在日常的工作和生活里, 我们总是能从网上, 朋友或者同事那里学习到一些小技巧,小妙招, 让我们省时省力,效率提高。 那么对于鸟类来说, 它们也会这样学习么?那么今天就来聊聊鸟类的社会化学习这点事儿。
英国的节日贺卡, 偷牛奶的蓝冠山雀
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1. Conformity does not perpetuate suboptimal traditions in a wild population of songbirds
Lucy M. Aplina,1, Ben C. Sheldona, and Richard McElreathb
2. Cultural transmission without imitation: Milk bottle opening by birds
Daivd Sherry,Bennett G Galef
3. Locale-specific sugar packet opening by Lesser Antillean Bullfinches in Barbados
Simon M. Reader, Daniel Nover, and Louis Lefebvre Journal of Field Ornithology, 73(1):82-85. 2002.
4. Social learning in birds and its role in shaping a foraging niche
Tore Slagsvold 1,*, Karen L Wiebe 2
5. Social learning in nest-building birds: a role for familiarity
Lauren M. Guillette, Alice C. Y. Scott and Susan D. Healy