- EP23: NCAA克莱姆森大学网球运动员&博士生 刘屹洲 Louis Liu
网球运动员和博士生似乎是两个不太相关的身份,但如果能兼顾网球和学业,那真是别人家的孩子了。今天,我很荣幸在尔湾采访到了前克莱姆森大学网球队的刘屹洲。 他在两年前从克莱姆森大学毕业,曾经是校队的1号单打选手,如今他全身心投入到心理学的研究中,攻读博士学位。他的旅美经历如何?是什么促使他选择继续攻读博士学位呢? 我们讨论的话题: * 当代网球技战术的发展 * 青少年网球的训练 * 他如何选择美国大学网球 * 在美国打球生活的收获 * 博士学习的动力和历程 * 给青少年球员的建议 欢迎收听我这一期的节目,了解刘屹洲的故事! 关注他的小红书:会打网球的准博士 💡 须知 如果你喜欢这期视频,别忘了点赞、评论并订阅我们的频道。开启小铃铛,这样你就不会错过我们最新的视频更新! 如果你是青少年球员的家长,希望来到美国训练比赛,或者参加各种夏令营,Ryan目前开始了提供行程规划陪同的服务,给你在美国的生活扫清一切障碍,有兴趣的小伙伴可以联系Ryan。 联系微信:lyc1156432398 邮箱:ryanliyicong0903@gmail.com
- Episode 22: 对话NCAA高尔夫运动员 伍田宇&宋雨轩
大家好!欢迎来到我的频道。这期视频特别邀请到了两位非常特别的嘉宾,他们都是前NCAA大学的高尔夫球员。我们一起聊了很多有趣的内容,包括他们从高中出来留学的经历、选择学校的原因、打球的经历以及留学路上的点点滴滴。 ⛳ 嘉宾介绍 伍田宇 - 现在在乔治城大学攻读体育管理系,在华盛顿州立大学就读本科期间,表现出色,成为了学校高尔夫队的主力成员。 宋雨轩 - 在里海大学完成了本科教育,并在高尔夫赛事中取得了优异成绩。目前,他在哥伦比亚大学攻读商业分析研究生课程,继续追寻自己的梦想。 📚 内容概要 高中毕业后留学的原因和经历 选择大学时的考虑因素 在NCAA大学打高尔夫球的体验 留学生活中的挑战和收获 未来的规划和梦想 这期节目不仅适合那些对高尔夫感兴趣的朋友,也非常适合正在考虑留学或已经在留学道路上的小伙伴们。相信嘉宾们的分享会给大家带来很多启发和帮助。 💡 观看须知 如果你喜欢这期视频,别忘了点赞、评论并订阅我们的频道。开启小铃铛,这样你就不会错过我们最新的视频更新! 他们二位创建了自己的博客节目《高尔夫甜点 Sweet Spot》,大家可以关注他们的apple podcast收听哦。 https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast... 🔗 社交媒体 关注Jeffery的Instagram: @tianyu5 关注Daniel的Twitter: @danielsong9 关注我们的官方社交媒体,获取更多精彩内容!
