HK山海奇遇记:徒步党出发,宅家党围观!尬聊英语 Gossip English


44分钟 ·

00:00 🎉 英语尬聊开始了,秋季户外正式开始召集!
00:18 🍂 广东真的有秋天吗?11月继续穿短袖呀!
00:47 🤔 Wing与Yao其实也是网友?尊嘟假嘟?!?!
01:11 🏞️ 香港徒步究竟有何“魔力”,吸引着我们长途跋涉地走它?
04:51 🗺️ 你知道作为国际大都市的香港,其实有多少条徒步路线吗?
06:17 🦁 竟然有一座山成为了香港的精神象征??
10:10 🏔️ 哪条徒步路线,一边是无尽海景,一边是繁忙都市?
14:19 🏖️ 徒步后Yao在沙滩睡了一觉,而Wing就被餐厅老板娘卖了一堆酒+服务?!
17:56 🐢 “影都看不到”的Wing VS “慢吞吞”沉浸式的Yao
22:19 🏃‍♂️ Yao小队觉得Wing太快,Wing小队其实一直在等,只是等不及?
24:39 🍮 后知后觉的Yao,因为走太慢,究竟错过了什么好东西?
28:41 💧 荒野求生指南:化学式VS物理式净化水源
30:08 🎒 Wing徒步必带的三件套究竟是什么?
34:07 📝 备考角度:为了IELTS雅思等考试的好成绩,咱趁机聊聊徒步与大自然的考试题!
43:00 🎉 结尾:感谢收听,期待大家在小红书或微博上的互动和评论!


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小红书同名直播时间:每周日 22:00,不定期也在周一、周三、周五22:00,直播评论区有单词小课堂

展开Show Notes
Hi everyone, it's Gossip English time! 尬聊英语时间又到了! This is Yao. And I'm Wing. Let's learn English through gossip.
Hey Wing, it's autumn in the Canton area.
Are you sure we have autumn? It's so hot right now.
Yeah, I know, but it's literally autumn, right?
Well, it should be.
Yeah, but recently it's kind of cool outside, which means it's the perfect weather for outdoor activities.
Right, it's neither too hot nor too cold.
Yeah, so do you feel like going out for hiking?
Yeah, of course. We just did it a few weeks ago.
Yeah, actually in our Xiaohongshu, some people asked us, Yao, do you actually know Wing in person? Are you just online friends?
Yes, we all record everything online. I don't even know what Yao looks like. I have no idea.
Yeah, no, just kidding. Actually, we are friends. So actually during the national holiday, I invited Wing to hike in Hong Kong.
Right, it was fun. It was a lot of fun.
Yeah, so the people around me asked me, with so many mountains in Guangdong and other provinces, why do you choose to hike in Hong Kong? So Wing, let me ask you. When I invited you, why you decided to follow me to Hong Kong?
Well, I used to work in Hong Kong. So Hong Kong, to me, is a bit like a second home. I'm very familiar with Hong Kong and also, you know, we all grew up with Hong Kong TVB.
Yeah, the culture.
So it kind of gives me a vibe of familiarity. So when you invited me, I was like, okay, Hong Kong sounds fun. I have nowhere to go because my friend just bailed me.
对,鸽了我,放我飞机。 And then when Yao asked me, and I was like, okay, sounds good, sounds fun. I always enjoy hiking and I've done hiking in Hong Kong before. So I sort of know what I could expect. So that was why I just joined it.
Wow, that's pretty cool.
What about you?
❤️❤️lots of love
44:20 有兴趣有兴趣,期待面基!!我第一遍听到快结束就往前拉听第二次,刚刚才听到结尾
Yes, for 25 kilometers. So, I will hike. That person definitely runs.
Right. But anyway, I'm excited about it.
Yeah, me too. I think this trail is perfect for the beginners. And also, if you enjoy the scenery, then I think this one must be a perfect choice for you.
Yeah, I think so too. And I found it is not just beautiful, but also is just so comfortable to hike, actually. It is not too hard. It is not too boring, because you can see things. Otherwise, 25 kilometers is too long. Too much.
