感恩节,是吃货的天堂,还是皮带的地狱!尬聊英语 Gossip English


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00:00 🎉 英语尬聊开始了,感恩节究竟有何八卦?
00:18 🤔 为什么Wing对感恩节这么多感触?
00:49 🍗 火鸡登场:感恩节餐桌的绝对主角!
00:58 🧄 火鸡馅料,是香草、面包和调味料在烤箱内完美融合!
04:22 🥔 土豆泥 & 火鸡肉汁:这才是感恩节餐桌上的灵魂CP!
06:00 🐷 蜂蜜烤火腿:甜脆的外皮,风味独特的节日经典。
07:21 🥗 四季豆、蘑菇汤和炸洋葱圈的混合物“绿豆砂锅”,竟然是感恩节的必备配菜?!
09:40 🌱 楓糖培根烤抱子甘蓝:甜中带咸,脆中有香的节日美味。
12:55 🍒 蔓越莓酱的特殊搭配吃法,又咸又甜,真的可盐可甜!
16:03 🎃 南瓜派:从吃到玩,南瓜各种稀奇古怪的颜色形状,听完你可能想自己种一个!
18:32 🦃 为什么老美爱吃火鸡?不仅是传统,其实还有一个超烂的理由?
21:33 🛒 火鸡购买小贴士:冷冻火鸡提前买、提前解冻,别等到最后一刻!
26:07 🍽️ 感恩节一顿果腹后,还有人敢看卡路里数字指标吗?
26:55 🤣 煮好的火鸡掉地上,怎么办怎么办怎么办?只能哈哈笑?
29:05 🏈 感恩节传统:橄榄球+黑色星期五——没经历过都不叫有庆祝过感恩节。
33:30 📝 备考角度:为了IELTS雅思等考试的好成绩,我们将“传统”大话题化大为小!
39:10 🎉 结尾:感谢收听,读出听众留言,并期待大家在各平台上的互动和评论!


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Hi everyone, it's Gossip English time.尬聊英语时间又到啦! And this is Wing. And I'm Yao. Let's learn English through gossip.
I'm super excited because Thanksgiving is coming. I've been reminiscing about it since I celebrated it in the States.
Wow, so what happened at that time?
Well, it's an annual gathering of families and friends. So for me, that is a big feast and also a very fam time.
Ah, I see. So it's about all those sweet memories, right?
Yes, definitely. And of course, it's all about food as well.
So what is the signature food there? Turkey?
Of course. Turkey is the star of the show. But there's so much more. So with the turkey, you usually need to prepare a lot of stuffing. So stuffing is the 填料, which is bread mixed with herbs and spices. 就是感恩节嘛, Thanksgiving, 那当然少不了就是火鸡, 一个大主角。然后在烤火鸡的时候,其实一般在火鸡里面会填一些东西,就是像面包加上一些香草调味料等等,混合而成,放在那个火鸡的里面,然后放进焗炉烤箱里面烤,这就是火鸡。
Actually, it's kind of similar to our cuisine chicken here.
Yeah, how we made it. Because I remember before when I cooked the chicken, sometimes I would just put some herbs, like ginger, spring onions, and other stuff, and put it inside the chicken. So I think it's kind of similar.
Yeah, but I don't remember when we cook chicken, we will stuff anything inside the chicken. Did we do that?
Not the typical Cantonese one. I mean, I created it by myself.
Oh, okay, I see. So the turkey for Thanksgiving, it's usually because the stuffing inside the turkey is another dish. So what are you going to make the stuffing is very important because of that. It's usually like savory bread pudding with big yellow onions, leeks, garlic, chicken broth, milk and herbs like sage and rosemary and thyme.
是,它通常会用,就是什么呢,咸味的面包布丁,然后加上韭菜、黄洋葱、大蒜、鸡汤、牛奶、鼠尾草、迷迭香、百里香等等等等,这些香草类的东西在里面混在一起, 就然后填在那个火鸡里面。
Have you tried turkey meat?
Yes, I think so. But it’s not really impressive. That’s why I don’t really remember how it tastes.
