and admiration. By learning the language, we gain a deeper understanding of how people in different cultures think, interact, and build relationships.
Yeah, I totally agree with that. I think learning different languages actually gives us the deeper insights in different cultures. For example, if you learn some language in the East Asian, because the words we use are more implicit. So that's why you can tell that the culture in the East Asian are more traditional and conservative. For example, like if you learn the European language, probably they are more open-minded and they are more explicit. That's why I think different languages reflects different cultures.
Yes, for sure.就像我们刚才说的 那个slay or I’m dead,就不同的世代的人,其实对于自己slay 跟I’m dead,就没那么严肃。试着将这两个词给silent generation or baby boomer,对于他们来说,其实是很严肃的两个词。因为他们都经历过战争的时代嘛,所以不能随意说slay 跟I’m dead,这是big no-no

Slay.No cap.
So that's all for today. Thank you for listening.Yeah. Yeet.
欢迎大家在各大平台收听我们的同名播客尬聊英语Gossip English,你可以在小宇宙、喜马拉雅、苹果播客、QQ音乐上面找到我们,也欢迎大家给我们多留言。然后你也可以来我们的小红书或是微博,给我们留言互动,那我们小红书每周五都会有直播。如果你想留的问题比较私密的话,不想这么公开的话,也欢迎你们给我们写邮件,我们的邮件地址是Gossipenglish@hotmail.com。那家人们记得一键三连,收藏、点赞、还有转发我们的播客。对。Fam, you slay. No cap. Bet. OK. Have a nice weekend. Yeah. See you. Bye.
第一个单词 Fascinating,我们在很多次 IELTS Part 2当中也会出现,就表示非常迷人,对吧,非常让人着迷;那下一个是reshape,re是表示重新的意思.shape表示那个形状,但他这里做了动词,表示塑造,所以reshape就是重新塑造或是改变
Much like in China, where internet slang continues to evolve, Gen Alpha in English-speaking countries are trendsetters in shaping how they express themselves.(trendsetters, trend表示趋势,潮流,刚才讲过了,set表示设置设立的意思,后面还有一个er就表示某个人,那所以trendsetters就是表示那些引领潮流的人)
Their slang reflects not only their creativity and sense of humor, but also the way they build connections and foster a sense of belonging with their communities.(刚才又提过了是不是,sense of humor 幽默感,sense of belonging 归属感)
Watching these trends develop and comparing them to our own slang in China makes it clear that language is always evolving with the culture.
Slay.OK, and what else?
In part 3, there are a few questions about that. The first one is “Do you think it's important to know about other cultures?”
Of course. That's why we're making this podcast, right? So I think it's important to know about other cultures, because it broadens our perspective and helps us appreciate diversity. Understanding different cultures like Gen Alpha slang highlights similarities across the world and fosters better communication. I think it also promotes empathy, open-mindedness and adaptability, which are essential in today's globalized society. Knowing other cultures helps us connect more meaningfully with people from different backgrounds.
就在刚才yao的回答里面,其实我们可以学到挺多的,用来表达的词组或者词语。diversity就是多元性,多样化的,就我们在讨论文化的里面,其实会常常用到这个词。Forster better communication, foster就是巩固,forster better communication就是巩固塑造更好的沟通。然后open-mindness就开放性,就能思路要打开,就保持思想的开放性。然后在我们不同文化背景的人相互之间交流的时候,其实这个是蛮重要的。And then adaptablity就是适应性,就是adapt本身是一个动词,就是适应、调试,所以adaptable就是形容词,可适应的,然后adaptability就是适应性,名词。
OK. What else?