Yeah, exactly. Because from the ridge, you can see the Clearwater Bay Peninsula, Islands in the Eastern Sea, Stanley Peninsula, and the South China Sea. And the trail ends at Big Wave Bay Beach, perfect for sunbathing, surfing and a refreshing dip in the summer.
很多电影里面都提到了,非常多港片都关于这个赤柱,赤柱(粤语)。But in English, it is called Stanley.
然后这个路径的话是终点是在大浪湾海滩,那夏天的时候就可以晒晒日光浴、冲浪以及清凉一游。挺好的。You did spend some time on the beach, right?
I didn't, but you did.
Well, I think you may be surprised. I fell asleep on the beach.
Oh, wow. That sounds very comfortable.
Yeah, because, you know, it wasn't too hot on that day, and with the breeze and the background music of the wave, and I fell asleep.
That sounds very comfortable, very comfy.
Thanks to the shades of the mountain. Thanks to the dragon.
Yeah, thank you.
So, I walked so fast, right? So, pretty much an hour ahead of you guys, and then I just spent an hour with a few of our friends in the restaurant waiting for you guys. And then I met this owner of the restaurant, and she was very interesting. I think she was middle-aged, but super cool.
No, 70s, right?
Yeah. That's a very powerful story. So, I guess that trail attracts a lot of people because of that.
Yeah, I think so. But we also have other trails.
Oh, including our trails. The Dragon's Back. Yes. So, the Dragon's Back is one of them. The ridge looks like a dragon's backbone. And the views are spectacular.
So, actually we have other trails to choose. The other famous one is called Wilson Trail. It's 78 kilometers from Tai Long Wan on Hong Kong Island to Lam Chung in the New Territories.
Wilson Trail 中文名字叫做卫奕信径,它是有78公里的,从香港岛的大浪湾到新界的南涌。哇,这个很长耶,就夸了很多的地方,真的是。
因为其实那个香港岛跟新界中间其实隔了个九龙, 所以它这个还走得蛮多路的。
And then the other one is called Lantau Trail. It's 70 kilometers, a loop starting and ending in Mei Wo.
So, the trail we went is called Hong Kong Trail. It's 50 kilometers from the peak to Tai Long Wan. So, our trail is part of it, which is called Dragon's Back.
就我们这次去香港的其实是经过了龙脊,就Dragon's Back。它全程这个路径是叫港岛线,一共是50公里长,从山顶到大浪湾,所以也就我们这次去的。Actually, I'm going to this trail again in January of next year.
Yeah. But not the full 50 kilometers. I will hike 25.
It is a charity hike. So, there are three different lengths of trails that I can choose. 10 kilometers, 25, and 50. I think 50 for me is too much. I'm not ready for it. So, I choose 25, you know, to challenge myself a little bit, but not to kill myself.
So, how long? Is it for the whole day hiking?
Supposedly, for the 25 kilometers, they suggest about 10 hours. For 50, around 13 to 16, I guess. I don't quite remember the hour numbers, but it is a long, long one. And Hong Kong holds this charity hike every year. According to the record, for 25 kilometers, the record keeper only used two and a half hours.
Two and a half hours?
Actually, this is my first time to hike in Hong Kong. I remember last year, I took the metro to Disneyland. I saw the open sea with mountains in the background. It was breathtaking. You know, Hong Kong offers a unique blend of urban and natural landscapes. It's really fascinating. One second ago, you were still in the bustling city. However, the next minute, you are surrounded by the nature. So that's why it was so attractive to me.
Yeah, it's famous for its unique blend of natural beauty and convenience. That's hard to find elsewhere. Do you remember we talked about Kowloon Wall City?
So it's kind of like that. Hong Kong is a place of mix of everything. So when we hike in Hong Kong, we can see the beauty of nature, but we also see, like you said, we see a lot of buildings, harbor, ocean. We can feel the wind, but also we can hear the sound of the city. So it was really amazing. Pretty intriguing.
