- Vol.5 | Who won the first presidential debate?
"Biden stumbles, Trump lies", Who won the first presidential debate? From Trump’s overstatements to Biden’s faltering speech,here are six key takeaways from the first US presidential debate. Welcome to subscribe! I really appreciate your support!
- Vol.4 | How to cope with fear of flying
你有飞行恐惧症吗 本期节目有帮助到我,希望也可以帮到你 How to get over your fear of flying? I know someone will drive 6 hours to avoid getting on a plane. If you or someone you love feels a similar way, I'm glad you are here, and we are gonna talk about it. In today's episode, I invited a special guest who worked in Air China for almost 7 years and at the second part of the show, 6 useful tips from experts could better help ease your flight anxiety. Well, I wish this episode could in some extend cure your fear. Welcome to subscribe, I really appreciate your support! 本期嘉宾: 石少峰:国航工作近7年,航空爱好者~
- Vol.3 | 2024 is coming: How to make a better to-do list
2024 is coming! The beginning of the new year is often a time when we set goals and make plans on how to achieve them. When I looked at my to-do list recently, I noticed that it was kind of all over the place. * Read 10 books * Lose 10 pounds * Work out at least three times a week * Sleep early at night ... How do you make sure you act on the promises you made to yourself? Is there a more effective and achievable way to write my to-do list or new year's resolution? In this episode, I invited a special guest to talk about how to make a better to-do list to reach your goal. In addition, 6 simple tips to help you create a happier, healthier and achievable life in the new year! Welcome to subscribe, I really appreciate your support! 本期嘉宾: 心玉:互联网从业者|播客主理人|谢菲校友。 「陪你自己」:一个声音日记本,记录平凡生活里的伟大小事。 「大地的女儿」:一档纪实类音频节目,记录那些勇敢且自由生活的女性。
- Vol.2 | Harry Potter reboot: everything you need to know
哈利波特系列 要拍电视剧啦! Warner Bros. recently announced that a new Harry Potter reboot TV series will be coming to HBO's Max streaming service, each book in the series will be turned into a season, so that is total seven season and will last for ten years long. Since the confirmed adaptation was released the opinions are divided. Let's hearing what was the original Harry Potter actors Daniel Radcliffe think of the new TV show. If you have any ideas and thoughts please leave a message below. I really appreciate your support.
- Vol.1 | How to cope with being layoff
Following the collapse of SVB, there could very well be another tidal wave of layoffs on the way, how to deal with physical and mental health problems is crucial, there are 5 tips you can take away to better embrace this big change of your life.