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This is the end of chapter, one of the book. And it is an excellent way to end the chapter in a way that will make people want to keep on reading to find out more. First of all, really relates to fantasies that many young children at whom this book is aimed would have because you have this wardrobe that you can walk into and get into a whole new world. And this idea that a child could go into their bedroom and go through a door in their bedroom into another world and have great adventures and then be able to come safely back home to their bedroom again at the end. That is a picture that comes up in lots of children's stories, books and TV shows. Because I think it's something that many children would love to be true. They'd love to be able to do that.
This idea that you could have this big old wardrobe in a room and you could walk through the door of the wardrobe and it would lead you into another world. I think that is a very appealing image for children reading this book.
And there is a mystery about where it is that Lucy has gone. Because at first she walks out into a forest, it's snowing. It's clearly winter, so it was raining in the world that she's come from. And it was daytime.
Now it is snowing. It's the evening. But she could have gone to another part of her own world, perhaps because it is a forest and it's snowing. That could be lots of places in her own world.
So at first, you think perhaps she's just traveled to another place in their own world. And you see a lamppost in the forest, which again makes you think maybe I'm in another part of my own world. But then this form appears. And a form is a mythical creature from ancient Rome and ancient Greece and forms appear in stories and paintings from over 2,000 years ago. Here is a mythical creature, half man, half goat. Suddenly we think we're not in our own world anymore. We've traveled to a completely different world. It's all very mysterious. And yet, at the same time, this character of the form also seems quite British and quite a familiar character to British readers. He's carrying an umbrella. He has what they call a woolen muffler around his neck. That's a scarf. So he's wearing a scarf. He's carrying lots of brown paper parcels as if he's been shopping. And at the very end, he says, goodness, gracious me. And that is AA very sort of old, fashioned, formal, very polite way of expressing great surprise.
So we have this combination of the images of a fantasy world with a mythical creature in it. And yet also still a world that seems quite familiar to British readers with the lamppost and the umbrella and the scarf and the parcels. And somebody saying, goodness, gracious me. So you reach the end of that chapter. You're full of questions who is this mysterious, mythical character and what will happen next? It works. You want to keep reading.