- Episode 21: 前肯塔基大学毕业生 陈颖泽| Former Kentucky Wildcat Arthur Chen 职业单飞全靠自己 热爱网球 继续追求
Ryan和陈颖泽是在2022年的NCAA赛事上相识,他已经在职业赛场上奋战了两年,很多打过大学的小伙伴都有转战职业的梦想,我今天就邀请到了arthur来分享职业赛场的点点滴滴,也是一个普通网球人/职业运动员的旅程。 如果你在考虑加入大学并转入职业赛场,这个podcast可以帮助你预判到之后会发生什么,他的经验会帮助到你。 如果你是一个年轻的小将,在itf赛场继续努力与奔跑,arthur也为你讲述了欧美比赛和在亚洲比赛的不同,对于你们的准备非常有用。 如果你是一个普通网球爱好者,这一期视频会帮助你了解职业球员的生活,不是每个人都是德约科维奇或者顶级球员,在职业赛场有非常多的球员在为着积分和奖金不断积累,他们的故事很多时候都没有被听到。 我想体育带给人的不仅是娱乐和快乐的时光,更是一种历练与经历,希望你喜欢我们的内容! 关注我的社交媒体和email list来获取最新的消息! https://www.credentialedsports.com/
- Episode 20:专访UC Berkeley球员孙浅 鼓励国内球员体验NCAA网球 已和队友打成一片
各种听众/观众朋友们,好久没有见面 大学的NCAA网球季已经开打了,我在现场捕获了我们的中国球员孙浅,他目前就读于加州大学伯克利分校,是球队的一名主力球员,从上海到澳大利亚再到美国,他有着很多和网球追梦人相同和不同的经历,这次与我的聊天,他分享了他的网球启蒙,他在青少年和大学网球的高光时刻,同时他帮助我们进一步的解析了在不同国家地区训练的优势和特点,最后呢他也给我们介绍了伯克利球队多元的文化以及如何跟队友取得良好的信任。希望大家喜欢,别忘了关注他的小红书和抖音账号哦~如果你在伯克利附近,请前往现场支持他哦。 抖音:孙浅🎾 小红书:孙浅🎾 Contact: thecredentialed.basketball@gmail.com Instagram: the_credentialed_podcast Ryan's Personal Website: https://the-credentialed.ghost.io/ 关注我的Podcast, 无时无刻提高自己,不断学习: 关注Ryan老师的持证上篮节目哦,持证上篮是一款经历分享节目,主持人Ryan有着6年的体育记者经历,采访过NBA总决赛,NCAA总决赛,拉沃尔杯在内的多项网球重大赛事。他会邀请各地的NBA球队的记者,一起讨论NBA的前方见闻, 给球迷提供看不到的视角和智慧。同时作为一名体育管理和商业分析专业出身的他来说,他会分享美国体育商业的特点, 同时连线运动员去分享激励和启发更多世界各地的人。 Apple Podcast,小宇宙,Spotify, 搜索中文持证上篮或者英文“The Credentialed Podcast”就可以咯~
- Episode 19: 加拿大篮球数字内容创作人Jeremy Zheng
持证上篮节目非常荣幸能够采访到数字媒体制作领域的杰出人物,一位深受体育迷们喜爱的数字创作者 - Peace。Peace是一个多才多艺的数字媒体制作人,他的作品涵盖了各种体育领域,从NBA多伦多猛龙到与加拿大国家队的合作,甚至到欧洲拍摄足球相关的内容。今天,我们将深入了解Peace的数字创作之旅以及他在体育内容领域的精彩经历。 1. 起步和热爱: Peace是如何开始他的数字媒体制作生涯的呢?他是怎么一步一步地培养了对这个行业的热爱? 2. 多样化内容: Peace的创作内容非常多样化,从NBA到足球,他制作了各种类型的视频。在采访中,我们将深入了解他在这些不同领域的创作经历和内容制作过程。 3. 跟进趋势: 数字内容创作领域的趋势和技术变化日新月异。Peace是如何跟进这些变化,保持创新并与观众保持联系的呢? 4. 社交媒体策略: 社交媒体在内容传播中扮演着重要角色。我们将了解Peace在社交平台上分享内容的策略,以及他如何有效利用社交媒体与观众互动。 5. 成功数字内容创作项目: Peace最近参与的成功数字内容创作项目是什么?他在这些项目中扮演了什么角色,是什么使它们取得了成功?我们还将讨论如何从数字媒体的角度来定义成功。 6. 体育内容与其他产业的区别: 体育相关的创作与其他产业有何不同之处?我们将了解为什么Peace更倾向于创作体育相关的内容以及这个领域的吸引力。 7. 给想进入体育内容制作领域的建议: 最后,对于那些想踏入体育内容制作领域的小伙伴,Peace有哪些建议和经验分享? 无论你是数字媒体制作的新手还是已经在这个领域有一定经验,这次采访都将为你带来深刻的见解和灵感。不要错过这次与Peace的精彩对话,记得订阅我的频道以获取更多精彩的采访和内容!
