万圣节惹出各种事,treat or TRICK?尬聊英语 Gossip English

万圣节惹出各种事,treat or TRICK?

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00:00 🎃 万圣节倒计时:今晚,Wing 和 Yao 会带你深入节日的“黑暗”一面。
00:18 👻 盛装、派对、狂欢:尬聊姐妹花的万圣节计划有多惊悚?
01:47 🕵️‍♂️ 七宗“罪”揭晓:这个节日的背后究竟藏了什么秘密?
02:13 🚗 罪1:一杯酒的放纵,会带来怎样的风险?
09:09 🥚 罪2:鸡蛋、卫生纸…恶作剧会不会玩过头?
12:28 🏠 罪3:当你外出时,你的家是否成了目标?
13:32 🗣️ 罪4:放飞自我,是自由,还是失控?
19:00 🥊 罪5:在节日气氛下,擦肩而过是否会变成暴力冲突?
20:57 🍻 罪6:醉倒街头,这个夜晚是否会变危机四伏之夜?
27:46 🎭 罪7:无害的玩笑,是否会让他人不安?
30:09 🛡️ 安全贴士:如何玩得既安全又尽兴?
38:15 🎩 以为被忽视的小彩蛋——万圣节酷炫词汇,派对中尽显魅力时刻!
44:08 📝 备考角度:IELTS雅思等考试中,万圣节让Crime这个话题倍简单!
50:00 🎉 结尾:感谢收听,期待大家在小红书或微博上的互动和评论!


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展开Show Notes
Hi everyone, it's Gossip English time.尬聊英语时间又到啦! This is Wing. And I'm Yao. Let's learn English through gossip.
Hey Yao, I'm really excited today, I mean, this week, because Halloween is just around the corner.
Wow, so what's your plan?
Well, I don't know, maybe just do some cosplay stuff, dress up as someone else. It's kind of, you know, great excuse to just dress up.
To drink, right? You mean?
Dress up and drink.
Yeah, sure. Actually, I'm kind of looking forward to it because I already prepared some sweets for my kids. So, when we have the class, I'm gonna give them the candy so that we can enjoy the Halloween. And it seems that Halloween is becoming more and more popular these days, right?
I think so. Well, there's no celebration officially, but I think young people wanting to have a reason to cosplay, and of course, commercially, companies see this as a chance to increase some sales. So, I guess it's just an excuse for everybody to do something a little bit different from normal days.
Exactly. So, Wing, today, are we gonna talk about the Halloween vocabulary in this episode?
Of course, not. This isn't typical Halloween chats.We are not that kind of channel. We love gossip. So, we are getting into the darker side of Halloween.
What's that?
We are going to talk about the seven most common crimes people get charged with on this spooky holiday.
Wait, seriously? I mean, Halloween is all about scaring each other for fun, but this time, we are gonna talk about the crimes.
You know, the real tricks behind the treats. Not trick or treats.
Yeah. So, what's the first on our list of Halloween naughty no-nos?
Well, let's kick things off with the big one, DUI, aka driving under the influence, also known as drunk driving, 就是酒驾, is one of the most common offenses on Halloween night. People love to party, and sometimes that includes a little too much booze.
喝酒开车就欲哭无泪🙃被你发现bug了🤣 准确标语是“行车不规范,亲人两行泪”,sorry🫠
哈哈哈,逻辑性好棒!爱了 ❤️
Just like the prank that we mentioned during Halloween, the egging. Peer pressure and a chaotic atmosphere can lead kids to make poor choices. But with proper guidance, they can learn from their mistakes and grow up to be responsible adults. It's about teaching kids the consequences of their actions and encouraging better decision-making.
Yeah, exactly. Actually, we have to educate the kids about the consequences of breaking the laws. And if they have that kind of tendency, we have to stop them. We have to help them analyze those kind of mischiefs.
Okay, and what else?
Question number two. What do you think makes people commit acts of violent crimes?
Well, I think acts of violent crime often stem from a mix of factors, including anger, peer pressure, or the influence of alcohol and drugs. Just like what we mentioned just now. Sometimes a lack of impulse control or being in a chaotic environment can push people toward violent behavior. Social issues like poverty and lack of education can also play a role, as they may lead to frustration and desperation. Ultimately, it is usually a combination of these elements rather than a single cause.
