流汗的“熊猫跑” vs "吃货“的大熊猫,超萌超”上头“尬聊英语 Gossip English

流汗的“熊猫跑” vs "吃货“的大熊猫,超萌超”上头“

61分钟 ·

00:00 🎧 尬聊英语开场“营业”了,这次全程萌化你!
00:18 🐾 熊猫慈善跑!公里数不多,可是萌值超爆表!
01:20 🏃‍♀️‍➡️ 闭园时间专属跑步赛道,跑完就直接解锁VIP熊猫园?!?!
03:16 🎡 公园的“逆袭人生”:动物秀场-->保育圣地,还有企鹅与北极狐!
06:01 🏆 全球封神!荣获主题公园“奥斯卡”,实至名归!
09:12 🤔 灵魂拷问动物园两面性:是在圈养保育,还是囚禁动物?
10:40 🐧 近距离企鹅体验!冷、腥、尖叫,全方位感官轰炸!
17:05 🐤 企鹅爸妈分工主打现代式:男主内,女主外! 爸爸带娃,妈妈觅食!
20:39 🪸 Wing最爱的海洋动物,究竟是魔鬼挂还是么么哒?!?!
22:38 🐼 让人酥化的双胞胎上线,6只熊猫大团圆,一家人最紧要齐齐整整!
29:02 🎋 第一次看熊猫,Wing的“近距离” VS Yao的“看不到”
33:31 🧐 熊猫冷知识大晒冷:年纪兑换公式、“第六根”手指、还有上树下水的技能!
36:35 🔲 你知道为什么熊猫是黑白色?是打印机没墨了??
38:56 🍴 熊猫就是一吃货!日啃20公斤竹子,还15分钟"卸货”一次!
43:11 🍼 熊猫还是天生妈宝?再大的个头,也只想屁颠屁颠跟在妈妈后面?
46:38 ❄️ 全年不冬眠,零下4℃依旧雪地吃竹子,“营业”精神满满滴!
47:36 ❓大熊猫究竟有多少种?为什么熊猫叫做熊猫?
49:51 ‼️熊猫濒危指数有多高?野生熊猫的现状数据大整理
50:54 📝 IELTS雅思加分小妙招:用“熊猫跑”另类切入主题公园话题,轻松拿高分!
58:54 🎉 "翻牌“听众留言,期待你的互动与点赞~


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小红书同名直播时间:每周日 22:00,不定期也在周六 22:00

展开Show Notes
Hi everyone, it's Gossip English time.尬聊英语时间又到啦! This is Wing. And I'm Yao. Let's learn English through gossip.
Hey Yao, you won't believe it. Late November, I did a charity run in Hong Kong. Guess what it was for?
Oh, really?
Yes, it was all about pandas. The run was short compared to the recent Guangzhou marathon. It was super short. It was only four kilometers. Actually, there were three categories, one kilometer, four kilometer and five. So I picked the four because, you know, balance is key
So how long does it take for the run?
I don't quite remember. The whole preparation was long. I didn't check the time, but I feel it was about one hour, roughly. Well, we kind of walk and run at the same time. And there were so many people
Yeah, of course, it's a charity run. But I'm wondering why pandas and running? That's a combo I didn't see coming. Was it in the city or somewhere else?
It was actually inside Ocean Park.就是在香港的海洋公园。And here's the cool part. It started way before the park's normal hours. So it was just us, runners, in the whole place.
Wow, that's so cool. So you have the whole Ocean Park to yourselves. You can avoid the crowd. That's awesome
Totally. After the run, there was a gap before the park opened. So we wandered around and play some panda themed games. It was adorable.
Damn, I'm so jealous. Why you didn't invite me?
I did! I did
Yeah, but I'm not a fan of running. Yeah, just kidding
但是是在海洋公园里面,而且是在正常开园前,就是园区开放之前那段时间跑。就大概我是七点到那边的,然后大概十点左右结束。So it started from 7 a.m. And ended around 10 a.m. When the park opened to the public.