Came across,它本来就是come across的意思,就是说遇到,偶然发现
This generation has developed an entirely new way of speaking. That's both playful and dynamic.(Dynamic就表示充满活力的)
They use terms like “rizz” to describe someone's charisma or charm, “bet” to mean okay or for sure, and “buzzing” to refer to something that is exceptionally good, especially food.(Charisma魅力)
So what's really fun is how they use words from African-American vernacular English into their language. For example, “no cap” means no lying or I'm serious. So what's particularly interesting is how Gen Alpha slang mixes retro influences with modern trends.(Retro表示复古的)
For example, using “buzzing” or “slay” has a nostalgic feel. But it's still very fresh and relevant in today's social media world.(Nostalgic怀念的,有时候我们也可以表示想家的意思.然后relevant 表示相关的)
It reminds me of how we use slang in China, such as 666 to say something is awesome, or YYDS to call someone a legend, which is quite similar to how English speakers use GOAT.(GOAT,Greatest of all time,史上最伟大的)
Both Gen Alpha and Chinese Internet slangs are heavily influenced by social media, where trends evolves rapidly.(Trends就表示我们现在的流行或是趋势;Evolve 就表示进化的意思)
In both cultures, slang isn't just about communication. It's about building a sense of community and expressing emotions in a fun, creative way. In China, we often say “家人们 family members” online to create a sense of closeness with followers. Just like how Gen Alpha uses to refer to close friends or their social group.(在这两个句子当中的话,都用了一个词组叫a sense of ,第一个是a sense of community,第二个是a sense of closeness with followers,所以这个sense 可以表示什么什么的感,那这个a sense of community 就表示社群感,那a sense of closeness with followers 就是跟我们的粉丝更加的亲密,更加紧密.那我们其实 这个也可以用在什么A sense of belongings 归属感, A sense of security 安全感, And so on)
I find this culture particularly fascinating because it shows how language can constantly be reshaped by younger generations.
Yeah, I mean emo is a genre of music. That's why when the first time I heard this term, I felt so strange. My first reaction was the music. Like that's a music genre. I was like why do you want to say 我emo了.就是我某种音乐类型了
Oh, OK.
我的第一反应是这一个.Because I learned emo like really long long long time ago when I had my first band.
Oh, right.
Yeah, but however, in Chinese slang, it means feeling sad, down or frustrated.
Yeah, usually when I teach my kids “emotional” this word, I will always relate it to this one “我emo了”就是那个emo呀,我告诉他们.然后还会再举一个比较夸张的例子,就是emotional damaged那个流行语,那个emo,然后他们就, “哦,原来是这个emo”,就会记得很清楚
对啊,英语单词里面emotional 其实不仅仅是表示说我感觉很沮丧,它其实有时候就是说,如果你遇到一个很让你感动的时候. I feel a bit emotional. 就是你看到有些美剧的时候,它会这样说,就要快掉泪了,就很感动.它也会这样用.但是emo在我们中文里面的用法,其实就是负面的,就是我感觉是很沮丧很伤心. Last but not least, you must know this one.凡尔赛
它其实就是 humblebragging
Ah, humblebragging,非常humble
对啊,你在bragging ,但装得很humble 。就是你好像是在吹牛,但是你要装得很谦卑,就谦卑的吹牛,就是凡尔赛
Ah, humblebragging. Interesting.
So that's all from my side. They are not that young slangs, I guess.
But it's okay. Because we use this kind of slangs very often. However, sometimes when we want to translate into English, we find it very difficult. So I think this is a very good lesson for us.
So, Wing after talking about so many slangs, can we actually use it in our speaking?
Of course. There's a IELTS speaking test topic about a foreign culture that you are interested in. And you should say What this culture is, How you learned about this culture, What you know about this culture and explain why you feel this culture is interesting.
Okay, so can you give us an example?
Of course. One foreign culture that fascinates me is Gen Alpha slang from English-speaking countries, which I first came across on social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram.
对,就 really。好,那开始上难度了啊,你的甲方总是ppt你
画饼,就是draw a big picture, blueprints to you on the ppt. That's kind of funny
啊,就是唱衰你,好吧,就是talk shit behind your back
Anyway, I listed out some language.
Let's try.
Compared to yours, mine is so old. But I found the English counterpart of those languages. So probably we can use them too. The first one is “666”
Yeah, it means you're awesome, well done. In English, it's repetition of the number 6.
