00:00 🎉 英语尬聊开始了,感恩节究竟有何八卦?
00:18 🤔 为什么Wing对感恩节这么多感触?
00:49 🍗 火鸡登场:感恩节餐桌的绝对主角!
00:58 🧄 火鸡馅料,是香草、面包和调味料在烤箱内完美融合!
04:22 🥔 土豆泥 & 火鸡肉汁:这才是感恩节餐桌上的灵魂CP!
06:00 🐷 蜂蜜烤火腿:甜脆的外皮,风味独特的节日经典。
07:21 🥗 四季豆、蘑菇汤和炸洋葱圈的混合物“绿豆砂锅”,竟然是感恩节的必备配菜?!
09:40 🌱 楓糖培根烤抱子甘蓝:甜中带咸,脆中有香的节日美味。
12:55 🍒 蔓越莓酱的特殊搭配吃法,又咸又甜,真的可盐可甜!
16:03 🎃 南瓜派:从吃到玩,南瓜各种稀奇古怪的颜色形状,听完你可能想自己种一个!
18:32 🦃 为什么老美爱吃火鸡?不仅是传统,其实还有一个超烂的理由?
21:33 🛒 火鸡购买小贴士:冷冻火鸡提前买、提前解冻,别等到最后一刻!
26:07 🍽️ 感恩节一顿果腹后,还有人敢看卡路里数字指标吗?
26:55 🤣 煮好的火鸡掉地上,怎么办怎么办怎么办?只能哈哈笑?
29:05 🏈 感恩节传统:橄榄球+黑色星期五——没经历过都不叫有庆祝过感恩节。
33:30 📝 备考角度:为了IELTS雅思等考试的好成绩,我们将“传统”大话题化大为小!
39:10 🎉 结尾:感谢收听,读出听众留言,并期待大家在各平台上的互动和评论!
大家可以多多在 小红书 与 微博 留言与练习例句呢!还有邮箱 GossipEnglish@hotmail.com。
小红书同名直播时间:每周日 22:00,不定期也在周一、周三、周五22:00,直播评论区有单词小课堂
Hi everyone, it's Gossip English time.尬聊英语时间又到啦! And this is Wing. And I'm Yao. Let's learn English through gossip.
I'm super excited because Thanksgiving is coming. I've been reminiscing about it since I celebrated it in the States.
Wow, so what happened at that time?
Well, it's an annual gathering of families and friends. So for me, that is a big feast and also a very fam time.
Ah, I see. So it's about all those sweet memories, right?
Yes, definitely. And of course, it's all about food as well.
So what is the signature food there? Turkey?
Of course. Turkey is the star of the show. But there's so much more. So with the turkey, you usually need to prepare a lot of stuffing. So stuffing is the 填料, which is bread mixed with herbs and spices. 就是感恩节嘛, Thanksgiving, 那当然少不了就是火鸡, 一个大主角。然后在烤火鸡的时候,其实一般在火鸡里面会填一些东西,就是像面包加上一些香草调味料等等,混合而成,放在那个火鸡的里面,然后放进焗炉烤箱里面烤,这就是火鸡。
Actually, it's kind of similar to our cuisine chicken here.
Yeah, how we made it. Because I remember before when I cooked the chicken, sometimes I would just put some herbs, like ginger, spring onions, and other stuff, and put it inside the chicken. So I think it's kind of similar.
Yeah, but I don't remember when we cook chicken, we will stuff anything inside the chicken. Did we do that?
Not the typical Cantonese one. I mean, I created it by myself.
Oh, okay, I see. So the turkey for Thanksgiving, it's usually because the stuffing inside the turkey is another dish. So what are you going to make the stuffing is very important because of that. It's usually like savory bread pudding with big yellow onions, leeks, garlic, chicken broth, milk and herbs like sage and rosemary and thyme.
是,它通常会用,就是什么呢,咸味的面包布丁,然后加上韭菜、黄洋葱、大蒜、鸡汤、牛奶、鼠尾草、迷迭香、百里香等等等等,这些香草类的东西在里面混在一起, 就然后填在那个火鸡里面。
Have you tried turkey meat?
Yes, I think so. But it’s not really impressive. That’s why I don’t really remember how it tastes.