《恋与深空》,一起磕(tù)糖(cáo)到宇宙!尬聊英语 Gossip English


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00:00 😆 英语尬聊开始了,这期是真真切切的尬聊
00:18 👀 粉丝说要聊,咱再尬也会聊的手游《恋与深空》
00:41 🤔 Wing 硬着头皮调研《恋与深空》,为什么肠子都悔青了?
04:58 ❤️ 第一视角+情感互动,《恋与深空》为何让人上瘾?
08:48 💘 游戏主旨是:“调教”你的“虚拟老公”,然后一起浪漫打怪兽?
11:11 🩺 Dr. Zayne黎医生:这种外表冷酷内心澎湃的“冰山”会有人爱?
15:16 🖤 男人不坏,女人不爱,高危甜宠型的Sylus秦彻,心动不?
19:07 🥺 高冷外表下的暖心守护,Xavier沈星回萌点拉满!
23:48 🎨 自由浪漫派艺术家Rafayel祁煜,亲手做礼物给你,这谁扛得住?
28:18 ⚠️ 高能警告:吐槽MAX值,太爱这手游的朋友们请自主忽略
32:17 💭 虚拟恋爱VS现实感情,这手游会产生“副作用”吗?
37:53 👩‍❤️‍👨  《恋与深空》已成为女生们的情感治愈地?
39:55 👏 被催婚怎么怼回去?一句“反击神回复”教你稳住场面
40:53 📝 备考角度:为了IELTS雅思等考试的好成绩,咱好好聊聊游戏吧!
48:48 🎉 结尾:感谢收听,期待大家在小红书或微博上的互动和评论


大家可以多多在 小红书微博 留言与练习例句呢!还有邮箱 GossipEnglish@hotmail.com。小红书同名直播时间:每周日 22:00,不定期也在周一、周三、周五22:00,直播评论区有单词小课堂

展开Show Notes
Hi everyone, it's Gossip English time.尬聊英语时间又到啦。This is Wing. And I'm Yao. Let's learn English through Gossip.
Yao, have you heard of the mobile game “Love and Deep Space ”? 《恋与深空》。
Yeah, like a few days ago, our follower, our friend, left us a comment in 小宇宙, and asked us if we could talk about why this game is so popular. That's the moment I knew this game.
Me too. And I kind of regret agreeing to cover it in our podcast.
When I said yes, I didn't know anything about this game.
That's why.
Yeah, and then I did some research, and I found, oh man, this is that kind of game I barely play. And if I have time, that's definitely not a game I would play.
Not for us.
No, not for us. I do play some games, but usually I'm more of a turn-based strategy game person on PC. So more brain power, less feelings. That kind of game.
For example?
Like Civilization, that is my favorite game. So it's basically, you can choose what character you want to play, and they are all famous leaders in different era in our history, in different countries as well. Like, for example, there's Qin Shi Huang, and also like Queen Victoria is in it too.
Yeah, so you start to establish your country or your empire from one block, and then you start to build up your cities, and you can establish more and more cities, and you can try to grab different resources and use those resources to develop your countries. And also you can evolve from, I think it's Stone Age, something like that. And then you can have like a modern age, industrialized age. It's very similar to our history. So it's a very fun game to me. And it's turn-based. Basically, each player will take turns. Every turn, you can just walk four or six blocks, and then you just have that much resource that you can use to develop. You have to choose what to develop first, and what things you want to build first. So basically, it's like a board game, but more complicated. So that is the kind of game I would play.
Cool 😁😁
终于完整听完了嘿嘿,让我想起听过的另一个播客吐槽恋与制作人🤣 反正我觉得玩乙游是需要一些信念感的,像我这种t人其实就很容易出戏哈哈哈(主播放的英文版感觉男主涩涩的) 不知道这个跟年龄有没有关系,我反正被黎深迷得不行,即使我头脑清楚地知道他不是真实存在的... 后来想了想我爱黎深其实是爱自己,我自己就是处女座+istj,一场轰轰烈烈的自恋。我刚玩这个游戏也才几天,但我真的很懒,除了跟黎深有关的,很多任务都没做...跟其他几个男主约会陪伴的剧情也一直没看... 而且真的不想作战打怪了,为了充了一点钱。反正我觉得,游戏就图个开心嘛(跟黎深的对话真的很上头)我还从来没谈过恋爱...以及,我不敢随便发言,还不太了解这个圈的规则。
自己喜欢就好,管其他人怎么想(我跟Yao的想法根本不算啥)🤣~ 每个人都有自己的偏好,老实讲,这真不是我会主动玩的游戏类型~😂😂
Cool, and what else?