39:52 天啊 我有本名恐惧症 听到这里我心里咯噔一下 救命🆘~
谢谢大家的收听,然后也欢迎大家订阅我们四大平台,我们在小宇宙,喜马拉雅,QQ音乐,还有苹果播客,也欢迎大家给我们留言互动,可以在小宇宙,小红书,或者微博上面,给我们留言互动哦。当然如果想跟我们有些私密一点的谈话的话呢,可以给我们发邮件,那我们的邮箱地址是GossipEnglish@hotmail.com。那当然我们也有非常热心的听众,他总是会给我们源源不断的动力,还有支持,那像我们的听众格格_NOfr,她留言好几次了,然后她在这里是有说,”支持下,每天上下班坐厂车必听的好播客”,谢谢你,对啊,好窝心,然后你也非常爱学习,就是在这种碎片化的时间,然后也在这里听我们的播客,学一下英语。可能就是爱听我们说八卦,啊,那就蹲我们哦。那还有另外一位朋友,叫TheBAY,他就说,“感觉这个频道好适合我哦,我这种听力半桶水的又需要不断听的,我的水平纯听英语很容易越听越糊涂。偶尔插一下中文会让我快速回来,棒棒棒!感觉找到了新大陆频道!请继续坚持!”谢谢你,你们就是我们坚持的动力,对,我们会继续的,嗯,然后也很开心,我们这种形式,这种独一无二的形式,能够受到你的欣赏。是啊,我们一开始还担心,会不会没有人听,哦,对,然后我们现在也突破两千订阅粉丝啦,谢谢你们的支持,谢谢你们,好,那最后的话,要记得一键三连,转发我们的播客,点赞还有收藏。Happy Thanksgiving. Have a good day, bro. Bye. Bye.
Okay, and then what else?
There are questions in Part 3. How has this tradition changed over the years?
So, what do you think?
Well, Thanksgiving has evolved over the years from a simple harvest celebration into a full-day family tradition marked by a savory feast, football games, and the Black Friday shopping frenzy. Today, many families add unique dishes and new activities blending traditional elements with modern twists.
That's true. I think even though the time passed by, the core message remains the same, which is family union.
Yes, exactly. And the second question is, do you think it's important for families to have traditions? Why or why not?
Well, of course, it is really important for families to have traditions. Traditions create a sense of belonging and continuity, bringing family members together around share experiences. They provide meaningful moments to express gratitude, bond, and pass down values from one generation to the next. So, of course, it's really important to have the traditions, right?
Yes, of course, I think so. Awesome. So, that's all for today.
It was a true feast. There was stuffing. This hearty bread mixed with herbs and spices, cooked to perfection, alongside mashed potatoes smothered in gravy and a tangy cranberry sauce.
I quickly learned that Thanksgiving is all about abundance. It's truly gobble until you wobble.
(我们刚才有提过 一个小的短语,叫 Gobble till you wobble ,就是吃到扶墙走)
We each shared what we were grateful for before digging into the meal. And I could feel how much this tradition means to everyone. As we filled our plates, it was clear stretchy pants were a must. The food was so delicious that it was hard to stop. Each bite seemed to bring a new layer of flavor and warmth.
(然后在这里的话,stretchy,它是从这个stretch,”拉伸”来的,那它加了一个y之后,就把它变成一个形容词,那拉伸到一定程度,就变成了比较宽松的嘛,所以Stretchy,就表示”宽松的”;那下一个A new layer of,那Layer是表示”层”,那在这里可以表示说,一种新的层次)
After the meal, we moved to the living room where a football game was on TV. And the energy in the room was so lively as the food frenzy at the table. I'm not a huge fan of American football, but watching everyone get so involved was part of the fun. Then, of course, there was the Black Friday frenzy to prepare for. Everyone stayed up late, scanning deals, ensuring shopping strategies, and making it feel like another adventure.
(刚才我们这一段里面提到两次这个 Frenzy,它是表示“狂欢” Frenzy)
Thanksgiving in the US was such a warm and welcome experience. The blend of gratitude, family, and of course, a savory feast made it a holiday I'll always remember.