But if you try to sound more like the Gen Alpha, then you can say “slay, buzzing”
And then 家人们
Fam. If you want to say it very cool, then it's fam.
Oh, fam
Yeah, literally it means family members. The term is used affectionately in internet culture or live streaming communities to create a sense of closeness.就是在网络上或特别特别是在直播平台里面,其实这个是比较常用的一个词,就是要翻译过来
Your followers or audience, you just call them fam.
好smooth啊,你接的. You slay
当然.Yeah. Bet. Okay, what else?
Okay, wow. Okay, true feelings.
It means true feelings, genuine emotions. So for example,你对偶像真的 ZQSG,真是铁粉. So in English, it would be like “He's so emotionally invested in his idol. He's a real fan.”
Invest它本来是表示投资的意思嘛,但是这里可以表示投入,然后Emotionally就情感投入,所以他情感,对他的idol 对他的那个偶像投入了真感情,所以就是真情实感
ZQSG. And then another one is YYDS.
叫goat. G-O-A-T is short for the greatest of all time. So is forever a god.
对,这个goat 其实我们在那英语里面的话,我们会用的很多,然后经常就会那个G-O-A-T中间再加一个点,是吗?
That's cool
对,很好用.What else?来学一下流行语言
OK, emo. Emo就是emotional right?
And then I think it's a more comprehensible term or slang. The Gen Z would say is I'm dead.
I'm dead.我鼠了
我鼠了.I think we sort of use it in Chinese, too. So it's not that hard to understand.
I think this word probably we use it when we think something is mind-blowing and then it shocks us a lot. Something like that.
Yeah. I think our generations don't take death that heavy. In some way, We are able to joke about it. A little bit. Not in disrespectful way. But you know just in daily life. I remember for older generations like my grandparents, death is, somehow for a long time, is a taboo word that you shouldn't mention it at all.
对啊,或者是有些很糟糕的事情要发生,然后我就说I'm dead,嗯,譬如说有时候你像我有时候我真的不想对甲方,我就会说I'm dead,我挂了,你不要找我,我已经挂了
Yeah. Exactly. Like after learning so many slangs from the Gen Alpha, I'm dead. No cap.
Cool beans.
Yeah. Actually it reminds me of something. You know I think this is the word usage. You know this is a custom. Something like that. Because usually when we studied our textbook right? The very typical conversation is like “How are you? I'm fine. Thank you. And you?”But right now, if we travel around, I think nobody will say that again. Like when I was in UK, and I want to ask people like “How are you?” It seems that they are a bit shocked. But they will just ask me like “You alright?”
Like they use this kind of word. So I think our language will adapt to the society. And also it will just create more and more new words, which grows with the generation, I guess.
OK. So if the people were born in the baby boomer generation, they will say “groovy”. If the people were born in the Gen X, they will say “cool beans”. If the people were born in the Gen Alpha, they will say “slay”.
Yeah, cool beans.
Cool beans.Oh my. OK.
It's actually there's a story about the cool beans. So English is our second language.
And sometimes you just learn words without really knowing the background of the words. So a few years ago, I somehow picked up the word “cool beans” and thought it was a fun phrase. So one day at work, I casually said “cool beans” and then my Canadian co-workers looked at me like “Wing, are you OK? Why do you say this word? Are you from 60s or something?
I can tell. Yeah for them, probably you are like saying the 文言文.
Oh my. Yeah. I think this is called the information gap.
Yeah. So OK, for the other generations, for example, Millennial, there's a word called adulting.
Adulting? Something about the adults?
It's their way of saying they're trying to handle life's responsibilities, but it's tough. So basically it means我要长大了,我是成人了,我要肩负起成人的责任.就将adults变成一个动词, 然后就其实有点像我们这一代的人现在的状态,上有老下有小,然后夹在中间,所以就很多责任在身上,就是adulting. This is an adult's life.
Wow. This is the word from Gen Millennial.

Yeah. And then for the Gen Z, They've got their own vibe. They say stuff like yeet.