In part 3, there are two questions. The first one is, why do people enjoy playing mobile games?
Well, apparently, people enjoy mobile games because they offer a convenient escape and immersive experiences. Playing games provides quick entertainment and engaging storylines, allowing players to connect emotionally with characters and explore different adventures in a virtual world.
Any other questions?
Yeah, and the other one is how has the use of mobile phones affected our social skills and etiquette?
Wow, that's a very good question. What do you think?
Well, the use of mobile phones, especially through games like “Love and Deep Space”, can impact our social skills by shifting focus from real-life interactions to virtual ones. This immersion can reduce face-to-face communication and social engagement, while frequent phone use in social settings may also be seen as impolite affecting our etiquette.
Yeah, so you know, many things that you can do in the games probably is improper in the real life. So you'd better tell the difference between the real life and the games.
Yeah, between the fantasies and the reality.
Yeah, remember sometimes if you do something to a guy, probably you will not get them flirting. Probably what you get is a slap.
Okay, that's all for today.就是我们刚才浅浅探讨了一下这个<恋与深空>,因为我们两个其实没有玩过,但是我们其实是基于一些研究,还有基于自己的第一印象来讨论这件事情的。但我相信我们很多听众,可能他们会有自己的想法,所以欢迎你们在我们几大平台那里去收听我们的节目,还有留下你们的评论。我们会在小宇宙、喜马拉雅、QQ音乐、还有苹果播客上面。那同时也可以是在小红书以及微博给我们留言,就是像做这一期的初衷一样,就是有听众朋友给我们留言,说想让我们聊一聊。所以我们现在就聊了。如果说你有什么话题想让我们去聊一聊的话,也可以给我们留言。当然如果想私密一点的话,可以写邮件到我们的邮箱,那我们的邮箱是 GossipEnglish@hotmail.com,那最重要的是,家人们记得一键三连,转发、点赞、还有收藏。Thank you for listening. Have a nice weekend. Yeah, have a nice weekend. Good day. Bye.
It can be a bit unsettling, when you start comparing the pros and cons of these fictional characters to actual people. You might catch yourself thinking “Well, Zayne would have handled this situation differently, which could lead to unrealistic expectations.(unsettling 本来我们 settle 的话就表示说安定下来,那 unsettling 不能让我们安定下来,所以令我们感到不安,令人不安的;pros and cons 这是一个非常常用的一个短语,它其实 pros 是表示我们的优点,cons 是表示我们的缺点,所以 pros and cons 就是优缺点,它可以代替我们那个 advantages and disadvantages,因为比较长嘛)
That said, the game does have its merits in allowing players to explore emotions in a low-stakes virtual environment. It's intriguing how it can teach us about relationships, while still providing an escape from reality, as long as we don't lose sight of the complexities of real-life connections.(merits 它是表示优点;low stakes 那个 stakes 的话它可以表示风险,或是我们股份,那所以 low stakes 就是我们没有占那么多的风险的话,就低风险;intriguing 它表示引人入胜的;那最后一个是 lose sight of sight 是可以表示我们的视野、视觉,那我们把我们的视野视觉都丢了的话,都看不到的话,那所以就是可以把它翻译成忘记、忽视 lose sight of)
I've been playing it for around 3 months now. And what I found most engaging is how it combines romantic storytelling with strategic decision-making. Each character is a well-known archetype in romance games or movies from enigmatic and collected Xavier, who seems aloof but has hidden depths, to Rafayel, the free-spirited artist who adds a playful touch to the narrative.( 好,所以第一个的话是那个archetype,archetype,表示原型的意思;那下一个是enigmatic,它是从它的名词enigma,表示谜来的,然后它加了一个tic,把它变成形容词表示神秘的,然后什么东西具有神秘感的意思;collected,跟我们平时所知道那个collect有点不太一样,这collected,是表示镇定自若的,非常淡定的;还有下一个是aloof,表示冷漠的;那下一个是free-spirited,那spirit是表示我们的精神,那free-spirited的话,那就是我们精神上面,没有任何东西可以束缚我们的,所以就是自由奔放的)
The game allows players to get immersed in these relationships, offering emotional connections and choices that shape the storyline immersed.(immerse,它表示沉浸式的,现在在一些新媒体的平台上面,会有一些叫做沉浸式体验的一些视频,那其实它这个沉浸式,就是可以是immersive,就沉浸式的,就是说那一类型的视频)
One of the reasons I play “Love and Deep Space” on my cell phone is because of its convenience. It's easy to access during breaks and the mobile format makes it perfect for short bursts of play. Plus, the game's vivid graphics and sound effects pull you right into the world. However, I do have some concerns about how these virtual relationships might affect real-life interactions.(OK,在这里的话有好几个词,我们可以用来使用一下,第一个的话,vivid graphics 就表示非常生动的一个画面;And then sound effects就表示我们的音效;那下一个的话就是这个 virtual,virtual 是表示虚拟的,所以平时我们所说的那个VR 虚拟现实,其实就是 virtual reality,但这个的话要注意跟另外一个词,跟它长得比较像的区分,就叫 visual,visual 是表示视觉的,然后这个 virtual 是表示虚拟的)
【转录15/18】【40:41-42:52】【IELTS PART】
Well, after digging deeper into the game, I don't think anyone actually fits me. But probably we can learn something through this process. So Wing, what can I learn?