Yeah, that's true.就是我们国庆的时候就去了香港一起去徒步嘛,其实这是我第一次去,主要是我去年去迪士尼的时候呢,我就坐那个地铁,我就看到一片海,但是他背景就有山嘛,我就觉得好漂亮。就跟我们印象中的香港有点不太一样,印象中的香港的话,全是摩天大楼,然后那个建筑非常密密麻麻,但是事实上,它有非常非常多的景观,所以我就特别特别爱。
对啊,你像我们去的那个就是港岛线嘛,港岛线其实在,可能这里要科普一下,可能有些听众朋友知道,有些可能不知道,香港主要是分三个区的,就是新界new territory,然后就是九龙kowloon,然后还有香港岛就Hong Kong island。那香港岛就是,我们熟知的中环就在那一头了。所以我以前我第一次去的时候,也是去港岛线,我在我去的之前呢,其实我一直都不知道在港岛那边是有山可以爬的。然后我一直以为港岛那边其实全都开发完了,就像中环一样,全部都是密密麻麻的大厦,然后很发达的各种交通之类的,然后后来发现其实不是哦,就它还是有山的,而且我们去的那个山还很漂亮。

Yeah. You remember, at the peak of the mountain, we can see the ocean. And the harbor. We can feel the wind of it. And also the smell of it is amazing.
Yeah, unforgettable. So, do you know how many trails in Hong Kong?
I have no idea. How many of them? You asked me, you know that, right?
Yeah, I did some research.
Actually, Hong Kong is home to many famous trails with breathtaking views. Like the MacLehose Trail,就是那个麦理浩径。It stretches 100 km from Pak Tam Chung in Saigon to Tuen Mun. Tuen Mun. Tuen Mun.
Tuen Mun. To Tuen Mun.
Popular among trail runners.
06:38 麦理浩径居然有 100km
42:07 才听到我居然被翻牌了😍 结尾惊喜
哈哈哈,翻牌这个词,太好玩了 🤣
So any other questions?
Yes, of course. In part 1,do you enjoy spending time in nature?
What do you think?
Yes, spending time in nature is a wonderful pastime. It allows me to escape the bustling city life and immerse myself in the tranquility of natural surroundings. It is a truly lifesaver.
Any other questions?
Yes, in part 3,how do you think urbanization has affected people's connection with nature?
Well, urbanization has significantly affected people's connection with nature. With the rise of metropolitan skyscrapers and concrete jungles, natural spaces are becoming scarce. People often find themselves immersed in urban landscapes, neglecting the opportunity to encounter nature. This shift has altered pastimes, reducing the time spent outdoors and impacting our overall well-being.
Cool, okay, that's all for today. But it's not the end yet.就是我们非常感谢大家,在我们评论区里面给我们留言,尤其是一直给我们打气,或者是给我们提一些建议,所以我们现在就是每一期,都会择选一些语录,然后来跟大家分享一下,比如说像这位名字叫HD141629H,可能这位朋友听完之后,下次他就要改个名字才行,太绕口了。或者他都不知道自己的名字,对这个是默认的嘛,然后他说,太喜欢这个中英mix形式,英语为主,中文辅助理解,能吸引我持续听下去。这是我们希望达到的效果,谢谢你。对就是我们一开始,都不知道这条路能不能走通,后来得到你这个肯定,我们之后会继续努力的。是的,然后还有一位叫似薯片掠过星河,我天哪,这怎么又接地气又很又很美好呢,又很梦幻的感觉,我觉得很抽象。对,然后他就说,好棒这个博客真的能帮助学英语,而且聊得很欢乐,谢谢Wing和Yao。谢谢似薯片掠过星河,你这个就是对于广东人来说,你这个名字真的是把我舌头都给搞到了,对就是这个评论最感动我的一个地方,就是第一次评论区里面,有人提我们的名字,就很多时候他们都是说你们对吧,谢谢你们啊,或者是你们做得很好,但是第一次评论区有人提我们Wing和Yao这两个名字,所以就很特别,对我来说很暖心,大家收到yao的暗示了。对,然后感谢大家的收听,欢迎大家来,在我们四大平台那里去订阅我们的账号,我们分别在小宇宙,喜马拉雅,QQ音乐,还有苹果博客,那也欢迎大家在小红书,以及微博,以及小宇宙里面给我们留言互动,然后如果想跟我们说些悄悄话,私密点的,那也可以给我们发邮件,那我们的邮箱是,然后我们现在做了这么久的网友,请问大家有没有兴趣,跟我们线下面基呢,对啊,如果大家感兴趣的话,给我们回个复,因为我们两个主要都是在广佛地区,然后呢,其实我们有个想法,就是说如果大家愿意,其实我们可以搞一个线下的面基活动,但是具体什么时候具体什么活动,我们都没想法,只是今天突然有这么一个想法,所以就想问问大家的意见,然后我们再组织一下,如果大家感兴趣的话,对,所以大家多点给我们留言评论吧。
Okay. Have a nice weekend, guys. Let us know if you have any outdoor activities or hiking. Enjoy your weeks. Bye. Bye.
