Gaze Into the Age of Wanghong with David Craig 当我们谈论网红的时候我们在谈论什么 S2E02行星酒馆 Planet Speakeasy

Gaze Into the Age of Wanghong with David Craig 当我们谈论网红的时候我们在谈论什么 S2E02

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Planet Speakeasy is a Chinese/English podcast discussing home and afar, and everything in between as we learn to navigate life across different worlds and contexts. This week's guest is Professor David Craig from the University of Southern California. We crossed paths in Southeast Asia when he was in the field researching global influencers — an area he's been studying for a decade. Having transitioned from a Hollywood producer into academia, he's published three books and over two dozen articles about international creators, specifically on the Wanghongs, the influencers in China. We ended up having an hours-long free-flowing chat at the podcast studio, where we traded our thoughts on how internet culture changed China and elsewhere, how it impacted our own lives, and how to find our footing in an unprecedented time where becoming a Wanghong has never been so dangerously tantalizing. 本期播客的嘉宾是南加州大学传播学院的David Craig教授。 David是曾经的好莱坞电影制片人、电视台高管,而今他所研究的领域则是截然不同的世界:YouTube, Tiktok, B站,抖音,快手,李佳琪,李子柒,Papi酱……在过去的十年里, 作为一名研究互联网传播的学者,他关注的不仅仅是英文世界的「Influencer」们,还包括为数众多的中文内容创造者和「Wanghong」们。 在一个燥热雨季的下午,我们在播客工作室进行了这场散漫的对谈。我所好奇的是,在学术与研究之外,作为一名社交媒体的使用者观察者,他是如何看待过去急剧变化的十年?「网红」和社交媒体之间的关系,发生了怎样的改变?当「获得流量」、「流量变现」变成许多人战胜疲惫的希望时,我们的世界正在经历怎样的转型? 01:38 The night of Professor Wanghong 上热搜的「网红教授」 04:17 From Hollywood to Chollywood 好莱坞到中莱坞 11:47 A headstart in the creator economy 网红经济与先发优势 16:42 The entry point of observation 观察中文互联网的第一步 18:22 Wanghong v.s Social Media 网红与社交媒体关系的转变 19:40 "The real-world Black Mirror" 一部真实世界的黑镜 22:40 The complexity 网络背后的复杂性 28:28 Wanghong v.s Community 网红与TA们的社区 33:34 Here's five minutes just about BL series 我们用五分钟好好聊了一下耽美 37:17 Fandom and its dark side 饭圈的背面 41:42 Is Tiktok just a shopfront? 抖音是个购物平台吗? 46:15 What happens if everyone wants to be a Wanghong? 想当网红的时代,怎么改变我们? 52:07 Is Wanghongism an antidote to 996? 流量能帮我们躺平吗? 55:55 Social media labor and exploitation 社交媒体工作也是工作啊 59:33 Our own online obsessions 我们最近在痴迷什么 1:02:00 Could we survive the pandemic without social media? 没有社交媒体,我们能熬过过去这几年吗? 1:07:37 A different take on social media 社交媒体的另一种观察角度 1:12:03 Technology determinism 重新审视科技决定论 Mentioned in the chat: Film: People's Republic of Desire 虚你人生 by Wu Hao More about Dr. David Craig: Music August Swallows - 本尼再次遇上傑茨 剪辑、后期:小然

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