Of course, at least you can learn something for our speaking tips.
Yeah, that's great.
In IELTS part 2, there's a topic. It says “Describe a game you play on your cell phone. You should say, what is it, how long have you been playing it, what type of game it is, and explain why you play this game on your cell phone or mobile phone?”
Well, can you share the game you play?
Well, actually the example is about “Love and Deep Space”. But I haven't played this game yet, to be honest. But we can use it as an example. One of the mobile games I've been playing recently is “Love and Deep Space”, a heart-pounding blend of sci-fi adventure and romance.(Ok. 那刚才我们一直在提的一个单词叫 heart-pounding,heart 表示我们的心,那 pound 其实在这里是表示砰砰跳的意思,所以 heart-pounding就是我们的心跳加快,心跳加速,让我们面红耳赤的意思)
In this game, you play as the protagonist, navigating relationships with various swoon-worthy characters while saving the universe from alien threats.(好,这里有几个词比较好用,第一个是 protagonist 就表示主角的意思;然后下一个的话是 swoon-worthy,swoon 是表示着迷的意思,那 worthy 就值得嘛,那所以 swoon-worthy它中间有一个连字符,它是一个词来的,就表示让我们心动,让我们倾心的)
It's a unique experience, where you can swoon over characters like Zayne, the brooding heart surgeon, or Sylus, the charming wild card, who's always flirting with danger.(这个swoon over,刚才讲过swoon 着迷的意思,那over的话就是为…而着迷;那brooding,brooding表示冷漠的;下一个flirting,flirting用我们现在的一个词来说就是撩)
And also I think for us, like we are now at a certain age, right? And we will face the problems of the marriage. Like our relatives always say “Okay, now it's time to get married. If you get older, probably you will be the leftover in the market.” Sometimes my relative will say something like that. But actually it will leave me deep thoughts like what is the essence of marriage? What is the essence of love?
Yeah, basically help each other out in physical way and emotional way, I guess. Just give you support in your real life.
And also by helping the other out. It also gives you some fulfilling feelings. So next time when relatives ask you that question “When are you gonna get married? Why are you not married yet?” I learned it recently and you can ask them like “Yeah, it's all your fault.”
Have you heard of it?
And then they would say “Why it matters to me” or “why is my fault”. And you can just say “Well, exactly, why does it matter to you? So stop asking that question.” In Chinese, it's like 你结婚了没?,然后你就说,对啊,都是你的错,然后你的亲戚可能就会说,关我什么事?然后你就可以说,对啊,关你什么事?你为什么要问呢?
Well said. Well said. 学会了,学废了,可能我会得到的是,我父母的男女混合双打。
是的。Exactly. While it's fun to indulge in those fantasies, we actually risk losing sight of what real love feels like. You know the complexities, the messiness, the awkwardness. When you trip over your words or spill coffee. 就是我觉得这些游戏啊,或者是偶像剧,提供给我们情绪价值固然是很好了。但其实我觉得,也有可能让我们忽略真实爱情里面的一些感受,像这些复杂性啊,或者是尴尬的场面,就有时候可能说话会结巴,见到你喜欢的人,以及有时候不小心撒咖啡的瞬间等等。那我自己是觉得就这些瞬间其实都是一种回忆啦,然后万一出现两个人之间有吵架的时候,其实那吵架和好多少会增进一些感情,所以我觉得不能完全是避免啦
Yeah. I agree. Just like what I mentioned, like in the real life, the love is very complex. It's more about the mutual trust, the mutual understanding, the conflicts and also the problem solving. So all in one. But in the game, we can only feel part of it. But I think the people really love this game. There might be a reason right?
