立Flag的季节:尬聊姊妹的圣诞八卦和2025大计划!尬聊英语 Gossip English


55分钟 ·

00:00 🎄 尬聊英语2025“照常营业”了,双dàn节快乐!
00:18 🎁 与往年过节的吃吃喝喝不一样,这个圣诞Wing深夜跑街头去了!
05:00 🏙️ 大城市生活真的太不容易了:何以为家?何以成家?
08:24 📽️ 有钱人体验底层生活?这部纪录片真的不要太硬核!
13:31 🤞 听“尬聊英语”者,2025年必定行大运!
15:15 🌏 Yao的印尼亲身经历:华人小团队在疫情间的暖心事迹。
17:03 🌀 2024年,Yao和Wing经历了什么?成长和挑战全都有!
24:24 🗣️ 播客就是大型的自我反省现场,是八卦尬聊还是扒底深谈?
25:53 ✅ 点名时间:猜猜小红书直播现场耳熟能详的名字们!
28:36 💡 打开思路,不再预设,惊觉身边朋友们的各种隐藏技能!
34:36 🚀 新年flag立起来:播客破万、学习德语!Wing拼了!
36:11 🌟 Yao更猛,做内容、学日语、月读一书、健身网球多管齐下,还要顺便治了拖延症!
41:39 🎊 希望2025与大家成功面基,从网友变基友!
42:47 😘 两人新年寄语:保持好奇,勇敢尝试!也送给你~
43:21 📝 IELTS雅思加分小妙招:立个flag就轻松搞定一个口语话题!
52:28 🎉 "翻牌“听众留言,期待你的互动与点赞~


大家可以多多在 小红书微博 留言与练习例句呢!还有邮箱 GossipEnglish@hotmail.com。小红书同名直播时间:每周日 22:00,不定期也在周六 22:00

展开Show Notes
Hey guys, it's Gossip English time.尬聊英语时间又到了。This is Yao. And I'm Wing. Let's learn English through Gossip.
Hey Wing, Christmas has passed. How did you spend your Christmas?
Well, usually I would spend it with my friends and family. We would have potluck.就是大家做一道菜,然后到一个地方聚在一起。就是potluck. So that is what I usually would do on Christmas. It's a gathering time of family and friends. And also with a lot of good food and of course, mulled wine,就是热红酒。So that is my usual Christmas would be like. What about you?
Yeah, when I was abroad actually, I also spent Christmas with friends. And also I just had a feast, Christmas feast.
Yeah, that sounds about right.
But this year I did something different.
I ended up helping raise money for homeless people and spend the night out on the streets, handing out food and clothes.
Oh, that sounds very meaningful. Why you came up with this thought?
Well, when we mention Christmas, of course you would think about exchanging gifts. That is one of the rituals of Christmas, right?
Yeah, and also the most exciting part, right?
Yeah, exactly. So this year I feel like, well, I usually exchange gifts with my friends and family. How about extending it a little bit further since the economics is so bad this year and last year? And I feel like helping out others who need help. That's why I participated this event.
Wow, you are so sweet. Yeah, so how did you help them?
Well, as I mentioned, we didn't give any money out. We just handed out food and clothes. When we did that, we were required to stay eye level talking with them. Like if they are sitting, then we have to squat down to make sure they feel we are equal. It's not like we give something to them, but more like we were helping out them. So that's not just handing out food and clothes, but also how we were required to do that. And every detail matters.
great support居然没有我?
Cool. So, that's all for today. Thank you for listening.
Yeah. And time for you guys to make the New Year resolutions too.
