英文版来啦,本期内容的中文版在这里,也欢迎大家收听:「14 开学许愿:3个大学法则,成为更好版本的自己」
In this episode, I share three key insights from my college experience that can help you transform back-to-school anxiety into back-to-school joy. University isn't just a place to study—it's a playground where you can reboot your life. Join me as I discuss how embracing the identity of a learner, focusing on relationships that truly matter, and pushing beyond your comfort zone can lead to a more fulfilling college experience. Whether you're just starting out or looking to make the most of your remaining years, these tips are for you!
02:36 1️⃣Embrace the identity of a 'learner.' 跳出「学生」的社会角色,拥抱「学习者」的身份认同,爱上学习就易如反掌了
19:56 2️⃣Find a community of love and suppprt by being your authentic self. 专注热爱且正确的事,戒断无关且错误的事,就这么自顾自地走着,你走出了你自己,还遇上了一个看见你、接纳你、鼓励你的社群
29:26 3️⃣Make stepping out of your comfort zone a daily habit. 揣着股「我倒要看看我能走多远的」的劲儿,在舒适圈上开荒拓土
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