And then Unique blend of urban and natural landscapes就是独特的城市和自然景观的融合,A unique blend of 就是一个非常独特的融合,这个词其实在很多不同场景里面我们都可以用到,除了这里是 A blend of urban and natural landscapes,也可以是a blend of modern and the ancient times,就是现代与古代的很好的一个结合,这也是一个用法
As we hiked, we were surrounded by bustling metropolitan skyscrapers on one side and the serene sea on the other.(Bustling就繁忙的,就我们用来形容大城市,通常都可以用这个bustling,那大家记这个词的时候呢,我通常会看到bus,然后就想起busy嘛,就可以帮助大家记这个词,就是繁忙的;Metropolitan,就大都市的,它的名词形式就是metropolis,就大都市;然后skyscrapers,就是摩天大厦,都已经有sky,所以大家可以推想出来,它就是很靠近天空,所以就是我们中文里面的摩天大厦,就很接近天空;还有serene,serene是宁静的意思,就有点像peaceful and calm的结合体。那我们在考试里面呢,如果可以多用一些不同的形容词,其实对我们的考试是有帮助的,所以大家可以积累一下这类型的词哦)
The contrast between the concrete jungles and the lush greenery were spectacular.(Concrete jungles. Jungle本身就是丛林,那concrete jungle就是混凝土丛林。也就是粤语,如果大家看粤语的片可能会提到的一个词叫做石屎森林(粤语),就是concrete jungles;and spectacular 就是壮观的)
Along the way, we encountered trail runners and watched in awe as people paraglided over the golf course and the aisles.(encounter 遇到,其实这个词我们在过往的episode里面经常提到的, 是个非常好用的一个词,encounter,就遇到;Trail runners,越野跑的人,就越野跑者;And paraglide,它可以是名词,也是可以是动词。是一项运动来的,就滑翔伞,滑翔。就从山顶往下一直冲,就背上背的一个像伞一样的东西。有点像我们的风筝,但是一个人在下面,超大人形风筝。那就是这个paraglide。那通常呢,我们说这项运动的时候呢,我们就会说paragliding。就举个例子来说,I love paragliding,就可以这么讲。就我喜欢玩滑翔伞运动)
The experience of summit chasing allowed us to immerse ourselves in nature, providing a refreshing escape from urbanization.(Summit chasing,就追逐山顶。它是由两个词组成的一个名词,中间是有一个连词号连在一起,就是一个小hyphen。Summit就是山顶啦,chasing就是追逐,所以连在一起的话, summit chasing就是追逐山顶; Immerse ourselves in,就是将我们沉浸在什么什么当中,也是一个很好用的词组。就是举个例子来说,I immerse myself in English learning. Or you can say,I immerse myself in the podcast Gossip English)
Well said.