Yeah. 欢迎大家在评论区给我们留言,关于你2024的感悟,以及你要在2025立的flag,然后我们可以相互督促。
对,让我觉得很很很搞笑,那譬如说我们有一个听众叫做不做梦,他在我们每一期当中,就会说“刷牙都在听,跑步也听,听起来了朋友们,今天是洗脸开始听啊”,反正我觉得这位朋友他非常有趣,然后他每一次评论的话都会让我哈哈大笑,谢谢你的支持哦。另外有一位叫雙雙_Acxp,我不知道怎么读,后面那几个英文字母的读法哈,这位雙雙,叫雙雙的朋友,她说“每天早上睁眼打开已经成习惯噜!”,谢谢你的支持,谢谢你,你给我们提供了非常足的情绪价值。是的。那也感谢大家的支持,欢迎大家来订阅我们的播客,我们在四大平台小宇宙、喜马拉雅、QQ音乐,还有苹果播客。也欢迎大家跟我们留言互动,在小宇宙或者是微博、小红书都可以,或者是给我们发邮件也行,那我们邮箱是GossipEnglish@hotmail.com,那大家记得给我们说一下你2024的感悟以及2025要立的flag,就给我们留言。大家还记得我们2025年的目标吗?就是要突破1万粉,所以我们需要你们的支持,关注我们,还有一键三连,转发我们的播客,点赞还有收藏,对,谢谢大家。Have a nice weekend. Have a nice day. Bye.
Well, in 2024, it felt like, for me, full of possibility, yet shrouded in uncertainty. I tried out so many different things. You know, the usual mix of ambition and spontaneous goals. And of course, for me, the first big leap is this podcast. This very podcast. Gossip English.
Yeah, it seemed like a wild idea at first. Here we are. We are still here. We're still trying our best to update our podcast. And that is something great in 2024 for me. But like any great story, 2024 also threw me a curveball. A sad one. My dog, Ziva, passed away. There was a time I stopped mentioning my dog in this podcast because she passed away. And I wasn't ready to talk about her yet. But now I guess I felt much better. It was unexpected. And honestly, it was like a punch to the gut. But something happened. I met so many interesting people, you know, during the whole year. And people who remind me that life doesn't stop because it gets hard. And I found a lot of interesting souls with great stories, passions, and ideas. It felt like the universe was reminding me don't give up yet. Even though all those hardships and difficulties. So just like you, I started to truly get to know myself. I know what I'm good at and what I'm not good at. And I'm okay with it. Instead of beating myself up about it, I started making peace with my imperfections. So yeah, it's okay to be a work-in- progress. So it's all right.
Yeah, those are very powerful words. And I have to say great minds think alike. So Wing, have you read my script earlier? Why you have just said the same thing like me?
That's why we have the podcast together, right?
I guess we sort of compared to others. We have very similar experiences in our life so far. And also the podcast is not only for the listeners, but also for us. It's kind of like a huge reflection of our past life. Not past life, it sounds so wrong.
Life in the past.
Yeah, the life in the past, not past life.就不是, past life means 前世.
Because this is not even a job. It is a job, but it's not even a job that we can earn money from, right? And to be honest, we still need to make a living for our life. So when our work conflicts with this podcast, there was a time, probably some of you may know, we stopped updating our podcast for a while. And then we sent out another episode. Thank you for your patience. It's really important to us. And also thank you for all the chasing us to update our podcast. Thank you for all the chasing as well.
Yeah, exactly. Every time I read the comment, I just feel encouraged and inspired. And it pushes me to keep improving and creating. So that's why I said we've come so far and it's all thanks to the continuous support from you, our friends.
Yeah, it means a lot to us. So because we are at the end of 2024. And besides our podcast, what else in 2024 you think is the most unforgettable?
Well, for me, actually, this year, after making this podcast, and I recalled a lot of memories, a lot of stories of me, and also my past experience. And I think I learned something from this. It's about embracing the past and accepting who I am. There were times when I regretted some of the decisions I made, thinking about how things could have turned out differently. Like what if I didn't make this decision? What if I didn't experience this? What if I chose to be someone else? Yeah, so I have a lot of thoughts. But now I realized that every experience, good or bad, has shaped me into who I am today. And I've learned to accept who I am. And I also want to be who I am.
That's cool. That's really cool. It's really good for you.
Yeah. So how about you?
And they offered this kind of help to support, to help them go through the hardest time. So I think this is a very meaningful move because just like what you said, you give a hand to those who are in need. Maybe one day you will get the help from people when you are in need.
Yeah, givers gains.
Yeah, it's very heartwarming. You never know when you need help. And for all of us, as a human being, we do hope when we need help, someone can help us out. And it's normal because we are not alone and we can't be alone. So we hope we can help each other out in the hardship, in a difficult time.
We need help right now. Subscribe us!