(这个词,其实我们在好几期节目当中都已经出现过,The blend,是表示”混合”,那在这里,它做一个名词,The blend of,就表示什么样的融合;还有一个叫Feast,这一期的话,已经提了好多次,它其实Feast,表示”盛宴”的意思)
So it should be really fun, although I didn't watch any football during the Thanksgiving I was there, but it should be fun. It could be very chaotic, but it should be fun. And don't forget Black Friday. Instead of watching football, the family who invited me to join their Thanksgiving, they were busier to shop online before the Black Friday. So that's what we were doing. After dinner, instead of watching football, we just tried to shop online.

Damn, that's so wild.
Yeah, people used to camp out overnight just to grab the best deals before the online shopping thing became a thing. So yeah, it was pretty crazy.
Yeah, they are really shopaholic. 他们应该是那种购物狂,是不是 ?
Alright, anyway, after talking so much food, Wing, can you share some tips you just mentioned in our speaking test?
Of course. In IELTS Part 2, there is a topic about family tradition. In this topic, you should say what the tradition is, when it occurs, what you do, and explain why it is your favorite tradition.
So, can you give me an example?
Of course, and I'm going to use Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving in the U.S. was such an unforgettable experience for me, full of warmth, laughter, and delicious food. Walking into a traditional Thanksgiving feast, the first thing I saw, of course, was the golden brown turkey taking center stage on the table, surrounded by a variety of savory and sweet dishes.
(好,第一个,我们可以学的就是叫take center stage,stage就是舞台的意思,center就是中心,所以take center stage,就是占据中心的位置。一般来说,我们在超市里面的话,他当季的东西,肯定都是放在最耀眼、最中心的地方的了。然后第二个是savoury,它是形容一种味道的,它是美味的,咸味的,所以我们可以用Savory)
对呀。And I think on that special day, actually people have good mood, that's why they don't really care about this kind of little accidents. And all they can feel is the happiness, sweetness, and also the cherished memories.
Yes, and also prepare to wear stretchy pants, because you're going to eat a lot.
Yes, for sure.
And speaking of traditions, football is a huge part of Thanksgiving now.
Wait, football, you mean the British football?
No, it's American football, 就是橄榄球。
Oh. Yes. So do you mean the one of the biggest event in America, the Super Bowl?
No, actually the Super Bowl, which is held around early February, but Thanksgiving is on the last Thursday of every November, since President Lincoln proclaimed Thanksgiving a national holiday in 1863, in the midst of the Civil War, in an attempt to force a sense of American unity. Fun fact, Canada has one too, but Canadian one is on the second Monday of October. So football, of course, become a big thing, because everybody, almost everybody watch football, American football in the US. So there are three major games played every Thanksgiving, and it's become a way for families to hang out together, eat snacks, and cheer for their teams.
对啊,就赦免了一只,但是吃它四千六百万只。那听上去 is a good deal, right?
Yeah. I'm so sarcastic here.
Me too. So I bet the calories in the Thanksgiving meal are off the charts, right?
Well, average meal of Thanksgiving could hit around 3000 calories. And for a normal woman, every day the consumption of calories should be around 1600. So that means you eat two days' calories.
So on Thanksgiving Day, actually I just used two quotas of the daily consumption, right?
Wow, that's a lot.
Yep, but that's called festival.
True, that sounds like a solid plan. So besides the feast, do you have any memorable Thanksgiving stories?
Yeah, for sure. When I was invited to celebrate Thanksgiving in the States, they had a huge table set up, and it felt so warm and welcome. And then I tried to be helpful. So I tried to say, okay, I can help you cut out the turkey. And then you know what happened? I accidentally dropped the turkey on the floor.
Oh my, the whole turkey?
Yeah, it's a big one, so I just kind of dropped it on the floor.
Oh no, then what happened?
You know, five-second rule. I pick it up right away. So nothing happens.
Nobody saw it, right?
They saw it. It's a big sound. You cannot ignore it. So everybody just laughed. And five-second rules, right? I just put it back on the table, on the plates. If anybody, you know, worry about the germs and everything, we can just put the turkey back in the oven for a little while and then, you know, bring it out. But it seems nobody really cares. So I just, five-second rules, I put it back on the table, continuing to carving it.就是我帮忙,所谓帮忙,每次都帮倒忙。就是帮忙准备感恩节食物的时候,我自告奋勇地说要我来切火鸡,然后不小心,我就把那个火鸡给弄到地上,就是切不准,就滚到地上了。然后,然后就把它捡起来了,也只能捡起来,只有那么一只火鸡,也不可能备第二只的。所以捡起来继续切。
No, you have to order it like one or two weeks in advance. Otherwise, there won't be any turkey for you for your Thanksgiving dinner.