Hmm, I see. So is it held once a year?
I think it is, but I'm not quite sure. I know the charity run is held once in a year, but I'm not sure if every year is for pandas, because they have a lot of different projects for all kinds of animals
Ocean Park's efforts extend beyond the park. On one hand, it eases my long-standing struggle with the ethics of keeping animals in captivity, because the park truly cares for them. On the other hand, seeing these animals up close inspires people to care for wildlife, as it did for me.
(好,那在这里我们用了一个连词, on one hand, on the other hand, 表示一方面,另一方面。那其实我们在用这个的时候的话,其实我们是两者是带有一点点矛盾,或者是一点点反差在的。那另外一个是long-standing,那在那里站了很久了,所以就是长期存在的意思。Struggle,就是我们平时所说的挣扎。Ethic,这个词的话, 它表示道德规范,跟道德相关的)
My visit was a perfect mix of excitement and meaning, combining fun attractions with a deeper appreciation for conservation. It's an experience I'll never forget.
Of course you won't forget.
OK, any other questions?
Yes, in IETLS part 1 and 3, there are questions.
Number one, what is the most memorable experience you've had at the theme park?
So, how about you?
My most memorable theme park experience was a charity run at Hong Kong's Ocean Park, supporting pandas. Running through the park early in the morning before it opened was surreal. Afterward, I explored, played panda-themed games, and learned about the park's pandas and their conservation efforts, which made it truly unforgettable.
听到最后惊现自己的名字哈哈哈,谢谢Wing 和 Yao制作这么棒的节目,满满的收获。
Yes! flippers! Thanks~ 🙏
So, that's all for today. I hope you have enough pandas.
Yeah.,谢谢大家的收听,好的,那我们又到了我们新增的一个环节,就是翻牌时间,那今天我们翻谁的牌呢?对,首先我要翻的,Alin_qGuP,来自Alin的留言,好多知识点呀,有料又有趣,轻松幽默,给两位主播点赞。那我挑的就是,为什么我用翻牌这个词呢,就是因为似薯片略过星河,她自己提到的,就我们上次读了她的评论,然后她就说,哎呀,听到42分的时候才听到,我居然被翻牌了。所以我们之后就把这个环节,叫做翻牌环节。是,所以大家千万不要错过我们这个环节,说不定就能够读到你的留言。对的呢。OK,anyway,谢谢大家支持,也欢迎大家在四大平台那里,去订阅我们的播客,我们在小宇宙,喜马拉雅,QQ音乐,还有苹果播客,也欢迎大家在各大平台跟我们留言互动,特别是在小宇宙、小红书等,那如果想跟我们有更私密的对话的话呢,或者留言的话呢,那可以发到我们邮箱,那我们邮箱地址是GossipEnglish@hotmail.com,如果你们觉得我们做的还不错的话,也请大家一键三连,转发我们的播客,点赞还有收藏,Thank you. Thank you for listening. Have a nice weekend. Have a nice day. Bye! Bye!
I want to join the charity run next time. It sounds so much fun.
Yeah, definitely.
And number two, question two, do you think you'll go to a theme park soon?
See, I just said. I'm really excited to visit one, especially after hearing about Wing's recent visit to Ocean Park. The pandas, the conservation efforts, the unique attractions like the Grand Aquarium and the Polar Adventure sound amazing. I'd love to see the pandas myself, especially the twin cubs. It sounds like such a fun and meaningful trip, and I can't wait to plan a visit soon. Hopefully next time we can go together.
Cool, yeah, sounds fun.
After the 4km run, I explored the park's attractions, known for its cable cars and roller coasters. Ocean Park also features a massive aquarium with a 30m viewing panel that was mesmerizing. Another favorite was the polar adventure, a complete sensory experience, with freezing air, the smell of fish, and the screeching of penguins.