Yeet. Oh. Is that even a word?
I don't know. But it's like a mix of excitement and throwing something with enthusiasm. So it's a very very specific meaning of the word.
就是在扔东西的时候那种兴奋的感觉,扔得非常激动,就是这个yeet,就非常非常具体的一个词.So if I give you an example “It's like, yeet, I'm tossing this away”
OK, yeet.
就是测试也好,什么也好,就是vibe check. So vibe, this word, is not only about environment, but sometimes it's also about people. So when we say the vibe check, it's kind of like the vibe among people and also the vibe of general social environment. So I just check that and pass that. Check that means, is everything goes great in that situation.
嗯.That's cool.
对,就是vibe其实有种氛围的意思,就不仅仅是关于环境啦,也跟人是相关的.所以在Gen Alpha使用这个词的时候,我觉得挺有趣的,就是说我对整个氛围的一个检查或者测试,我通过了,所以就代表说是,具体跟某一个人或者具体跟某一个社交环境里面,我是ok的,没问题的.I slay that.
No wonder they love to use that.
Yeah.最简单嘛.Bet. Ok. Yeah. No cap.
Let's use it in the real conversation.
Bet. We're gonna slay this Gen Alpha slang. No cap.
Girl, we're gonna be buzzing. We slay.
Bet. No cap.
We passed the vibe check. We are Gen Alpha now.
Oh my.
We better get some rizz.
We wanna be a trend-setter.
Yeah. Bet. No cap.
At least we can fake it until we make it.
Yeah. Slay.
But I found, just like Gen Alpha slang, we can tell if they use those words. They are very likely are Gen Alpha. And we can also detect some words so that we can tell what generation those people are. Of course. When we look at some people, we probably know their age. But if we are just listening like on a podcast, how can we figure it out?
So can you give me an example?
So like groovy
So they are from baby boomer generation.
What's that? Groovy?
It means slay.
Oh my.
OK. So it means something is super cool or fun.
I see.
But that is totally 70s vibe.
Yeah. I can tell. I haven't seen this word in our textbook. So I guess it might be a very old usage
Yeah, from 70s, I think. OK. So the next one is “cool beans”.
Cool beans.
That is a Gen X word.
Oh my. OK. Gen X. So what does it mean?
It means cool. It's also kind of like bet and slay.
You'll be total Gen Alpha icon.
But Don't forget sus. That one is for anything suspicious or sketchy. You know, like I said, if it's not from AAVE language, then they just shorten for something. Sus is shortened for suspicious.

对,所以你看那个Gen Alpha的语言,其实是有规律的,要么就是一个单词缩写,就反正就不太正常的缩写.以我的老人家的理解来说,这个是比较怪的一个缩写,但是他们就这么用了,然后要么就是来自于可能TikTok上面,其他文化里面来的一个词,然后火了,然后就组合在一起
I guess it's because the Gen Alpha, they were born in the digital era. That's why they type a lot. Therefore, they try to save time in typing. So when they type suspicious, probably it takes seconds. But if they type sus, it would be like nanoseconds.
That's a very good point. But don't forget the auto-correction.
Oh yeah.
Like usually the auto-correction on our cellphone, doesn't allow us to do so. So for me, if you want to type S-U-S, it probably change to something else. That means it probably cost you more time to just correct that. So I don't know.
I think you're right. But probably we are just the ones who care about the grammar correction. They don't really care. Probably they turn off that function, you know, that auto-correction function.
Yeah totally.
Now you should not say “yeah”. You should say “bet”.
Oh man. I don't care. I'm old. I'm gonna embrace that.
Okay, so anything else?
Last but not least, let's do some vibe check.
What? Check the vibe? 就看看那个氛围吗?
不是,其实它的用法更像是在问 are we cool? is the mood right?
Oh okay. Can you explain more?
所以这个vibe check就是相当于说,我们之间OK吗?就是我们没有任何矛盾对吧?就是用一种可能比较轻松愉快一点的方法去问吧,就vibe check. So give you an example. After you know first date if you can schedule a second date, and then you can tell your friend “I passed the vibe check and scored a second date”
So for example, that movie was amazing. Sorry. I should say that movie slays. No cap.