Yeah, of course.
But I think why people, why the girls love this game? Because this game is typically for the girls right?
Because I think, as we grow up, as the society gets improved, and we become more and more independent after the financial problem. Now we turn to the emotional value. We have higher standard of the emotional requirement. That's why this game becomes very popular. Because it's really hard to find an ideal boyfriend in real life that can meet all our needs.
Yeah. I mean there's no such a thing called ideal, I think.
Yeah, ideal is ideal.
Yeah, ideal is really ideal. But in real life, it's just two people, you know, work things out and help each other out. That is something the game cannot provide.
That's true.
When you need a hand to fix, for example, the kitchen. You know, of course, you can just call a fixer to do that for you. But if it's very simple. You probably, you know, just your boyfriend can help you out. And that is something the game cannot provide.
Yeah, so it's all about the real life.
Yeah. Like the movie “Her” we just mentioned, the character falls in love with an AI and he thought it could be a bit more exclusive. But it turned out not. So yeah, that's my concern. It could be fascinating, but also a bit unsettling. After all, that is just a virtual romances. For me, the danger lies in when we start preferring virtual romances over real ones. Can you imagine sitting on a date, like a real life date, and thinking “well, Zayne would have brought me flowers instead.” 就是我自己会觉得,像那个电影《她》一样,就主角是跟一个人工智能谈上恋爱了,他原本是以为是,这个是一个一对一的这种恋爱,那事实上就是,因为是AI嘛,他肯定是对着很多不同的人,可能都说着一样的话,都已经有好多好多不同段的感情,然后其实挺伤了对于这个男主角,所以我自己的担心就是如果我们将虚拟这种恋爱与真实生活里面的恋爱相对比的时候,其实就挺危险的,举个例子来说,如果我们在现实的约会中,约会的那个人没有给你带花,然后你想说,黎深一定会给我带花的,就如果我们约会的话,那就就是虚拟跟现实分不开了,就有种现实生活被错位的感觉。
That's true. In our generation, we watch a lot of idol drama 偶像剧. We always think, like the male character will buy the flowers for the girls. So when we go for the real date, and sometimes if we cannot get the flowers, we will get disappointed. It's something like that. But right now they play the games. So I think it's something similar.
Yeah, our spiritual world is just like our real life world. In real life, we need food to feed. So we don't feel hungry or starved. In our spiritual world, it's the same thing. We need something to put into our mind. So we don't feel hungry all the time. The spiritual food is the emotional support or fulfilling. So it's just like what the idol dramas or “Love and Deep Space”, this kind of game serve. I guess that's why these games or these idol dramas get popular.
So I think it's all about the emotional value.就是全部都是关于情绪价值,对吧?因为我觉得在现实生活中,如果我们要找到一个soulmate,或者是要找到一个非常理想化的对象的话,可能有点难。但是玩游戏的时候,他会给你提供一个情绪价值,然后就可以满足你这一部分的一个情感需求
Because Siri is providing help.
Oh yeah.
Siri doesn't need you to get hooked with it.
Well, I mean, according to the trend, probably one day Apple will create a Mary Siri, something like that, and also will be very gentle. Use a very soft tone, soft voice. For example, when you ask like, Hey Siri, “Hi, what can I help you?” Something like that.
Yeah, so talking about the voice, that's why in… I think it's popular. But I'm not sure if it's that popular. Movie called “Her”. And in the whole movie, the conversation is between the guy who you can see and AI who only presents through the voice. And among thousands of thousands of actresses in Hollywood, they choose Scarlett Johnson with the sexiest voice. You know that's why. Because even the AI needs a voice that can get people hooked.
Okay, that makes sense.就是在那部电影《她》里面的话,就是说里面的角色,他爱上了一个人工智能,然后那个人工智能是个女性设定,是吧?她当时就请了那个斯嘉莉·约翰森,就是我们众所周知的黑寡妇,来给她配音
是的。Although we, we breach about the voices so much, but I think that is part of the appealing characteristic of this game, which makes it so popular. In some way, this game offers an escape, a chance to explore different types of love without the real life consequences. Plus, the POV, the first person point of view interactions let players feel very very very immersed in the story. It's like being in a romantic movie. But honestly, I'm a bit concerned about that. It might be. It could be a distraction from real life relationships.
Yeah. I think so. I'm afraid that some people, especially the young girls, couldn't tell the difference between the reality and the games. Sometimes after playing this game, they cannot feel satisfied in the real world. And probably they would do something extreme. That's my concern, too.
