00:00 🎧 尬聊英语开场“营业”了,这次全程萌化你!
00:18 🐾 熊猫慈善跑!公里数不多,可是萌值超爆表!
01:20 🏃♀️➡️ 闭园时间专属跑步赛道,跑完就直接解锁VIP熊猫园?!?!
03:16 🎡 公园的“逆袭人生”:动物秀场-->保育圣地,还有企鹅与北极狐!
06:01 🏆 全球封神!荣获主题公园“奥斯卡”,实至名归!
09:12 🤔 灵魂拷问动物园两面性:是在圈养保育,还是囚禁动物?
10:40 🐧 近距离企鹅体验!冷、腥、尖叫,全方位感官轰炸!
17:05 🐤 企鹅爸妈分工主打现代式:男主内,女主外! 爸爸带娃,妈妈觅食!
20:39 🪸 Wing最爱的海洋动物,究竟是魔鬼挂还是么么哒?!?!
22:38 🐼 让人酥化的双胞胎上线,6只熊猫大团圆,一家人最紧要齐齐整整!
29:02 🎋 第一次看熊猫,Wing的“近距离” VS Yao的“看不到”
33:31 🧐 熊猫冷知识大晒冷:年纪兑换公式、“第六根”手指、还有上树下水的技能!
36:35 🔲 你知道为什么熊猫是黑白色?是打印机没墨了??
38:56 🍴 熊猫就是一吃货!日啃20公斤竹子,还15分钟"卸货”一次!
43:11 🍼 熊猫还是天生妈宝?再大的个头,也只想屁颠屁颠跟在妈妈后面?
46:38 ❄️ 全年不冬眠,零下4℃依旧雪地吃竹子,“营业”精神满满滴!
47:36 ❓大熊猫究竟有多少种?为什么熊猫叫做熊猫?
49:51 ‼️熊猫濒危指数有多高?野生熊猫的现状数据大整理
50:54 📝 IELTS雅思加分小妙招:用“熊猫跑”另类切入主题公园话题,轻松拿高分!
58:54 🎉 "翻牌“听众留言,期待你的互动与点赞~
大家可以多多在 小红书 与 微博 留言与练习例句呢!还有邮箱 GossipEnglish@hotmail.com。
小红书同名直播时间:每周日 22:00,不定期也在周六 22:00。
Hi everyone, it's Gossip English time.尬聊英语时间又到啦! This is Wing. And I'm Yao. Let's learn English through gossip.
Hey Yao, you won't believe it. Late November, I did a charity run in Hong Kong. Guess what it was for?
Oh, really?
Yes, it was all about pandas. The run was short compared to the recent Guangzhou marathon. It was super short. It was only four kilometers. Actually, there were three categories, one kilometer, four kilometer and five. So I picked the four because, you know, balance is key
So how long does it take for the run?
I don't quite remember. The whole preparation was long. I didn't check the time, but I feel it was about one hour, roughly. Well, we kind of walk and run at the same time. And there were so many people
Yeah, of course, it's a charity run. But I'm wondering why pandas and running? That's a combo I didn't see coming. Was it in the city or somewhere else?
It was actually inside Ocean Park.就是在香港的海洋公园。And here's the cool part. It started way before the park's normal hours. So it was just us, runners, in the whole place.
Wow, that's so cool. So you have the whole Ocean Park to yourselves. You can avoid the crowd. That's awesome
Totally. After the run, there was a gap before the park opened. So we wandered around and play some panda themed games. It was adorable.
Damn, I'm so jealous. Why you didn't invite me?
I did! I did
Yeah, but I'm not a fan of running. Yeah, just kidding
但是是在海洋公园里面,而且是在正常开园前,就是园区开放之前那段时间跑。就大概我是七点到那边的,然后大概十点左右结束。So it started from 7 a.m. And ended around 10 a.m. When the park opened to the public.
Hmm, I see. So is it held once a year?
I think it is, but I'm not quite sure. I know the charity run is held once in a year, but I'm not sure if every year is for pandas, because they have a lot of different projects for all kinds of animals