空客暂停了其CityAirbus NextGen eVTOL飞机的市场推出计划。在周一宣布2024年传统直升机销量增长后,这家欧洲航空航天集团表示,经过对商业案例和技术需求的重新评估,推迟了商业推出的计划。
“我们四年前推出这款原型机,目标是在本世纪末之前启动一个新项目,”空客直升机公司首席执行官布鲁诺·埃文(Bruno Even)解释道。“它在推进我们对技术的理解方面发挥了重要作用,这些技术不仅与城市空中交通市场相关,也与我们整个产品组合相关。与此同时,我们今天看到——这也是我们在2024年底进行战略评估的结果——目前启动一个新项目的条件尚未完全具备。”
尽管暂停了CityAirbus项目,但埃文表示,制造商对创新的承诺依然坚定不移。去年,CityAirbus NextGen eVTOL完成了首次飞行,同时,高速复合旋翼机Racer也完成了首次飞行,并以227节的速度超过了其220节的目标速度。
在先进空中交通领域,航空航天竞争对手波音公司通过其子公司Wisk仍保持一定的市场份额,Wisk正在开发一款全自动驾驶的eVTOL飞机。巴西航空工业公司(Embraer)的子公司Eve Air Mobility也在开发一款四座eVTOL飞机。德事隆(Textron)的电动航空部门正在推进名为Nexus的eVTOL项目,其原型机正在堪萨斯州威奇托的设施中建造。
阿布扎比航空将成为阿联酋首家运营Archer eVTOL飞机的运营商
直升机运营商阿布扎比航空将成为美国制造商Archer Aviation的四座Midnight eVTOL飞机在阿联酋的首发客户。Archer计划于今年开始在其新的“首发版”商业化计划下交付飞机。该公司于周四宣布了与阿布扎比航空的合作伙伴关系以及“首发版”计划,并随后公布了2024年第四季度及全年财务报告。
在周四与投资者的电话会议中,Archer首席执行官亚当·戈德斯坦(Adam Goldstein)表示,通过“首发版”计划,Archer计划在未来18到24个月内,向阿联酋等“早期采用”市场部署小批量的Midnight飞机。他评论说:“这些早期采用者不仅仅是客户,他们是真正的合作伙伴,我们将与他们携手共同开展早期空中出租车运营。”
据Archer首席技术官汤姆·穆尼兹(Tom Muniz)介绍,公司计划于今年夏季向阿布扎比交付首架Midnight飞机。他在与投资者的电话会议中表示:“我们将专注于在高温条件下测试该飞机,因为当地气温可能会超过110华氏度。”
此前,Archer还与阿联酋的猎鹰航空(Falcon Aviation)和空中城堡(Air Chateau)等公司建立了合作关系。此外,该公司还与印度航空公司的子公司合作,为印度城市提供eVTOL空中出租车服务。
与此同时,美国eVTOL开发商Joby Aviation也在准备在阿联酋部署其四座电动空中出租车。Joby创始人兼首席执行官乔贝恩·贝维尔特(JoeBen Bevirt)在周三的季度投资者电话会议上表示:“今年年中,我们计划在迪拜部署一架飞机,用于展示我们开始载客的准备情况,目标是在今年晚些时候或明年年初开始载客。”
佛罗里达州奥兰多——随着电动垂直起降(eVTOL)飞机有望在未来18至24个月内投入运营,固定基地运营商(FBO)大西洋航空(Atlantic Aviation)和签名航空(Signature Aviation)正在积极推进先进空中交通(AAM)服务的垂直起降场(vertiport)基础设施建设。在昨天于奥兰多举行的全国公务航空协会(NBAA)区域论坛上,公司官员表示,两家公司都在寻求在城市中心建设垂直起降场,同时对其FBO设施进行改造,以适应电动飞机的运营。
大西洋航空新成立的子公司“大西洋垂直起降场”(Vertiports by Atlantic)首席执行官凯文·考克斯(Kevin Cox)表示:“我们的目标是在人群密集的地方建设垂直起降场。”该公司上月收购了垂直起降场开发商Ferrovial。考克斯补充说:“我们在垂直起降场开发方面处于领先地位,目前已经在佛罗里达州获得了四个城市环境中的垂直起降场建设租约。AAM的落地不是问题,而是时间问题,而这个时间就在未来两年内。”
签名航空首席执行官托尼·勒费布vre(Tony Lefebvre)表示,该公司对将市中心停车场改造成垂直起降场不感兴趣,他解释说:“这并非我们的核心竞争力。”他指出,该公司目前的重点是改造其FBO设施以适应eVTOL运营。
Airbus Pauses Plans to Bring NextGen eVTOL Aircraft to Market
Decision was announced as the European manufacturer announced strong growth in helicopter sales
By MATT THURBER • Editor-in-Chief
January 27, 2025
Airbus is pausing plans to bring its CityAirbus NextGen eVTOL aircraft to market. Announcing growth in sales of conventional helicopters during 2024, the European aerospace group on Monday said it is deferring plans for a commercial launch following a rethink of both the business case and technology requirements.