(soundbite) When lamerians fall in love with someone, all our senses are committed to perceive them without question. Your way of triggering my senses has only touched the surface. Are all humans idiots? And you're warm. I like that. Will you still like me no matter who I become? If you say so, join me, then let's drown in the ocean together.
You know, after hearing all the soundbites, I only have one question. Like why they talk like that? Why they cannot talk like normally?就譬如说,你吃饭了没。日常生活中,我们就会很正常说话,说,你吃饭了没,对吧?可能会有一种比较温柔的语调。但他们的语调就是,你吃饭了没,就那种
Yeah. Do you agree?
I guess the game really is keen to focus on the connections, emotional connections. So they need to, you know, use the voice that will make you feel intensively as strong as possible. So I guess the voicing is just make you feel so good.
Yeah, you have a point.
See. Just make your voice deep.
I'm gonna slap you.
I'm a fast learner.
I can tell.
I'm sorry.
Okay. So just now when you asked me so many questions about my reaction, and my impression on those characters, so what about you?
I just.. they have to speak normally like you said. Like this way I just feel like, you know, in Chinese it's like 好油. 我最近喜欢清淡,太油腻的东西不适合我吃,容易三高。
对呀。So for me, it's like too much. Too pretending. I want it like just talk like a normal person. You don't need to talk like, yeah, I don't know what do you feel about that. I don't like that. Can you just ask me like a real person?
Well, actually it kind of reminds me of the Dan mode in the ChatGPT. Dan also use a very flirting tone to talk with us, right? And some people really buy it.
I mean that is a hook. Definitely a hook. If you just talk normally, you probably wouldn't just, you know, spend a lot of time with it. They want you both scenarios you mentioned, ChatGPT or this game, they want you to get hooked. So you need something to get you hooked. Siri doesn't like that. Siri is more like a normal person.
Too normal.
Well, that sounds okay. Sometimes we come across the person like 祁煜, right? Those who lock themselves in their own world. However, actually they are very emotional and considerate. Like he'll give you some surprises and he didn't choose those kinds of commercial gifts, but sometimes he would just spend a lot of time and effort handmading a gift for you.
Yeah. And the handmade gift is very, very touching and it gets me so quickly. If I receive a handmade gift, I've got a gift before a long time ago is a handmade wing on a marble.
So, you know, marble is pretty hard, right?
The texture is really hard. So my friend just carved a wing, a shape of wing on the marble and send that to me. That is the best gift so far because that is handmade. It's not because it's price. So.
Damn, that slays. Yeah.
是,然后我可以跟你分享一下,就是我曾经收过一份礼物,就是that gift was from my ex-boyfriend,然后他做成了一个可以打开的那种盒子,就是那个盒子每一个面的话,都会放上一张我们的合照,然后还有写一段话
对啊,我完全get到,我那个也是我的ex boyfriend
But probably just to us, you know, we are probably like idealistic. That's why this kind of handmade gifts will surprise us a lot, and also will give us the long-lasting warmth and love. But probably for some people who are more materialistic, probably they prefer the luxury brands bags or whatever.
Yeah, it depends on the person, I think. Let me play you soundbite of him to see how you feel.
Yeah, just one thing that bugs me a lot.
Why can't they just normally wear clothes? Like, why can't they just, you know, like a normal person wearing clothes? They never button their shirts. They always kind of show you their muscles or they don't wear any tops. Why?
Wing, I give you a suggestion.
Probably you should look for the doctors.
I can tell.
Yeah, I think the way they dress up is very tempting. You know, always want to attract your attention. That's why.
Of course. So what do you think about this guy, Xavier? I think I kind of like him because he's more close to the guys in the reality. The other two we mentioned just now are too far away from the reality. Like, we barely see someone like 秦彻. But this guy, 沈星回, his personality is very close to the normal guys.生活中有很多人其实跟他一样,外表其实是比较高冷,但是内心的话其实是非常的温暖。而且他可能就是会很照顾你啊,譬如说他可以为你做饭啊。然后等你不开心的时候,他也会第一时间出现,然后给你一些慰借,我觉得他这个人是还挺正常的。
So is he your cup of tea?
Yeah. Yeah. So he's also in my waiting list.
Two out of three. Okay.
Yeah. So I think 现在有点打脸,you know, at the beginning I said this game is not for me. Maybe after this podcast, I'm going to be the big fan of this game.