(OK,那在这里第一个的话是cable carts,cable是表示线,所以带有线的那个车的话,就是我们平时所坐的缆车。然后第二个是roller coaster,那它就表示过山车的意思。第三个是massive,massive是从mass这个单词来的,那平时我们在一个物理单位上面看到有个m,m就表示重量嘛,所以mass是重量。 加了ive的话就把它变成一个形容词,那就表示非常具有重量的,非常巨大的,庞大的。那另外一个是aquarium,这个单词的话它是从法语aqua,水,我们之前有提到来的,然后ium就是表示一个场所,那具有很多水的地方,就是aquarium,水族馆。另外一个是mesmerizing,这个词我们出现了好几次,它就表示令人着迷的。那还有一个就是sensory experience,sensory我们之前也有提过,它是表示感官,所以sensory experience表示感官体验)
I also saw a gigantic walrus, and watching it glide gracefully through the water was captivating.
(这个gigantic我们之前也提到过,那它是跟那些big,huge又不太一样,因为它这个gigantic是表示巨大的,就是非常非常大。那另外一个是captivating, 它表示令人着迷的)
The pandas were the absolute highlight of my visit. Ocean Park has six, including the fluffy Ying Ying and Le Le, both 19 years old, which is quite senior for pandas. Ying Ying recently gave birth to squishy twin cubs—an extraordinary event since pandas have only a three-day mating window each year.
While I couldn't see the cubs in person, watching them on live screens felt like meeting VIPs. The park also welcomed younger pandas, Anan and Keke, ensuring the panda legacy continues.
(legacy 遗产,传承)
【转录16/20】【50:54-53:03】【IELTS PART】
OK, Wing, so after talking about so many fun facts and stories about pandas, actually can we use anything in our speaking test?
Of course. There's an IELTS speaking topic in Part 2. Describe an amusement park or theme park you went to. You should say where it is, when you went there, why you went there, and explain what you did there.
Can you give us an example?
Of course, and I'm going to use Ocean Park as an example.
I'd like to describe Ocean Park, an iconic theme park in Hong Kong that blends thrilling attractions with a strong focus on wildlife conservation.
(OK, 这里的话有几个词我们可以用。第一个是iconic,iconic表示具有标志性的,因为icon就是表示标志嘛。所以加了一个ic,就把它变成一个形容词, iconic,标志性的。第二个是thrilling, thrilling的话它是从thrill这个词来的, thrill的话可以表示刺激,那thrilling的话就把它变成一个形容词,表示刺激的,令人兴奋的。那下一个conservation, 这个很多人容易把它跟那个conversation给混淆,conversation是对话,但conservation是从conserve来的, conserve是表示保护,保留。那conservation加了一个ation,把它变成一个名词,就是保护的意思,那通常它是指自然资源,文化遗产等的保护)
I visited this November for a charity run supporting pandas, and I was over the moon to be part of such a meaningful cause. The event started before the park opened, giving participants exclusive access, a truly magical experience.
(OK,在这里的话,第一个over the moon,那你想想,你都已经跳到月球上面去了,所以你是非常非常高兴,欣喜若狂。那第二个是exclusive, 那我们有时候在一些商品上面的话,也会看到这个exclusive,它就表示独有的,专属的)
对啊。So, do you think pandas only one of a kind? Like only one kind of panda?
I think so. I only heard about the pandas, so do they have any relatives?
Well, actually there are two kinds of pandas. One is Sichuan giant pandas, and the other one is Qinling giant pandas. Qinling pandas make up only 18.5% of the total giant panda population.就是大熊猫其实是分四川亚种跟秦岭亚种,那秦岭亚种其实仅占大熊猫数量的18.5%。
I see.
I found it surprising when I learned that. I thought pandas only live in Sichuan. That's what I thought.
Yeah, same.
But I didn't know they live in Qinling as well.
Yeah, that's why I'm also surprised. Because just now I thought only one type of panda, like just the panda,就熊猫嘛。而且四川可能是它的保育做得特别好, 而且他们宣传也做得很好。所以我们就大多数人只知道有四川的亚种。那秦岭的亚种的话,可能是他们比较少吧,所以的话就没有那么知名。 Do you want to know the differences between these two types of pandas?
