BBC Ideas|我们是否应该有权选择自己的死亡?英音听力|BBC & 经济学人等

BBC Ideas|我们是否应该有权选择自己的死亡?

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Should We Be Able to Choose Our Own Death

Imagine a world where we get what we all deserve -- a good death. Nothing seems much different. The world is much the same as it is now. People do the same sorts of things, have much the same joys and pains. They're born, they grow up, they work, they play, have families, love, argue, enjoy their brief time on Earth. And die.

It's just that if you go to the outskirts of any town, there's a new facility there. It looks like a medical center. In a way, it is. A well-designed building with nice landscaping and a free car park. If you go inside you'll discover what's going on. The receptionist can explain. There are leaflets too. Everything is well ordered and calm. Doctors, psychologists, counsellors and nurses work here. But so too do specialists lawyers.

This is the "Good Death Centre", provided on the National Health Service. Those who don't want to descend into the indignity of extreme dementia, or doubt the ability of palliative care to ease their exit from life, will come here when the time is right. They'll choose the moments of their own deaths.

Most of us have a death plan and a living will now. It's a great comfort to know that the option exists if the going gets too tough. We've had euthanasia for pets for a very long time, but before the Good Death Centres, we forced our friends and relatives to endure months and sometimes years of agony and indignity against their will. For what? It now seems so cruel, so unnecessary, so pointless.

Of course there are safeguards. No one gets to use the facility without thorough psychological examination and counselling. This choice is only for the sound of mind and those who have demonstrated a genuine desire to die by these means. You need a good reason such as a painful terminal illness or the first signs of dementia. Consent has to be informed.

Life is much better now. It's reassuring to know you don't have to endure it even when you've lost the power to take your own life. I have my own death plan. If I don't die my sleep, I expect to die in a Good Death Centre. It's a comforting thought. You should think about it.

good death 善终,安乐死
outskirt ['aʊtˌskɜːt] 郊区,市郊
medical center ['medɪk(ə)l] 医疗中心
well-designed 精心设计的,设计巧妙的
landscaping ['lændskeɪpɪŋ] 景观美化
car park 停车场,车库
receptionist [rɪˈsepʃ(ə)nɪst] 接待员,招待员
leaflet [ˈliːflət] 传单,小册子,活页
well ordered 井然有序的,有条理的
counsellor ['kaʊns(ə)lə(r)] 顾问,辅导顾问
specialists lawyers [ˈspeʃəlɪsts] 专业律师
National Health Service (英国)国民医疗服务体系
descend into [dɪ'send] 陷入(糟糕的状态)
indignity [ɪn'dɪɡnəti] 侮辱,轻蔑,伤尊严
dementia [dɪ'menʃə] 失智症,痴呆症
palliative care [ˈpæliətɪv] 姑息疗法,缓和医疗(专注于缓解和预防患者的痛苦)
exit from ['eksɪt] 退出,离开
living will 生前意愿,生前遗嘱
going 处境,状况
euthanasia [ˌjuːθəˈneɪziə] 安乐死
agony ['æɡəni] 极度痛苦,苦恼
safeguard [ˈseɪfˌɡɑː(r)d] 保障条款, 保护措施
psychological examination 心理检查,心理测验
counselling [ˈkaʊns(ə)lɪŋ] 咨询,辅导
terminal illness [ˈtɜː(r)mɪn(ə)l] 绝症,不治之症,晚期疾病
consent [kən'sent] 同意,允许,赞同
reassuring [ˌriːəˈʃʊərɪŋ] 令人欣慰的,令人放心的
take one's own life 自杀,结束自己的生命
comforting [ˈkʌmfə(r)tɪŋ] 安慰的,令人欣慰的

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