- Episode18: 探寻体育产业的璀璨之星 明尼苏达森林狼队Derrick Huang
准备好深入体育管理这个充满活力的世界,在这个引人入胜的访谈中一起来!加入我们,与明尼苏达森林狼大家庭的一位敬业成员坐下,为我们呈现他在体育产业中充满活力的旅程的内幕视角。 在这次启发性的对话中,我们深入探讨了他与明尼苏达森林狼的独特工作经验,揭示了这支著名篮球队背后的幕后行动。从关键时刻到日常挑战,我们揭开了构成这个产业运转的复杂性。 但这还不是全部,我们的嘉宾带我们进行了一场关于体育产业本身的发人深省的探索。他分享了他对体育发展不断变化的景观的敏锐见解,突出了它不仅仅是一场比赛。从技术的影响到体育在社会中的作用,他的观点为这个蓬勃发展的领域的许多层面投下了光。 对于所有热爱体育管理的初学者,您将会得到一个惊喜。我们的嘉宾谈到了他的个人经历,分享了对那些渴望在这个竞争激烈的行业中留下自己印记的人的宝贵建议和策略。无论您是寻找职业道路的学生,还是正在向前迈出步伐的年轻专业人士,他的智慧之词将激励您充满信心地在体育世界中航行。 加入我们,我们将揭示激情、敬业和成长,这些定义了成功的体育管理职业。不要错过这次独家访谈,它承诺为您提供见解、灵感以及对体育产业的新视角。点击“订阅”按钮并打开通知提醒,这样您就不会错过这次启发性的对话的任何时刻!" 关注嘉宾Derrick的社交账号: 小红书:Drose1 Contact: thecredentialed.basketball@gmail.com Instagram: the_credentialed_podcast Ryan's Personal Website: https://the-credentialed.ghost.io/ 关注我的Podcast, 无时无刻提高自己,不断学习: 关注Ryan老师的持证上篮节目哦,持证上篮是一款经历分享节目,主持人Ryan有着6年的体育记者经历,采访过NBA总决赛,NCAA总决赛,拉沃尔杯在内的多项网球重大赛事。他会邀请各地的NBA球队的记者,一起讨论NBA的前方见闻, 给球迷提供看不到的视角和智慧。同时作为一名体育管理和商业分析专业出身的他来说,他会分享美国体育商业的特点, 同时连线运动员去分享激励和启发更多世界各地的人。 Apple Podcast,小宇宙,Spotify, 搜索中文持证上篮或者英文“The Credentialed Podcast”就可以咯~
- Episode 17: 走进洛杉矶快船队 与数字内容专家Andy共享NBA团队内幕
欢迎大家来到这期特别的持证上篮节目,我们将带您深入NBA的迷人世界,与洛杉矶快船队备受尊敬的数字内容专家Andy面对面。在这段独家的30分钟播客中,我们将探索职业篮球的动态和激动人心的数字内容创作。 在这次引人入胜的对话中,我们的特别嘉宾将与我们分享他与洛杉矶快船队密切合作的亲身经历,这是联盟中最著名的球队之一。了解那些让数百万篮球迷们产生共鸣的引人入胜的数字内容背后的魔力,探寻创造这些内容的幕后故事。 从惊心动魄的比赛精彩镜头和令人赞叹的球员特写,到引人入胜的社交媒体活动,我们的嘉宾将带您走进采用的创新策略,以使球迷们与他们最喜爱的球队和球员保持紧密联系。获得有关不断发展的体育媒体领域的宝贵见解,其中创意、数据驱动的决策和实时互动在提升球迷体验中扮演着关键角色。 了解洛杉矶快船队的数字内容团队如何让球迷在场内场外更贴近比赛的精彩。透过这次播客,深入了解他们面临的挑战以及他们如何克服困难,提供着赞颂篮球精神和球队传承的顶级内容。 无论您是狂热的快船支持者,还是渴望成为体育媒体专业人士,或者对NBA内幕感兴趣,这个播客都将为您提供独特的视角,绝对不能错过。加入我们,深入数字时代的体育故事,揭示与洛杉矶快船队的数字内容专家Andy一起释放数字叙事的力量!🎬🎧 别忘了点击订阅按钮,以获取更多与行业专家和内部人士分享的迷人对话,内容涵盖体育及更多领域。现在就让我们一起探索洛杉矶快船队的数字内容创作吧! 持证上篮节目,作为体育类节目呢,必不可少的是装备和体验,我们希望给大家带来全新保真的产品,球衣球鞋包括运动护具等产品,我们都可以帮助大家在美国购买,并邮寄到你家。 请关注咸鱼:Ryan老师之持证上篮,或者我们的小红书:LuKi北美运动户外美妆。 帮助你们实现产品的自由,大家可以去咨询详情。 Contact: thecredentialed.basketball@gmail.com Instagram: the_credentialed_podcast
- Episode 16: 2023 NBA Finals Preview Nuggets vs Heat
The Credentialed Podcast invited Aaron to the show again to talk about the upcoming NBA Finals with Nuggets starting their first match on Thursday. Both teams showing different path to the Finals as the Nuggets rolled but the Heat needed seven-game series to defeat the Celtics. In this show, we analyzed each team's path to success and key matchup with those teams. We discussed key starters and key rotation players who need to step up and elevate their teams. At the end, we gave a prediction on how the Finals would go, and who would get home with the big trophy and rings! 持证上篮是一款经历分享节目,主持人Ryan有着6年的体育记者经历,采访过NBA总决赛,NCAA总决赛,拉沃尔杯在内的多项网球重大赛事。他会邀请各地的NBA球队的记者,一起讨论NBA的前方见闻, 给球迷提供看不到的视角和智慧。同时作为一名体育管理和商业分析专业出身的他来说,他会分享美国体育商业的特点, 同时连线运动员去分享激励和启发更多世界各地的人。 The Credentialed Podcast, hosted by Ryan Li, represents the passion of sports and sports business. As a six-year sports reporter, Ryan has covered the NBA Finals, NCAA Final Four, and The Laver Cup in tennis and so many other elite level professional sports. He will also partner with some front line reporters who cover the teams on site to create synergy and give back to the fans. With his background in Sport Management and Business Analytics, We will also talk about sports business in the US and his experiences connecting with athletes to share, inspire and motivate folks around the world. Contact: thecredentialed.basketball@gmail.com Instagram: the_credentialed_podcast 闲鱼:Ryan老师之持证上篮 购买相关总决赛产品
