效能提升和时间管理真的是我好有热情、可以聊三天三夜的话题,哈哈哈!和大家分享6个我希望早点有人告诉我的大道理和小智慧。中文版链接在这里:「13 秒变时间富人!6个大彻大悟的高效能心法」
Hi👋, welcome and welcome back to the show! Today, we're diving into time management and productivity. Instead of just focusing on practical tips and tricks, we’re unpacking what being productive actually means and exploring the core mindsets for becoming highly effective and intentional with our time, energy, and effort. Let's jump right in!
02:28 1️⃣Being productive = deep, focused work on long-term personal projects. 高效能的具象化,是持续在一个长期主义的个人项目上深度工作
22:36 2️⃣Self-discipline is not what you need. Sustainable productivity is driven by identity. 你需要的真不是自律!可持续的执行力来自坚定的身份认同
28:01 3️⃣Aligning with natural rhythms and current life structure when planning. 事半功倍的智慧,在于顺应自然节律做全局规划
35:17 4️⃣Break free from the "all or nothing" mindset. 戒断「全有或全无心态」,时间富人都是见缝插针
39:08 5️⃣Protect your time! 坚定点!你需要保护你的时间
45:15 6️⃣Engineer your productivity—build a system that works and enjoy the game of life! 用「工程师思维」,玩这场搭建效能系统的人生游戏