Oh, no.所以就是如果你要买那个火鸡的话,你得提前一两个星期去买。
然后那个火鸡又很大。 所以在超市里面,它一般不会卖新鲜。不是我们街市那种新鲜鸡。它一般都是那种冷冻好的火鸡。你还得提前一两天去解冻。
那可能是这个节日对他们来说非常重大, 所以他们那个需求量很大嘛。
这就跟我们清明节的时候要订那个乳猪是一样的。 也是要提前订的。 就是到那个时候因为实在太大量了,很多人都要订乳猪。所以必须要提前订好,不然的话其实提前一天你是买不了乳猪的。
That's true. So, actually I'm kind of curious, when this Thanksgiving tradition started?
Well, Thanksgiving has roots in the early 1600s. The pilgrims celebrated their harvest with a feast that included Native Americans. It lasted three days. They ate all sorts of food, but turkey is not included at that time.
那所以感恩节它其实最早可以追溯到17世纪。那时候那些朝圣徒在丰收之后的话,他们就举行一个庆祝宴会, 还邀请印第安人一起庆祝。因为这个节日其实发源就是在美国嘛,那美国原住的话就是印第安人。整个活动的话它会持续三天, 不过那时候他们吃的东西还没有火鸡。Oh, really?
Three days? Seriously?
I mean, for our spring festival, usually one day is already enough for me. Our spring festival will last for seven days. You know, every day a big feast.
Technically, it's 15 days. If you ask the older people, they will tell you the spring festival should be from 年初一到年十五。元宵节 is the last day of spring festival.
Yeah, Chinese New Year.
But now, Thanksgiving mostly is just one day, but still it's all about family and gratitude.现在大多数情况都是庆祝一天了。还是像我之前说的,主要就是关于一家人朋友的聚餐, 然后表示感恩。也就是为什么这个名字叫 Thanksgiving 感恩节。
By the way, Wing, I remember when I did the reading test with my kids, actually I read something interesting about Thanksgiving.
Like what?
Like each year, the president will pardon a turkey.每年的话那个总统都会赦免一只火鸡。
Yeah, sounds like one turkey means a lot. After 46 million turkeys are consumed every year in the US, so that one turkey must be very unique.
Wait, you are serious. That's insane. 46 million turkeys.四千六百万只turkey
Well, it's very likely. It's probably why some of my plants got eaten.
But 10 million, that's crazy.
嗯。Maybe it's like why the Australians eat kangaroos.
Probably. Very similar. And also, on family farms, turkeys were kind of the most go to for meat. Because like for example, cows and chickens had other jobs. They provide milk and eggs. But for turkeys, you never heard people eat turkey eggs. So basically, they were raised just for their meat. So it's easy to pick one up when it was the feast time. And plus, they're big. So one turkey could feed a whole family. I mean, you cannot say that about a chicken.
Yeah, so poor turkeys. I thought because they were tastier than other things. It was just because they are available.
And they are big.
Yeah, that's true.
That's why every year, turkey is kind of a symbol of gobbling until you're wobbling.就吃到走不动的一个象征,就真的很大只。But anyway, I found it's very tricky if you prepare turkey. When I was in the States, before Thanksgiving, I tried to get a turkey. And I found all the turkeys are frozen. They don't really sell fresh turkey, at least not around that time. So basically, all the turkeys are frozen. And I thought I could just get one and, you know, unfroze it for like one or two hours. But actually, it didn't work that way. I had to wait for one to two days. So if I want to prepare turkey in the States, I need to prepare in advance. For example, just buy the turkey one week earlier because it's hard to get one. Even if they were frozen ones, it's still hard to just get a turkey. So at that time, I thought I could just get a pre-cooked one.
So that kind of reminds me of Starbucks drinks. Every time in the fall, they always have something like that. Pumpkin-flavored coffee.