Because the topic is so depressing. I don't want people like, Oh my gosh, why do we have to talk about this at the end of this year? Okay, I'm so sorry. But anyway, actually, after talking about this heavy topic, and just now we expressed gratitude to our family and friends, right? Right now, I also want to share my thoughts. Actually, this year, I experienced a lot of heartwarming moments, especially for our podcast.
Wow, okay. What are they?
Well, actually, to be honest, this is my first time to be a content creator. And we launched this podcast in April. And so far, we've produced over 30 episodes. Now we are about to hit 3,000 followers on 小宇宙, which is incredible. So I really want to show my gratitude to all of you, to our audience.
Yeah, and we've got a lot of very supportive messages and comments from our friends, who we know or not know. It doesn't matter. You're all our friends. For your support and rapports, it's really important for us.
Sometimes I wonder if I end up like them, just another face in a crowd with no one to help. I mean, the thing is some of those people didn't want to be where they were. It's not like this is what they choose to be, right? I mean, probably some did. I can't say for sure. But most of them didn't want to be where they were right now. And it's just bad luck. And probably just like the world turned its back on them. And they had to find a way to survive.
Wow, such a heavy topic, huh?
Yeah. So I feel like you said, as what Yao just mentioned, I feel like I'm pretty lucky as well to have what I have right now. I feel really grateful of everything. And some people's luck just runs out. So I feel like if I can help them out, maybe just give them a hand sometimes, probably they can just crawl all the way back in the world. You never know. So for me, that kind of little help is critical.就是有时候在低谷的时候,拉你一把,那是很重要的。你会觉得就是那么拉你一把,可能你就在那坑里面出来了。但是如果没有人给你这一个手,然后你就可能一直待在那坑里,那很难自己出来。所以,所以我觉得,力所能及,做些事情也是蛮好的
Yeah. Actually, when Wing, your experience reminds me of something.
Yeah, what is it?
During the pandemic, I was in Indonesia. And actually at that time, the criteria to board on the plane was very, very critical. Somehow, if your index in your report is abnormal, then you cannot just go back home. I mean, this is reasonable because you know, we have to control the disease, right? So I think it is understandable, so it's okay. But actually at that time, many people, they had the abnormal data in their report. That's why they have to stay in Indonesia for a very long time to wait. Some of them were sent to the quarantine hotels. And you know, the food there was not good. And also, their living condition, of course, is not as good as home. That's why at that time, the local charity, they tried to help these people. Then they raised money and also bought the lunch boxes for the people who were quarantined in the hotel.
So this documentary is about the very rich elite people in Hong Kong try to live with the minimum wage or with the minimum survival conditions. Just let them experience that and just to see if they can make a difference out of it. Can they change their “fate” or their living environment and stuff like that?
So pretty bad. In that documentary, it kind of made me think that for most of the elites, the most valuable thing in their life would be their time. But for those at the bottom of the society, probably the most valueless thing would be their time. I know that sucks, but it's kind of true. I mean, when you are just working so hard and barely can satisfy your belly, you probably wouldn't think too much about how can I have a great business, how can I have a great job, stuff like that. You probably just like, ok , I just need your bread and butter for today and probably tomorrow.
Yeah, exactly. Just thinking about, for example, when I need to commute, and I can take the metro or I can take the taxi. But sometimes to save time, I just want to take the taxi because I can do more things. But for the taxi drivers, spending time inside the taxi is their job. It's how they make the money. So this is a very huge contrast.
Yeah, I know. We are spoiled.
Yeah, I have to admit that. That's why I always say my experience, my life, my so-called success owes to the help of my parents and friends. 就是我一直觉得,我个人的一个际遇,或者是所谓的成功,或者是所谓的一些比较好的一些经历,其实都是归功于我父母的一个帮助,还有我朋友的一个帮助,我一直觉得我自己是站在巨人的肩上去看世界。
Yeah, it's totally true. It sometimes makes me think if I didn't have the rapport of my family, if I didn't have friends that I can lean on, where would I be?
I am coming🤗
yeah! ✌️
33:16 fake it till you make it
42:02 哇 希望我也能参加🫰😋
2025 祝《尬聊英语》粉丝大涨!
谢谢,笔芯 ❤️
好喜欢这个wing 这个说法:making peace with my imperfections 和自己和解去承认自己是个“凡人”也要有好大好大的勇气。🫠