That's true. The peer pressure sometimes is very terrible.就是同龄人的压力,Peer pressure就经常会造成我们可能做出一些不太好的决定
对啊. Okay, so that's all for today.
Thank you for listening.
Surprise! Today we're not going to talk about any history about Halloween. We'll talk about the crimes.
Because we mentioned it before.
好了,那感谢大家的收听,也欢迎大家在四大平台那里订阅我们的播客,我们在小宇宙、喜马拉雅、QQ音乐、还有苹果播客。对,也欢迎大家跟我们留言互动,就是在小红书、微博或者是在小宇宙里面给我们留言,然后我们基本上每一条都会回复的哦。如果想私密一点Private一点的话,那可以给我们写邮件,那么邮箱地址是GossipEnglish@hotmail.com,还有家人们Fam,记得一键三连,转发我们的播客、点赞还有收藏哦,谢谢大家。那Happy Halloween! Have a nice weekend! Bye!
With eerie decorations, cobwebs, and macabre costumes everywhere, my friends and I got caught up in the atmosphere.(Eerie诡异的;Cobwebs就表示蜘蛛网;Macabre表示恐怖的、阴森的)
The crime was vandalism, specifically egging. Some friends thought it would be funny to throw eggs at a house known for its elaborate decorations.(Vandalism就表示破坏公物)
Caught up in the excitement, I didn't think twice about tagging along, even though I didn't throw any eggs myself.(Think twice.就是你在做一个事情的时候,你要多想一遍,就是我们平时有一个谚语叫做,三思而后行Think twice)
At the time, it felt thrilling, but there was also a sense of guilt. I knew it wasn't right, especially with so many pedestrians, including children, out and about.(Pedestrians就是行人;out and about表示到处;对,就是除了可以说everywhere,那我们现在也可以用out and about,就是不一样的词组)
Looking back, I realized how irresponsible it was. We didn't consider the homeowners or the potential damage. Nowadays, I'm much more mindful. For example, if I'm going out on Halloween, I'd make sure to have a designated driver or use a right-shared surface to avoid any reckless behavior.(Designate就表示指定的委派的,所以 designated在这里是一个形容词,表示指定的,所以 designated driver就是指定的司机,那在国外的话,他们会缩写为DD。那另外一个 ride-shared service,我们平时那个ride可以表示说载一程嘛,那share就是说共享嘛,所以现在ride-shared service的话,我们可以表示,我们平时所坐的那些网约车;下一个单词是reckless就表示非常鲁莽的)
This experience taught me a valuable lesson about responsibility. Even on nights like Halloween, when the atmosphere can feel wild, it was a wake-up call that made me think twice about how my actions affect others. (Think twice.还记得吗?I’ve already mentioned twice.所以think twice的话,就会表示想几遍嘛,所以是三思而后行)
Cool. Any other questions?
Yes, there are two. The number one is, can you tell if a kid will grow up to be a criminal?
Wow, that's a really tough question. What do you think?
Well, for me, you can't definitely tell if a kid will grow up to be a criminal. While some behaviors like mischief or minor pranks might seem troublesome, they don't necessarily indicate a criminal future.
Cool, next one?
How about eerie? We mentioned it before in the Ghost Festival thing, eerie,就诡异的。It means something that feels strange, creepy or unsettling, like that feeling you get when you're walking alone in the dark, and you hear something rustling behind you.
Eerie,eerie的话,之前我们在中元节那一期其实有提到, 它就是表示诡异的。 那这个是怎么样的感觉呢? 就比如说在黑夜的时候,你一个人走在路上,然后旁边那些树就沙沙作响,就好像有什么东西在伴随你一样, 所以就eerie,很诡异。
Okay, anything else?
Last but not least, apparition,幽灵幻影,is a fancy word for ghost or spirit. So, if you ever see a figure floating around in your hallway, well, instead of calling it a ghost or spirit, let's call it an apparition and run.
Apparition is a popular thing in a lot of haunting stories or haunted houses.
Yeah, of course. That's something I'm really scared of.Well, of course, I hope you won't use this word to describe your personal story.
