• 为什么作者把自己观察的一平方森林称为“坛城”?
• 藏传佛教的坛城沙画从制作到毁灭的全过程有着怎样的隐喻?
• 和其他植物相比,树的生长面临着怎样凶险的困难?
• 树木是如何将限制自身的自然法则反过来为己所用的?
The Forest Unseen: A Year's Watch in Nature (Excerpt)
The weather has been unsettled lately, dropping sleet on one day, then blazing with hot sunshine the next. The pace of life in the mandala follows these variations. On slushy days, leaves droop and the forest is silent except for the drumming of woodpeckers. Today, the sun is out and life has quickened, with revived greenery, a dozen species of singing birds, several small swarms of flying insects, and an early tree frog chirping from a low branch.

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