Special:Enjoy eternal music bliss from UK to CN - yndi halda Band Interview|Offside Fest#6主唱死了

Special:Enjoy eternal music bliss from UK to CN - yndi halda Band Interview|Offside Fest#6

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📌 Introduction

As the closing band in the first day of the 2nd Offside Music Festival, yndi halda's performance is indisputable.This is their first performance in five years, and also their return to China after eight years.Then let's listen to how this precious eternal music blessing from the UK was obtained!

作为第二届 Offside 音乐节第一天的压轴乐队,yndi halda 的表现无可争议。

⏳ Timeline

00:10:17 Theme Discussion
00:35:43 Album Recommendation
00:38:48 Ending(Incorruptible Bodies - Sketches Of A Fern

💬 Theme Discussion

💿 Album Recommendation

👏🏻 Guest

James Vellayndi halda band's guitarist, vocalist
Daniel Nealyndi halda band's violinist
Jack Lambertyndi halda band's guitarist


🎙 Host

B:Techie, cyber-cratedigger

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