But try to use them during Halloween, it's something that you can show off.
Just check the vibe in the room.
So, Wing, after talking about so many crimes during Halloween, can we actually use something in our speaking tips?
As a matter of fact, there is a topic in IELTS part 2, speaking test, it's about crime.
Oh my.
Yeah, describe a crime you were involved in. You should say when it was, what crime it was, why did you get involved, how did you feel.
That's very creepy and tricky. So can you give us an example?
Yes, of course. And I'm going to use Halloween and the words that we just learned to give a speech about that. I'd like to share a story from about 10 years ago when I was a teenager living abroad. It happened on Halloween night, a time when the anything-goes idea often takes over. (Anything-goes idea就是我们平时所说的,放飞自我)
Yeah, have a blast and keep it safe.
Alright, before we wrap up, how about we throw in some spooky Halloween words for our listeners? You know, just to make sure they walk away with some cool vocabulary too.
So we did it anyway. We are not supposed to do the cheesy way of English learning Halloween episode, but we are going to do it anyway.
对啊,还是要加一点点词汇,让大家可以在万圣节期间,可以show off一下,展示一下。
Yeah, so how about the first one? Ghoul 食尸鬼。就你装扮成鬼的时候, 不仅仅说是可以叫ghost, 你可以换成是ghoul, g-h-o-u-l, ghoul。So, this isn't just any creepy creature, it's a monster from folklore that loves to hang around graveyards and feeds on, well, the dead. Basically, it's a zombie's cousin, but it's a bit more disturbing.
Yeah, exactly. Ghoul is the one that I don't want to come across during the Halloween party. So what's next?
Macabre,就是恐怖的,阴森的,是一个形容词。This word is all about things that are grim, gruesome, or related to death in a creepy way.If you are decorating with skeletons and cobwebs, you are definitely going for macabre vibe.
所以这个macabre的话, 它是表示恐怖的,阴森的意思。它跟那个grim还有gruesome,他们的意思都是比较相近。就是grim就是表示冷酷阴森的, gruesome就表示可怕的。所以它有点像是两者的结合。那一般来说的话, 像你在节日的时候会用那些骷髅头,或者是用蜘蛛网来装饰你的家,或者是装饰那个万圣节的场所嘛,所以你肯定就会感觉到非常的 macabre,恐怖,阴森。
对的,就这些词大家都可以show off一下,在万圣节的时候夹杂一点。And here comes a classic, cauldron, 就大巫婆锅。就刚刚说的那个witch's brew,女巫汤,那就是装在这个锅里面。So, you know, the big black pots that witches are always during in the movies, perfect for brewing up some witches' brew, or, you know, some spooky punch.
Cauldron,它是表示大巫婆锅。就是那个黑色的大锅,通常那个女巫的话,就会在里面去搅拌啊,然后制作那些我们刚才所说的女巫汤。那一般来说,以前的话, 就是做巫婆汤, 然后来毒死某个人, 或者是下什么魔法, 但现在的话,我们都是变成了让人陶醉,然后让人疯,让人爱的酒。
And the lights keep flashing every time like a squirrel pass by, or a chipmunk, or anything else, just constantly on and off. In the end, it became very annoying.
Yeah, the motion lights are too sensitive. 太敏感,敏感度太低了。
对啊,就我在美国生活那段时间, 因为我住的地方离那些丛林是比较近的, 就偏野外的一些地方。 但是也有个那种感应灯在屋子前面。 然后结果呢,因为那感应灯是装的可能比较低, 所以当什么有个松鼠经过, 什么那种小动物经过, 它就不断在闪。所以其实我挺烦那个感应灯的。就一直亮。一开始我一直以为,诶,是不是有人? 怎么样?为什么有人?为什么会亮灯? 其实就是个小动物。
是啊,尤其一个人在家里面真的是很吓人嘛,对不对? 突然间那个灯就亮了。
Yeah, that's really weird. OK, and then what else?