- Episode 15: 专访NCAA冠军田方然 分享网球的魅力以及夺冠旅程
2023年的大学网球赛季结束了,中国的选手来自ucla的田方然以不失一盘的战绩赢下了ncaa大学单打的桂冠。持证上篮节目在打入八强的时候,我们与田方然进行了采访,她分享了她的网球经历,她在ucla第一年的学习和打球的路途,同时给予了未来的学生运动员的经验和建议。 在此恭喜田方然,恭喜UCLA, 她也将成为中国女子网球接下来的期待! 持证上篮是一款经历分享节目,主持人Ryan有着6年的体育记者经历,采访过NBA总决赛,NCAA总决赛,拉沃尔杯在内的多项网球重大赛事。他会邀请各地的NBA球队的记者,一起讨论NBA的前方见闻, 给球迷提供看不到的视角和智慧。同时作为一名体育管理和商业分析专业出身的他来说,他会分享美国体育商业的特点, 同时连线运动员去分享激励和启发更多世界各地的人。 The Credentialed Podcast, hosted by Ryan Li, represents the passion of sports and sports business. As a six-year sports reporter, Ryan has covered the NBA Finals, NCAA Final Four, and The Laver Cup in tennis and so many other elite level professional sports. He will also partner with some front line reporters who cover the teams on site to create synergy and give back to the fans. With his background in Sport Management and Business Analytics, We will also talk about sports business in the US and his experiences connecting with athletes to share, inspire and motivate folks around the world. Contact: thecredentialed.basketball@gmail.com Instagram: the_credentialed_podcast
- Episode 14: Lakers - Warriors, Bronny James to USC, and NBA Flagrant Fouls
In this episode, I am joining by Aaron again to discuss more about the Laker -Warriors Series for the playoffs as they Lakers took a lead in this series. We talked more about the flagrant fouls in the league and those stuff should be regulated. We also talked about the reasons that Bronny James committed to USC and what impact it could bring to him and the athletics department there. Please subscribe, follow and like our content for more fans! 持证上篮是一款经历分享节目,主持人Ryan有着6年的体育记者经历,采访过NBA总决赛,NCAA总决赛,拉沃尔杯在内的多项网球重大赛事。他会邀请各地的NBA球队的记者,一起讨论NBA的前方见闻, 给球迷提供看不到的视角和智慧。同时作为一名体育管理和商业分析专业出身的他来说,他会分享美国体育商业的特点, 同时连线运动员去分享激励和启发更多世界各地的人。 The Credentialed Podcast, hosted by Ryan Li, represents the passion of sports and sports business. As a six-year sports reporter, Ryan has covered the NBA Finals, NCAA Final Four, and The Laver Cup in tennis and so many other elite level professional sports. He will also partner with some front line reporters who cover the teams on site to create synergy and give back to the fans. With his background in Sport Management and Business Analytics, We will also talk about sports business in the US and his experiences connecting with athletes to share, inspire and motivate folks around the world. Contact: thecredentialed.basketball@gmail.com Instagram: the_credentialed_podcast
- Episode 13: How did LeBron James and the Lakers Steal Game 1 at Golden State
The LA Lakers defeated Golden State in the first round of the NBA Western Conference Semi-Finals 117-112. The Credentialed Podcast invited Aaron Chen (@aayeronron) to join me and discussed this basketball game! We talked about our reactions of this game, and why the Lakers had early success in this series. We also chatted on how the series would go for the rest of the games. At the end, both of us offered our opinions on our experience at the Chase Center and our prediction to the series! Hope you guys enjoy it. English Episode 1:42 Post-game Reaction 10:29 Defense on Curry 13:43 analyzing keymatchups and adjustments 24:19: Fan Experience & Reporter Experience 29:44: Prediction Contact: thecredentialed.basketball@gmail.com Instagram: the_credentialed_podcast