Of course. Tell me more.
The Sichuan giant panda's head is similar to that of a bear, while the Qinling giant panda's head is more cat-like, with a smaller skull and larger teeth.就是四川亚种的头更像熊,然后秦岭的亚种的头更像猫,所以叫熊猫。
对啊。The last one is, how endangered are pandas?
Well, if I'm not wrong, right now pandas are not endangered anymore, right? Thanks to our very well-planned reservation?
Correct. Right now pandas' threat level has been reduced from endangered to vulnerable,就是从濒危变成了易危,就是因为我们的保护好嘛。And their population is now over 2,200, and their wild population has increased to 1,864.
Wow, that's cool!就是现在我们的保护工作做得很好,所以大熊猫它其实已经从濒危下降到易危,而且大熊猫的数量的话,已经超过了2200只,那其中野生数量也达到了1864只。所以除了我们在动物园或者是在保育园当中看到的熊猫,其实我们野生的熊猫也是很多的,所以我们一定要做好这个环境保护才行。
是啊。And wild pandas usually have just one cub. Wild pandas in captivity are more likely to have twins. And in the wild, if the mother panda has two cubs, she will only feed the one she thinks is stronger. Because, you know, the newborn cub is very weak, and cubs start eating bamboo at around 12 months of age. But until then, they are completely dependent on their mother. So in the wild, female pandas don't have sufficient milk or energy to care for two cubs.
Oh, now I know why they have to spend so much on protecting the wild pandas.就是因为野外的熊猫,他们通常只生一个幼仔。而圈养的熊猫其实更容易生那个双胞胎,因为他们有更好的照顾, 更好的营养。那如果在野外的话,如果母熊猫这么幸运生了两个幼崽,可是非常难过的是,他们只会养活那个更强壮的,另外一个只能自生自灭。就是其实跟猫也挺像的。就是猫如果觉得他的幼崽不能存活了,然后他们也会把它给抛弃掉。然后因为新生的熊猫他们非常虚弱嘛,直到12月大才开始吃竹子。那他们在之前的话,他们都得完全依赖母乳。而那些野外的母熊猫,他们通常没有足够奶水和有精力抚养两个宝宝,所以他们只能养活更强壮的一个了。
嗯,所以我就说 我终于理解为什么我们要有这个熊猫慈善跑,还有我们要大力的去保护野外熊猫。这是因为他们本来繁育率就比较低。而且他们生存环境,如果很恶劣的话,那他们的存活率也更低。所以我们一定要做好保育才行。
So pandas are like other bears, but do pandas hibernate like other bears?
Well, I don't think so because I see the pandas in the Sichuan Zoo. I never see them hibernate.就他们每天都在营业啊。应该没有冬眠吧。
对,他们不冬眠的。Pandas are not afraid of the cold, even in the temperature as low as minus 4 Celsius degree. They can still be found walking in groves of bamboo with thick snow. That's why they are white and black as we mentioned.
虽然我们刚才一直说熊猫是熊,但是大熊猫的话,不会像其他熊那样子会冬眠,因为它们不怕冷。即使气温到达了 负4摄氏度,它们依然可以悠闲地 在积雪覆盖的竹林当中行走。所以我刚才就说嘛,好像四川的熊猫都从来没有冬眠过。他们每天都在努力营业。
Because 99% of a panda's diet consists of bamboo. Although occasionally fruits and meat, but rarely. But pandas' ability to digest bamboo is low. At less than 20%. So even though they eat so much bamboo, they can only digest 20% of all those bamboo. And also the bamboo itself is low in nutrients. So in order to keep up their energy, pandas have to eat a lot every day. And then, of course, they poop a lot as well. Because they can only digest 20%. So they have to poop the 80% out.
Yeah, I see.
That's why they poop almost every 15 to 20 minutes. The vast majority of their feces, like I said, 80% of the bamboo. So that's all they poop.
Okay, sounds like the pandas have a really good digestion system, huh?
Eat a lot and poop a lot.