Number four, stick to well-lit areas, 就是尽量走光亮的地方, and stay with friends. It's not about monsters in the dark, it's about real-life safety. The buddy system isn't just for kids.就是buddy system,就是大家尽量出门去玩party的话,还是要有个搭子。
是的,玩得开心也安全。Yeah. And then, avoid fights,就避免冲突。If Dracula bumps into you, let it slide.It's Halloween, save the drama for the costume contest.就是Dracula,翻译过来其实就是吸血鬼。在英语里面呢,吸血鬼其实就是Dracula。然后就是如果吸血鬼撞到你就让他过呗。 毕竟是万圣节嘛。然后将那个所有的drama都放在那个装扮比赛里面。反正就开心就好,you know, don't fight.
Whatever happens on Halloween, let it happen on Halloween.
就是万圣节发生事情就留在万圣节, 不要留在第二天,就我们就当作是大家都是玩得很尽兴就OK了。 对啊。
And don't drink like a zombie.
Exactly. Yeah, that's the next tip.Drink responsibly, know your limits, or you'll be the one people talk about for all the wrong reasons, just like the swimming guy.
Yeah,现在我很多朋友他们喝得很醉的时候, 他们还有很多黑料在我手上。
对啊,所以就喝酒还是要有量啊,不要真的是喝醉了。And any other tips?
Last but not least, just use common sense, 就多用点常识。If it feels like a bad idea, it probably is. Halloween is for fun, not real life horror stories.就是如果你隐约觉得,你的第六感让你觉得说,你这个可能不是一个很好的想法,很好的做法,那很有可能那就不是一个好的做法,所以就不要这样做。万圣节就是这种装扮啊打扮什么的cosplay,这些都是只是为了开心,不要把它变成真实版的恐怖故事。
Yeah, well said.那是不是就像我们去长隆的时候呢,看到那些人,因为现在长隆它不是会有那些活动吗,就是万圣节活动吗,那他们就装扮成各种各样的什么吸血鬼啊,或者是僵尸之类的,我们要告诉自己, 不是真的,不是真的,不是真的,我们应该要相信无神论,唯物主义。
Stay spooky, but stay smart.
对,然后把那几个什么自由和谐啥的,然后背一遍。Okay, yeah, just kidding.
Yeah, that's right. But I think right now people have that awareness, if they drink, they won't drive. Because our police are really responsible. I remember a few times at midnight, probably at 1 or 2 a.m., when I drive home, I saw the long queue. I was like, damn, this is so late, why there are so many cars? Actually, the police are giving the alcohol test to the drivers one by one. So they are really responsible.
对啊。The police here love to check DUI during midnight or around midnight. Even on some big roads, for example, where I'm living, there are five lanes on one side.其实我住的那条路上面,其实有五道,单边是五道的。
So it's a good thing. So, you know, better safe than sorry.
Yeah, exactly.
So, number two, keep pranks harmless.恶作剧要适可而止。Stick to fake spiders and silly tricks. Don't vandalize. Leave the eggs in the fridge and the toilet paper where it belongs.
对啊,就是刚才我们有提到说,像在国外的话有些人搞恶作剧的,他们就喜欢把鸡蛋扔到隔壁邻居家。 或者是有些调皮的小孩可能就会把那些厕纸给他拉出来, 然后装饰他整个家嘛。
对,所以的话,其实这个的话是人畜无害, 但是也不能说这么浪费,对不对?然后要适可而止啦。
对啊,good call. And make sure, number three, and make sure to lock up before you leave.就出门前记得锁好家门。And if you're out to a party or trick-or-treating, secure your home. Motion lights can double as a spooky decoration and safety feature.就是如果你要出门的话,一来就要锁好门,二来可以有一些感应灯,就装得好像有人在家里那样子。既可以制造一些恐怖气氛,也能防小偷。一举两得。
And when I was in the States, I hate motion lights, especially if you live in a house. Because, well, it depends on where you live. If you're in a city downtown, you probably don't feel like that. But where I was then, was very close to the woods. That means there are a lot of little animals. So, you know, the motion lights just detect every movement of anything.
And finally, number seven, Halloween pranks gone too far.就是万圣节恶作剧闹得太过火了
But Wing, actually, I have a question. What kind of pranks usually do they have?
Well, I guess like scaring people on the streets, jump off some boots or like water shooting. Not real shooting, but water shooting. Pranks are supposed to be fun, not get people hurt or cause any damage. So that kind of pranks are okay.
