- EP23:Deep Into - Hidden Potential
本期节目深入探讨 Adam Grant的《Hidden Potential》,颠覆传统成功观念。书中揭示潜力并非天生,而是可通过培养性格技能、拥抱不适感、搭建支持系统来持续发展。通过企业家、运动员等真实案例,展现如何突破局限,从“我”到“我们”实现集体成长。无论起点如何,每个人都能解锁未知潜能。 This episode delves into Adam Grant’s Hidden Potential, challenging conventional success myths. The book reveals how traits like discipline and resilience can be lifelong skills, amplified by stepping outside comfort zones and leveraging support systems . Real-world stories—from entrepreneurs to athletes—showcase turning setbacks into strengths. A must-listen for unlocking untapped potential, no matter your starting point.
- EP22:Deep Into - The Subtel Art of Not Giving a F*ck
Join this eposide as we explore "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck." We discuss choosing what truly matters, facing challenges, and finding meaning in life. Our goal is to help you live more easily and understand what you want. 本期我们聊聊一本几年前的畅销书《The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck》,谈谈如何选择真正重要的事,面对困难和失败,并思考人生的意义。希望这些能帮您活得更轻松,更明白自己想要什么。
- EP21:Deep Into - Slow Productivity
Tired of the endless hustle? This episode dives deep into Cal Newport's "Slow Productivity," challenging the fast-paced work culture. We'll explore the core principles of "Do Fewer Things," "Work at a Natural Pace," and "Obsess Over Quality," sharing practical strategies. Discover a sustainable and fulfilling way to work, escape burnout, and redefine your work-life balance! 厌倦了无休止的忙碌?本期节目深入探讨 Cal Newport 的《Slow Productivity》,挑战快节奏的工作模式。我们将剖析“少做精做”、“顺应节奏”和“追求卓越”三大原则,并分享实用的工作方法。一起寻找可持续、更有意义的工作方式,摆脱倦怠,重塑工作与生活的平衡!
- EP20:Deep Into - Look Again
This episode delves into Tally Sharot's "Look Again," exploring the power of dishabituation to break free from mental ruts. Discover how disrupting routines, questioning assumptions, and embracing new perspectives can unlock creativity, combat biases, and even prevent societal complacency. Learn practical tips for personal growth and social change. 本期播客深入探讨Tally Sharot的《Look Again》,探索“去习惯化”的力量,打破思维定势。了解如何打破常规、质疑假设、拥抱新视角,从而激发创造力、对抗偏见,甚至防止社会自满。学习个人成长和社会变革的实用技巧。
- EP19:Deep Into - The 5 Types of Wealth
Dive into a new definition of wealth! We're unpacking Sahil Bloom's "The 5 Types of Wealth," exploring time, social connections, mental & physical well-being, & a reframed view of finances. Discover how to cultivate a truly fulfilling life beyond just money, guided by wisdom beyond the traditional measures of success. 重新定义财富! 本期将解读 Sahil Bloom 的“The 5 Types of Wealth”,探索时间、社交、精神与身体健康,以及重构的金钱观。 探索超越金钱,如何打造真正充实的生活,不再以传统成功标准衡量人生的智慧.
- EP18:Deep Into - Outlive
This episode, we dive deep into Peter Attia's Outlive, a revolutionary guide to longevity. Forget just lifespan—Attia focuses on healthspan, maximizing years of vitality. We explore his "Medicine 3.0" approach, the power of exercise, nutrition, sleep, emotional wellbeing, and even groundbreaking molecules. Discover how Outlive challenges us to proactively design a healthier, longer, and more meaningful life. Tune in! 本期节目深度探讨Peter Attia的《Outlive》。这本书颠覆了传统“活得长”的理念,强调“健康寿命”,即充满活力的岁月。我们将探索他的“Medicine 3.0”方法,以及运动、营养、睡眠、情感健康,甚至突破性分子对长寿的影响。 了解《Outlive》如何激励我们主动设计更健康、更长寿、更有意义的生活。不要错过!
- EP17:Deep Into - The Anxious Generation
Dive into Jonathan Haidt's "The Anxious Generation," exploring the digital age's impact on youth mental health. We'll dissect the root causes of rising anxiety and depression among teens, examining the potential harms of a "phone-based childhood." Let's discuss raising healthy children in the digital era, offering actionable solutions for parents, educators, and communities to tackle this challenge collectively. 本期节目将聚焦Jonathan Haidt的著作《The Anxious Generation》,探讨数字时代对青少年心理健康的影响。节目将剖析青少年焦虑和抑郁激增的根本原因,并深入探讨“手机童年”的潜在危害。和大家一起探讨如何在数字时代养育身心健康的孩子,并提供实际可行的解决方案,帮助家长、教育工作者和社会各界共同应对这一挑战。
- EP16:Deep Into - Flip Thinking
Dive into the world of "Flip Thinking" with us! We explore Berthold Gunster's revolutionary approach to problem-solving, turning challenges into opportunities with creativity and playful twists. Discover how to slay the "yes but" dragon and embrace the "yes and" mindset, using Gunster's 7 principles and 11 strategies to transform frustration into innovation. Get ready to redefine problems, embrace stress, and amplify what's working! 一起深入探索“Flip Thinking”!我们探索 Berthold Gunster 革命性的问题解决之道,以创造力和趣味将挑战转化为机遇。学习如何战胜“是,但是”的阻碍,拥抱“是,而且”的思维模式,运用 Gunster 的 7 大原则和 11 条策略,将挫折转化为创新。准备好重新定义问题、拥抱压力并放大优势吧!