就是每个角色,你可以不用太选择,因为在里面可能每个角色你都可以碰得到,都可以跟他们撩一撩,就是 小学生才要做选择题,成年就是都要。
对。All right. So what's the other one?
Last but not least, Rafayel祁煜. He's the talented artist with a passion for creating. He's more free spirited and a little forgetful. Like that friend who's always in their own world, but somehow makes life more colorful. His artistic nature means he's sensitive and thoughtful. Often seeing beauty where others don't. He's the type who might forget your birthday, but will surprise you with a handmade gift that shows he truly cares. His charm lies in his creativity and the warmth he brings to those around him.
而且他说话那种就是,Oh, should I call you an angry hunter or a kitten just got something something. And I'm like, oh man, his flirtation is so strong. Even in a very dangerous situation, it doesn't matter. He just can't stop his flirtation.他就不能停下来。他的聊骚是不能停的。无时无刻都是处于开启的状态。
那这样子吧, 我应该说我可能初中的时候, 然后被那些什么偶像剧荼毒的yao,应该很喜欢这种类型。哇,他好帅喔,我们一起打那个外星人的时候,他还跟我调情喔,哇喔
对啊,就是Dangerous are always very hot in some way.
Yeah. The dangerous makes my heart pounding. And his flirting words even make me pound harder.
Yeah. Just keep your adrenaline high.就一直刺激你肾上腺素,就不断的很high
Yeah. Yeah, definitely. Okay. I'm gonna add this character in my waiting list. And then what's next?
And then there's Xavier.沈星回. He's an enigmatic guy who seems cool and collected. But there's a lot more beneath the surface. He's a protector, constantly battling evil in the galaxy, and his mysterious background adds depth to his character. Imagine the person who seems aloof at first, but surprises you with a hidden talent for cooking, making him both intriguing and relatable. He's the kind of guy you want on your side during tough times.
Hmm, not bad. Let me play you a soundbite, like just hear what his voice sounds like.
Yeah, but hopefully not that cheesy.
No guarantee.
(soundbite) It's still swollen. You better put an ice pack on it. I'll go get one. What’s the matter? It's OK. I'm the only one here. How come you're allowed to do this, but not me? Maybe you should try calming down first. Is it getting light outside? We can't delay the sunrise. We can make the night a little darker.
Well, this guy sounds more like a normal guy.
Next one. So the next is Sylus.秦彻. The suave and mysterious leader of a notorious group in the game. He's got that rogue charm. Like the guy who's always a bit of a wild card, flirting with danger and effortlessly capturing attention. When he sweeps you off your feet during a high stakes negotiation, it turns into a passionate moment that feels like a scene from a romantic thriller. So he's a suave and mysterious leader of a notorious group in the game. He's got that rogue charm. Like the guy who's always a bit of a wild card. He's always unpredictable. He's always flirting with danger and effortlessly capturing attention. When he sweeps you off your feet during a high stakes negotiation, it turns into a passionate moment that feels like a romantic thriller.
秦彻在游戏里面是一个臭名昭著组织的一个神秘领袖。然后他有那种坏坏的感觉,有一种不羁的魅力,就是痞帅,应该说是可以这么形容,是非常痞帅的那种类型。而且他永远是不可预测的,而且总喜欢在危险里面 跟你聊骚。非常轻松就可以吸引你的眼光,所有人的眼光。举个例子来说,他有时候会在一些很高风险的谈判中撩你,然后让你心跳加速, 有点像是浪漫惊悚片。
Oh my. So is it like the alpha male?霸道总裁
坏坏的那一种。其实我第一个想到的就是,香港一个演员,痞帅出名的黄宗泽。他其实表演很多那种角色, 跟这个挺像的,就我不知道他真人怎么样,就是说他表演的角色,其实都是这一种。就坏坏的。
Wow. I bet this 秦彻 is my cup of tea.
Bad boy. You like bad boys.
So is he charming or just a smooth talker?
Well, of course.
(soundbite) Don't tell me that's what you think. I won't be able to endure. They're not real but they can move. Is that it sweetie? Doesn't this mean you also need to learn how to humble yourself? Soundproofing for the showers isn’t great. People might get the wrong idea if they're us at this rate. we could end up in a loose loose situation. So class isn't over yet, then can I trouble you so more. Miss.
Well, probably you guys just can hear the sound. However, I can see the scene. Basically, I'm facing a six pack alpha male. 就是我面对一个六块腹肌的,哦,对不起,八块腹肌的霸道总裁。Oh my. That's actually too much. I get my goosebumps.我都起鸡皮疙瘩了。