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【00:19】元宵节快乐! 今天我们来聊一下英国中学生全面禁止学生使用手机的新闻。从英语学习的角度来看一下这个标题 government luanches crackdown on mobile phones in schools,crackdown 的意思是严厉打击某事,launch是出台发布的意思,火箭发射也用launch。这里值得注意一下,美式英语手机为cell phone, 英式英语为mobile phone或者简称为mobile。school在这里特指中学,包含初中和高中。
【03:06】这项手机禁令旨在提高在校学生的表现,规范课堂纪律,防止他们分散注意力。具体如何实行(enforce this rule),将由各个学校来决定。
【05:59】97%的大于等于11岁英国儿童都拥有自己的手机。新闻里提到的过度使用手机的负面影响有分散(distract)学习注意力,影响课堂纪律(undermine discipline in the class),网上霸凌(cyber bullying)等。
【08:46】大部分家长很担忧(concerned about)孩子们过度使用手机等电子产品(electronic devices)的情况,十分支持这项禁令。
Mobile phones may be ubiquitous, but we have a strong and growing understanding of how damaging they can be for a child’s social and educational development. And it’s the least advantaged who suffer most. Many schools already have some kind of policy on phones, but this guidance provides a clear steer for everyone, including parents, about what’s right and what’s not for the wellbeing of the child.
steer 驾驶,掌控方向盘;引导,指导, provide a steer for.
disadvantage 处于不利的地位,尤其是经济上比较贫困。
wellbeing 幸福,福祉
Society has sleepwalked into a position where children are addicted to harmful ‘electronic drugs’, and have no-escape from their digital dealers, not even within the relatively safe grounds of their schools
are addicted to electronic drugs 沉迷于电子毒药,这里是一种夸张的说法。
have no-escape 无处可逃
【21:26】值得讨论的一个问题是,will this policy hurt students personal freedom?
除了edward的思路,我们还可以从这几个方面来回答,这个举措的目的是maintain a focused learning environment, 学生有自己的责任(responsibility), 需要为接下来进入社会做准备(real world preparation)。