- Episode 12: Why would this Texas Men's Tennis Team win a National Championship
What about your Texas Men's Tennis Team? Yes, Yes and Yes! The Texas’s men tennis team has won another big 12 championship over TCU on April 15th as they wrapped up their regular season. As the no.1 in the country, they have shown so much dominance over a lot of great teams. Based on this great year of performance, I believe that this Texas team would win a national championship this year in Orlando. I had three reasons to believe that they are going to win the National Championship. Listen or Watch to see what they are. 1:35: Overall Message 2:09: Texas as a TEAM 08:54: Texas Depth 13:10: Eliot Spizirri 21:10: Texas Found their SIX singles 24:20: Concerns 31:20: Longhorn Network Production Make sure to tune in my previous episode recapping the ITA National Indoor Tournament: https://youtu.be/QHT_wtueaNo 持证上篮是一款经历分享节目,主持人Ryan有着6年的体育记者经历,采访过NBA总决赛,NCAA总决赛,拉沃尔杯在内的多项网球重大赛事。他会邀请各地的NBA球队的记者,一起讨论NBA的前方见闻, 给球迷提供看不到的视角和智慧。同时作为一名体育管理和商业分析专业出身的他来说,他会分享美国体育商业的特点, 同时连线运动员去分享激励和启发更多世界各地的人。 The Credentialed Podcast, hosted by Ryan Li, represents the passion of sports and sports business. As a six-year sports reporter, Ryan has covered the NBA Finals, NCAA Final Four, and The Laver Cup in tennis and so many other elite level professional sports. He will also partner with some front line reporters who cover the teams on site to create synergy and give back to the fans. With his background in Sport Management and Business Analytics, We will also talk about sports business in the US and his experiences connecting with athletes to share, inspire and motivate folks around the world. Contact: thecredentialed.basketball@gmail.com Instagram: the_credentialed_podcast
- Episode 11: Game, Set, Chat, Wake Forest Sophomore Adam Duan sharing his tennis experience
The Credentialed Podcast had Adam Duan, a college tennis player from Fort Lauderdale and plays for Wake Forest University. He shared his experiences and insights in this podcast by introducing his experience playing tennis from a young age. He talks about the differences in training methods and approaches in China and the United States. He emphasizes the importance of junior tennis, playing in national tournaments, and excelling academically in the college recruitment process. Duan also shares his experience being recruited by Wake Forest University, the importance of building relationships with college coaches, and maintaining strong academic performance. As a student-athlete, he emphasizes the importance of time management and balance between academics and athletics, the mindset required to succeed, and the transition from high school to college. Finally, he advises junior tennis players to enjoy the journey of developing their skills, focus on the process of improvement, excel academically, and maintain a positive attitude. 