Oh man.
学以致用就是我们的,哦,就跟我们对话就是说,那电影非常棒,我完全没有吹牛,我是说真的,然后yao就回了一句说,嗯,OK. For sure.
对,就Bet,就For sure,肯定是,嗯,是的.Oh my. But I thought it was about the hat. You know, no cap, right?就没有帽子嘛.So I was very confused how come they use this word.
It's actually nothing about hat.帽子
Oh my.
I actually looked it up why. Because I felt so confused as well. So it originates from African American Vernacular English on TikTok. So cap is another AAVE, which is the 非裔美国英语. So cap means bragging or lying in the AAVE language.就是在非裔美国英语里面,其实有cap这个东西,它就代表是说吹牛,然后说谎. So that's why no cap means something like it's true or real no lying.
嗯,所以它是像那种非裔美国的土著语是吗?就是cap它有不同的意思,它就表示那种吹牛或是撒谎,所以no cap的话就是没有撒谎,认真的意思,是吧,没有吹牛.嗯.That's interesting. It's like different languages are mixed into one.就好像现在我们那样子,我们有时候说话或是对话的时候,也是会好几种语言混在一起那种感觉

它像一个大熔炉一样,将不同的文化融在一起,所以可能就有些不同的语言火了,然后就掺杂在一起了Yeah, bet.
Every time you say that, I wanna laugh.
I try to look younger. Not just look younger. I try to behave like a ..
Sound younger
Yeah, sound younger. I try to behave like the youngest, like the gen alpha so that I can communicate with my students, you know.
You slay.
You've got some rizz.
Yeah, thank you.
Well, another one. Here's a good one.
What's that?
How do they use it?
They say it when something's really good, like food. If the pizza is amazing, they would be like “The pizza is buzzing”.
Oh, okay. Buzzing.
Is it a totally new word?
Well, it's actually also from AAVE African American Vernacular English.就是非裔美国英语.So they use this word to describe good thing. Something is really good. If you eat something really nice or it's something really good, you can just say “Oh, that is buzzing”.
对的.You're nailing it. No, I should say. I don't know how to say it. You slay.
Well, they say “slay” when someone looks amazing or totally nails something. Like you slayed that outfit. Does that remind you of anyone?
Yeah, of course Leo, right?
Yeah, he always says slay.
Anything, amazing, he just says slay. Yo, slay.
Yeah, you slay.就是说 slay这个词的话,就是某个人的话,他看起来太棒了,或者是他很惊艳
或者是说他非常完美地做成了一个事情,然后就是可以说 slay. Because slay originally means kill violently.就是非常粗暴,非常暴力的杀戮,叫做 slay. But now we use it in a light way, which means just like “Oh, you're amazing”. You just kill that outfit.就是你的衣服穿得非常好,你的时尚品味很好,就类似这个意思.
Oh, so can I say “Wing, you slay.”
Yeah, you can say so. It's just I'm not Gen Alpha. When you say that I don't really react to that.
Yeah, I know. You cannot resonate.
Yeah, when you say “you slay”. My first reaction is like I kill something violently.
No, I was about to say like “Wing, you are like a walking dictionary. That's why you slay.”
Man, I feel old.
Yeah, me too. Same here.
Yeah, so another thing that is very interesting is what we usually say is “Okay, for sure”. That's how we answer people, you know, about invitation or whatever. And Gen Alpha would say “bet” instead. It's like their version of “I got you”.
Oh my. 我现在有点黑人问号脸. Bet?
Yeah, so for example, if I say let's meet at 6, And they would reply bet.
Oh my.
So basically it says like我们六点见,然后他们说 OK啊,就相当于我们说 OK,他们说是Bet. I guess why they say bet, usually we say a full sentence “I bet that”, “I bet you not”. Something like that.
I bet.