Yeah. So what do you mean gone too far?就闹得太过火了
For example, putting real rocks in those fake candy wrappers.
Oh my.
Yeah. Trick or treat.就是要给糖果人家或者拿糖果嘛,然后那些糖纸里面,其实是石头,就是你一不留神,你吃的是石头,那很痛的,很伤人的。
And also, probably if that person is too drunk and swallow that, then probably that person ends up in the ER, emergency room.就是可能就要急救,一不小心。
是啊,嗯,尤其是很小的小孩的话,其实他们吃东西很快嘛,就不会嚼得太仔细。那如果你真的是,放这种像石头或是硬的东西在里面的话,他直接吞下去,真的很危险,而且小朋友的食道很窄。So don't do that.
Exactly. If your prank could get someone hurt or land you in jail, it's definitely cross the line.
Yeah, exactly.
So don't be that person who takes things from spooky to criminal.
Yeah. And also remember if you are going to pull a prank, make sure it's more treat than trick.
Yeah. What we want to have is candy, sweets, good memory, happiness, not crime, jail, tears.
Exactly. Or blood.
Yeah. Alright, now that we've covered all the Halloween crimes, let's help everyone avoid them.
Sure. Bet.
Bet是什么?就是for sure的意思。
对,就是gen alpha的一个俚语,你们不知道的话,回去听那一期。So The first tip,plan your ride home.就提前安排好回家的方式.If you're going to drink, don't drive. Use a rideshare, call a sober friend, or hide your own keys from yourself if you have to. Better safe than sorry.
You know, last year of university, especially the last few, like two or three months, you would feel like, oh, we are going to separate, you know, after four years study together. They would gather and drink a lot, you know, brotherhood and stuff. I was told by the guys from my class. So, you know, I studied civil engineering. So, most of my classmates are guys. And they told me stories like someone like this person got drunk. And then they suddenly, all of a sudden, they wanted to swim.
So, they took off their clothes and pants. And then they thought they were in the water. But actually, they were on the concrete ground. And they started to do the swimming position and try to, okay, why am I still, why am I not moving? I'm swimming. Why am I not moving? Like, what's going on with you guys? Oh, man.
Damn, I hope someone recorded that.
Well, I hope so, too. But I don't think at that time anybody sober enough to record anything. And they told me that story. I'm like, oh, man, you guys just have too much fun.
Yeah, exactly. I mean, if I was there, of course, I'm going to record that. Next time, when I ask them for help, I would say, see, I got something here. You better help me, okay?
That's called blackmailing.
Yeah, but come on. I mean, parties can be really fun. But if you're like a zombie, if you're already stumbling around, if you swim on the ground, please just call it a night.
Well, I guess that guy didn't know anything about that. I mean, swimming on the concrete ground is okay. At least he doesn't hurt anybody or himself. Well, a little bit, but not too much.
Yeah, but can’t he feel the friction?就他没有感觉到摩擦吗,在游泳的时候?怎么烫烫的?
Pretty much. Public intoxication means being visibly drunk or under the influence in public places, causing a disturbance or putting yourself or others at risk. It's pretty common on Halloween because people are partying too hard in the streets or at outdoor events. 就是在公共场合喝酒,其实它是有点像醉驾,但是不完全是.它就是相当于你在公共场合喝酒,然后制造公共场合混乱,就将你自己或者将别人处于一个危险的状态,那就是这一个public intoxication.
就是看你有没有置其他人的生命安全于危险之中,其实这个是很重要的一个衡量标准,不仅是别人啦,你自己的也是。Personally, I witnessed a really bad public intoxication case. It's my dad's friend. For me, when I get drunk, I would just sleep.
Me too.
You know, quietly sleep. So, no troubles. I just let me sleep.
对呀。But one of my dad's friends, when he gets drunk, he would just do crazy, crazy shits. For example, one time, I was very, very little. I was traumatized. Because he got drunk, and then he walked to the middle of the road while all those cars passed by. And then, he slept on the road.就直接在那个马路上,就车水马流的马路中间躺平了,就我爸的一个朋友喝醉酒的时候
Yeah, it doesn't matter how my dad or the adults tried to get him back. He just like being crazy and yelled at everybody. No, I'm not drunk. You guys are crazy. I just want to stay here. Why don't you let me stay here? Blah, blah, blah. It was horrifying.
