好不容易冬眠出洞!本次set的汤底是不按常理出牌的调调,佐料是窝在他家你家我家的松快感。正好是cjv 老师的生日,老朋友欢聚梦游,我们“煨到起”)。12/21和12/22连续两晚(set分为上集和下集),圣诞前夕,中西式抽象音药齐上阵,甚至搜集到了野生珍妮的金曲(你猜。
哼一段就能立刻调动你全身的复诵键。 no offense,没有在恶搞你,只希望你冬天开怀。带着你的好心情来参加派对来跳舞。
track list :
在占星学中,月亮是内在情绪的引力潮汐,Moon Safari 期待你随时登舰,踏上这座跨越银河的声音飞船,解锁音符与心灵的美妙共振。
声音的浏览器,音乐的动物园,ceiling and visibility unlimited,代表最高的能见度,万里无云,是最适合飞行的晴朗好天气。
In astrology, the Moon is the gravitational tide of inner emotions. Moon Safari invites you to step aboard anytime and embark on this sound spacecraft that traverses galaxies, unlocking the magical resonance between melodies and the soul.
A browser of sound, a zoo of music—ceiling and visibility unlimited, symbolizing the highest clarity and a cloudless sky, the perfect weather for soaring flights. Find me on NetEase Cloud Music or Spotify under the same name. Enjoy the journey~
dj set by: kissyding030
design by:kissyding030&RECRAFT
profile by: kissyding030