E1675 在一个分裂暴戾的时代,为什么要危险地读?林伯虎外刊精读

E1675 在一个分裂暴戾的时代,为什么要危险地读?

5分钟 ·


• 你知道伊朗裔美国作家写的《在德黑兰读〈洛丽塔〉》吗?
• Nafisi 如何效仿鲍德温和科茨的书信体写作来编排自己的新书?
• Nafisi 的父亲在 1960 年代如何因为试图保护自己的政敌而入狱?
• 诗人与暴君之间的经典对立有哪些经典的案例?
• Nafisi 推崇一种危险的阅读,这种危险来自何处?
• 为什么鲍德温对莎士比亚的热爱是一种危险阅读的典范?
• 你知道“stop short of”是什么意思吗?


Read Dangerously

Azar Nafisi writes about the subversive power of literature in troubled times.

Azar Nafisi's "Read Dangerously: The Subversive Power of Literature in Troubled Times" takes the form of five letters to the author's late father. They were composed during the Trump presidency, as the pandemic and George Floyd's killing unsettled both the body politic and individual psyches in the United States. The letters are ruminations on the role of humanistic books in places torn by conflict and polarization; but they also, through flashbacks to Nafisi's home country of Iran, draw unnerving connections between that totalitarian state of her birth and the contemporary America she has adopted as a naturalized U.S. citizen.



阿扎尔 · 纳菲西讲述了动乱时期文学的颠覆力量。

阿扎尔 · 纳菲西(Azar Nafisi)的《危险地阅读:文学在动荡时期的颠覆力量》(Read Dangerously: The Subversive Power ofLiterature in Troubled Times)是她给已故父亲写的五封信。这些信创作于特朗普任总统期间,当时整个美国政治体和个人心灵都受到了疫情和乔治·弗洛伊德(George Floyd)遇害事件的冲击。这些信件是对人文书籍在冲突和两极分化撕裂之处所扮演角色的反思;这些信件还通过回顾纳菲西的祖国伊朗,勾画出了她出生的那个极权主义国家和她作为入籍美国公民移居的当代美国之间令人不安的联系。


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