00:00 😆 英语尬聊开始了,这期是真真切切的尬聊
00:18 👀 粉丝说要聊,咱再尬也会聊的手游《恋与深空》
00:41 🤔 Wing 硬着头皮调研《恋与深空》,为什么肠子都悔青了?
04:58 ❤️ 第一视角+情感互动,《恋与深空》为何让人上瘾?
08:48 💘 游戏主旨是:“调教”你的“虚拟老公”,然后一起浪漫打怪兽?
11:11 🩺 Dr. Zayne黎医生:这种外表冷酷内心澎湃的“冰山”会有人爱?
15:16 🖤 男人不坏,女人不爱,高危甜宠型的Sylus秦彻,心动不?
19:07 🥺 高冷外表下的暖心守护,Xavier沈星回萌点拉满!
23:48 🎨 自由浪漫派艺术家Rafayel祁煜,亲手做礼物给你,这谁扛得住?
28:18 ⚠️ 高能警告:吐槽MAX值,太爱这手游的朋友们请自主忽略
32:17 💭 虚拟恋爱VS现实感情,这手游会产生“副作用”吗?
37:53 👩❤️👨 《恋与深空》已成为女生们的情感治愈地?
39:55 👏 被催婚怎么怼回去?一句“反击神回复”教你稳住场面
40:53 📝 备考角度:为了IELTS雅思等考试的好成绩,咱好好聊聊游戏吧!
48:48 🎉 结尾:感谢收听,期待大家在小红书或微博上的互动和评论
大家可以多多在 小红书 与 微博 留言与练习例句呢!还有邮箱 GossipEnglish@hotmail.com。小红书同名直播时间:每周日 22:00,不定期也在周一、周三、周五22:00,直播评论区有单词小课堂
Hi everyone, it's Gossip English time.尬聊英语时间又到啦。This is Wing. And I'm Yao. Let's learn English through Gossip.
Yao, have you heard of the mobile game “Love and Deep Space ”? 《恋与深空》。
Yeah, like a few days ago, our follower, our friend, left us a comment in 小宇宙, and asked us if we could talk about why this game is so popular. That's the moment I knew this game.
Me too. And I kind of regret agreeing to cover it in our podcast.
When I said yes, I didn't know anything about this game.
That's why.
Yeah, and then I did some research, and I found, oh man, this is that kind of game I barely play. And if I have time, that's definitely not a game I would play.
Not for us.
No, not for us. I do play some games, but usually I'm more of a turn-based strategy game person on PC. So more brain power, less feelings. That kind of game.
For example?
Like Civilization, that is my favorite game. So it's basically, you can choose what character you want to play, and they are all famous leaders in different era in our history, in different countries as well. Like, for example, there's Qin Shi Huang, and also like Queen Victoria is in it too.
Yeah, so you start to establish your country or your empire from one block, and then you start to build up your cities, and you can establish more and more cities, and you can try to grab different resources and use those resources to develop your countries. And also you can evolve from, I think it's Stone Age, something like that. And then you can have like a modern age, industrialized age. It's very similar to our history. So it's a very fun game to me. And it's turn-based. Basically, each player will take turns. Every turn, you can just walk four or six blocks, and then you just have that much resource that you can use to develop. You have to choose what to develop first, and what things you want to build first. So basically, it's like a board game, but more complicated. So that is the kind of game I would play.