Co.00 Intro (EN)

Co.00 Intro (EN)

3分钟 ·

Hi friends, welcome to CoChildren FM!

This is a sound lab, exploring issues about children and childhoods. I am Fiona. As the intro of CoChildren, I would like to send my greetings and give a brief introduction about this podcast to all of you who are listening to this episode.

🧩 Say Hi Timeline

00:27 What is CoChildren?

01:25 Why Sound Lab?

02:06 Who are the Targeting Audience?

02:26 New program is on the way: Why Working with Children?

🧩 References

Your Image of the Child:Where Teaching Begins (by Loris Malaguzzi)

Social constructivism(Wikipedia)

Social Constructivism: Theory, Benefits, Techniques & Examples

🧩 Contact