这一期我们很荣幸能够邀请到孟菲斯(Memphis)设计小组创始人之一Aldo Cibic,由于上海艺仓美术馆近期也正在举办【再次孟菲斯】的展览,希望大家能够通过Aldo本人的口述,了解他们当时是如何发起孟菲斯这样一个革命性的设计运动跟风潮并影响至今。

Aldo Cibic,孟菲斯(Memphis)设计小组创始人之一,CibicWorkshop(多学科设计工作室)的创立者;同济大学设计创意学院/同济大学上海国际设计创新学院教授。米兰理工大学客座教授,威尼斯建筑大学客座教授,一位擅长环境发展、创新服务、产品设计多个领域的意大利设计师。
余光照 (Derek Yu) 艺仓美术馆联合创始人暨馆长,毕业于中国台湾台北科技大学及台湾大学,主修电机工程、计算机、英美文学及法文。策展人,出版人,翻译家及作家。曾翻译包括《搏击俱乐部》等英法文传记及小说,并参与法国戏剧创作。创办台版《PLAYBOY》、《FHM男人帮》、美国《MAXIM风度》中国版、美国时代出版《INSTYLE型时代》中国版等杂志,担任出版人暨总编辑。2010年起创办艺仓美术馆并担任馆长。
00:30 认识一下:Aldo Cibic
02:00 孟菲斯小组是如何成立的?How the Memphis group get started?
12:06 回到1980s Let's get back to 1980s
16:50 为什么是夜店?Why nightclub?
18:31 索托萨斯是如何找到你们的?How did Ettore Sottsass find member?
23:52 Aldo在中国的项目 Project in China
31:32 如何看待AI技术对孟菲斯的影响?AIGC & Memphis
35:08 Aldo喜欢待在中国的原因 Always love stay in China
37:20 我们中国人做什么都喜欢加名义或理由We Chinese always need a reason for something without reason
41:55 永远保持好奇心 Always being curions
蓝调再起! “再次孟菲斯:设计革新 1981-1985”

由孟菲斯浪潮亲历者 Christoph Radl 先生权威策划,上海艺仓美术馆、Memphis Milano 和GDD (Global Design Distribution)共同呈现,由意大利驻沪总领事馆文化处特别支持,孟菲斯史上最大规模展览“再次孟菲斯:设计革新 1981—1985”目前正在上海艺仓美术馆展览,展期将从2023年5月14日持续至2023年7月30日。
本次展览全面呈现了孟菲斯风潮发展的脉络及其对当代社会持续性的影响。20世纪80年代的孟菲斯以全新的设计语言进行探索实验,重新定义了在人类学层面上人与物的关系。“孟菲斯之父” Ettore Sottsass 将设计重新解读为一次探索人类存在本质的机会,以他为主导的 Memphis Group 利用材料、纹理和图案来强化其力量和物理形态,大胆挣脱形式和功能的桎梏,赋予设计物品符号化、诗意和情感上的意义。

The Modern Art Museum Shanghai is collaborating with Memphis Milano and Global Design Distribution for Christoph Radl's curated exhibition "Memphis Again: 1981-1985, Stuck Inside the Revolution."
"The exhibition is presented with two key metaphors in mind: a fashion show and the nightclubbing scene of the 1980s," said Radl, the curator. "It was clear to us from the beginning that we did not want a historicized exhibition, nor an exhibition that was an homage, but rather an immersion into a colorful world full of strong, sometimes provocative expressions that are as vital today as they were back then."
It is exhibiting nearly 200 pieces of furniture and objects, such as bookshelves, dividers, vitrines, toilet furniture, tables, desks, chairs, lamps, sofa beds, chandeliers, ashtrays, flower pots, and fruit bowls, made from the widest range of materials between 1981 and 1985 for the Memphis collection.

Memphis Again spans two floors, beginning on the second floor, where all Memphis textiles guide people through the show for a more theatrical effect.
Italian multidisciplinary artist and illustrator Massimo Giacon has developed large-scale comic strips with animations that highlight the brand's history. Giacon's work takes viewers back in time to Memphis's inaugural show in 1981 and Sottsass's nighttime gathering.
Exhibition informationDate: Through July 30 (closed on Mondays),10am-6pm (no entry after 5:30pm)
Venue: Modern Art Museum Shanghai
Address: 4777 Binjiang Ave, Pudong New Area 浦东新区滨江大道4777号

「艺术范儿」由上海艺仓美术馆出品,由创始人暨馆长余光照(Derek Yu)担任主播,邀请艺术家,策展人,设计师等艺术从业者对谈,以艺术为切入点,作为一档贴近大众的有温度的陪伴类艺术播客,与听众一起分享嘉宾们有趣的经历。
主播:Derek Yu
视觉设计:Daphne Ng