Oh my god. That scares me. Is he gonna commit suicide?
For him, it was like, I guess, he didn't remember anything when he woke up the next day. So, I don't think he tried to kill himself. He was just being really drunk and crazy.
I mean, this guy should go to the AA, right?
Yeah, I mean, AA is for alcoholic. I don't know if he is an alcoholic, but he definitely shouldn't drink that much.
Yeah.就是我觉得,假如你知道自己喝了酒之后会发疯的话,劝你不要喝酒。因为你自己不记得你干了什么,但是你身边的人知道你干了什么。That's too embarrassing, guys.
It reminds me of the stories that my schoolmates told me in my university.
What's that?
So just don't take the whole “anything goes idea” too far.就不要过于放飞自我。Don't let yourself go too far. It isn't worth getting caught into the jail.
Yeah, exactly. Keep the rowdiness under control, folks.
Okay. So what's the next one? Number five is assault and battery. 就是殴打,打架. Unfortunately, some people get into physical altercations on Halloween. Often fueled by alcohol or just the chaotic atmosphere. And I know it. That is so true.
Yeah. On Halloween, people get drunk easily. That's why they will do something crazy, right? And actually, there's something funny. Once I went to the KTV. I saw a warning near the reception. It's called 不要打架,打输住院,打赢坐牢.
It's so true.
Yeah. No matter you win or lose, you're going to lose something.
In the end.
That's so true. It's so funny. And it's not just during Halloween. Sometimes I can sort of see that. I mean, even not during Halloween. Just because of the chaotic environment and alcohol. It's kind of just make you feel so easy to get annoyed. Or just have the urge to show off or fight back or whatever. Make you easy to be angry, I think.
As long as we get some drinks. Even it's just an incident or accidents. Might be easily regarded as some intentional show off or altercations. So, it's so easy to escalate into something really, really bad. So, always try to keep you cool. Even if someone's pushing your buttons.
No. No way. If someone did something like that, I'm going to slap them. I'm not going to chill.
See? See? There you go. Not even with any alcohol right now. You already do that. So, if you drink something. Drink some alcohol. It could be really bad. Yeah. So, guys. Chill out.
Yeah, exactly.
So, how about next one?
Crime number six. Public intoxication.就是公共场合醉酒。
So, is it something similar to what we mentioned just now? The DUI. Driving under the influence.
So you start to scream out.
Yeah, exactly. Probably they will shout, I'm the king of the world!
I actually did that before.
When you got drunk? During Halloween?
I don't remember it was during Halloween. I was pretty young, and I got a few drinks. I was hanging out with my friends, and somehow, you know, the empty streets is like something I can scream at. You know, after a few drinks, I don't care about anything. Kind of take the whole “anything goes idea” a bit too far.就是,喝了几杯酒之后, 我就开始放飞自我。然后在一个空荡荡的街道上, 我就感觉,我仿佛感觉到我像电影里面站在那个高山上面对着下面的城市灯光大喊,然后我就喊出来了。
Trust me, the neighbors around the area wouldn't like it at all. They don't find it funny. They don't... They would hate you to do so. I remember once I got yelled back at me. I don't think it's from the neighbors around, more like people just on the street. I guess they're also the drunk people, so they yelled back at me, like, shut up! Well, it's okay, because the next day, you guys won't remember anything, right?
Yeah, but at that moment, it felt so good. You know, screaming make you feel like all your pressure just letting out.
Yeah, exactly. But talking about the disorderly conduct, actually, I read the news every year during Halloween.
就是说那些人的话,他们会穿着奇装异服,尤其你知道,他们就特别喜欢打扮成像鬼啊,什么僵尸啊之类的嘛。那他们还非常的环保, 选择了坐地铁出行。然后就直接穿着这种很可怕 然后化着很浓的妆,然后在那个地铁上面。我觉得这个可能也是差不多有点扰乱治安那样子。其实有些人他心脏不太好的话,可能看到会吓到嘛。
诶,那个警方是说这个情况是可以报警的,绝对可以,虽然他没有伤害到任何人,也没有破坏什么公共物品,但是他这个行为其实是属于扰民的, 所以可以报警。
Compared to eggs, I think toilet papers are still tolerable.
