Hello guys! Welcome to my channel! My name is JC, a University Lecturer in the UK. 哈喽大家好,欢迎来到我的频道——每天学点经济学人英语。我叫JC,是一名在英国高校工作的大学老师。In this channel, I hope to share with you some latest news happening around the world, and some useful words and expressions to talk about them. 那么这个频道呢主要是和大家分享一些最新的热门话题,以及如何用地道的词汇和短语进行表达。我们选用的语料主要来源于《经济学人》: 一本诙谐幽默的英文新闻周报。选用它主要是因为它的用词相当日常,而且常常带有梗的成分,可以说是学习英语的不二之选。那么话不多说——let’s jump right in!
Hey guys! It's August 26th, 2024. Today’s news is about tourism. We know that the pandemic has caused a tremendous loss to the tourism industry. As everything comes back to the new normal, people start to go travelling again. As a result, lots of places are now suffering from the surge of tourists, and the troubles they bring.
【新闻原文】The backlash against tourism
On Friday Spain, the world’s second-biggest tourist destination (after France), reported that it had 9.3m international visitors in June. In the first half of 2024, visitor numbers were up by 13.3% compared with last year as tourists returned after covid. That is causing a backlash. Residents in Barcelona, for instance, have taken part in anti-tourist protests. Athenian activists have put on funerals for their dead neighbourhoods. Authorities in Japan have put up a fence to spoil a popular view of Mount Fuji and prevent tourists gathering.
In places like Barcelona residents complain about crowds, dirty streets and higher prices. In response, some cities are seeking to limit tourist numbers; new policies include entry fees, limits on cruise-ship berths and crackdowns on short-term lets. Balancing the interests of visitors and locals is a challenge for policymakers. Receipts from tourism can be invested in infrastructure and higher-value-added sectors, as has happened in Italy and, more recently, Mexico.
On Friday Spain, the world’s second-biggest tourist destination (after France), reported that it had 9.3m international visitors in June. In the first half of 2024, visitor numbers were up by 13.3% compared with last year as tourists returned after covid. That is causing a backlash.
Backlash: (对社会变动等的)强烈抵制,集体反对
A backlash against sth: < a backlash against globalisation>
Residents in Barcelona, for instance, have taken part in anti-tourist protests. Athenian activists have put on funerals for their dead neighbourhoods. Authorities in Japan have put up a fence to spoil a popular view of Mount Fuji and prevent tourists gathering.
Athen – Athenian [/əˈθiːniən/] adj. 雅典的;雅典人的
Put up: If people put up a wall, building, tent, or other structure, they construct it so that it is upright. 建造
< Protesters have been putting up barricades across a number of major intersections.>
-张贴< They're putting new street signs up.> 他们正在张贴新的路标。
-提高价格 < Their friends suggested they should put up their prices.> 他们的朋友们建议他们提高价格。
Spoil: v. 破坏;搞坏
< Our camping trip was spoilt by bad weather.> 天气不好,破坏了我们的露营旅行。
v. 溺爱;娇惯;宠坏
In places like Barcelona residents complain about crowds, dirty streets and higher prices. In response, some cities are seeking to limit tourist numbers; new policies include entry fees, limits on cruise-ship berths and crackdowns on short-term lets.
In response (to): 作为回应:作为对某事或某人的回应或反应。
< Millions of people gave freely in response to the appeal for the victims of the earthquake.>
Seek to do sth: 设法做某事
< They quickly sought to distance themselves from the protesters.> 他们迅速设法远离抗议者。
Berth: n. (船的)泊位,锚地
Crackdown: n. 打击,镇压 (on sth)
Balancing the interests of visitors and locals is a challenge for policymakers. Receipts from tourism can be invested in infrastructure and higher-value-added sectors, as has happened in Italy and, more recently, Mexico.
Receipts: (pl.) n. (企业、银行、政府等)收到的款项,收入
net/gross receipts 净收入;总收入
[C] n. 收据;收条
higher-value-added: 高附加值:指产品或服务中所包含的附加价值比较高,通常是指通过技术创新、品牌建设、设计等手段提高产品或服务的附加价值。
As has happened in…: 此处是as引导的非限制性定从