Yeah. 尽管99%的熊猫饮食是竹子,但是它们的消化系统其实还是保留了肉食动物的特征,不要忘记它其实是个熊。然后大熊猫,它其实对竹子的消化率不到20%,而且竹子本身营养也比较低,所以它们要通过吃很多很多的竹子来维持它们的能量,所以也导致了它们的产量,加了双引号的“产量”也非常的高,每15-20分钟的话,它们就要排便一次。那它们绝大部分排出来的都是未消化的竹子。其实我有看过一个非常重口味的一个视频,就是那个熊猫一边吃一边产,然后就给我弱小的心灵留下了心理阴影
And since 盈盈 has twins, here's the question. How long will the cub stay with their mom? 就是那个熊猫宝宝会跟熊猫妈妈待多久?
一天吗? 还是说他们就是多久会离开熊猫妈妈?
A few months, I guess.
Actually, it's longer than that. A cub stays with his mom until she is pregnant again when the cub is about a year and a half old. If the mother does not become pregnant, the cub will stay with his mother until it is two and a half years old.
Well, pandas' black and white coats are good camouflage. Pandas need to spend most of their time looking for bamboo to eat in their habitat, which are mainly forests and snowy mountains. So their black and white coloring helps them avoid unwanted attention. The white of their coats helps pandas hide in the snow, and the black helps them blend into the shadows of the forest.
Do you know how many hours do pandas spend on eating every day? I found it amazing.
I think 23 hours. I think sometimes when they eat and they sleep at the same time.
Well, not that crazy. But they can spend as long as 12 hours eating.
Oh, half day.
Yeah, half of their day is used for eating. Why? Because a typical adult can eat 12 to 38 kilograms of bamboo every day.
That's crazy. That's a lot.
Yeah, that is for wild pandas. For the pandas in the captivity, they can reach 150 kilograms as their weight. So they need to eat even more. They basically just eat, eat, eat, eat, eat.
They are such a foodie.
They only need to sleep for 2 to 4 hours between feeds. 所以它们就基本上,全天12个小时都在吃,然后可能每次进食之后会睡2-4个小时,因为它们,就是野外的大熊猫的话,大概吃12-38公斤的一个竹子,所以就基本上都在吃。
Okay, now it makes sense. Now I know why you have to go for their charity run. They eat a lot. It needs a lot of money to raise them.
And giant pandas live 18 to 20 years in the wild, and 25 to 30 years in captivity.
No wonder 佳佳 is the legacy.
Okay, so what's the next one?
And then the second one is how many fingers do pandas have?
Well, to be honest, I never noticed that they have fingers, but I tried to guess, five?
Actually, five and a half, sort of. So you see the panda's paws are like most of the bear's paws. So they have fingers, like five of them. But because pandas is focused on eating bamboos, right? So they have to hold the bamboos. That is a stake. So how can you hold a bamboos with only the flat paws? You cannot. You have to, like a human being, we have a thumb to hold things, right? So that's why they have this “sixth finger”, which has the same functions as a thumb of human beings. But it is actually just an unusual wrist bone with strong muscles. But that bone cannot move. So it only helps pandas to grab food, which is bamboos.
Oh, no wonder. 就是大熊猫其实它有六根手指,像熊掌那样。如果它只是平平的话,它就很难去握住那个它的竹子,所以大熊猫的第六根手指就像人类的拇指一样,它其实是一个特殊的腕骨,它不可以活动的,但是它有非常强壮的肌肉可以帮助熊猫去握住它们的食物,就是竹子。
And the next one. Can pandas climb trees? What do you think?
Yes, of course.
Why? Why of course?
I don't know. I saw them climbing trees in the video.
Yeah, it's true. They can climb trees. They are so big, but they can climb trees. They can also swim, just like other bears.
Oh, that's interesting to me because I never see them swimming.
Yeah, I didn't know it either before. Yeah, 熊猫可以爬树也可以游泳,因为它毕竟还是熊的一种。
Yeah, now it makes sense.