Yeah, they're going to have some innovation, you know, according to the weather and the seasons. 所以还有一个非常经典的感恩节的菜,叫做南瓜派,那它是甜点来的,那它里面是南瓜馅,它香香的,然后又带一点香料味。那我们之前万圣节的时候也讲过,那时候我们经常会刻南瓜,是吧,所以南瓜其实是秋冬季节的一个产物来的,就以前是,现在的话,一年四季都有。

Yes. So pumpkin is a big thing in the harvest season. And you can see all kinds of different pumpkins. Not just the normal one. You can see the largest one, large enough for a person to sit in. Or small, much smaller than a Brussels sprout. You can see pumpkins of different colors, like white, purple, black. So the pumpkin world is pretty large. And it's really interesting if you try to grow some. Yeah. I did, too. And I failed it again.
Plants killer.
Yep. Like people say you have a green finger, but I have a black finger. Whatever I touch, it dies.
So sad.
Yeah, I know.
Just talking about so much food, I'm really hungry right now. But Wing, actually I got a question. Why turkey? Is it something similar to our chicken in the Cantonese food, 无鸡不成宴?
Well, it's just because there were so many turkeys. The reason is so lame. Because back in the day, turkeys were actually everywhere. One expert even estimated there were 10 million of them roaming around America. When the Europeans first arrived. Even now, I could see them just at the backyard. They could be really, really big. Like a big, big bird walking in your backyard.
Oh, that's terrible. Because they may stomp on our plants, right?
And do you know how they use cranberry sauce in Thanksgiving dinner?
Well, serve with the bread?
Well, that's what the common thought, right? It's a jam, so it should be served with bread. But no, they use the cranberry sauce as the sauce for turkey.
So for me, it's a very, very strange way to use cranberry sauce. Because for me, turkey is savory taste.
And cranberry sauce is very sweet. So I don't see how the savory taste and sweet taste can be mixed together.
Yeah, exactly. It seems that I've never seen a Western dish which is savory served with the sweet sauce.
Yeah, that's true. But it kind of reminds me of the roasted goose.就是我们的烧鹅跟那个酸梅酱。
Oh, yeah. That makes sense.
就像这个cranberry sauce。Yes. For me, you can picture this in the Western family dinner. All the dishes are served as a big dish, right? And then you just scope whatever you want to eat into your own plate. So I celebrated with an American family, so they served me a plate. So they put the turkey as the main dish on the plate, and then with mashed potato with turkey gravy on, and then some green bean casserole. And of course, the little red stuff on the plate as well, that is cranberry sauce. When I looked at that plate, I had a very weird feeling.
Because everything kind of went together except for the cranberry sauce. So when I ate with that plate, I didn't touch cranberry sauce at all. Like for me, it just didn't go with anything else.
Maybe you should try, you know, do as the Romans do.
I tried, it just didn't go with my taste, so anyway.
Yeah, that makes sense.
And last but not least, of course, pumpkin pie. How can you not eat any pumpkin for Thanksgiving? So pumpkin, I think, is another signature of Thanksgiving. It's a dessert pie with a spiced pumpkin-based custard filling. And the pumpkin pie is generally eaten during the fall and every winter.
Another one is my favorite one. It's called Brussels sprouts with bacon. Brussels sprouts is a kind of vegetable and I like it a lot. I even try to grow it. So this dish is roasted with maple syrup until crispy and caramelized for a holiday side dish that's quick and easy to make. The Brussels sprouts take only a nutty flavor during the roasting process and the salty bacon is a delightful contrast with the sweet maple syrup.
这个Brussels sprouts的话,它叫孢子甘蓝,那现在我看到我们国内,譬如说在沙拉上面好像也挺流行的,就现在越来越能够看到这一道菜,那刚才Wing介绍的这道菜,其实叫枫糖培根烤孢子甘蓝,它是一道比较简单的配菜。那它在烤的时候,其实它会加上比较特别的枫糖浆,最后出来的成果就是甜甜脆脆的,那再加上咸香的培根的话,就特别特别的好吃。

So brussel sprout, which I tried to grow but failed, actually it's a very small round green vegetables that grow in clusters along the stock of a tall leafy plant. Each sprout resembles a tiny cabbage, usually about 2-4 cm in diameter, and has a tightly packed, layered structure. And the whole plant itself can grow up to half meter, or 60-90 cm, tall with large, broad leaves spreading outwards from the center stem. So this is the Brussels sprouts. It's a very cool-looking plant. But I don't know if it's suitable for us to grow here in Guangzhou Canton area.
