近年来,游戏改编电影越来越流行,从《古墓丽影》到《生化危机》,从《头号玩家》到《刺客信条》,越来越多的游戏IP被搬上大银幕。这些电影是否能够满足玩家的期待,又能否为玩家带来新的体验呢?本期《Beyondthe Books》播客节目中,我们邀请到了来自宁波诺丁汉大学国际传播系的Bjarke Liboriussen博士,和我们聊聊他发表于《游戏研究》期刊上的研究《游戏改编电影:回忆游戏玩法的机会》(Videogame Adaptations as Opportunities for Remembering Gameplay),带我们感受一场游戏和电影交织的奇幻旅程。
Videogame Adaptations as Opportunities forRemembering Gameplay | Beyond the Books
Sincethe early 1990s, adapting videogames into films has become a multi-milliondollar industry. But how do gamers engage with this new form of theirmuch-loved product? And how does gameplay continue to resonate as part of thisnarrative? In this episode of the podcast Beyond the Books: FHSS ResearchUncovered, Dr. Bjarke Liboriussen from the School of InternationalCommunications tells us about his research in the published paper VideogameAdaptations as Opportunities for Remembering Gameplay.
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本期嘉宾:Bjarke Liboriussen博士 (数字与创意媒体副教授)
本期主持:Dr. Mary Ainslie (媒体与文化研究副教授),Dr. Derek Irwin (应用语言学副教授)
后期制作:Dr. Richard Frenneaux (国际传播学助理教授),张珂婷 (国际传播学学生)
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