“We launched this prototype four years ago with the objective to be in position to launch a new program before the end of the decade," Bruno Even, CEO of Airbus Helicopters explained. "It has been clearly instrumental in advancing our understanding of technologies which are not only relevant for the urban air mobility market but for all our portfolio. At the same time, we see today—and that’s been the result of the strategic review that we performed at the end of 2024—that the conditions to launch a new program are not necessarily there.”
Despite applying the brakes to the CityAirbus program, Even said the manufacturer remains firmly committed to innovation. Last year, the CityAirbus NextGen eVTOL made its first flight as did the high-speed compound rotorcraft Racer, which exceeded its 220-knot target speed by flying to 227 knots.
Work continues with the three research vehicles, DemonstratorLab, PioneerLab, and DisruptiveLab. “We are convinced that innovation is always the best way to continue to bring value to our customers,” Even commented.
Battery Performance is a Barrier
The Airbus engineering team appears to view limitations in available battery technology as a barrier to progress with current eVTOL plans. “The condition to launch a new program, from the technology side…is [first] to be able to perform the mission,” Even stated. “The minimum level of performance and the mission that we see to enter into service…[is] to transport [passengers] for a mission of 80 to 100 kilometers. We clearly see on the battery side the need to continue to improve the performance to reach what we consider the minimum level of performance and mission. It’s really the battery.”
Although some flights with the first CityAirbus prototype will still be made this year at the company’s Donauwörth facility in Germany, other program development activity will be suspended. The aerospace group has previously indicated it had ambitions to bring the four-passenger eVTOL model into commercial service by around 2030.
“The urban air mobility economy and launch of a new program depend on many factors—regulation, maturity of the business model, but also maturity of the technology,” Even concluded. “We consider on that perspective, and particularly on some of the key technologies, that some of them need to evolve to be in a position to launch a new program.”
Aerospace rival Boeing still retains a stake in the advanced air mobility sector through its ownership of Wisk, which is developing a fully autonomous eVTOL aircraft. Embraer spin-off Eve Air Mobility is also developing a four-passsenger eVTOL model. Textron's eAviation division is working on an eVTOL program called Nexus, with a prototype now being built at a facility in Wichita.
Abu Dhabi Aviation Will be First Archer
eVTOL Aircraft Operator in the UAE
Business aviation services group will receive a ‘Launch Edition’ Midnight eVTOL aircraft this summer
By HANNEKE WEITERING • Science & Technology Editor
February 27, 2025
Helicopter operator Abu Dhabi Aviation will be the launch customer for Archer Aviation’s four-passenger Midnight eVTOL aircraft in the UAE, where the U.S.-based manufacturer aims to begin delivering aircraft this year under its new “Launch Edition” commercialization program. Archer announced the partnership with Abu Dhabi Aviation and the Launch Edition program on Thursday before releasing its fourth-quarter and year-end financial results for 2024.
The partners formalized their agreement by signing a memorandum of understanding during a ceremony at the Abu Dhabi Investment Office this week, but did not specify how many aircraft it covers. They said that "a passenger flight" could be conducted before the end of the year.
The announcement did not address how the Midnight aircraft will be certified for commercial operations in the UAE, or what standards will apply in that jurisdiction for pilot training and licensing. Like other U.S. eVTOL aircraft developers, Archer has to achieve FAA type certification and has indicated that it aims to complete this process by the end of 2025. On that basis, the UAE General Civil Aviation Authority could validate the U.S. approval.