At least it doesn't stink.
Okay, so what's number three?
Moving to number three, theft and burglary.就是盗窃和入室行窃。This isn't just about stealing candy from kids, though that's pretty horrible. Why do you want to steal candy from kids? But anyway, Halloween is prime time for burglaries because people are often out at parties or trick-or-treating. Empty houses make easy targets for thieves looking for valuables.
Oh, no wonder.就是在万圣节的时候,大家都不是出去玩了吗? 所以的话,这是一个极好的时机。那个小偷就会趁着这个空档就入室抢劫。Wow, that's horrible.
Yeah, people are out for fun, and then someone sneaking into your house and snatch the good stuff. That is not cool, not okay.
Yeah, definitely not. I think prank is still okay, but if breaking the law, that's a big no-no.
And here comes the number four, disorderly conduct, 扰乱治安。This is kind of a catch-all for any behavior that disturbs the peace. Things like shouting or howling in the streets, causing a scene or refusing to leave a party when asked. Have you ever done that, like shout or howl in the streets at night?
Well, maybe I have done something like that like years ago when I was still very young. But right now, of course not. I think that's a very common case, you know, because usually people party until midnight or until like 3 a.m. or whatever. And when the streets is empty, and then they started to, you know, 放飞。And then they started to do whatever they want, like shouting or howling, something that they won't do when they are sober.
Yeah, and for me, it was like, especially after you have a few drinks, and you see the empty streets, and somehow you just want to express yourself so much that you want to scream. You know, we watch so many movies and dramas that people go up to the hills and they scream at the, you know, the city, that kind of scene, and you feel like the empty streets somehow, after a few drinks, you feel like they exactly like those empty mountains.
Wait, pumpkins I know because it's a very typical Halloween thing, but how about egging, what's that?
The egging is basically just throw eggs to people's houses.
Oh, I see.
So that is called egging.
对,就是往人家的家里面扔鸡蛋,就是egging,就挺直白将那个单词egg变成动词。It's almost like they think, oh that house looks too perfect for Halloween, better make it horrifying, and then they just throw eggs at it, and it's disgusting.
Yeah, luckily we don't have this kind of tradition here, else I'm gonna kill someone if they throw eggs to my house.
Well, at least you have a house. If you live in a department, I think it's too hard to do so.
Yeah. And unfortunately, I was told it's even more common in Australia on regular days, not only in Halloween. So some high school kids get drunk, and then they start to prank their neighborhoods. Well, they are not supposed to drink, but they get drunk. At least that's what my friends told me, so I hope they were kidding, but unfortunately more than one Aussie told me that. So egging, unfortunately, is sort of traditions for Australian neighborhood? 就是,我听我一些澳洲的朋友说,他们有时候就是扔鸡蛋这个不仅仅是在万圣节才会做。高中大学的时候,如果某一天喝多了,虽然他们不应该喝,但是他们喝多了,有时候他们捉弄他们的邻居,然后就扔鸡蛋。但我不知道为什么他们爱扔鸡蛋这个事情。就很难理解为什么好端端的鸡蛋 要用来扔。
Because it's cheap.就很便宜啊,在国外的话,那个鸡蛋成本最低,所以他们那个开玩笑的也比较简单一点嘛,I guess.
But it's disgusting. Yeah. Especially when you need to clean it, it's just so disgusting.
Yeah, try to imagine that when the eggs dries up and then the smell stays, it stinks, right?
Yuck. And then another thing they would use to prank is toilet paper. Have you watched the show called Modern Family? Yes, of course. So there is an episode about Halloween. I think it's the kid from the neighbors of Claire and Phil's house. The kids “decorated” their house with all kinds of toilet papers. So put it everywhere. I don't know how they did it, but they did it, and it's pretty messy.
Damn, that's really innovative.
Yeah.就是在《摩登家庭》里面我就有一集,就是关于万圣节,就Claire还有Phil的邻居孩子吧,就把那个纸巾当彩带那样子, 在他家里外面的树上全都挂满了那个纸巾
Yeah, of course.