Yeah, and then urbanization,就是城市化。Urban,就是城市的意思, 然后所以后面加了nization,就变成什么什么化,就urbanization,城市化。就跟我们那个工业化是差不多的,industrialization。
It felt like a lifesaver,offering a peaceful retreat, and a chance to reconnect with the natural world.(Lifesaver,救星,life,大家知道生命,save,就拯救。So lifesaver,就一个词下来,就是救星)
就是我爬山的话,徒步的话,我一定会带三个东西。就是急救包、小刀,以及那个登山的一个trail mix,就是徒步的食物混合物
一般是没有巧克力的,混合坚果,对,巧克力你要自己配,因为巧克力是比较容易融化跟变质的,所以一般来说,不会放在一起进行保存。但是呢,就我自己徒步的经验来说,急救包跟小刀是必须的,因为你永远都不知道什么时候会出现任何突发状况。那急救包呢,可以止血啊什么的,就当你需要的时候,就很就手,然后那小刀就是,不管你在吃东西或者遇到一些你不想见的动物,或者有颗树枝挡路什么的,其实小刀都可以帮上忙,然后那个Trail Mix,就是那个坚果混合物,加巧克力的话,就很快地可以给你补充体力,那它主要提供就是卡路里,非常非常非常高热量。所以不太建议大家平时吃,因为吃多了,太容易胖了,它里面那个脂肪量蛮高的。当然也会有Protein,就是蛋白质啊,盐分啊,糖分啊,就是人体必须这些元素,就通过Trail Mix这边,可以基本满足。所以在爬山时候,会很Handy很就手
天哪,对,反正我自己自认为,是搞不来Backcountry Hiking,就是你说的那种真正的背个背包的,背包族去旅行的那种,我是干不来的,All my camping is glamping,就是上次好像说过了


So after all the great tips for hiking, do you have any tips for IELTS as well? After all, this is an English learning podcast. Sort of.
Yeah. We have to remind ourselves. This is an English-learning podcast.
Yeah, of course.
There is a question in IELTS part 2. Describe a time when you went on a nature hike. You should say where you went, who you went with, what you saw during the hike. And explain how you felt about this experience.
Do you have any examples?
Of course. Since our trip is so unforgettable, I'm gonna take it as an example. During a national holiday, my friend Wing and I ventured to Dragon's Back in Hong Kong for a nature hike. This trail is renowned for its stunning views and offers a unique blend of urban and natural landscapes.( Venture 就是冒险,敢于去做的意思,所以在这个例子里面,Venture to Dragon's Back就是我们向着龙脊这个山去冒险;Be renowned for就是类似于是 Be famous for,就是我们以后要说某个地方或者某个人、某个地点,因为某个事情非常出名,我们就不仅仅可以用famous,也可以用renowned,So it's renowned for就是因为什么出名 Stunning 就是令人惊叹的,Stun就本来就是说,不知道大家知不知道stun gun,就是那种可能看一些连续剧里面有,就是那种电击枪,就是打过去,你整个就电击,然后就晕倒,那个就stun 就让你整个触电,然后震住了,这个是原意。然后stunning的话,就令人很惊叹,就美到你整个人都惊呆了、不会动了,所以就stunning)
I doubt about the methods of purifying water you just mentioned.
I don't think a tablet can kill any germs or any, I don't know, dirty stuff. I just feel like it doesn't work in that way. I did purify some water when I was in the wilderness, but we have the whole package and wait for a long time to just let the water go through a filter. And then we can drink that water. I don't know. Like, your way is more chemical way. My way is more physical way. So maybe we should do some tests to see which one is better.
Yeah, but I am pretty sure both of them worked because we are still alive.
Yeah, that's true.
So Wing, do you have any suggestions what we should bring?
Yes. When I do hiking, I would bring three things. First aid kit, a pocket knife, and trail mix. So first aid kit, of course, you know, what is it for if you have a bruise or if you are bleeding, you need something to help, like a band-aid for blisters and stuff like that. And the pocket knife is super useful. You don't know what you will encounter in the wilderness. So sometimes you probably got cut on some plants on your pants and stuff like that. And then a knife can help you out easily. And some unwelcomed animal, a knife might help as well. So that's the two things I must bring every time. The third thing is the trail mix. Actually, I learned it when I was in the States because when we were hiking, we need food. Actually, we need calorie, not just food. Not any kind of food. We need calorie. So I couldn't buy a pack of trail mix here, but I can do it myself. So basically it's dried nuts, chocolate, and some dried fruits. So mix them together, you can get fats, sodium, protein, sugar, everything you need pretty much just from trail mix. But if you take those trail mix as a normal daily snack, you will get fat very easily. Because that is very high calorie.