如果要直译过来,就是我赌你,OK,或者我赌你行不行,但是其实他也带一种意思说,你一定要做哦,就这种感觉,所以他现在Gen Alpha,就直接所有都省了,所以他们反正就是,把该省的都省,不该省的也省了,就是他们的语言
Ah, that makes sense now
是. Okay, bet.
Oh man. Okay. And then there's “No cap”, which means no lie or I'm serious.
Ok. No cap,就是没有帽子那个No cap,它的意思其实就是说,哦,我没有在说慌啊,然后我说真的呀,我认真的呀
是的So let's recap a little bit. We talked about six generations. Quiz time, which are what are they.
OK .So the first one is called Silent Generation. The second one is Baby Boomers. And next one is Generation X. Next one is Generation Millennials, a.k.a, Generation Y. Next one is Generation Z. The youngest one is Generation Alpha. 我觉得后面还比较好记,就是XYZ,然后他后面没有的再编了,所以就Gen Alpha,那可能下一个就是Gen Beta,按照希腊字母来继续编下去
是啊,就是有沉默那一代,然后婴儿潮,X世代,Y世代,或者叫千禧一代,Z世代,还有最年轻的Alpha世代,现在目前应该在生的就这六代了。Yeah. So let me tell you Gen Alpha is speaking a whole other language. Delulu is just one of those. And I feel ancient. They really made me feel ancient.
Yeah, I feel the same, you know, especially when I browse the TikTok. It seems that I am living in the Stone Age, you know. I can't really understand what they are saying.
So can you give us some examples? Like what kind of language they are speaking?
Have you heard of “rizz”? The word Rizz.
Oh, this one. I heard about that. Because I saw this word in the Oxford Dictionary. I'm not so sure if, like two years ago or three years ago, this word is very popular. That's why this word is collected by the Oxford Dictionary, I guess.
Wow. After all, it's not that new, this word.
But can you explain it a bit more?
Well, rizz is short for charisma. I guess they are too lazy to say charisma. So they just say Rizz.
Oh my, okay.
Like if someone's got rizz. That means they can charm anyone.就很有魅力,迷倒所有人
So you can say she's got mad rizz.
Yeah, you can use it in your daily conversation if you're talking to your Gen Alpha. Or you can teach some other generation about the latest language, the newest language.
Yeah, I think that's a very popular word, which you can use it in many situations. And if we want to say something like amazing, so how can we say that?
It's got rizz. I guess. I'm not a pro here. I'm not Gen Alpha.
Alright, so how about next?
对. Anyway, so there is a generation That is all before the legal requirements about the supervision of adults. And then is my parents' generation, Baby boomers.
Yes, they were born between 1946 to 1964. So after World War II, there were a big increase in births. This generation value hard work, family and material success. Many are now retiring or close to retirement.
他不是因为二战死了很多人,所以要拼命生,这倒不是这个原因,就是二战的时候其实是很萧条的,那每个家庭其实都过得挺苦的,因为可能男的都已经上战场了。然后到二战之后呢,其实终于迎来了一段是和平时代,就没有再战争,然后在和平时代那就大家安居乐业嘛,那所以就生活相对来说比较稳定,对比战争的时候会好一点,然后这就开始多生了,所以就有个baby boomer这个时代,其实你像美国有个说法,就是美国总统好像就从七八十年代开始吧,基本上总统都是baby boomers,就除了两任,就其中一任是奥巴马嘛,然后另外一个我忘记了,但是好像就除了两任,其他都是baby boomers,就非常有趣的一个事情,包括Donald Trump is also baby boomer. And before baby boomers, That is the silent generation, Which are my grandparents. 叫沉默的一代. So this generation grew up during tough times, like the Great Depression and World Wars. They are known for being more traditional and reserved, focusing on family and stability.
