- S1E12[CN]特朗普上台后对Crypto的影响?
- S1E11[CN]十万TPS高性能链会长出什么生态?
1、Solana的高性能生态,及Blinks和Actions的创新 2、Monad和MegaETH的高性能生态 3、展望十万TPS高性能公链的未来
- S1E10[CN] - 牛市下半场?
在这一轮的加密货币市场中,是否会出现类似于2021年的山寨币季现象?本轮缺乏共识、资金分散以及FDV(全流通市值)过高。目前还没有出现像2021年那样的山寨币季。 在过去的山寨币季中,全球范围内的大量增量用户加入了市场,尤其是在疫情之后,全球经济实行了宽松货币政策。这包括了DeFi夏季活动,人们积极涌入挖矿,而场外交易人员也从中获益。 这一轮市场的重要节点包括:美国大选可能会提高市场流动性;美国的中期选举阶段对市场也会产生影响,尤其是在11月大选后的头两个月,市场表现应该不错;此外,美国的债务问题也给市场带来了一定压力。而十月份的财报季也可能会提振市场情绪,比如Coinbase等公司的财报数据,以及NVIDIA等公司的表现是否符合预期。此外,美国金融会计准则委员会(FASB)的新规定将于2025年生效,这对市场走向也产生极大影响。 在这一轮市场中,资金分散,而不像上一轮市场那样聚焦于少数目标。虽然VC币解锁较多,但估值普遍偏高,而Meme板块则成为了散户偏好的领域。在比特币领域,Ordi西方不再像以前那样接盘,而Arc20和Runes板块则备受关注。 新的市场叙事关注于人工智能(AI)领域,需要关注传统股票市场中的AI逻辑。目前,AI主要集中在上游领域,例如算力方面,而应用层面仍处于早期阶段。算力短缺是当前AI领域的主要难题之一,尽管去中心化算力无法进行大规模运算,但也存在一些垂直化AI的机会。另外,60%的数据源是相似数据,这可能导致重复的能源和算力消耗。对于中小型AI企业来说,当前的成本相当高,因此共享型AI有着较大的发展潜力。 在质押和积分领域,Eigenlayer的代币发行不仅仅是为了市场炒作,而是为了让代币回归其实用价值,为Eigen提供安全性保障。积分时代尽管不会结束,但热度确实有所下降。在质押领域,关键是需要通过代币空投奖励来提高冷启动的安全性。未来,APR收入可能会变成新的Appchain的奖励费用。 ZK板块仍然值得关注,如Cysic等硬件板块。ZK layer2 的生态发展限制了其技术的落地,需要更多的应用去推进技术的更迭。
- S1E09[CN] - 比特币Layer2东西方诸神之战
1、如何看待东西方比特币生态的格局?东方和西方谁更有优势?未来东西方比特币生态将如何分化? 2、比特币生态起源于东方,华人如何更好协同抱团,巩固比特币生态? 3、如何看待Runes?在各位的生态中有什么规划? 4、如何看待OP_CAT等技术发展,比特币未来是否会有原生的layer2?
- S1E08[EN] - 🧙Bitmap.tech: make bitcoin fun again
Today, we have Jeff, the founder of @BitmapTech, joining us on our show to discuss Fair Launch, Bitmap.Game, BRC 420, @MerlinLayer2, and more. DEBRIEF |【Questions】 🧙What brought Jeff to build on(all-in) BTC, and like Casey said, Make Bitcoin Fun Again? 🧙Bitmap, BRC 420 & Recursiverse, wtf are those? 🧙Jeff's view on layered solutions are the key to unlocking further Bitcoin programmability. OP- ZKP,RGB, Lightning Network, which is the best solution? 🧙All of Brc20, ARC20, SRC20 price dropped, except BRC420, what is the magic behind it? 🧙What is the unique selling of Merlin Chain? Community vs Technology
- S1E07[EN] - Nocturne: Usable On-Chain Privacy for Ethereum
🔍【Nocturne Labs is building private user accounts on Ethereum. Their goal is to increase the accessibility and utility of the Ethereum ecosystem by furthering the adoption of usable onchain privacy.】 💼 1. Deep Dive into Nocturne's Design PhilosophyLuke talks about the 3 categories of privacy solution in the market: privacy cash, privacy L1 & L2, mixed solution. However, approaching through the account level, Nocturne aims to build parallel accounts for everyone who wants privacy. 🗳️ 2. Product Feature- Receive/deposit funds anonymously- Earn yield on idle funds- Withdraw to fresh wallets for unlinked trading/transacting 🚶♀️3. Target User Group for Nocturne Retails and traders at the beginning 🌍 4. Regulatory & ComplianceCurrently, depositing is not a permissionless process. Nocturne is working on transitioning from a system that 'gate inflows' to one that operates on the principle of 'proof of innocence.' One that meets anti-money-laundering and sanctions requirements. 💻5. Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE)Luke thinks FHE is a different solution and can be combined to solve different problems. All solutions are not mutually exclusive.😄
- S1E06[EN] - Polyhedra - Unveiling the Full Node Proof
In today's episode, we brought on Tiancheng, Co-founder of @PolyhedraZK, to discuss how to realize full node proof through zkBridge. Topics Covered: ◾️Advantages of zkBridge? Polyhedra ◾️RoadmapUtilization of zkBridge to prove the full nodes for Ethereum PoS ◾️Co-processor (Storage Proof) ◾️Single Slot Finality
- S1E05 [EN] - Loaf - Dojo, Onchain Game and Autonomous World
1. What is the real core and selling point of FOG engine? 2. What is the end game of onchain game and autonomous world? How do we visionize them in the next 5 years? 3. What are the types of games that are most suitable for the fully onchain games (e.g. SLG, RPG, etc.)
- S1E04 [EN] - Kacper&Marcello - Herodotus and Storage Proofs
1. What is the Herodotus storage proofs, and why storage proofs is so important? 2. What is the use case of Herodotus storage proofs?
- S1E03 [EN] - Abdel: The Future of Starknet and Cairo
Abdel is the exploration lead at StarkWare. In this episode, we discussed these following problems: * How does Starkware establish an open and collaborative developer ecosystem? * With projects like Kakarot, Madara, and Beerus already in the Starknet ecosystem, what are the future plans?- What important ecological parts are missing from the Starkware ecosystem? How should developers participate in? * In what ways can applications written in the Cairo language differ from those written in Solidity? * As Kakarot is based on Starkware and competes directly with ZKSync, Scroll, and other ZKEVMs, can it leverage the unique Cairo based architecture on Starkware? Currently, it seems challenging for EVMs to achieve consensus among developers and users on platforms like Aurora on Near, NEON on Solana, or EVMOS on Cosmos.
- S1E02 - Pobu & Siyuan: ZK硬件加速的未来
1、怎么用小白听得懂的话来解释什么是ZK硬件加速? 2、怎么看待Vitalik说以太坊fully-ZKSnarked的end game,ZK硬件加速在其中有什么作用? 3、以太坊通往fully-ZKSnarked的路径是怎么样的,未来ZK还有什么应用场景? 4、如何看待中国跟美国的芯片之争,中国的芯片距离美国有多少差距?
- S1E01 - BMAN&Laobai: 2022年终总结和2023年展望
1、回顾2022年,今年都有什么难忘的事情?有什么感想和体验? 2、2022年有哪些印象深刻的创新?有用过什么比较好的产品? 3、2023年会关注哪些方向?有哪些是行业内还缺少的东西还没有解决的痛点? 我们聊了关于做VC的体验,全链上游戏的未来,ZK和模块化的发展。