And here is the zillion question. Why black and white?
Because they are out of the color ink when panda’s mom trying to give birth to the baby pandas.就是它们生宝宝的时候,打印的时候没墨了,没有彩墨了,只有黑白墨。
But do you know baby pandas are actually pink?
Oh, really?
Okay, so why?
Just like my experience with black bears in Tennessee when I was there, like Tennessee is famous for black bears, but for the whole time, more than a year I was there, I didn't see one single black bear. Like they were so famous in the wild, but I had never seen one, and they were in the zoo, I also didn't see them.
这个笑话有点冷。So next year, if they still have this kind of charity run, you should go.
Of course.
I was surprised I could get into the panda house first, I mean, not first, but so early, without any crowds. I think that is pretty privileged.
I think so. So that's beyond your expectations, right?
When you go for the charity run, probably you just like, okay, I want to do something to protect the animals, I want to support the pandas. But probably you don't know you have this kind of bonus.
Yeah. Since you mentioned that, I have to say something about the new direction of the Ocean Park. So the Ocean Park right now has been working with a lot of conservation groups in mainland China to protect pandas in the wild. So they've contributed to breeding programs and habitats restoration for the pandas. And it's not just about the pandas in the park, but helping their wild cousins as well.
That's amazing.就是现在海洋公园的话,它跟很多我们大陆的保育机构合作,它们帮助保护野生的熊猫,譬如参与繁育计划,还有栖息地的修复。其实不只是我们海洋公园或是我们其他的公园里面的熊猫,我们还有努力在帮助在野外的熊猫亲戚。
Yeah. Exactly. After talking so much about pandas, how about some panda quiz?
Yeah, sure.
Okay, let's start from the easy one. How many human years is a panda year equivalent?
Well, just now you mentioned the 19-year-old panda is like a 60-year-old man. So I think like three human years are equal to one panda year. Is it something like that?
Yeah, totally. You got it right. 就是怎么知道熊猫相对于人的多少岁,你就乘个三就好了。狗狗是乘以一个七,然后熊猫的话,是乘以一个三,那就大概知道它相对于人类的多少岁了。
You know, that is the actually the first time for me to, actually, see a real pander alive in front of me.
Yeah, and I felt so lucky because of the Panda Run. I could get into the panda house much much earlier without any interruption or any crowds. So the panda I saw was 乐乐, the male panda, who got 盈盈 pregnant, and 乐乐 was just eating bamboos like 10 meters away from me. There was no glass panels. Basically, just a fence between the panda and me.
I could watch him eating bamboos the whole day. It was so chill and so relaxing. And they just Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum, just constantly eating all the time. Oh man. And they basically did nothing, but eating for the whole time. I was watching him.
Yeah, I'm so jealous right now. Because it's also another full sensory experience just like the Penguin house, right? And actually sometimes when I feel stressed, I will just watch some videos of the pandas like they eat the bamboos or they just lie down, lie flat.
对啊,是的。Yeah, it's wonderful. That was another sensory experience to me, that I can't forget in my whole life, how amazing the experience was, and how squeezable the pandas are.
Yeah, so you know, you are really lucky, because I remember last time when I went to the zoo, I had to queue up for I don't know how many hours just to see the pandas, and sometimes when I reached the house, you know the pandas already went back to their cage or something, then I was like, damn, I spent so much time, but I couldn't see any pandas.
So if you pass by that 3-day, you know, there wouldn't be any baby pandas. So except for that 3 days, they pretty much only eating bamboos all the time. They have to, they eat so much, they are so big.
I see. No wonder there are only few pandas in the world.
对啊, 就是熊猫它的交配期,其实一年只有三天,错过了,没了就没了,就太少了

You guess how old are these twins?
I guess they're still quite young.
Yeah, they are about 100 days old.就100天
Oh my. That's really… just newborn babies.
Yeah, they're super cute. They are still very tiny and super squishy.
They'll announce their names soon, I think. Because right now, their name is 家姐(粤语) and 细佬(粤语). In Cantonese 就是姐姐跟弟弟。That's their temporary name right now.
