#165. Gabor Holch: On The BeachTHD美籍华人英语访谈秀

#165. Gabor Holch: On The Beach

118分钟 ·

As we head into Chinese New Year, return guest and intercultural leadership coach Gabor Holch joins Justin and Aric for a thought-provoking conversation on self-reflection, leadership, and the human condition. Gabor shares how gratitude and perspective helped him overcome recent challenges while embracing the freedom of self-employment. Together, we explore the impact of AI on work, the influence of parenting styles on personal development, the roots of envy and why the grass always seems greener on the other side. Gabor emphasizes the importance of questioning beliefs, practicing humility, and fostering open-mindedness to bridge cultural divides, especially regarding perceptions of China. Packed with Gabor’s insights and stories, this episode offers practical wisdom for anyone looking to grow as a leader and individual.  Happy new year...


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展开Show Notes
Wow it’s been a while
11:14 “if you do not have the vision or do not have an idea who you want to be or who you are, then life will give you one.” 发人深省的观点,后面谈话中也有引用一句歌词“suddenly my life is like a river taking me places I don't want to go."
I thought you quit! 还好没有😭