Through the Launch Edition program, Archer plans to begin deploying small fleets of Midnight aircraft to customers in “early adopter” markets such as the UAE over the next 18 to 24 months, Archer CEO Adam Goldstein said during a conference call with investors on Thursday. “These early adopters are more than just customers; they are true partners who we will work with to stand up the early air taxi operations hand in hand,” he commented.
In addition to the early aircraft deliveries, Launch Edition customers will receive support from Archer and local partners such as Etihad Aviation Training, which has agreed to train and recruit eVTOL pilots for Archer.
“We will provide an operational support team of pilots, technicians, engineers, and local leadership. These arrangements will be tailored based on the partner and their strategic goals, but we are aiming for each one to generate tens of millions in revenue and be margin positive,” Goldstein said. “Our goal is to create a repeatable playbook we can scale to dozens, if not hundreds of partners globally.”
Abu Dhabi Aviation operates a mix of 75 fixed-wing aircraft and helicopters for various charter applications, including offshore energy industry support and the Royal Jet VIP service. The company also has extensive maintenance, repair and overhaul facilities, and trains pilots with five full-flight simulators.
First Midnight Delivery in Summer 2025
According to Tom Muniz, Archer’s chief technology officer, the company is on track to deliver its first Midnight aircraft to Abu Dhabi this summer. “With that aircraft, we will focus our efforts on testing it in high temperature operations, as conditions there can exceed 110 degrees [Fahrenheit],” Muniz told investors during the conference call.
“Subsequent to that, we plan to start flights in and around cities in the UAE, performing proving runs to and from some of the locations on our intended network and performing market survey flights with limited passenger operations, working towards our ultimate commercial launch.”
While Archer isn’t specifying a timeline for FAA certification and service entry in the U.S., the company is aiming to conduct the first passenger-carrying Midnight flights in Abu Dhabi before the end of the year. Muniz said Archer recently finalized its project-specific certification plans with the UAE’s General Civil Aviation Authority (GCAA). “This document outlines the steps needed to bring Midnight to market in the country, which we are well down the path of executing against,” he said, adding that Archer has already begun submitting compliance data to the GCAA for review.
Archer has previously announced partnerships in the UAE with companies including Falcon Aviation and Air Chateau. It is also working with a subsidiary of Indian airline IndiGo to establish eVTOL air taxi services for Indian cities.
Meanwhile, rival U.S. eVTOL developer Joby Aviation is also preparing to deploy its four-passenger electric air taxi in the UAE. “By the middle of this year, we plan to have an aircraft in Dubai, where it will be used to demonstrate our readiness to begin carrying our first passengers, which we target for later this year or early next year,” Joby founder and CEO JoeBen Bevirt said during Joby’s quarterly investor call on Wednesday.
FBO Chains Working To Build Vertiports for eVTOL Ops
City-center eVTOL landing sites could be as small as one acre
February 27, 2025
With eVTOLs poised to enter service in the next 18 to 24 months, FBO providers Atlantic Aviation and Signature Aviation are actively working to stand up vertiport infrastructure for advanced air mobility (AAM) services, company officials said yesterday at the NBAA regional forum in Orlando, Florida. Both companies are seeking to build city-center vertiports while also adapting their FBOs to handle electric aircraft.
“The goal is to build vertiports where the people are,” said Kevin Cox, CEO of Vertiports by Atlantic, a newly created subsidiary following Atlantic’s acquisition last month of vertiport developer Ferrovial. “We’re leading the way in vertiport development and now have four leases in Florida to build vertiports in city environments. AAM isn’t a matter of if, but when, and that when is within two years.”
Cox said vertiport sites can be as small as one or as large as two to three acres. “We’ll start with vertiports in big metro cities and then filter down to medium cities,” he added.
Signature CEO Tony Lefebvre said his company is not interested in converting downtown parking garages into vertiports, explaining, “This is not our core competency.” The company’s current emphasis is adapting its FBOs for eVTOL operations, he noted.
Both said they’re taking an “agnostic” approach to electric aircraft charging infrastructure, though Lefebvre would like to see OEMs commit to a common charging system.