- EP15:Deep Into - How to Be Datable
This episode dives deep into "How to Be Datable" by Julie Kraftcheck, decoding the modern dating scene and helping you navigate the "love crisis." We'll explore five dating archetypes, uncover common traps, and offer a practical five-step framework to reshape your approach to love, embrace authenticity, and design the happy relationship you deserve. 本期节目深入探讨 Julie Kraftcheck 的《How to Be Datable》,揭秘现代约会难题,助你摆脱“恋爱危机”。节目将分析五种约会人格,揭示约会陷阱,提供实用的五步框架,助你重塑爱情观,活出真我,最终设计专属的幸福爱情。
- EP14:Deep Into - Superbloom
Join us for an insightful exploration of Nicholas Carr's "Superbloom," as we dissect technology's impact on our minds, communication, and sense of self. From social media's hyperreality to AI's blurring of human abilities, we question the promises of digital utopia. Discover how to reclaim agency, find balance, and engage mindfully in an increasingly virtual world. 加入我们深入探索Nicholas Carr的《Superbloom》,剖析科技对我们思想、交流和自我意识的影响。从社交媒体的超现实到人工智能对人类能力的模糊,我们质疑数字乌托邦的承诺。 探索如何在日益虚拟的世界中重塑自主性、找到平衡并以正念的方式参与。
- EP13:Deep Into - Good Nature
This podcast episode delves into the science behind nature's profound impact on well-being, inspired by Kathy Willis's book, "Good Nature." It explores how elements like trees, colors, flowers, scents, and sounds reduce stress, enhance creativity, and promote healing. The discussion underscores that access to nature is essential, not a luxury, and advocates for its integration into daily life and urban design for holistic health. The importance of touch and the microbiome are also highlighted. 这集播客深入探讨了自然对健康产生的深远影响背后的科学原理,其灵感来自Kathy Willis的《Good Nature》一书。节目探讨了树木、颜色、花朵、气味和声音等元素如何减轻压力、提升创造力并促进健康。讨论强调,接触自然是必不可少的,而不是一种奢侈,并提倡将其融入日常生活和城市设计中,以促进整体健康。节目也强调了触觉和微生物群的重要性。
- EP12:Deep Into - Atomic Habits
In this episode We're diving deep into James Clear's "Atomic Habits," exploring how tiny changes can compound into significant results. We'll uncover key concepts, from identity shifts to habit loops and designing your environment for success. Get ready for lasting personal growth! 本期播客我们将深入探讨James Clear的《Atomic Habits》,这本书教你如何通过微小的改变,日积月累地养成好习惯,摆脱坏习惯。我们将挖掘书中的关键理念,从身份转变到习惯回路,再到如何设计你的环境以获得成功,助你实现持久的个人成长。
- EP11:Deep Into - Nexus
Dive into Yuval Noah Harari's "Nexus" with us as we explore the intricate connections between information, power, and wisdom. We discuss democracy in the age of AI, the dangers of unchecked technology, and the potential for a "silicon curtain." Join us for a thought-provoking journey into the future and our role in shaping it. 与我们一起深入探讨Yuval Noah Harari的《Nexus》,探索信息、权力和智慧之间错综复杂的联系。 我们讨论人工智能时代民主的挑战、不受控制的技术的危险以及“硅幕”的可能性。 加入我们,踏上发人深省的未来之旅,以及我们在塑造未来中的作用。
- EP10:Deep Into - The Worlds I See
The discussion delves into Fei-Fei Li’s book The Worlds I See, tracing her journey from childhood curiosity to AI leadership. It intertwines personal narratives with AI evolution, highlighting ImageNet’s role in deep learning breakthroughs, ethical challenges, and healthcare applications. Li advocates for human-centered AI, urging collective responsibility to shape technology aligned with societal values. 对话深入探讨李飞飞著作《The Worlds I See》,回顾其从童年对宇宙的探索到推动AI发展的历程。书中融合个人经历与AI演进,涵盖ImageNet的创立、深度学习突破及AI伦理思考,强调以人为中心的技术发展,呼吁各界共同塑造负责任的AI未来。
- EP09:Deep Into - The DOSE Effect
This episode dives deep into TJ Power's new book, "The DOSE Effect," unveiling the "DOSE" formula—dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin, and endorphins—and how these four brain chemicals impact our mood, motivation, and relationships. We'll explore science-backed methods to boost these "happiness chemicals" and emphasize starting small for gradual change. From "slow dopamine" to "dose stacking," this episode provides practical tools and strategies to unlock happiness and embark on a healthier, more fulfilling life. 本期节目深入探讨了TJ Power的新书《The DOSE Effect》,揭秘“DOSE”公式——多巴胺、催产素、血清素和内啡肽这四大脑内化学物质如何影响我们的情绪、动机和人际关系。节目不仅分享了如何通过科学的方法提升这四种幸福化学物质,还强调了从小处着手、逐步改变的重要性。从“slow dopamine”到“dose stacking”,本期节目为你提供了一系列实用的工具和策略,助你掌握幸福的密码,开启更健康、更快乐的人生。