the Iliad, the inevitability of modern meritocracy, and me
(3:57) 人神关系;选择你的英雄;本体喻体合体
(20:42) 失败学导论;优绩主义批判光谱,与荣耀意识的大变形术
(40:53) 免费的答案:死
(52:29) how i stopped worrying and loved the game
More on Iliad:
The Iliad of Homer, Richmond Lattimore
Homer and His Iliad, Robin Lane Fox (also RLF on podcast with The History of Literature)
Homer on Life and Death, Jasper Griffin
Iliad, Grey Area (with Emily Wilson)
The Iliad, In Our Time
Homer, The History of Literature
Mother Tongue, The New Yorker
Hades, Supergiant Games
Other references include: 东周列国志,Oppenheimer, 路加福音第4章,The Tyranny of Merit, 《历史的终结与最后的人》(32:07),《论美国的民主》,赵丹喵,Erich Fromm,陀思妥耶夫斯基,《偶像的黄昏》,《进击的巨人》,白鲸与火线与T. S. Eliot与但丁,兰亭集序,(反)《正义论》,魔戒,何兆武《上学记》,施特劳斯《进步还是回归?》,与,伟大的,阿庇安《罗马史》。
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