But you can try to grow in your area if you like it.
Yeah. I might try it again in the coming year.
Yeah. Worth trying.
So what other food is typical?
Oh, another thing for me is a little bit strange. It's called cranberry sauce or cranberry jam. It's a sauce or relish made out of cranberries, as what the name is called. And it's commonly served as a condiment or a side dish with Thanksgiving dinner.
The glaze typically includes honey, brown sugar, and other ingredients like Dijon mustard, orange marmalade, or pineapple juice.
它也是一道非常经典的感恩节的菜。它在那个火腿外面的话就裹上一层甜甜的糖浆, 然后就放在烤箱里面就烤得焦黄酥脆的。那一般来说,它会用蜂蜜、红糖,再加点芥末、橙子酱, 或是菠萝汁来进行调味。I bet you must love this food, right? Because it's similar to our Cantonese food.
I'm not a big fan of meat. That's the problem. When I see so much meat on the table, it kind of freaks me out. Turkey, ham, and I usually directly go for the vegetables. It makes me feel lighter.
I see, okay. But I love it. I'm so hungry right now.
We should host a Thanksgiving dinner sometime.
For sure. What else?
There's something very unique. It's called green bean casserole. So it is an American baked dish consisting primarily of green beans, cream of mushroom soup, and French fried onions. It is a popular side dish for Thanksgiving dinners in the States and has been described as iconic.
那还有一道非常经典的感恩节配菜,它叫四季豆砂锅。主要是由四季豆、奶油蘑菇汤 还有炸洋葱圈来组成的。
So, casserole is actually a way to cook food. Usually, it's served with a large deep dish or a bowl and you mix up different kinds of ingredients. For example, in this one green bean casserole, you just put green beans and then French fried onions and mushroom soup. You basically put everything together and bake it in a big pan or big bowl.
Wow, this sounds a bit overwhelming, you know. It's a bit savory, cheesy, and sweet. I don't know.
I've had some really good casserole. It's not green bean, but something else. It really depends on how you cook it. It's just like a 东北大乱炖,也不是所有乱炖都是好吃的,那会炖的人就把一些比较,你觉得是不可能混在一起的内容,那些食材放在一起,可以做出一个很好吃的一道菜,但有些也会做成一个很黑暗的一个料理
Ok, and what else?
The turkey tastes so different from chicken. Before I, well, because we call turkey, especially in Chinese, called 火鸡, so I thought it tastes very similar to chicken. But it doesn’t. The meat texture is less moisture. And less chewy.
Yeah, it's a bit dry. Yeah, you're right. So I'm not a big fan of turkey meat.
But it's THE thing for Thanksgiving.
Yes. For the Cantonese foodie like us, of course we have high criteria for the chicken, right? For the meat.
对,就偏干。But besides turkey, there are other typical Thanksgiving food. Do you know anything?
Actually, I never had any Thanksgiving feast. That's why I don't really know about that.
Well, Thanksgiving is more like an American festival. I don't think it is celebrated in UK or Southeast Asia.
Yeah, true. So what else?
Well, there are a few very classic Thanksgiving dish. The first one I mentioned a little bit is turkey gravy. So it's also a sauce made with the turkey drippings, flour, broth, and seasonings that's often served over mashed potatoes.
对。Another way to use turkey gravy is to serve over biscuits. Not the biscuits in UK, but the biscuits in America. So that is more like a savory bun, little bun. And the way you eat that bun, usually you just pour turkey gravy over it. And that's how people eat the biscuit. And it's not sweet. It's different from the British biscuit.
对,它有一点点像,不是我们那种白色的包子,它有一点点像我们酥皮的绿豆饼,那是没有绿豆没有馅的那一种。但它是咸的。那个形状是有点像那个绿豆饼。其实在美国那边是叫biscuit。然后就会淋一些肉汁,火鸡肉汁是比较经典的一种汁,会淋在上面,然后这样吃。就是turkey gravy。
And then another one is called honey glazed ham. So for me, it's a little bit similar to 叉烧。 It's a holiday classic that features a sweet and sticky glaze that caramelizes the ham's exterior.