【聊了什么The What】
从产品角度来说,小红书是中国的 Instagram 吗?为什么双列信息流这么有效?这些功能如何促成社区感和信任感?为什么海外复刻小红书的尝试屡败屡战?从文化影响来说,小红书如何塑造了中国年轻人消费和分享信息的方式? 在小红书上,我们见证了娱乐圈“真人”的兴起、算法语言的流行和对于审美文化的过度追求——这究竟是好是坏?小红书让我们都完犊子了吗?
In this episode, we're diving into Xiaohongshu (RED), the app that has become deeply intertwined with our daily lives. It's more than just a social media app; it's a massive universe where people can find information, share experiences, and seek inspiration for all aspects of life—from discovering the best restaurants in Beijing to seeking advice dealing with DMV in LA.Is Xiaohongshu China's Instagram? Why is the parallel feed layout so effective? How do these features foster a sense of community and trust? We also discussed its cultural impact: how has Xiaohongshu shaped the way urban Chinese youth share and consume information?
【时间轴 The When】
05:15 从海淘攻略到搜索引擎——小红书的演变
11:31 在小红书上发帖的心理和对算法的信任
22:34 为什么海外还没出现类似小红书的产品?
30:50 小红书上的"算法语言AlgoSpeak"和美貌焦虑文化
49:52 种草文化导致的同质化和软文泛滥:搜索引擎的信任危机?
42:10 分享最近在小红书上看到的有趣内容
05:15 - Xiaohongshu's evolution: From overseas shopping guide to search engine
11:31 - The psychology behind posting on Xiaohongshu and trust in its algorithm
22:34 - Why hasn't a similar product to Xiaohongshu emerged overseas?
30:50 - "AlgoSpeak" on Xiaohongshu and the culture of beauty anxiety
49:52 - Homogenization and sponsored content overload: A crisis of trust in search engines? 42:10 - Sharing recent interesting content found on Xiaohongshu
【拓展链接 The Links】
【我们是谁 Who We Are】
- 马修:一个网瘾晚期的全职养猫人
- 杜安蕤:一个想当裁缝的科技/文化撰稿人
- 一闻:一个对地铁比手机更上瘾的记者
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