00:00 🎃 万圣节倒计时:今晚,Wing 和 Yao 会带你深入节日的“黑暗”一面。
00:18 👻 盛装、派对、狂欢:尬聊姐妹花的万圣节计划有多惊悚?
01:47 🕵️♂️ 七宗“罪”揭晓:这个节日的背后究竟藏了什么秘密?
02:13 🚗 罪1:一杯酒的放纵,会带来怎样的风险?
09:09 🥚 罪2:鸡蛋、卫生纸…恶作剧会不会玩过头?
12:28 🏠 罪3:当你外出时,你的家是否成了目标?
13:32 🗣️ 罪4:放飞自我,是自由,还是失控?
19:00 🥊 罪5:在节日气氛下,擦肩而过是否会变成暴力冲突?
20:57 🍻 罪6:醉倒街头,这个夜晚是否会变危机四伏之夜?
27:46 🎭 罪7:无害的玩笑,是否会让他人不安?
30:09 🛡️ 安全贴士:如何玩得既安全又尽兴?
38:15 🎩 以为被忽视的小彩蛋——万圣节酷炫词汇,派对中尽显魅力时刻!
44:08 📝 备考角度:IELTS雅思等考试中,万圣节让Crime这个话题倍简单!
50:00 🎉 结尾:感谢收听,期待大家在小红书或微博上的互动和评论!
大家可以多多在 小红书 与 微博 留言与练习例句呢!还有邮箱 GossipEnglish@hotmail.com。
小红书同名直播时间:每周五 22:00,不定期也在周一、周三、周日22:00,直播评论区有单词小课堂!
Hi everyone, it's Gossip English time.尬聊英语时间又到啦! This is Wing. And I'm Yao. Let's learn English through gossip.
Hey Yao, I'm really excited today, I mean, this week, because Halloween is just around the corner.
Wow, so what's your plan?
Well, I don't know, maybe just do some cosplay stuff, dress up as someone else. It's kind of, you know, great excuse to just dress up.
To drink, right? You mean?
Dress up and drink.
Yeah, sure. Actually, I'm kind of looking forward to it because I already prepared some sweets for my kids. So, when we have the class, I'm gonna give them the candy so that we can enjoy the Halloween. And it seems that Halloween is becoming more and more popular these days, right?
I think so. Well, there's no celebration officially, but I think young people wanting to have a reason to cosplay, and of course, commercially, companies see this as a chance to increase some sales. So, I guess it's just an excuse for everybody to do something a little bit different from normal days.
Exactly. So, Wing, today, are we gonna talk about the Halloween vocabulary in this episode?
Of course, not. This isn't typical Halloween chats.We are not that kind of channel. We love gossip. So, we are getting into the darker side of Halloween.
What's that?
We are going to talk about the seven most common crimes people get charged with on this spooky holiday.
Wait, seriously? I mean, Halloween is all about scaring each other for fun, but this time, we are gonna talk about the crimes.
You know, the real tricks behind the treats. Not trick or treats.
Yeah. So, what's the first on our list of Halloween naughty no-nos?
Well, let's kick things off with the big one, DUI, aka driving under the influence, also known as drunk driving, 就是酒驾, is one of the most common offenses on Halloween night. People love to party, and sometimes that includes a little too much booze.