I guess that's why booze in Halloween is also called witch's brew, 女巫汤, have you seen that before?
I'm not so sure, so what is that? How does it look like?
So basically, it's just booze, maybe with some fruit or whatever, but you make sure you add some food color into it, make it like a greenish, you know, weird color-ish, and then call it witch's brew. It just fits into the festival vibe.
喔,所以其实他也是酒是吧,不过只是给他加了一点颜色,所以呢就看起来就好像那种女巫熬出来的汤,带有一点 magic 魔法。
Yeah, exactly.
But you know, during the Halloween is especially dangerous if you do, I mean drunk driving is pretty bad, but during the Halloween, it could be worse, because Halloween means more pedestrians,就是更多的行人在路上,especially kids out and about. Drunk driving puts everyone at risk. If you're planning on drinking, just get a designated driver or use a ride-share service, just don't turn Halloween into a real-life horror story.
Yeah, of course. 我们国内可能氛围没有那么浓, 但是如果在国外的话, 那些小朋友都是直接跑在路上, 挨家挨户,然后敲门是吧, 然后就说Trick or Treat,对吧, 他们去掏堂吃。 所以在万圣节当中的话, 很多小朋友在路上, 那我们开车就要非常的小心。假如你喝酒了之后的话,就千万不要说,我还行,我能开。
对,我没醉,我可以的。但是必须必须,我们一定要找一个destinated driver,就是指定的司机,就譬如说我们一行人出去的话,有个人没有喝酒,像我那样子,经常就是当这个destinated driver。就负责护送大家回家,或者是use a ride-share service,就我们所说的网约车。
对,或者是像那个destinated driver,现在除了是可以指定自己的朋友,也可以找代驾。但是这个是国内会有的一个东西,国外的话我不太确定是不是每个城市都有,毕竟他们人口密度没有那么高。
And by the way, designated driver, when you hear it in English, usually just called DD, but that DD is not our DD.
那所以如果有一个外国人过来的话,他就说我需要一个DD,然后我们帮他叫了一个网约车过来。 他是不是就误会大了。
对啊,就国外他有时候直接叫那个指定的司机,他们就说DD,you are the DD tonight,就是你就是那个指定的司机啦,就换句话来说,你就不能喝酒了今晚,那其他人就在party,那你就好好乖乖地看着大家party,然后滴酒不沾。
Yeah, that's a very good point. So what's next?
The next up is vandalism and property damage,就是破坏公物和财产损毁。Halloween tends to bring out some destructive behavior in people, like egging houses or smashing pumpkins.
Unfortunately, when it's time to head home, some folks make the bad decision to get behind the wheel.
Yeah, as we mentioned just now, people usually dress up and drink, and sometimes when they driv, probably they don't realize they are drunk, that's why drunk driving,酒驾.
好像是。But do you know, in a lot of western countries, one beer wouldn't count as drunk driving, DUI.
Yeah, one beer or one glass of wine is okay to drive in a lot of western countries, at least that I know. When I was in Sydney, everybody can get a glass of beer, and then it's okay for them to drive home.But if you drink more than one glass or one pint, I think it's one pint, I'm not quite sure, then you cannot drive, otherwise you get this charge of DUI.
But that's really dangerous, I mean, probably they have higher tolerance towards alcohol, I guess.
Probably, but I think it kind of makes sense to me, because for example in Australia or in the US, they have to drive to everywhere, they have to drive, because places are so remote, probably in a lot of places, there are no public transportation, so they just have to drive. And I guess one glass of wine or beer is not too bad. And also, I guess the culture is also different in here, we usually don't drink at all.
Wait, don't drink at all?我们有酒文化。
And also, you know, here we have drunk driving and alcohol driving.就是我们这里其实有分醉驾跟酒驾,其实有点不一样的,对吧?
对,对,就有两种。然后我们刚才说的drunk driving就是醉驾了,对吧?
Oh, understood.
So why do we talk about the drunk driving today? Is it because it's related to Halloween?
Yes, we are talking about the real dangers here, because drinking too much and driving are not the two things you would like to mix them up.
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