1:03 Adam Duan Introduction 2: 15: How to get into tennis 3: 18: Experience in Training and playing in China 8: 50: Junior Tennis and Path to College 14:12: Recruiting Process for Wake Forest 16:15: Life at Wake and schedule 19:10: Mentality in playing at Wake 22:30: Transition from High School to College 26:18: Final Thoughts/Advice for juniors 28:19: Advice for Student Athletes transitioning to college What is the Credentialed Podcast? 持证上篮是一款经历分享节目,主持人Ryan有着6年的体育记者经历,采访过NBA总决赛,NCAA总决赛,拉沃尔杯在内的多项网球重大赛事。他会邀请各地的NBA球队的记者,一起讨论NBA的前方见闻, 给球迷提供看不到的视角和智慧。同时作为一名体育管理和商业分析专业出身的他来说,他会分享美国体育商业的特点, 同时连线运动员去分享激励和启发更多世界各地的人。 The Credentialed Podcast, hosted by Ryan Li, represents the passion of sports and sports business. As a six-year sports reporter, Ryan has covered the NBA Finals, NCAA Final Four, and The Laver Cup in tennis and so many other elite level professional sports. He will also partner with some front line reporters who cover the teams on site to create synergy and give back to the fans. With his background in Sport Management and Business Analytics, We will also talk about sports business in the US and his experiences connecting with athletes to share, inspire and motivate folks around the world. Contact: thecredentialed.basketball@gmail.com Instagram: the_credentialed_podcast Wechat: Lyc1156432398
- Episode 10: Game,Set,Chat: College Sophomore Tony Huang recaps his experience at Rice University
The Credentialed Podcast welcomed Rice Sophomore Tony Huang to chat about his experience in Houston, Texas. In our conversation, we chatted about his time growing up playing tennis, his growth of his tennis game, recruiting at Rice, and his opinion on the Chinese breaking into top of the world. Listen for more details! 0:26 Tony Huang, who he is. 1:15: College Recruitment and how to handle Covid year 1:45: Transition to College as an international Student 2:30: Tennis Experience in juniors 3:30: Professional players he likes 4:20: International Travel Experience 5:15: Chinese Professional Players Interactions 6:05: The road to make it to top 100 6:45: Favorite Part of playing college tennis 7:49: Final Thoughts and Future Tennis 关注Ryan老师的持证上篮节目哦,持证上篮是一款经历分享节目,主持人Ryan有着6年的体育记者经历,采访过NBA总决赛,NCAA总决赛,拉沃尔杯在内的多项网球重大赛事。他会邀请各地的NBA球队的记者,一起讨论NBA的前方见闻, 给球迷提供看不到的视角和智慧。同时作为一名体育管理和商业分析专业出身的他来说,他会分享美国体育商业的特点, 同时连线运动员去分享激励和启发更多世界各地的人。 Apple Podcast,小宇宙,Spotify, 搜索中文持证上篮或者英文“The Credentialed Podcast”就可以咯~ 关注instagram:the_credentialed_podcast
- Episode 9: 对话俄勒冈大学MBA叶沙 解读体育赞助领域 探索其中机会
持证上篮第9集,主持人Ryan邀请到了在俄勒冈大学读书的叶沙,我们在一起给大家解读体育商业赞助的领域。他也是2022年末有幸参加了卡塔尔世界杯的相关活动,在那里学习到很多知识和实战经验。 我们知道Ryan老师的podcast希望帮助更多留学生,还有对体育方面感兴趣的朋友,这里呢叶沙用他的工作经验和现场亲身经历给大家解读商业赞助。 1:41: 卡塔尔世界杯 & Ambush Marketing 4:40: 体育赞助的合作方式 7:45:体育赞助和其他商业赞助的区别 9:30: NBA球队对于国际赞助商招商和选择 11:42:Digital Strategy研究 12:26: 体育赞助的未来趋势 关注Ryan老师的持证上篮节目哦,持证上篮是一款经历分享节目,主持人Ryan有着6年的体育记者经历,采访过NBA总决赛,NCAA总决赛,拉沃尔杯在内的多项网球重大赛事。他会邀请各地的NBA球队的记者,一起讨论NBA的前方见闻, 给球迷提供看不到的视角和智慧。同时作为一名体育管理和商业分析专业出身的他来说,他会分享美国体育商业的特点, 同时连线运动员去分享激励和启发更多世界各地的人。 Apple Podcast,小宇宙,Spotify, 搜索中文持证上篮或者英文“The Credentialed Podcast”就可以咯~