I remember the baby pandas are very cute, right?
So did you get a chance to see them?
Well, I could only see them through screens. They are not open to public yet. They are still under very decent care right now. So when they're old enough, public can see them. I just check the public can see them early January of 2025.
So it would be soon. They're coming out.
Yeah, so just book the tickets of the ocean park. Then you get a chance to see the babies. Yeah. So I'm very jealous. And actually, I'm kind of curious how come the ocean park will introduce the pandas.
It's actually a diplomacy gift from mainland to Hong Kong in 1997. So that was the most famous pandas in Hong Kong. Their names are 安安 and 佳佳
Wow, that's a really precious gift.
Yeah, that's how the panda legacy in Hong Kong started, you know, since 安安and 佳佳. But unfortunately, they passed away already, although 佳佳 lived to 38, guinness World Record keeper, and 安安, he made it to 35, so, also the oldest male panda in captivity. And then 盈盈 and 乐乐 keep the panda legacy in ocean park.
Yeah, for sure. They are all the legacy of the ocean park for sure.就是1997年的时候呢,就安安跟佳佳,他们就被送到了海洋公园。那佳佳就是我们的熊猫女王了,因为她活到了38岁。那想想刚才我们说的,如果熊猫19岁相当于人类的60多岁,那想想38岁就相当于人类多少岁
对啊,我就好喜欢他们。And of course there are more animals in the ocean park like giant tortoises, meerkats, sloths and macaws and of course, red pandas and giant pandas. Now it's not just about marine life anymore.
嗯,那现在海洋公园的话,他除了有我们的海洋生物的话,他们也多了很多陆地生物,譬如说有巨型的陆龟, 猫鼬,树懒 还有金刚鹦鹉,那当然还有我们今天要讲的小熊猫还有大熊猫啦,我们的主角。
So, can you tell me more about the pandas, like why you go for this charity run?
Well, do you know ocean park right now has 6 pandas, fluffy celebrities?
That's a lot.
Right. That's why there is such a panda run, because the ocean park right now is raising money to improve their living environment. It was a kind of funny story, because if like around half a year ago, there were only 2 pandas in ocean park, which are 盈盈 and 乐乐. Because they are old, they are already 19 years old, which is like our 60 years old for pandas. So they are pretty old. That's why Hong Kong tried to get another newcomers, new pandas in the ocean park, so the younger ones can continue the panda legacy in Hong Kong ocean park. Yeah. So when the application for the new pandas was approved, then the good news, they found out 盈盈 and 乐乐 were pregnant.
Oh, nice.
And they had twins. So that's why there are 6 pandas right now. Very fluffy, very cute.
That's incredible.现在海洋公园它有6只熊猫, 分别是盈盈跟乐乐, 还有刚从大陆来的新成员安安跟可可。 那盈盈跟乐乐的话, 他们已经是熊猫辈的长辈了, 因为他们已经19岁, 就相当于人类的60多岁。 所以新来的这两只的话, 就是用来传承接班我们的熊猫家族, 让我们的香港的熊猫可以源源不断, 是吧?
那最兴奋的一个消息就是, 当时盈盈怀了双胞胎, 所以呢, 现在我们海洋公园就有6只熊猫啦。
Yes, and you know pandas need lots of space and care. That's why they have this panda run to raise money for the pandas, to let them have a better environment to live. 6 pandas. That's quite a lot for one theme park. And you know, it's a huge surprise to everybody. I think not only the feeders, raisers, the park rangers, but also to the pandas themselves. Like Yin Yin and Le Le probably didn't know at that time they could get babies.
Because pandas only have a 3-day window each year to mate.
Oh my.
Yeah. So penguins have so many interesting stories. Maybe if you're interested, then you can look for more information. They are the amazing animals.
Besides this time I also saw walruses. 就是海象。They are gigantic. So I thought it was about the size of sea lions but no, they were huge. And their tusks were oh my god that was long and big. I don't know how could they eat because it was kind of in the way. But they are pretty cool. They swim very fast as well with their massive bodies. The sea animals are amazing. They can surprise you in so many different ways.
