Hello guys! Welcome to my channel! My name is JC, a University Lecturer in the UK. 哈喽大家好,欢迎来到我的频道——每天学点经济学人英语。我叫JC,是一名在英国高校工作的大学老师。In this channel, I hope to share with you some latest news happening around the world, and some useful words and expressions to talk about them. 那么这个频道呢主要是和大家分享一些最新的热门话题,以及如何用地道的词汇和短语进行表达。我们选用的语料主要来源于《经济学人》: 一本诙谐幽默的英文新闻周报。选用它主要是因为它的用词相当日常,而且常常带有梗的成分,可以说是学习英语的不二之选。那么话不多说——let’s jump right in!
Hey guys! It's June 22nd, 2024. Today’s news is extreme heat. This year, global extreme heat has led to the death of people living near the equator. Today’s story tells you about how people in Saudi Arabia die during their pilgrimage. Let’s find out more from the news.
【新闻原文】As many as 550 people have now died from extreme heat while undertaking the haj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia, according to AFP, a news agency. A further 2,000 are being treated for the effects of temperatures that have breached 50°C. Egyptians account for more than 300 of the fatalities. Some 1.5m Muslims are estimated to be undertaking the haj this year.
As many as 550 people have now died from extreme heat while undertaking the haj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia, according to AFP, a news agency.
As many as: 多达;和……一样多 = up to
Undertake: to make yourself responsible for sth and start doing it承担;从事;负责
Pilgrimage: [ /ˈpɪlɡrɪmɪdʒ/] n. 朝圣之旅
< to go on/make a pilgrimage> 前往朝圣
AFP: Agence France Presse 法新社
Agency: n. 服务机构;(尤指)代理机构,经销机构
A further 2,000 are being treated for the effects of temperatures that have breached 50°C.
v. 治疗,医治
v. 对待
n. < the brutal treatment of political prisoners> 对狱中政治犯的虐待
v. 违反;违背 = break
v. 在…上打开缺口
< The dam had been breached.> 大坝决口了。
Egyptians account for more than 300 of the fatalities. Some 1.5m Muslims are estimated to be undertaking the haj this year.
Account for: If a particular thing accounts for a part or proportion of something, that part or proportion consists of that thing, or is used or produced by it. (数量、比例上) 占
Fatality: [C] n. 事故、战争、疾病等中的)死亡
[U] n. (疾病的)致命性
Fatal: adj. 致命的
< a fatal accident/blow/illness > 致命的事故╱一击╱疾病