Vol.06 | 跨越语言之海:海外华裔青少年学习母语的独特困境与成长挑战Beyond the Books

Vol.06 | 跨越语言之海:海外华裔青少年学习母语的独特困境与成长挑战

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如果你出生在一个不同于你父母的国家,但心中那份对“母语”的渴望让你很想学好“母语”怎么办呢?学会如何说这门语言或许没那么困难,但要想深入阅读文字,又是否能顺畅无阻?在本期《Beyond the Books》学术播客节目中,我们邀请了来自教育与英语语言文学系助理教授张燕辉博士,带我们走进语言学的神秘世界,揭开汉语为传承语学习者的独特困境与挑战。

Unlocking Language: The Journey of Heritage Language Learners in Reading Chinese

What if you were born in a country different to your parents, but you still want to learn your‘heritage’language? Speaking could be easy, but how would you learn to read? And would this process be different? In this episode of the Beyond the Books podcast,  Dr Yanhui Zhang from the School of Education and English tells us about her findings in her chapter ‘Development of morphological awareness and its impact on reading among young learners of Chinese as a heritage language’.

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| 参与人员 |

本期嘉宾:张燕辉 (教育与英语语言文学系助理教授)

本期主持:Dr Mary Ainslie (媒体与文化研究副教授),Dr Derek Irwin (应用语言学副教授)

后期制作:Dr Richard Frenneaux (国际传播学助理教授),张珂婷 (国际传播学大二在读)

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