Everyone else just doesn’t seem to get it! 拨乱反正。
(04:45) 选举人团致使小州摇摆州僭越伦常倒反天罡?
(17:49) 选举人团放大一小撮坏分子的错作用?
(22:30) 选举人团叠床架屋扰乱全国一盘棋?
(28:34) What if democracy isn't just about popularity, and State boundaries aren't gerrymandered conspiracies.
(35:14) Self-celebration, agreeing to each other, etc.
p.s. 我的JDVance turncoat时刻 (03:36)
(12:51), (18:05) Bush v. Gore (2000) - 推荐Fiasco (podcast with Leon Neyfakh), 和Recount (HBO 2008, starring a sex offender)
(22:53) Trump’s efforts, an Act from 1887, and “failed to make a choice” www.propublica.org (note this article was written pre-Jan 6); also see 2022 Electoral Count Reform Act as a response
(25:19) Article II Section 1 Clause 2 ("Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct...")
(33:15) Did Founders NOT envision parties? See James Madison, The Federalist Papers No. 10 (“The regulation of these various and interfering interests forms the principal task of modern legislation, and involves the spirit of party and faction in the necessary and ordinary operations of the government. […] that the CAUSES of faction cannot be removed, and that relief is only to be sought in the means of controlling its EFFECTS.”)
(36:18) National Popular Vote Interstate Compact
- 普选制下人口更密集的城市吸引更多竞选资源(低成本接触大量选民),这是不公平的吗?
- 普选制下全国margin过小也会trigger national recount吗?
- 到底什么是普选票?假如有个州采取ranked-choice voting, 按选民对候选人的喜好排序进行逐轮淘汰决出胜者,候选人在该州到底是获得了多少票呢?注:这个州叫Maine, which is currently NOT a winner take all state.
- De facto联邦可能存在完美普选吗?
- 从立宪初期的3个winner take all states,到现在的48个州自主选择winner take all,这是race to the bottom/囚徒困境吗?(spoiler alert: 不是。)
我们不是你的律师;我们不是我们的雇主;我们只是妄议的aliens;所有谬见jointly and severally remain our own.
BGM credit to Suno AI