对他看不得食物的浪费,然后也是很省,就如果你说baby boomer很省的话,那我觉得silent generation is the real generation who saved money

是,对吧?所以看得到就是千禧一代或者叫Y世代的这群人士刚刚有手机,有Gen Z就刚刚开始有社媒,然后到Gen Alpha的话就开始各种AI
对啊,然后就是Millennials care about work-life balance so much. Just like us. We even talk about it in our last episode
Yeah, and also this generation, Millennials are actually the generation who witness the development, the crazy development of economics and also industrialization.就是这群人就见证着非常快速发展的经济跟工业化.So the way they work are hugely different from the previous generations. That's why I think the work-life balance is so important to them. Because you know, you have money, so you want to have a good life And you don't want to spend all the money at work. But if like my parents' generation, which is the baby boomer, then they don't have much options in their life. So they don't even think about work-life balance.
我可不可以这样子理解,就是我们的父母的话,他们其实因为他们经历了非常艰苦的时代嘛,所以他们习惯了要非常努力地工作,而且他们有非常重要的一个存钱意识,就是他们不会像我们那样子大手大脚,然后就说我要享受生活,是吧。他们一般的话都是save up every penny,就是要省钱,要把那个钱花在刀刃上
笑死了笑死了,没有任何的那个什么,我们就开玩笑Just joking
对。So we have, like I mentioned about Baby Boomer. But before Baby Boomer, there is another generation. That is Generation X. Gen X.
Gen X. What is that?
They were born between 1965 to 1980. Also they are often called the latchkey kids. Gen X grew up more independent. Because their parents were often working. They saw the rise of computers and are known for being adaptable and entrepreneurial.
所以其实就是在Gen Y前面就是叫Gen X,他们是一群出生在1965年到1980年的朋友,那他们有一个昵称就叫做钥匙儿童,一般来说他们这个年代的人的话,他们独立性会比较强,而且他见证了个人计算机和数字化革命的兴起
对,为什么叫钥匙儿童Latchkey Kids. Because they are often left at home without any adult supervision
Well, Gen Alpha are the generation who are born after 2013, which means they are the youngest generation. And they are growing up with advanced technology like AI, smart homes, and gadgets. They're super, super into digital trends and will shape the future as they get older.
所以这个Gen Alpha其实它翻译成中文叫阿尔法世代,就是指那些小朋友,他们是在2013年之后出生的,而且他们有一个共同的特点就是,他们生活在一个完全数字化的世界,他的科技像那种智能家居,AI这些技术的话,都是贯穿他们整一个生活,那毫无疑问的就是,他们肯定会引领我们未来的潮流,就以后我们都不会再讲crazy了,我们就说,hey, you are delulu
Yeah. They probably change our literature for real
So Wing, I'm curious. So later, after the Gen Alpha, is it going to be the Gen Beta?
I don't know. That's a good question. But we don't know until like 10 years later. Probably. I don't know. But actually, we have quite a few generations besides Gen Alpha and Gen Z. Do you know we still have different generations, like terms for generations?
I heard the name Gen Millennials千禧一代
Yeah.也叫Y世代 So there are a few generations, and they have their own characteristics. So we mentioned about Gen Alpha, and then you mentioned Gen Z, Generation Z. So let me explain a little bit about Gen Z. Gen Z is the first group to grow up with social media, smartphones, and constant digital connection.They value conclusivity, mental health awareness, and are very active in addressing climate change.就是Gen Z的话,他们是一群出生于数字化年代,那他们手机跟社媒社交媒体就是他们生活中非常重要的部分,然后这群人呢特别注重的是心理健康以及气候变化。我记得就有一个非常有名的瑞典女生,对吧?她应该也是Z世代的
她是一个比较极端的例子,但是整体来说,Gen Z也是比较关心气候变化这个问题,比较有趣
而且Gen Z,我没有记错的话,它应该是指那些出生在1997年到2012年的朋友,对吧?
对的,就是2012年你是Gen Z,2013年你是Gen Alpha
Ok,那我们是叫Gen Millennials, right?
Yeah, I think so. So millennials are the generation who were born between 1981 to 1996. This generation grew up with the Internet and smartphones. They focus more on experiences than owning things, care about work life balance and are very concerned with social and environmental issues