Yeah. That's mesmerizing.
就是我没见过海象真实版, 就是我在电视上面看过, 但我真的看到那两只海象的时候, 我还是震惊它有多大只。
我原本以为它跟海狮差不多大, 那其实它有两到三倍海狮的大小, 然后它的那个牙, 它叫海象吗? 就两根牙跟那个大象是一样的, 然后也是很长的,非常长。所以我当时还在想, 一直在想它们是怎么吃东西的, 我没见到它们怎么吃东西, 那我挺好奇, 因为那两根牙。
是,就它不像那个大象那样子,大象的话,它虽然有两个很大的象牙, 但是它可以用它的鼻子 把那个食物给叼起来吗?
对,海象是没有那样的鼻子的, 它只有两个不大的鳍, 感觉也不能怎么吃东西, 所以像海象啊,还有海牛, 就是那个Walruses and Manatees,都是这样子,就很大,然后就那两个类似,又不像手又不像鳍的两个东西,然后它们就可以长那么大只,所以我一直不太知道它们是怎么生存的,挺好奇,或许我可以做一些调研,然后再分享给大家。
Yeah. That sounds stunning. So among all the animals what's your favorite one?
Manta rays. I don't really wear a lot of accessories. The only accessories I would wear would be about manta rays because I love them so much.就是那个魔鬼鱼。
Because the first time I met them was in the ocean, real ocean not in the aquarium and I saw them fly off the water because they were trying to eat all the plantains on the top of the ocean. So for me they are like the underwater vegetarian bats. They look scary but they have a very gentle soul. They only eat plantains. Basically, they are vegetarian even though they are huge.
Okay, so they are really nice to the environment, huh?
But I was surprised to see how they jump off the water. Like the land was about half a meter high up from the water. So one penguin was swimming in the water and all of a sudden, that penguin just jumped off the water and back on the land. Like it was so smooth. Like so smooth. I was in awe to see that penguin do that effortless, just jumped off water. And I wouldn't picture, I wouldn't imagine such, you know, fatty animal can do such a quick move like a kung fu star.
I know. Such a really strong contrast, right?
其实有一幕,我在企鹅馆感受比较深的,就是那个企鹅它游泳嘛,那你看他那个这么胖的身体,然后翅膀就那么小,然后脚也是那么短。就没想到它在一个就是水面离那个陆地大概有半米高吧,它就从水里出来嗖的一声就跳到陆地上了。而且全程是流水般流畅,就是有点像那些功夫明星,就是躺在平地上,然后跳起来,那是不是要弹弓跳, 然后那个企鹅就从水里面弹,就弹到陆地上。我当时就震惊了, 就没想到它这么胖的一个身体说跳就跳, 好灵活。
洪金宝准备给我们发律师函,怎么回事?Okay. Anyway, Wing, do you know actually the penguins have the pouch?
What pouch? Oh, yes. Yes, I know. That's another funny thing about them.
Yeah. So I just read an article and it was so funny. Actually, the penguins have the pouch and usually the penguin's dad will be the one who takes care of the penguins. So the baby penguins will stay on top of the dad's feet so that they won't freeze on the ice. And then the penguin's mom will look for food in the ocean. So that's a very interesting fact for me.
But penguins are birds so they actually lay eggs.
They have eggs first and then the pouch.
他们先是那个蛋嘛, 就那个蛋在那个企鹅爸爸的脚上,然后就慢慢等它孵化, 就用那个牠的毛, 然后还有牠的育儿带把它给孵化, 然后孵化之后, 然后就变成了小企鹅, 然后小企鹅牠破蛋之后呢, 牠还是一直会待在企鹅爸爸的脚上面, 因为如果牠们掉在那个冰上面的话, 很快牠们就会死亡了,因为太冷了。
And also you know penguins are monogamous.
Oh, that's cool.
Yeah. They are very loyal.
Pretty cool.