Emotions 2.0: The Benefits of Mixed EmotionsHidden Brain

Emotions 2.0: The Benefits of Mixed Emotions

52分钟 ·

Sometimes we feel just one single feeling with overwhelming force. We're joyously happy. We're crushingly sad. But sometimes it's more complicated than that: We feel happy and sad at the same time. This week, we revisit a favorite 2022 episode with psychologist Naomi Rothman, who shares her research on the mixed emotion of ambivalence. She explores how being of two minds changes the way we think, and how it changes the way others see us. 

Did you catch the first two episodes in our Emotions 2.0 series? You can find them in this podcast feed, or on our website, hiddenbrain.org. Thanks for listening! 

展开Show Notes
45:35 There are two ways to handle intense emotional pressure, like when a loved one is seriously ill. One approach is to suppress the negative emotions, pushing them down to avoid feeling their full impact. The other way, however, is to stay curious—to notice, acknowledge, and understand these difficult emotions. By doing this, we honor the truth of our emotional experience without pretending or denying the reality of the situation.

39:39 If you develop a paradox mindset instead of relying on an either-or approach, tension will naturally arise—but the tension itself isn’t the problem. The key is building the capability to tolerate this tension. With a paradox mindset, you can learn to embrace it, using it as a source of growth, allowing both perspectives to thrive together.

29:59 There’s a paradox here: leaders who show ambivalence may risk undermining their authority, as it can backfire and cause others to question their decisiveness. Yet, showing ambivalence can also foster a cooperative environment. By openly considering multiple perspectives, a leader can encourage team members to exchange information and seek each other’s input. The solution to this paradox may lie in timing. ⭐️Leaders should first establish a cooperative, trusting atmosphere within the team. ⭐️Once a supportive environment is in place, the leader’s ambivalence is less likely to be seen as a lack of confidence and more as openness to collaboration.