Wise choice.
Yeah, so I had to carry it all back next time. I won't do something like that.
But you also bring something really good, the energy drink powder, right?
That is really good and helpful.
Actually, I prepared some porcari sweat powder because, you know, up in the mountains it's really hard to find energy drinks. That's why, if you have a bottle of water, and then you can mix this powder with the water, and then it turns out to be an energy drink.
That's cool, and it's not that heavy.
Yeah. That's a really good idea. What else would you suggest to bring?
I think refrigerated cucumbers are a lifesaver in the mountains too. They are very refreshing and perfect for a quick cool down.
You better bring some spicy sauce.你应该带一些辣酱,你给我带点辣椒酱,那就更棒了
wasabi还有那个soy sauce,就是冰镇黄瓜,然后配那个酱油,还有芥末
Yeah, true.
Anything else?
Well, I also have a tip, but it's not about summer, it's about winter. I remember once I went to Huashan in winter. You know, the hot food was so expensive, and the water was scarce, right? Probably they charge you like 20 for a bottle of water or whatever, or even higher. I don't know. So I brought a self-heating hot pot kit.就是我带了一个自热火锅。And I used the ice instead of drinkable water for the heating pack so that I can save my water for the ingredients. So after 15 minutes, I just enjoyed my hot meal, and the people looked at me. I could tell they were very, very jealous.
Of course.
Yeah, that's very clever.
Any other tips?
When I was in UK, I went backpacking. And at that time I camped for three days. So this is a long-distance hiking right? So many things. So to save energy, I didn't bring a lot of drinkable water. To purify the water,
I used the chlorine dioxide tablets. I think they are a must-have for camping or backpacking.
Do you guys do any extreme sport filming?
And then they were all shocked, looking at me. No, we did film something, but I don't think it's something... What do you mean by extreme sport filming? But, you know, just some chit-chat. So I just want to say we spent quite some time waiting for you guys.
Yeah, I think next time I shouldn't follow any tour. You know, probably I just go with my friends, like go with you. But yeah, later you're gonna complain, Yao, how come you walk so slowly?
But I think at first, you guys were waiting for a family with a kid.
That's why you were slow at the beginning. Yeah. So when you started slow at the beginning, and then everything is slower, I guess.
Because in the group, we had a family, and the kid didn't feel well. And then when we slowly walking, we found them in the pavilion. Then we stopped for a while, asking them like how the kid felt, and could we do anything? Yeah, that's why we dragged a bit of time.
Yeah, but you really missed out a lot of things this time.
Why? What did I miss?
Our guide came prepared with a stash of goodies. What's that? I'm talking about ice cold water.
Frozen jelly, tortoise jelly, and even fresh fruit.
Oh my.
过分了。Oh. Yeah, I think that's a very good choice, you know. Because especially when you sweat a lot, and those kind of things are like the lifesaver.
Yeah, it's like a portable feast specialized for hikers.
Yeah, no cap. You know, compared to him, I felt I was really stupid. I also packed a lot of stuff, but it was all snacks. The fish, the marinated quail eggs, the pork jerky, those were too dry. I tried to share with others, and then they were like, no, no, no, thank you. Nobody wanted to eat it.
Because it's too dry.
Well, actually, I was very different when I was still young. I remember when I was still in my early 20s, I traveled to seven European countries within 21 days.
That's crazy.
Yeah, I was in France for one day, and then maybe Spain for the next. And by the end, I could barely remember anything. Like, I've gotten burned out from the hustle. So that's why now I prefer slow pace, slow hiking.
Yeah, so you asked me a couple of questions, like what I saw when I hiked because I was very slow, right? But actually, I don't have anything in my mind. Like, I am not racing. I'm not chasing the summit. I'm not trying to conquer anything. I don't want to feel like I'm checking a box.我不想我在打卡那样子。So I just want to enjoy the views, the sea, the mountains, the trees, and also the breeze. So in that moment, I was totally immersed myself in the nature.
Actually, the FAST group, the big crew, we spend a lot of time in almost all the scenery places. We have so much photo time. We try to wait for you guys.
Oh, really?
So at some point, people start to complain to the... We have a hiking guide. So at some point, people started to complain about the photo time. When we arrived at that place, everybody said, oh man, photo time again? Because all the photo time squeezed in a very short trail. All the scenery was at the peak. That is the first half of our hike, right? So we spent a lot of time taking photos, actually. Try to wait for you guys. So we didn't walk that fast.
Oh my!
I don't know if you met them. We met the paragliding guys.
Of course, I met them.
Oh, okay, cool. So they just started it. They set up the whole thing. Then we arrived at that peak. So I talked with them and asked what was going on. I just chit-chat a little bit with them and get their contact and ask them how often do they do it? How long does it take for one ride, one paragliding ride? And also ask them, because of my profession. So I asked them, oh, do you guys film anything?
We have a group, right? Not only our friends, but we meet new people. And we are the main crew. I'm always with the main crew. You guys are with how many people behind? I was in a big crew, like 20 plus people. And how many people in your crew?
There you go. It's not me too fast, it's you, you walk too slow.
But how come you walk so fast? Is it because you are well trained?
Well, I used to work in Hong Kong. So when I arrived at Hong Kong, I automatically, I would walk fast, because you know, the temple of Hong Kong is always, and it's famous for its fast pace. So when I arrived in Hong Kong, automatically I would walk fast. And I feel like I'm not well trained for hiking, but I'm well trained for Hong Kong's pace. So I sort of master the art of speed walking.
Yeah. I see.
其实那个声音主要是给盲人用的啦。But yeah, Hong Kong is famous for the fast pace. Even in the canteens, everything is fast. You need to order fast, you need to eat fast. Sometimes the restaurant will count down the time that you can spend in the restaurant. Usually it's one and a half hour, like 90 minutes. And then after that, it's like, okay, your time's up. Would you please finish fast? We need to serve the next table.
Yeah, so that's why I cannot get used to the pace there. I mean, I only go to Hong Kong for the pastime, but of course not for working.
So why do you walk so slow though?
No, she's not that old. I don't think she's that old. So, she was a very good sales. She sold me a lot of stuff, and then she promoted a kind of beer to me, and she kept telling me, okay, you have to buy this one. You just finished Dragon's Back, and there's a local beer called Dragon's Back. You have to buy this one, so you can take a picture of the Dragon's Back. And then she taught me what angle is the best view when you take a picture with the bottle of Dragon's Back beer and the mountain of Dragon's Back.
Damn, she's a top sale, for sure.
嗯,对,因为我走的很快。那当时我就跟我们又有几个朋友,就很快就来到了就目的地嘛,然后就等yao,我,就是我们另外一群朋友就等着他们,在一个餐厅已经坐了一个小时吧。然后那个老板娘可会卖了,然后就过来跟我说,诶,你来这里爬山,那你一定要买这个啤酒,因为这个啤酒跟这个山是同名的。然后马上就叫我在哪个角度拍是最好的。她说,这个就是打卡的点,你一定要拍,然后我就乖乖的给了钱,就为了拍那张照片,对,但是她也很好玩,她自己也冲浪的。She's a surfer. Yeah, so she asked me if I can spend more time at the beach, I should try to surf. And then I told her I know nothing about surfing, should I get a coach for myself? And she's like, no, no, no, no, that's all bullshit, you shouldn't get any coach, you just do it yourself. And I'm like, how can I do it myself? She's like, it's very easy, just go with the wave. Very few steps, just get the surfboard to the wave, and try to swim as far away as possible, but not too far away, and then surf back. She's like, very easy. And I'm like, okay. She's so warm-hearted, she kept telling me that don't hire a coach, if you don't know how to do it, just come back to me, I'll tell you how to do it.
Oh, that's so sweet.
Yeah, she's like, don't waste money on the coach.
So Wing, I think in January, you should go back to that restaurant, and ask the owner to teach you how to surf.
Yeah, when the time is right. I think it's too chill to play any water sports, right?
Yes, but talking about chill out, why do you walk so fast? You know, I couldn't even see your shadow. It's probably up to like one kilometer.
It's not me too fast, it's you guys too slow.